How to share Azure Redis Cache between environments? - azure

We want to save a few bucks and share our 1GB dedicated Azure Redis Cache between Development, Test, QA and maybe even production.
Is there a better way than prefixing all keys with an environment string like "Dev_[key]", "Test_[key]" etc.
We are using the StackExchange Redis client for .NET.
PS: We tried using the cheap 250GB (Shared infrastructure), but had very slow performance. Read operations were consistent between 600-800ms... without any load (for a ~300KB object). Upgrading to dedicated 1GB services changed that to 30-40ms. See more here: StackExchange.Redis with Azure Redis is unusably slow or throws timeout errors

One approach is to use multiple Redis databases. I'm assuming this is available in your environment :)
Some advantages over prefixing your keys might be:
data is kept separate, you can flushdb in test and not touch the production data
keys are smaller and consume less memory
The main disadvantage would be not taking advantage of multiple cores, like you could do if you ran multiple instances of Redis on the same server. Obviously not an issue in this case. Also note that this feature is not deprecated, like one of the answers suggests.
Another thing I've seen people complain about is that databases are numbered, they don't have meaningful names. Some people create a hash in database 0 that maps each number to a name.

Here is another idea to save some bucks: use separate Redis cache machines for each environment - so no problems with the keys, but stop them when you don't use them, like in the weekend and during nights. Probably more than 50% of the time you are not using them. I think it would be easy to start and stop them with some PowerShell script, we are using AWS and here it is possible.
Now from what I see the Redis persistence in Azure is not enabled, but they started working on it - it would be nice to do a RDB snapshot before stopping and then on start to load it. So if you need to save some values and reload them on start you should do it manually (with your own service).


Auto suggest, Azure Webapp & .Net core WebAPI iMemoryCache

Tech Stack
Azure WebApp
.Net core 2.1 WebApi
We have around 4k reference data which is used during auto suggest lookup, so in this i was wondering whether i should cache this data on WebApp or should always get it from database / 3rd party API.
I know i can use RedisCache to solve this issue, but i would like to know how Azure WebApp works when it comes to caching, it will have memory pressure? When? Yes then scale-up is the only solution?
We are using IMemoryCache in .net Core to store reference data and it expires on daily basis or when Azure WebApp is restarted (So 1st user will get delay till it gets all data in cache).
Data size is in range of 500KB - 1MB & sometimes goes till 3MB+.
What is the best approach?
iMemoryCache is not suggested when using WebApps because it is tightly bound to your application instance, so if you try to scale out your app (in case of load surges during the day) your caching mechanism will be broken.
RedisCache is pretty much a dictionary, key-value pairs.
It is very fast on look-ups but it could be very slow in some other operations like a GetAllKeys when it has to run through the whole cache. That will bring your cache server to its knees, so it needs to be handled carefully.
It will not put any significant pressure in the memory consumption of your app, you only need to have a static client. The rest is handled by the redis server.
If you plan to scale up your application (give more RAM and CPU resources to your one running instance) the iMemory cache is probably fine.
If you plan to scale out (create multiple instances of your application), that is strongly suggested for all stateless applications, then RedisCache (or any other distributed cache) is an one way for you if you need a caching mechanism.
Value and key max size is 512MB so you are on the safe side regarding value data size.
Be sure to use the Connection multiplexer as it is suggested in the official documentation because it automatically re-establishes the connection in case it is lost. That was a bug earlier, when redis cache server was going into maintenance your calls where redirected to the fail over instance but the connection was failing, so you needed to restart your application.

Concurrent users without database

I can't seem to get this concept right in my head. If I have a website that gets 1 million concurrent users, without any databases at all, will I need to scale? I'm Using Node.js and Socket.IO. Also is there a way I could simulate something like this on my localhost?
Having one million user, or connections, on, doesn't mean you have to scale, but depending on what they are doing, you would probably do. Having a data base adds storage but has nothing more to do with the need for scaling the Node.JS server.
You can create a test to try to insert as much as you want using a loop to connect and then try to emit an event for each of then.
For scaling node you can use a cluster. A single instance of Node.js runs in a single thread. To take advantage of multi-core systems, the user will sometimes want to launch a cluster of Node.js processes to handle the load.
To simulate high load, there are open source tools you can use for free:

Confused about how Azure App Service Local Cache is useful, lacking any use cases

