Replace the string in all lines of itab? - string

I am trying to create an algorithm in SAP ABAP to eliminate the word IBAN from certain fields. For example, in the below photo we have that for KNBK-Bankschlüssel=7415000, the KNBK-Bankkontonummer= <IBAN 000000000008. I am trying to eliminate IBAN from the field so that only 000000000008 will be shown in the table.
Is there any string operation that would let me check whether a field has the keyword IBAN and to eliminate it?
Thank you all in advance!

You can do it with the REPLACE statement:
IF word CS 'IBAN'. "to check if the string contains IBAN (as substring)
REPLACE 'IBAN' WITH '' INTO word. "This will remove the substring IBAB, but it will be replaced with a space
CONDENSE word NO-GAPS. "This will remove the space (and other spaces as well, if there is any in the string)
Looking at the screenshot, the field contains '< IBAN>' (instead of just 'IBAN'), so you have to modify the code accordingly.

Another possibility is REPLACE IN TABLE:
This snippet will delete all the <IBAN>s with all the preceding characters from all lines.


Regular expression for splitting a comma with the string

I had to split string data based on Comma.
This is the excel data:-
Please find the excel data
string strCurrentLine="\"Himalayan Salt Body Scrub with Lychee Essential Oil from Majestic Pure, All Natural Scrub to Exfoliate & Moisturize Skin, 12 oz\",SKU_27,\"Tombow Dual Brush Pen Art Markers, Portrait, 6-Pack\",SKU_27,My Shopify Store 1,Valid,NonInventory".
Regex CSVParser = new Regex(",(?=(?:[^\"]\"[^\"]\")(?![^\"]\"))");
string[] lstColumnValues = CSVParser.Split(strCurrentLine);
I have attached the image.The problem is I used the Regex to split the string with comma but i need the ouptut just like SKU_27 because string[0] and string2 contains the forward and backward slash.I need the output string1 and remove the forward and backward slash.
The file seems to be a CVA file. For CVA to be properly formatted, it will use quotes "" to wrap strings that contains comma, such as
id, name, date
1,"Some text, that includes comma", 2020/01/01
Simply split the string by comma, you will get the 2nd column with double quote.
I'm not sure whether you are asking how to remove the double-quotes from lstColumnValues[0] and lstColumnValues[2], or add them to lstColumnValues[1].
To remove the double-quotes, just use Replace:
string myString = lstColumnValues[0].Replace("\"", "");
If you need to add them:
string myString = $"\"{lstColumnValues[1]}\"";

how to modify textfile using U-SQL

I have a large file of around 130MB containing 10 A characters in each line and \t at the end of 10th "A" character, I want to extract this text file and then change all A's to B's. Can any one help with its code snippet?
this is what I have wrote till now
USE DATABASE imodelanalytics;
#searchlog =
EXTRACT characters string
FROM "/iModelAnalytics/Samples/Data/dummy.txt"
USING Extractors.Text(delimiter: '\t', skipFirstNRows: 1);
#modify =
SELECT characters AS line
FROM #searchlog;
OUTPUT #modify
TO "/iModelAnalytics/Samples/Data/B.txt"
USING Outputters.Text();
I'm new to this, so any suggestions will be helpful ! Thanks
Assuming all of the field would be AAAAAAAAAA then you could write:
#modify = SELECT "BBBBBBBBBB" AS characters FROM #searchlog;
If only some are all As, then you would do it in the SELECT clause:
#modify =
SELECT (characters == "AAAAAAAAAA" ? "BBBBBBBBBB" : characters) AS characters
FROM #searchlog;
If there are other characters around the AAAAAAAAAA then you would use more of the C# string functions to find them and replace them in a similar pattern.

