Varnish in kubernetes satefulset - varnish

I have deployed varnish in my k8s as deployments but I want to maintain state and don't want to lose cached data after pod restart. How do you do it - statefulset? is there a readily available helm chat available for k8s deployment for varnish 6?

Unfortunately StatefulSets won't help you, because they don't seem to be freezing the memory that Varnish uses to store its cached objects. And even if it could, it would be quite tricky.
Because Varnish's native file stevedore does not support persistence and because it performs really poorly from a disk fragmentation point of view, the only real option is using Varnish Enterprise's Massive Storage Engine feature.
I know that this is not an open source feature, but it's the only working solution I can come up with.


Auto suggest, Azure Webapp & .Net core WebAPI iMemoryCache

Tech Stack
Azure WebApp
.Net core 2.1 WebApi
We have around 4k reference data which is used during auto suggest lookup, so in this i was wondering whether i should cache this data on WebApp or should always get it from database / 3rd party API.
I know i can use RedisCache to solve this issue, but i would like to know how Azure WebApp works when it comes to caching, it will have memory pressure? When? Yes then scale-up is the only solution?
We are using IMemoryCache in .net Core to store reference data and it expires on daily basis or when Azure WebApp is restarted (So 1st user will get delay till it gets all data in cache).
Data size is in range of 500KB - 1MB & sometimes goes till 3MB+.
What is the best approach?
iMemoryCache is not suggested when using WebApps because it is tightly bound to your application instance, so if you try to scale out your app (in case of load surges during the day) your caching mechanism will be broken.
RedisCache is pretty much a dictionary, key-value pairs.
It is very fast on look-ups but it could be very slow in some other operations like a GetAllKeys when it has to run through the whole cache. That will bring your cache server to its knees, so it needs to be handled carefully.
It will not put any significant pressure in the memory consumption of your app, you only need to have a static client. The rest is handled by the redis server.
If you plan to scale up your application (give more RAM and CPU resources to your one running instance) the iMemory cache is probably fine.
If you plan to scale out (create multiple instances of your application), that is strongly suggested for all stateless applications, then RedisCache (or any other distributed cache) is an one way for you if you need a caching mechanism.
Value and key max size is 512MB so you are on the safe side regarding value data size.
Be sure to use the Connection multiplexer as it is suggested in the official documentation because it automatically re-establishes the connection in case it is lost. That was a bug earlier, when redis cache server was going into maintenance your calls where redirected to the fail over instance but the connection was failing, so you needed to restart your application.

Confused about how Azure App Service Local Cache is useful, lacking any use cases

I've read all of the documentation about App Service Local Cache but I am struggling to see how it is useful. It claims to basically create a read-only copy of your Site directory, which for an MVC app is basically the whole app. But I can't find any information about use cases or why you'd want to do this.
I ask because it's been suggested that we move to implementing it, and I am trying to work out why we should do this.
I can see advantages if you do lots of reading/writing to disk but hardly any apps do that these days, we just use the database for everything, and logging goes directly to OMS.
Am I missing something major about this feature? To make my question non-vague, does this feature offer something useful for a simple MVC website that displays data from a database and writes back to the database?
Even if your app doesn't perform a large amount of I/O operations, you can still benefit from using App Service Local Cache due to:
Quicker app restarts (since files are local, latency to the shared network drive is removed). Helpful for app settings updates.
Less application downtime if your app loses connectivity with the shared network drive (which causes restarts), which can happen during Azure update/patch operations on the underlying VM
More are discussed in the Channel 9 video for Local Cache

how to prevent azure from scaling out additional instances until they are ready?

We are having issues with an Azure Application Service. One of our webservices (MVC) caches data from the database at startup (Application_Start) - this takes approximately 3 minutes. Until this is ready we can't handle requests.
This is known so we set it 'always on' and will aim to only restart it during off-peak times if necessary.
However, we expect heavy load to the server next month, and in our testing of the auto-scaling, we have found that when it adds additional instances, each of these instances goes through the same startup delay - but the traffic is split between the current running instance and the new one that's warming up so e.g. half of the requests start failing for that 3 minute period.
How can we configure Azure to delay using the new instance until it is ready? (or should we be using e.g. AWS instead?).
Some of the documentation points to using a custom Load Balancer Probe however it mainly talks about VM's whereas we are using PAAS.
Do try to reduce the data you need to load on app_start and try to lazy load data into Cache on first request. Some times even after doing all of this we do end up with large sets of data that is necessary on start.
There are two ways we can approach this.
One, assuming you are using in-memory caching and every instance of the app needs to hydrate its in-memory cache on App_Start. Try to use a external cache provider like Azure Cache for Redis, your new instance can just point to this external cache without having to reload the data.
Two, you can depend on Application Initialization Module which was introduced in IIS 7.5 (installed on Azure App Services' IIS). To use this feature, you need to add applicationInitialization section under web.server section of web.config. This will help you not make the instance available until the warm-up process is completed. More info on how to use ApplicationInitialization is available in this blog post
The best case would be to use the combination of both, applicationInitialization will point at a page in your application which checks if the external cache is available and hydrated, if yes, complete, else hydrate the external cache.
You can do this in Azure with other resource type than classic VM like an App Service. App Services scale up and down with instances that share the same memory pool and thread pool.
There is a lot of good information, in the link that was included in one of the comments.
Based on that information the functionality that you require is not available in the free tier.
I would approach the problem differently. Why does it take 3 mins to load the data from the database? Since it is only loaded on start it should be data that does not change often.
Could you:
Optimise the reading of data from the database?
Reduce the amount of data you read from the database?
Export the data to a file, and read it from a file?
My recommendation would be to use an Azure Load Balancer with a health probe

How to share Azure Redis Cache between environments?

