Currently, I have these lines of code littered all throughout my app.
Anytime, a GET or INSERT is called these lines are at the beginning of the function. So I feel like they are treated as a re-tryer to the DB. Could these just be put in the dbService class so that I don't have to connect to the?
and for reference: `` looks like this and this is all coming from
Any ideas on a proper way to do this? Would I have to create a re-tryer function in case my DB goes down?
Meet the singleton pattern :
// Wrapper around client to trigger reconnects
class PerpetualClient {
private client: Client = null
private async function createClient(): Client {
// However you create client
public getClient(){
return self.client;
public static async getPerpetualClient() : PerpetualClient{
let perpetualClient = new PerpetualClient();
const client = await PerpetualClient.createClient();
perpertualClient.client = client;
const reconnect = async ()=>{
const client = await PerpetualClient.createClient();
perpertualClient.client = client;
return perpertualClient;
// Class to enforce the single instantiation
class DBSingleton {
private reader: PerpetualClient = null
private writer: PerpetualClient = null
private static singleInstance: DBSingleton
private async startDB(){
DBSingleton.singleInstance = DBSingleton()
db.reader = await PerpetualClient.getPerpetualClient();
db.writer = await PerpetualClient.getPerpetualClient();
public async getDB(){
await DBSingleton.startDB()
return DBSingleton.singleInstance;
According to you what would be the procedure for making a transaction between 2 repositories?
Example: I would like to make a transaction with my CompanyRepository & UserRepository because a User belongs to a Company. And I want to be sure that it's all or nothing :wink: Any idea?
You can initialize a transaction based on connection and use EntityManager inside the transaction:
export class DemoService {
constructor(private readonly connection: Connection) {}
save(userData, companyData): void {
this.connection.transaction(async (entityManager: EntityManager) => {
const companyEntityToSave = entityManager.create(CompanyEntity, companyData);
const userEntityToSave = entityManager.create(UserEntity, userData);
const company =, companyEntityToSave);
const user =, userEntityToSave);
return await Promise.all([company, user]);
If you want to use repositories:
export class DemoService {
constructor(private readonly connection: Connection) {}
save(): void {
this.connection.transaction(async (entityManager: EntityManager) => {
const companyRepository = entityManager.getRepository(CompanyEntity);
const userRepository = entityManager.getRepository(UserEntity);
// rest code
Btw, it's not only one way to use transaction with few entities, that's just one that I've used last time
I have an Azure job which asynchronously saves records to the database. I am finding that it does not actually save anything to the database. I am definitely using async/awaits everywhere. I am adding parent (market) and child records. My database has referential constraints so the parent has to exist before the child, but that should be fine as I am doing them in the right order. I have no try-catches around my methods and there is nothing in the azure logs so it appears the job is succeeding. I have called Method1 with an await from a Winforms exe and it works fine from that. What can be wrong?
public static async Task MyJob([TimerTrigger("00:02:00", RunOnStartup = true)] TimerInfo timerInfo, TextWriter log)
await Jobs.Method1(Client, Logger);
public static async Task Method1(IClient client, ILogger logger)
await DataRepository.AddMarket(event.Id, event.MarketId);
await DataRepository.AddMarketChild(event.MarketId, 999);
public static async Task<Market> AddMarket(string eventId, string marketId)
using (var ctx = BTBEntities.CreateContext())
var market = new Market()
MarketId = marketId,
EventId = eventId,
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
return market;
public static async Task<HorseBet> AddHorseBet(string marketId, long selectionId)
using (var ctx = BTBEntities.CreateContext())
var bet = new MarketChild()
MarketId = marketId,
SelectionId = selectionId,
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
return bet;
Turns out there was a database problem it was just being swallowed by Azure. This is how I fixed it.
public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task<int> SaveChangesAsync()
return base.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
var errorMessages = ex.EntityValidationErrors
.SelectMany(x => x.ValidationErrors)
.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage);
var fullErrorMessage = string.Join("; ", errorMessages);
var exceptionMessage = string.Concat(ex.Message, " The validation errors are: ", fullErrorMessage);
throw new DbEntityValidationException(exceptionMessage, ex.EntityValidationErrors);
I've tried to come up with something from the example in the WebJobsSDK gitHub
var eventHubConfig = new EventHubConfiguration();
string eventHubName = "MyHubName";
eventHubConfig.AddReceiver(eventHubName, "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=ReceiveRule;SharedAccessKey=yyyyyyy");
JobHost host = new JobHost(config);
But I'm afraid that's not far enough for someone of my limited "skillset"!