Lua: Search a specific string

Hi all tried all the string pattrens and library arguments but still stuck.
i want to get the name of the director from the following string i have tried the string.matcH but it matches the from the first character it finD from the string
the string is...
fixstrdirector = {id:39254,cast:[{id:15250,name:Hope Davis,character:Aunt Debra,order:5,cast_id:10,profile_path:/aIHF11Ss8P0A8JUfiWf8OHPVhOs.jpg},{id:53650,name:Anthony Mackie,character:Finn,order:3,cast_id:11,profile_path:/5VGGJ0Co8SC94iiedWb2o3C36T.jpg},{id:19034,name:Evangeline Lilly,character:Bailey Tallet,order:2,cast_id:12,profile_path:/oAOpJKgKEdW49jXrjvUcPcEQJb3.jpg},{id:6968,name:Hugh Jackman,character:Charlie Kenton,order:0,cast_id:13,profile_path:/wnl7esRbP3paALKn4bCr0k8qaFu.jpg},{id:79072,name:Kevin Durand,character:Ricky,order:4,cast_id:14,profile_path:/c95tTUjx5T0D0ROqTcINojpH6nB.jpg},{id:234479,name:Dakota Goyo,character:Max Kenton,order:1,cast_id:15,profile_path:/7PU6n4fhDuFwuwcYVyRNVEZE7ct.jpg},{id:8986,name:James Rebhorn,character:Marvin,order:6,cast_id:16,profile_path:/ezETMv0YM0Rg6YhKpu4vHuIY37D.jpg},{id:930729,name:Marco Ruggeri,character:Cliff,order:7,cast_id:17,profile_path:/1Ox63ukTd2yfOf1LVJOMXwmeQjO.jpg},{id:19860,name:Karl Yune,character:Tak Mashido,order:8,cast_id:18,profile_path:/qK315vPObCNdywdRN66971FtFez.jpg},{id:111206,name:Olga Fonda,character:Farra Lemkova,order:9,cast_id:19,profile_path:/j1qabOHf3Pf82f1lFpUmdF5XvSp.jpg},{id:53176,name:John Gatins,character:Kingpin,order:10,cast_id:41,profile_path:/A2MqnSKVzOuBf8MVfNyve2h2LxJ.jpg},{id:1126350,name:Sophie Levy,character:Big Sister,order:11,cast_id:42,profile_path:null},{id:1126351,name:Tess Levy,character:Little Sister,order:12,cast_id:43,profile_path:null},{id:1126352,name:Charlie Levy,character:Littlest Sister,order:13,cast_id:44,profile_path:null},{id:187983,name:Gregory Sims,character:Bill Panner,order:14,cast_id:45,profile_path:null}],crew:[{id:58726,name:Leslie Bohem,department:Writing,job:Screenplay,profile_path:null},{id:53176,name:John Gatins,department:Writing,job:Screenplay,profile_path:/A2MqnSKVzOuBf8MVfNyve2h2LxJ.jpg},{id:17825,name:Shawn Levy,department:Directing,job:Director,profile_path:/7f2f8EXdlWsPYN0HPGcIlG21xU.jpg},{id:12415,name:Richard Matheson,department:Writing,job:Story,profile_path:null},{id:57113,name:Dan Gilroy,department:Writing,job:Story,profile_path:null},{id:25210,name:Jeremy Leven,department:Writing,job:Story,profile_path:null},{id:17825,name:Shawn Levy,department:Production,job:Producer,profile_path:/7f2f8EXdlWsPYN0HPGcIlG21xU.jpg},{id:34970,name:Susan Montford,department:Production,job:Producer,profile_path:/1XJt51Y9ciPhkHrAYE0j6Jsmgji.jpg},{id:3183,name:Don Murphy,department:Production,job:Producer,profile_path:null},{id:34967,name:Rick Benattar,department:Production,job:Producer,profile_path:null},{id:1126348,name:Eric Hedayat,department:Production,job:Producer,profile_path:null},{id:186721,name:Ron Ames,department:Production,job:Producer,profile_path:null},{id:10956,name:Josh McLaglen,department:Production,job:Executive Producer,profile_path:null},{id:57634,name:Mary McLaglen,department:Production,job:Executive Producer,profile_path:null},{id:23779,name:Jack Rapke,department:Production,job:Executive Producer,profile_path:null},{id:488,name:Steven Spielberg,department:Production,job:Executive Producer,profile_path:/cuIYdFbEe89PHpoiOS9tmo84ED2.jpg},{id:30,name:Steve Starkey,department:Production,job:Executive Producer,profile_path:null},{id:24,name:Robert Zemeckis,department:Production,job:Executive Producer,profile_path:/isCuZ9PWIOyXzdf3ihodXzjIumL.jpg},{id:531,name:Danny Elfman,department:Sound,job:Original Music Composer,profile_path:/pWacZpYPos8io22nEiim7d3wp2j.jpg},{id:18265,name:Mauro Fiore,department:Crew,job:Cinematography,profile_path:null},{id:54271,name:Dean Zimmerman,department:Editing,job:Editor,profile_path:null},{id:25365,name:Richard Hicks,department:Production,job:Casting,profile_path:null},{id:5490,name:David Rubin,department:Production,job:Casting,profile_path:null},{id:52088,name:Tom Meyer,department:Art,job:Production Design,profile_path:null}]}
