How to Work With Uri.encodeComponent in Dart/Flutter? - string

I am working with a customized webview, there I need to pass a url as String.
In this url, I need to pass some query parameter, for various reason, I can't pass'm as body rather url;
Problem is, one of my parameter contain special character such as $ , \ , &. To use the parameter as string I used Uri.encodeComponent to encode the param, but I am facing a strange problem.
if I make the url using Uri.encodeComponent , the url is not working
url = "soemthing.php?acc_token=" + Uri.encodeComponent(str);
But, If I print the output, and make the url manually, the url work just find.
Full Scenario ->
var str = await GetUserLocalStorage().accessToken();
//str = "\$3d\#"
var token = Uri.encodeComponent(str);
//token = %243d%23
//this maybe not exactly same, using it for simulation
url = "soemthing.php?acc_token=" + token; //this is not working
//tried token.toString() too!
url = "soemthing.php?acc_token=" + "%243d%23" // this is working
url = "soemthing.php?acc_token=" + Uri.encodeComponent(str);
//This is not working


How to send a query to Azure Table REST API with Postman

I'm trying to make a GET request to Azure Table REST API with Postman.
I can make a working request with a C# program I found, but when I try to copy the same information into the Postman request it return the followign error:
Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.
With the C# program I generate my UTC time and my Authorization code.
The program will give me the following output:
x-ms-date: Fri, 01 Nov 2019 10:13:26 GMT
Authorization: SharedKeyLite username:e4IREMOVEDSOMELETTERST4Ag=
Request URI:'akey',RowKey='130')
The generated output works in the C# program, because when I use:
result = await Client.GetAsync(requestUri);
The result will give me the information of (akey, 130).
When I pass them into postman it will still give me an error.
I do update the date in postman whenever I make a new authorized string.
My postman setup is as follows:
I eventually want to make this request with the ESP32, so it might be a bit unrelated, but the ESP is giving me the same error. Any tips on setting the headers correct either for Postman or the ESP are appreciated.
to make this work first create two variables in your environment :
Then create a new Get request and setup your headers like this :
x-ms-version 2015-12-11
x-ms-date {{utcDate}}
Authorization SharedKey resourceName:{{authToken}}
DataServiceVersion 3.0;NetFx
MaxDataServiceVersion 3.0;NetFx
Accept application/json;odata=nometadata
Finally, define a Pre-request Script :
var now = new Date().toUTCString();
pm.environment.set("utcDate", now);
var hcar = "/resourceName/TableName";
var verb = request.method;
var cntMd5 = "";
var cntType = "";
var mKey="<Your service key goes here>";
var text = verb + "\n" + (cntMd5 || "") + "\n" + (cntType || "") + "\n" + now + "\n" + hcar;
var key = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(mKey);
var signature = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(text, key);
var base64Bits = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(signature);
pm.environment.set("authToken", base64Bits);
The reason for the variables is, authToken because you need a place holder to store the calculated token, utcDate because the same date in your header must be used to calculate your token.
I found that the problem was within Postman itself.
There has been an ongoing issue with the automatic URL encoding.
When I went directly to the MainTable the code of Mauricio worked.

How do I escape a '/' in the URI for a GET request?

I'm trying to use Groovy to script a GET request to our GitLab server to retrieve a file. The API URI format is:
Note that there is an encoded '/' between namespace and repo. The final URI needs to look like the following to work properly:
I have the following code:
File f = HttpBuilder.configure {
request.uri.scheme = scheme = host
request.uri.path = "/api/v4/projects/${apiNamespace}%2F${apiRepoName}/repository/files/${path}/myfile.json"
request.uri.query.put("ref", "master")
request.contentType = 'application/json'
request.accept = 'application/json'
request.headers['PRIVATE-TOKEN'] = apiToken
ignoreSslIssues execution
}.get {
Download.toFile(delegate as HttpConfig, new File("${dest}/myfile.json"))
However, the %2F is re-encoded as %252F. I've tried multiple ways to try and create the URI so that it doesn't encode the %2F in between the namespace and repo, but I can't get anything to work. It either re-encodes the '%' or decodes it to the literal "/".
How do I do this using Groovy + http-builder-ng to set the URI in a way that will preserve the encoded "/"? I've searched but can't find any examples that have worked.
As of the 1.0.0 release you can handle requests with encoded characters in the URI. An example would be:
def result = HttpBuilder.configure {
request.raw = "http://localhost:8080/projects/myteam%2Fmyrepo/myfile.json"
Notice, the use of raw rather than uri in the example. Using this approach requires you to do any other encoding/decoding of the Uri yourself.
Possible Workaround
The Gitlab API allows you to query via project id or project name. Look up the project id first, then query the project.
Lookup the project id first. See
def projects = // GET /projects
def project = projects.find { it['path_with_namespace'] == 'diaspora/diaspora-client' }
Fetch Project by :id, See
GET /projects/${}

