How to reduce repair time of Cassandra cluster? - cassandra

Having 18 nodes of Cassandra cluster in production, I need to reduce repair time using the reaper, I have scheduled an incremental repair using Reaper version 2.2.3 with the following values:
Segment count per node 16
Intensity 0.94
Repair threads 3
Each node has 4 CPU cores, so I can't increase the number of repair threads further.
In the config file of Reaper (cassandra-reaper.yaml) I can see the following values:
segmentCountPerNode: 32
repairIntensity: 0.9
scheduleDaysBetween: 7
repairRunThreadCount: 15
hangingRepairTimeoutMins: 240
incrementalRepair: true
maxParallelRepairs: 2
Can I change the value of the above parameters to reduce the timing of the whole repair process?
Since I used incremental repair, my expectation was repairing each node takes less than an hour not more than 3 hours!

One aspect that weighs in here, is the amount of data on each node. That comes into play if you're being bottlenecked on either network or disk I/O, and makes a HUGE impact when it comes to streaming data (for repairs).
So if you have (for example) 18 nodes # 500GB each, doubling your node count to have 36 nodes # 250GB should help. Yes, it should take the same exact amount of time. But repair streams on smaller nodes are much less likely hang.


increase cassandra performance for read/write operations

I am using 4 cores and 8gb system and working on a single node with replication factor = 1. It is taking 3 mins to write approx 350k data to table. I want to increase the speed of read and write operation. I would want to explore as many options possible.

Spark 12 GB data load with Window function Performance issue

I am using sparksql to transform 12 GB data.My Transformation is to apply row number function with partition by on one of fields then divide data into two sets first set where row number is 1 and 2nd set include rest of data then write data to target location in 30 partitions.
My job is currently taking approximately 1 hour.I want to run it in less than 10 mins.
I am running this job on 3 Node cluster with specs(16 Cores & 32 GB RAM).
Node 1 yarn master node.
Node 2 Two Executors 1 driver and 1 other
Node 3 Two executors both for processing.
Each executor is assigned 5 cores and 10GB memory.
Is my hardware enough or i need more powerful hardware?
Is executors configuration right?
If both hardware and configuration is good then definitely i need to improve my code.
My code is as follow.
SalesDf ='true').load(path, format='csv')
initialLoad = SalesDf_Version.withColumn('partition',SalesDf_Version.year).withColumn('isActive', when(col('row_number') == 1, lit('Y')).when(col('row_number') != 1, lit('N')))
initialLoad = initialLoad.withColumn('version_flag',col ('isActive')).withColumn('partition',col('city'))
initialLoad = initialLoad.drop('row_number')
initialLoad.coalesce(1).write.partitionBy('isActive','partition').option("header", "true").mode('overwrite').csv(path +'Temp/target/')
initialLoad.coalesce(1).write.partitionBy('isActive','partition').option("header", "true").mode('overwrite').csv(path +'Temp/target/')
Thanks in advance for your help
You have a coalesce(1) before writing, what is the reason for that? Coalesce reduces the parallelization of that stage which in your case will cause the windowing query to run on 1 core, so you're losing the benefit of the 16 cores per node.
Remove the coalesce and that should start improving things.
Following were the changes that we implemented to improve performance of our code.
We removed coalesce and used repartition(50).We tried higher and lower numbers in the brackets but 50 was the optimized number in our case.
We were using s3 as our target but it was costing us alot because of rename thing in spark so we used HDFS instead and our job time was reduced to half of what it was before.
Overall by above changes our code ran 12 mins previously it was 50 mins.

Processing time for my Spark program does not decrease on increasing the number of nodes in the cluster