i have tried string.match(fixstrdirector,"name:(.+),department:Directing")
but it gives me the from the first occurace it find the name to the end of thr string
Hope Davis,character:Aunt Debra,order:5,cast_id:10,profile_path:/aIHF11Ss8P0A8JUfiWf8OHPVhOs.jpg},{id:53650,name:Anthony Mackie,character:Finn,order:3,cast_id:11,profile_path:/5VGGJ0Co8SC94iiedWb2o3C36T.jpg},{id:19034,name:Evangeline Lilly,character:Bailey Tallet,order:2,cast_id:12,profile_path:/oAOpJKgKEdW49jXrjvUcPcEQJb3.jpg},{id:6968,name:Hugh Jackman,character:Charlie Kenton,order:0,cast_id:13,profile_path:/wnl7esRbP3paALKn4bCr0k8qaFu.jpg},{id:79072,name:Kevin Durand,character:Ricky,order:4,cast_id:14,profile_path:/c95tTUjx5T0D0ROqTcINojpH6nB.jpg},{id:234479,name:Dakota Goyo,character:Max Kenton,order:1,cast_id:15,profile_path:/7PU6n4fhDuFwuwcYVyRNVEZE7ct.jpg},{id:8986,name:James Rebhorn,character:Marvin,order:6,cast_id:16,profile_path:/ezETMv0YM0Rg6YhKpu4vHuIY37D.jpg},{id:930729,name:Marco Ruggeri,character:Cliff,order:7,cast_id:17,profile_path:/1Ox63ukTd2yfOf1LVJOMXwmeQjO.jpg},{id:19860,name:Karl Yune,character:Tak Mashido,order:8,cast_id:18,profile_path:/qK315vPObCNdywdRN66971FtFez.jpg},{id:111206,name:Olga Fonda,character:Farra Lemkova,order:9,cast_id:19,profile_path:/j1qabOHf3Pf82f1lFpUmdF5XvSp.jpg},{id:53176,name:John Gatins,character:Kingpin,order:10,cast_id:41,profile_path:/A2MqnSKVzOuBf8MVfNyve2h2LxJ.jpg},{id:1126350,name:Sophie Levy,character:Big Sister,order:11,cast_id:42,profile_path:null},{id:1126351,name:Tess Levy,character:Little Sister,order:12,cast_id:43,profile_path:null},{id:1126352,name:Charlie Levy,character:Littlest Sister,order:13,cast_id:44,profile_path:null},{id:187983,name:Gregory Sims,character:Bill Panner,order:14,cast_id:45,profile_path:null}],crew:[{id:58726,name:Leslie Bohem,department:Writing,job:Screenplay,profile_path:null},{id:53176,name:John Gatins,department:Writing,job:Screenplay,profile_path:/A2MqnSKVzOuBf8MVfNyve2h2LxJ.jpg},{id:17825,name:Shawn Levy
You're searching from the first occurrence of "name:" until the "department:Directing" with everything in between.
Instead, you need to restrict what can be between the two strings. Here for example I'm saying that the characters that make up the name can only be alphanumeric or a space:
string.match(fixstrdirector,"name:([%w ]+),department:Directing")
Alternatively, given that there's a comma separating the parameters, a better approach would be to search for "name:" followed by any characters other than a comma, followed by "department:Directing":
Of course that wouldn't work if the name had a comma it in!
Lua patterns provides - modifier for tasks as you have above. As stated on PiL - Section 20.2:
The + modifier matches one or more characters of the original class.
It will always get the longest sequence that matches the pattern.
Like *, the modifier - also matches zero or more occurrences of
characters of the original class. However, instead of matching the
longest sequence, it matches the shortest one.
Next, when you are using . to match, it'll find any and all characters satisfying the pattern. Therefore, you'll get the result from first occurence of name until the ,department:Directing is found. Since you know that it is a JSON data, you can try to match for [^,]; that is, non-comma characters.
So, for your case try:
local tAllNames = {}
for sName in fixstrdirector:gmatch( "name:([^,]-),department:Directing" ) do
tAllNames[ #tAllNames + 1 ] = sName
and all your required names will be stored in the table tAllNames. An example of the above can be seen at codepad.