We want to save a few bucks and share our 1GB dedicated Azure Redis Cache between Development, Test, QA and maybe even production.
Is there a better way than prefixing all keys with an environment string like "Dev_[key]", "Test_[key]" etc.
We are using the StackExchange Redis client for .NET.
PS: We tried using the cheap 250GB (Shared infrastructure), but had very slow performance. Read operations were consistent between 600-800ms... without any load (for a ~300KB object). Upgrading to dedicated 1GB services changed that to 30-40ms. See more here: StackExchange.Redis with Azure Redis is unusably slow or throws timeout errors
One approach is to use multiple Redis databases. I'm assuming this is available in your environment :)
Some advantages over prefixing your keys might be:
data is kept separate, you can flushdb in test and not touch the production data
keys are smaller and consume less memory
The main disadvantage would be not taking advantage of multiple cores, like you could do if you ran multiple instances of Redis on the same server. Obviously not an issue in this case. Also note that this feature is not deprecated, like one of the answers suggests.
Another thing I've seen people complain about is that databases are numbered, they don't have meaningful names. Some people create a hash in database 0 that maps each number to a name.
Here is another idea to save some bucks: use separate Redis cache machines for each environment - so no problems with the keys, but stop them when you don't use them, like in the weekend and during nights. Probably more than 50% of the time you are not using them. I think it would be easy to start and stop them with some PowerShell script, we are using AWS and here it is possible.
Now from what I see the Redis persistence in Azure is not enabled, but they started working on it - it would be nice to do a RDB snapshot before stopping and then on start to load it. So if you need to save some values and reload them on start you should do it manually (with your own service).

Caching Diagnostics recommends 20GB of local storage(!). Why?

I installed the Azure 1.8 tools/SDK and it upgraded my projects co-located caching from preview to final. However, it also decided to add 20GB to the Role's Local Storage (DiagnosticStore). I manually dialed it down to 500MB but then I get the following message in the Role's Property page (cloud proj => roles => right click role => properties i.e. GUI for ServiceDefinition.csdef):
Caching Diagnostics recommends 20GB of local storage. If you decrease
the size of local storage a full redeployment is required which will
result in a loss of virtual IP addresses for this Cloud Service.
I don't know who signed off on this operating model within MS but it begs a simple Why?. For better understanding, I'm breaking that "Why" into 3 "Why" subquestions for caching in Azure SDK 1.8:
Why is the diagnostics of caching coupled with the caching itself? We just need caching for performance...
Why is the recommendation for a whopping 20Gigs? What happens if I dial it down to 500MB?
Slightly off-topic but still related: why does the decreasing of local storage require a full redeployment? This is especially painful since Azure doesn't provide any strong controls to reserve IP addresses. So if you need to work with 3rd parties that use whitelisted IPs - too bad!?
PS: I did contemplate breaking it into 3 separate questions. But given that they are tightly coupled it seems this would be a more helpful approach for future readers.
Diagnostic store is used for storing cache diagnostic data which includes - server logs, crash dumps, counter data etc. which can be automatically uploaded to Azure Storage by configuring the cache diagnostics (CacheDiagnostics.ConfigureDiagnostics call in OnStart method - without this call, data is generated on local VM but not uplaoded into Azure Storage ). And the amount of data that is collected is controlled by diagnostic level (higher the level, more data is collected) which can be changed dynamically. More details on cache diagnostics is avialble at:
Since you enabled cache, it will come with default diagnostic level that should help in diagnosing cache issues if they happen. This data is stored locally unless you call the ConfigureDiagnostics method in OnStart (which uploads the data to Azure storage).
If a lower storage value is provided (say 2GB), then higher diagnostic levels cannot be used since they need more space (crash dump itself can take upwards 12GB for XL VMs). And if you want higher levels, then you might want to upgrade the deployment with change in the diagnostic store size which defeats the purpose - change diagnostic level without redeployment/upgrade/update/restarts. That is the reason why a limit of 20GB is set to cater to all diagnostic levels (and they can be changed in a running deployment with cscfg change).
is answered above.
Hope this helps.
I'll answer question #3 - local storage decreases are one of the only deployment changes that can't be done in-place (increases are fine, as well as VM size changes and several other changes now possible without redeploy). See this post for details around in-place updates.