I've read all of the documentation about App Service Local Cache but I am struggling to see how it is useful. It claims to basically create a read-only copy of your Site directory, which for an MVC app is basically the whole app. But I can't find any information about use cases or why you'd want to do this.
I ask because it's been suggested that we move to implementing it, and I am trying to work out why we should do this.
I can see advantages if you do lots of reading/writing to disk but hardly any apps do that these days, we just use the database for everything, and logging goes directly to OMS.
Am I missing something major about this feature? To make my question non-vague, does this feature offer something useful for a simple MVC website that displays data from a database and writes back to the database?
Even if your app doesn't perform a large amount of I/O operations, you can still benefit from using App Service Local Cache due to:
Quicker app restarts (since files are local, latency to the shared network drive is removed). Helpful for app settings updates.
Less application downtime if your app loses connectivity with the shared network drive (which causes restarts), which can happen during Azure update/patch operations on the underlying VM
More are discussed in the Channel 9 video for Local Cache

Azure Redis Cache data loss?

I have a Node.js application that receives data via a Websocket connection and pushes each message to an Azure Redis cache. It stores a persistent array of messages in a variable for downstream use, and at regular intervals syncs that array from the cache. Bit convoluted, but at a later point I want to separate out the half of the application that writes to the cache from the half of it that reads from it..
At around 02:00 GMT, based on the Azure portal stats, I appear to have started getting "cache misses" on that sync, which last for a couple of hours before I started getting "cache hits" again sometime around 05:00.
The cache misses correspond to a sudden increase in CPU usage, which peaks at around 05:00. And when I say peaks, I mean it hits 81%, vs a previous max of about 6%.
So sometime around 05:00, the CPU peaks, then drops back to normal, the "cache misses" go away, but looking at the cache memory usage, I drop from about 37.4mb used to about 3.85mb used (which I suspect is the "empty" state), and the list that's being used by this application was emptied.
The only functions that the application is running against the cache are LPUSH and LRANGE, there's nothing that has any capability to remove data, and in case anybody was wondering, when the CPU ramped up the memory usage did not so there's nothing to suggest that rogue additions of data cropped up.
It's only on the Basic plan, so I'm not expecting it to be invulnerable or anything, but even without the replication features of the Standard plan I had expected that it wouldn't be in a position to completely wipe itself - I was under the impression that Redis periodically writes itself to disk and restores from that when it recovers from an error.
All of which is my way of asking:
Does anybody have any idea what might have happened here?
If this is something that others have been able to accidentally trigger themselves, are there any gotchas I should be looking out for that I might have in other applications using the same cache that could have caused it to fail so catastrophically?
I would welcome a chorus of people telling me that the Standard plan won't suffer from this sort of issue, because I've already forked out for it and it would be nice to feel like that was the right call.
Many thanks in advance..
Here my thoughts:
Azure Redis Cache stores information in memory. By default, it won't save a "backup" on disk, so, you had information in memory, for some reason the server got restarted and you lost your data.
PS: See this feedback, there is no option to persist information on disk using azure-redis cache yet
Make sure you don't use Basic plan. Basic plan doesn't suppose SLA and from my expirience it lost data quite often
Standard plan provides SLA and utilize 2 instances of Redis Cache. It's quite stable and it didn't lose our data, although such case still possible.
Now, if you're going to use Azure Redis as database, but not as a cache you need to utilize data persistance feature, which is already available in Azure Redis Cache Premium Tier: (see Redis data persistence)
James, using the Standards instance should give you much improved availability.
With the Basic tier any Azure Fabric update to the Master Node (or hardware failure), will cause you to loose all data.
Azure Redis Cache does not support persistence (writing to disk/blob) yet, even in Standard Tier. But the Standard tier does give you a replicated slave node, that can take over if you Master goes down.

Keeping replicas of Redis instances in sync ?

It is possible to create repicas of a Redis instance? If yes, what is the overhead of keeping them in sync (apart from the network traffic) ?
See the Redis documentation on setting up replication scenarios.
Since there is a delay between synchronisation, you'll probably need additional application-side logic to keep access that uses the same data to the same server instance. In some cases you may also need to issue additional 'slaveof' commands to one instance in case another goes down/comes back up.
If you need more concrete info, you should elaborate a bit on your use case, i.e. in what environment you're using Redis (i.e. Rails app cluster, custom client...).