Eggplant/Sensetalk parsing and separating a string with capitalized words

I'm in need of the ability to parse and separate a text string using Sensetalk (the scripting language the Eggplant GUI tester uses). What I'd like to be able to do is provide the code a text string:
Put "MyTextIsHere" into exampleString
And then have spaces inserted before every capital letter save for the first, so the following is then stored in exampleString:
"My Text Is Here"
I basically want to separate the string into the words it contains. After searching the documentation and the web, I'm no closer to finding a solution to this (I agree, it would be far easier in a different language - alas, not my choice).
Thank you in advance to anyone who can provide some insight!
See question at
With credit to Pamela at TestPlant forums:
set startingString to "HereAreMyWords"
set myRange to 2 to the number of characters in startingString // The range to iterate over– every character except the first
Put the first character in startingString into endString // The first character isn't included in the repeat loop, so you have to put it in separately
repeat with each character myletter of characters myRange of startingString
if charToNum(myLetter) is between 65 and 90 // if the character's unicode number is between 65-90...
Put space after endString
end if
Put myLetter after endString
end repeat
put endString
or you could do it this way:
Put "MyTextIsHere" into exampleString
repeat with each char of chars 2 to last of exampleString by reference
if it is an uppercase then put space before it
end repeat
put exampleString

How can I perform a reverse string search in Excel without using VBA?