I can find no instance of JobHostConfiguration that has a UseEventHub property (using the v1.2.0-alpha-10291 version of the Microsoft.AzureWebJobs package), so I can't pass the EventHubConfiguration to the JobHost.
I've used EventHub before, not within the WebJob context. I don't see if the EventHostProcessor is still required if using the WebJob triggering...or does the WebJob trigger essentially act as the EventHostProcessor?
Anyway, if anyone has a more complete example for a simpleton like me that would be really sweet! Thanks
From the documentation here, you should have all the information you need.
What you are missing is a reference of the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ServiceBus.1.2.0-alpha-10291 nuget package.
The UseEventHub is an extension method that is declared in this package.
Otherwise your configuration seems ok.
Here is an example on how to receive or send messages from/to an EventHub:
public class BasicTest
public class Payload
public int Counter { get; set; }
public static void SendEvents([EventHub("MyHubName")] out Payload x)
x = new Payload { Counter = 100 };
public static void Trigger(
[EventHubTrigger("MyHubName")] Payload x,
[EventHub("MyHubName")] out Payload y)
y = x;
EventProcessorHost is still required, as the WebJob just provides the hosting environment for running it. As far as I know, EventProcessorHost is not integrated so deeply into WebJob, so its triggering mechanism cannot be used for processing EventHub messages. I use WebJob for running EventProcessorHost continuously:
public static void Main()
private static async Task RunAsync()
using (var shutdownWatcher = new WebJobsShutdownWatcher())
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Initializing...");
var eventProcessorHostName = "eventProcessorHostName";
var eventHubName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["eventHubName"];
var consumerGroupName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["eventHubConsumerGroupName"];
var eventHubConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EventHub"].ConnectionString;
var storageConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EventHubStorage"].ConnectionString;
var eventProcessorHost = new EventProcessorHost(eventProcessorHostName, eventHubName, consumerGroupName, eventHubConnectionString, storageConnectionString);
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Registering event processors...");
var processorOptions = new EventProcessorOptions();
processorOptions.ExceptionReceived += ProcessorOptions_ExceptionReceived;
await eventProcessorHost.RegisterEventProcessorAsync<CustomEventProcessor>(processorOptions);
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Processing...");
await Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite, shutdownWatcher.Token);
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Unregistering event processors...");
await eventProcessorHost.UnregisterEventProcessorAsync();
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Finished.");
catch (Exception ex)
await HandleErrorAsync(ex);
private static async void ProcessorOptions_ExceptionReceived(object sender, ExceptionReceivedEventArgs e)
await HandleErrorAsync(e.Exception);
private static async Task HandleErrorAsync(Exception ex)
await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync($"Critical error occured: {ex.Message}{ex.StackTrace}");
I'm trying to retrieve user data from Parse (xamarin.ios using c#). I'm using an async method with await. My challenge is,each time I navigate to the tableView in the app, which should populate the user data in question,the table is always empty.
I would like to wait until the results have been returned before proceeding with the other portion of code.I have tried to use the ContinueWith() function but constantly ran into a build error -
Cannot implicitly convert type 'void' to System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Parse.ParseObject>
My Questions:
Is this the best way to wait for the result?
How do I solve the build error?
Here is my current implementation:
public async void retrieveData(string username)
refreshed = false;
var query = ParseObject.GetQuery("Requests").WhereEqualTo("username", username);
IEnumerable<ParseObject> results = await query.FindAsync().ContinueWith(t =>{
if(results != null)
foreach(ParseObject parseObject in results)
UserRequest request = new UserRequest();
request.objectId = parseObject.ObjectId;
request.make = parseObject.Get<string> ("item1");
request.model = parseObject.Get<string> ("item2");
request.year = parseObject.Get<string> ("item3");
request.userName = parseObject.Get<string> ("username");
this.requests.addRequest (request);
refreshed = true;
catch(ParseException e) {
Console.WriteLine (e.Message + e.StackTrace);
You shouldn't need a ContinueWith...that's what the await should handle.
await waits on a Task and then brings back the result with the proper return type. ContinueWith returns a Task, so you would have to grab the Result from the task to make it usable.