I have a Cloudera cluster with 3 nodes on which Apache Spark is installed. I am running a Spark program which reads data from HBase tables, transforms the data and stores it in a different HBase table. With 3 nodes the time taken in approximately 1 minutes 10 seconds for 5 million rows HBase data. On decreasing or increasing the number of nodes, the time taken came similar whereas it was expected to reduce after increasing the number of nodes and increase by increasing the number of nodes.Below was the time taken:
1) With 3 nodes: Approximately 1 minute 10 seconds for 5 million rows.
2) With 1 node: Approximately 1 minute 10 seconds for 5 million rows.
3) With 6 nodes: Approximately 1 minute 10 seconds for 5 million rows.
What can be the reason for same time taken despite increasing or decreasing the number of nodes?
Thank You.
By default, Hbase will probably read the 5 million rows from a single region or maybe 2 regions (degree of parallelism). The write will occur to a single region or maybe 2 based on the scale of the data.
Is Spark your bottleneck? If you allocate variable resources (more/less cores or memory) it will only lead to change in overall times of the job if the computation on the job is the bottleneck.
If your computation (the transform) is relatively simple, the bottleneck might be reading from HBase or writing from HBase. In that case irrespective of how many node/cores you may give it. The run time will be constant.
From the runtimes you have mentioned it seems that's the issue.
The bottleneck may be one or both hbase and spark side. You can check the hbase side for your tables number of region servers. It is same meaning with the read and write parallelism of data. The more the better usually. You must notice the hotspotting issue
The spark side parallelism can be checked with your number of rdd for your data. May be you should repartition your data. Added to this,cluster resource utilization may be your problem. For checking this you can monitor spark master web interface. Number of nodes, number of workers per node, and number of job, task per worker etc. Also you must check number of cpu and amont of ram usage per worker within this interface.
For details here

Partitioning the RDD for Spark Jobs

When I submit job spark in yarn cluster I see spark-UI I get 4 stages of jobs but, memory used is very low in all nodes and it says 0 out of 4 gb used. I guess that might be because I left it in default partition.
Files size ranges are betweenr 1 mb to 100 mb in s3. There are around 2700 files with size of 26 GB. And exactly same 2700 jobs were running in stage 2.
Is it worth to repartition something around 640 partitons, would it improve the performace? or
It doesn't matter if partition is granular than actually required? or
My submit parameters needs to be addressed?
Cluster details,
Cluster with 10 nodes
Overall memory 500 GB
Overall vCores 64
--excutor-memory 16 g
--num-executors 16
--executor-cores 1
Actually it runs on 17 cores out of 64. I dont want to increase the number of cores since others might use the cluster.
You partition, and repartition for following reasons:
To make sure we have enough work to distribute to the distinct cores in our cluster (nodes * cores_per_node). Obviously we need to tune the number of executors, cores per executor, and memory per executor to make that happen as intended.
To make sure we evenly distribute work: the smaller the partitions, the lesser the chance than one core might have much more work to do than all other cores. Skewed distribution can have a huge effect on total lapse time if the partitions are too big.
To keep partitions in managable sizes. Not to big, and not to small so we dont overtax GC. Also bigger partitions might have issues when we have non-linear O.
To small partitions will create too much process overhead.
As you might have noticed, there will be a goldilocks zone. Testing will help you determine ideal partition size.
Note that it is ok to have much more partitions than we have cores. Queuing partitions to be assigned a task is something that I design for.
Also make sure you configure your spark job properly otherwise:
Make sure you do not have too many executors. One or Very Few executors per node is more than enough. Fewer executors will have less overhead, as they work in shared memory space, and individual tasks are handled by threads instead of processes. There is a huge amount of overhead to starting up a process, but Threads are pretty lightweight.
Tasks need to talk to each other. If they are in the same executor, they can do that in-memory. If they are in different executors (processes), then that happens over a socket (overhead). If that is over multiple nodes, that happens over a traditional network connection (more overhead).
Assign enough memory to your executors. When using Yarn as the scheduler, it will fit the executors by default by their memory, not by the CPU you declare to use.
I do not know what your situation is (you made the node names invisible), but if you only have a single node with 15 cores, then 16 executors do not make sense. Instead, set it up with One executor, and 16 cores per executor.

Cassandra high number of SSTables

After launching some long running write jobs (batch insert from an Apache Spark Job with Spark Cassandra Connector), Cassandra (v. 2.1) created thousands of SSTables for the target table (more than 4500).
The minor compaction thresholds are set to the default values (4 to 32). This means that, in theory, a lot of minor compaction tasks should be scheduled automatically.
I checked the status and nodetool indicated that no tasks were being scheduled. I stopped doing any operation for few hours. Then I restarted the cluster multiple times. Waited some more time. Disabled and re-enabled autocompaction. Waited. Increased the throughput to 999 MB/s. Waited.
During these tests, just few minor compaction were randomly started in some nodes for a limited period of time. Most of the nodes have been doing nothing for an entire day.
Then, I decided to manually launch a Major compaction (it is going to take days... Amazon EBS).
Why is Cassandra not doing any minor auto-compaction, even if the number of SSTables is 100 times greater than the threshold (32) ?
The answer is in the documentation:
By default, a minor compaction can begin any time Cassandra creates four SSTables on disk for a column family. A minor compaction must begin before the total number of SSTables reaches 32.
The total number of my SSTables is fairly greater than 32...