I have an Excel spreadsheet containing a list of strings. Each string is made up of several words, but the number of words in each string is different.
Using built in Excel functions (no VBA), is there a way to isolate the last word in each string?
Are you classified as human? -> human?
Negative, I am a meat popsicle -> popsicle
Aziz! Light! -> Light!
This one is tested and does work (based on Brad's original post):
LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","")))))
If your original strings could contain a pipe "|" character, then replace both in the above with some other character that won't appear in your source. (I suspect Brad's original was broken because an unprintable character was removed in the translation).
Bonus: How it works (from right to left):
LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","")) – Count of spaces in the original string
SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","|", ... ) – Replaces just the final space with a |
FIND("|", ... ) – Finds the absolute position of that replaced | (that was the final space)
Right(A1,LEN(A1) - ... )) – Returns all characters after that |
EDIT: to account for the case where the source text contains no spaces, add the following to the beginning of the formula:
=IF(ISERROR(FIND(" ",A1)),A1, ... )
making the entire formula now:
=IF(ISERROR(FIND(" ",A1)),A1, RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1) - FIND("|",
SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","|",LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))))))
Or you can use the =IF(COUNTIF(A1,"* *") syntax of the other version.
When the original string might contain a space at the last position add a trim function while counting all the spaces: Making the function the following:
=IF(ISERROR(FIND(" ",B2)),B2, RIGHT(B2,LEN(B2) - FIND("|",
SUBSTITUTE(B2," ","|",LEN(TRIM(B2))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B2," ",""))))))
This is the technique I've used with great success:
=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A1, " ", REPT(" ", 100)), 100))
To get the first word in a string, just change from RIGHT to LEFT
=TRIM(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(A1, " ", REPT(" ", 100)), 100))
Also, replace A1 by the cell holding the text.
A more robust version of Jerry's answer:
That works regardless of the length of the string, leading or trailing spaces, or whatever else and it's still pretty short and simple.
I found this on google, tested in Excel 2003 & it works for me:
=IF(COUNTIF(A1,"* *"),RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-LOOKUP(LEN(A1),FIND(" ",A1,ROW(INDEX($A:$A,1,1):INDEX($A:$A,LEN(A1),1))))),A1)
[edit] I don't have enough rep to comment, so this seems the best place...BradC's answer also doesn't work with trailing spaces or empty cells...
[2nd edit] actually, it doesn't work for single words either...
LEN(TRIM(A1))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(" "&TRIM(A1)," ",""))+1))+1)
This is very robust--it works for sentences with no spaces, leading/trailing spaces, multiple spaces, multiple leading/trailing spaces... and I used char(7) for the delimiter rather than the vertical bar "|" just in case that is a desired text item.
This is very clean and compact, and works well.
{=RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-MAX(IF(MID(A1,ROW(1:999),1)=" ",ROW(1:999),0)))}
It does not error trap for no spaces or one word, but that's easy to add.
This handles trailing spaces, single word, and empty cell scenarios. I have not found a way to break it.
{=RIGHT(TRIM(A1),LEN(TRIM(A1))-MAX(IF(MID(TRIM(A1),ROW($1:$999),1)=" ",ROW($1:$999),0)))}
=RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("`*`",SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","`*`",LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","")))))
New answer 9/28/2022
Considering the new excel function: TEXTAFTER (check availability) you can achieve it with a simple formula:
=TEXTAFTER(A1," ", -1)
To add to Jerry and Joe's answers, if you're wanting to find the text BEFORE the last word you can use:
With 'My little cat' in A1 would result in 'My little' (where Joe and Jerry's would give 'cat'
In the same way that Jerry and Joe isolate the last word, this then just gets everything to the left of that (then trims it back)
Copy into a column, select that column and HOME > Editing > Find & Select, Replace:
Replace All.
There is a space after the asterisk.
Imagine the string could be reversed. Then it is really easy. Instead of working on the string:
"My little cat" (1)
you work with
"tac elttil yM" (2)
With =LEFT(A1;FIND(" ";A1)-1) in A2 you get "My" with (1) and "tac" with (2), which is reversed "cat", the last word in (1).
There are a few VBAs around to reverse a string. I prefer the public VBA function ReverseString.
Install the above as described. Then with your string in A1, e.g., "My little cat" and this function in A2:
=ReverseString(LEFT(ReverseString(A1);IF(ISERROR(FIND(" ";A1));
LEN(A1);(FIND(" ";ReverseString(A1))-1))))
you'll see "cat" in A2.
The method above assumes that words are separated by blanks. The IF clause is for cells containing single words = no blanks in cell. Note: TRIM and CLEAN the original string are useful as well. In principle it reverses the whole string from A1 and simply finds the first blank in the reversed string which is next to the last (reversed) word (i.e., "tac "). LEFT picks this word and another string reversal reconstitutes the original order of the word (" cat"). The -1 at the end of the FIND statement removes the blank.
The idea is that it is easy to extract the first(!) word in a string with LEFT and FINDing the first blank. However, for the last(!) word the RIGHT function is the wrong choice when you try to do that because unfortunately FIND does not have a flag for the direction you want to analyse your string.
Therefore the whole string is simply reversed. LEFT and FIND work as normal but the extracted string is reversed. But his is no big deal once you know how to reverse a string. The first ReverseString statement in the formula does this job.
I translated to PT-BR, as I needed this as well.
(Please note that I've changed the space to \ because I needed the filename only of path strings.)
Another way to achieve this is as below
You can achieve this also by reversing the string and finding the first space
Reverse the string
Find the first space in the reversed string
SEARCH(" ",...
Take the position of the space found in the reversed string off the length of the string and return that portion
I also had a task like this and when I was done, using the above method, a new method occured to me: Why don't you do this:
Reverse the string ("string one" becomes "eno gnirts").
Use the good old Find (which is hardcoded for left-to-right).
Reverse it into readable string again.
How does this sound?