For more on this type of thing, you may want to check out Difference between await and ContinueWith
You can try something like this.
public async void retrieveData(string username, )
refreshed = false;
var query = ParseObject.GetQuery("Requests").WhereEqualTo("username", username);
IEnumerable<ParseObject> results = await query.FindAsync();
if(results != null)
foreach(ParseObject parseObject in results)
UserRequest request = new UserRequest();
request.objectId = parseObject.ObjectId;
request.make = parseObject.Get<string> ("item1");
request.model = parseObject.Get<string> ("item2");
request.year = parseObject.Get<string> ("item3");
request.userName = parseObject.Get<string> ("username");
this.requests.addRequest (request);
refreshed = true;
//This is your refresh method for your TableView
//or, if in iOS
NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.PostNotificationName("resultsRetrieved", null);
catch(ParseException e) {
Console.WriteLine (e.Message + e.StackTrace);
To show the results in the tableView, I would recommend moving the refreshing of the tableView to a separate method that gets triggered synchronously after the results have been retrieved and parsed. This is shown with the this.RefreshTableView() call above.
If in iOS on Xamarin, another option is to post a notification to the NSNotificationCenter (the Xamarin documentation for which is here). Use the PostNotificationName part seen above instead and then add an observer in the ViewControllers that you want to be dependent on the data. This is done as follows:
Make a notificationToken object:
NSObject notificationToken;
Then in your setup method (you could put this inside of your ViewDidLoad):
void Setup ()
notificationToken = NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver ("resultsRetrieved", RefreshData);
Make your RefeshData method:
void RefreshData (NSString notifString)
And then, make sure you dispose of the notification observer when you tear down the class
void Teardown ()
NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.RemoveObserver (notificationToken);
I had a similar issue so started using callbacks. I'm using them in Xamarin.Android, pretty sure they're available in Xamarin.iOS.
Method that starts the task method - Note I am passing in a method of this class as a parameter
private async void updatedData()
await Utils.DataTasks.getNewLiveTips(populateTipsList);
Method that calls for data from server
public class DataTasks
public static async Task getAllData(Action<IEnumerable<ParseObjects>> callback) {
var query = new ParseQuery<ParseObjects>().OrderByDescending("updatedAt").Limit(5);
IEnumerable<ParseObjects> parseTips = await query.FindAsync();
foreach (var tip in parseTips)
// Save data to DB if needed
Method I passed as parameter in the first instance is now called
private void populateTipsList(IEnumerable<ParseObjects> results)
mAdapter = new TipAdapter(this.Activity, results);
refresher.Refreshing = false;
I am attempting to write a Validation attribute in MVC4.
The purpose is to check for the existence of an application reference (just a string that represents a key I wish to prevent a duplicate for).
My data is accessed via WebAPI and because I am using 4.5 I wish to make this asynchronous if possible.
I am perhaps not making the best or appropriate usage of async and await but I would like to know how to call my async method from the overridden IsValid method of the inherited Validation class.
public class UniqueApplicationReferenceAttribute : ValidationAttribute
public UniqueApplicationReferenceAttribute() : base(() => "The {0} already exists") { }
public int? ApplicationCount { get; set; }
public override bool IsValid(object value)
var myTask = GetApplicationRefCountAsync();
this.ApplicationCount = this.ApplicationCount ?? 0;
if (ApplicationCount > 0)
return true;
return false;
public async Task GetApplicationRefCountAsync()
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:11111/");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var apps = client.GetStringAsync("api/dataapplications");
await Task.WhenAll(apps);
var appList = apps.Result;
this.ApplicationCount = appList.Count();// apps.Count();
Many thanks,
I recommend that you call your WebAPI methods synchronously. ValidationAttribute does not support asynchronous implementations natively, so any synchronous-over-asynchronous code you'll write is just going to be a hack and not actually provide any benefit as compared to the synchronous version.
I'm not able to test this in full, but you should be able to do something like this:
public bool IsValid(object value)
var appCount = GetApplicationRefCountAsync().Result;
return appCount > 0;
public async Task<int> GetApplicationRefCountAsync()
var client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:11111/");
new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
return await client.GetStringAsync("api/dataapplications")
.ContinueWith(r => Convert.ToInt32(r))
Be careful about using async/await methods in an ASP.NET thread. It's easy to create deadlocks.