Use nlapiRequestURL to make a request to a Service

How do you use nlapiRequestURL to make a request to a service? My attempt below is failing with the error: UNEXPECTED_ERROR (output from NetSuites script execution log).
My service is set to run without login and works correctly when I directly access it through a browser using its url. Its just the request through nlapiRequestURL thats failing.
Any idea what could be going wrong?
// This code executes in Account.Model.js (register function)
// I am using my own netsuite user credential here
var cred = {
, account: "EXXXXX" // My account id
, role: "3" // Administrator
var headers = {"User-Agent-x": "SuiteScript-Call",
"Authorization": "NLAuth nlauth_account=" + cred.account + ", nlauth_email=" + +
", nlauth_signature= " + cred.password + ", nlauth_role=" + cred.role,
"Content-Type": "application/json"};
var payload = {
type: 'is_email_valid'
, email: ''
// A raw request to the service works fine:
// Error occurs on next line
var response = nlapiRequestURL(url, payload, headers);
You are attempting to call a non-Netsuite url with Netsuite authentication headers. You do not need that unless for some reason of your own you have implemented NS-style authorization on your service.
nlapiRequestURL does not automatically format a payload into a query string. If your service takes a posted JSON body then you need to call JSON.stringify(payload) e.g
var response = nlapiRequestURL(url, JSON.stringify(payload), headers);
If your service needs a query string like in your example then you need to construct a query string and append it to your service url. e.g.
var qs = '';
for(var k in payload) qs += k +'='+ uriEncodeComponent(payload[k]) +'&';
var response = nlapRequestURL(url +'?'+ qs.slice(0,-1), null, headers);
I would suggest changing your nlapiRequestURL to a GET instead of POST, and add the parameters to the url instead. Your function call will look like this instead.
nlapiRequestURL(url, null, headers, "GET")

Combine two urls into one in node.js

I am trying to combine two urls into a single url.
var access_token = 138def4a4e;
var url = "";
I want the final url to be:
url = "[access_token]";
How to do that in node.js? I tried using url. Resolve but it was of no use.
pls help
As noted above the selected solution is unsafe.
The following snippet should be preferred:
const accessToken = '138def4a4e';
const someValidUrl = ''; // note the querystring param
const url = new URL(someValidUrl);
url.searchParams.append('access_token', accessToken);
As you can notice it's able to manage an Url that contains query parameters and the URLencoding of the querystring params.
I am assuming your code looks like this:
var access_token = '138def4a4e'
var url = ''
If so, the answer is:
var combined = url + access_token
For a final answer of:
var access_token = '138def4a4e'
var url = ''
url += access_token

Is it safe to reuse Groovy HTTPBuilder objects for multiple requests?

I have some HTTPBuilder code that behaves differently depending on whether or not I reuse the same HTTPBuilder object to perform two different requests to the same REST service:
def http = new HTTPBuilder( 'https://myBaseURI/' )
http.auth.basic username, password.getPlainText()
http.request(GET,JSON) { req ->
uri.path = 'some/api/path/'
headers.'User-Agent' = 'Mozilla/5.0'
} // this request always behaves as expected
http.request(POST, JSON) { req ->
uri.path = 'some/other/api/path'
headers.'User-Agent' = 'Mozilla/5.0'
body = {
// Request body elided for brevity
The 'correct' behavior is for the POST to return a 201 - Created, but the response comes back as 200 OK unless I create a new HTTPBuilder to handle issuing the second request, in which case, the API call behaves as expected.
Certainly, the cause of the different results could be elsewhere, but I first wanted to make sure I wasn't misusing this object. Are there problems to be aware of when reusing the HTTPBuilder to issue multiple HTTP requests?
Try removing that forward slash at the end when you set uri.path in the GET request.
Looking at the documentation for setPath in URIBuilder you get:
//Set the path component of this URI. The value may be absolute or relative to the current path. e.g.
def uri = new URIBuilder( 'http://localhost/p1/p2?a=1' )
uri.path = '/p3/p2'
assert uri.toString() == 'http://localhost/p3/p2?a=1'
uri.path = 'p2a'
assert uri.toString() == 'http://localhost/p3/p2a?a=1'
uri.path = '../p4'
assert uri.toString() == 'http://localhost/p4?a=1&b=2&c=3#frag'
I understand this to mean that if you set the uri.path of an httpbuilder object with a slash at the end, you have essentially updated the working path so any subsequent relative path updates to uri.path will result in a concatenation of the path. Therefore, your POST in that example ends up pointing at https://myBaseURI/some/api/path/some/other/api/path
