Where to put application so I can use them no matter working directory? - linux

I installed ngrok and put it in the /bin folder. But I can only use the command ./ngrok when I'm in the /bin directory. I'm pretty new to using Linux but I'm quite shure that /bin apps/command can be used everywhere. Anybody know where to put applications so I can use them no matter what's my current working directory.

If /bin is in the $PATH, you can call it with ngrok, without specifying the current directory ./.


How to make directory at Linux root directory from terminal when in sub-directory?

Background: OS is Debian GNU/Linux.
I am trying to make a directory at root, when I am in a sub-directory. In other words, let's say I am at the directory /a/b/c, and I want to make a directory at the root level, called d. How do I go about doing that?
In case you can't tell, I also don't know all the right wording/terms.
UPDATE: I did not understand difference between home directory and root directory. I learned about pwd command, and that solved the problem. What I actually wanted was to make a directory within the home directory.
Assuming that you have the required permissions, you could do mkdir /d.
It should be like sudo mkdir /name_of_directory

Can I delete the Matlab installation file in root user home directory

I just found Matlab (2016a) put a 2.5 Gb installation files that it fetched during the installation in the root home directory (Linux mint 18), under /root/Downloads/MathWorks. I guess it is probably because I use sudo for installation.
My question is:
Is it normal that program store information when user executes it with sudo?
Can I delete the file under /root/Downloads? (My limited Linux knowledge told me do not touch anything in the /root folder)
When you execute anything with su...do, you basically execute it 'as' root.
Mathworks uses the Download-Folder (which is in your case /root/Downloads - since you have executed the installer as root) for temporary data (According to https://de.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/229835-is-the-mathworks-folder-necessary-to-run-properly?requestedDomain=www.mathworks.com).
So, yes. It seems like you can delete the folder.
Or just move it to MathWorks.bak and check if Mathworks still works properly. In case everything is working fine, you can delete MathWorks.bak.
A program can do anything when run as sudo and depends only on what the program is designed to do. sudo simply elevates the permissions when running a given command.
I would have thought that the installer would have downloaded everything to /tmp instead of /root/Downloads, but as long as you didn't select /root/Downloads as your installation directory for MATLAB and this is only the temporary download location you can certainly remove it after successfully installing MATLAB to a "typical" location such as /usr/local/MATLAB/R2016a.

Why can't I see paths that exist in OSX?

I am a windows developer switching over to OSX. I am very confused though. I am learning node.js and the documentation tells me to add a reference to nodemon at the path...
However when I am at the terminal and I type 'ls' I get the following output...
And that doesn't have a /usr/ folder ... And what is even more confusing is that if I do...
ls -a
Then I can see all my hidden folder with a folder in called .npm which seems to have all my modules. In windows this is easy it just installs all npm modules into %AppData%/npm or something but I just don't get it on OSX can somebody enlighten me please?
ls lists the directories and files in your current working directory.
You can find your current working directory with pwd (short for 'print working directory')
You can change your current working directory with the cd (change directory) command. In your case, you could run
cd /usr/local
and it would show you the bin directory. Alternatively, you could directly run
ls /usr/local
As a special extra note, the Terminal Prompt itself actually displays the current working directory (by default). In your case, it shows ~, which is shorthand for the user profile directory, which the Terminal opens to automatically. It is generally /Users/<username>.

Changing the default directory structure

If I start a new distro (e.g. LFS):
How can I change the directory structure?
What should I expect after it's ready? (probably can't install most of the packages without modification, right?
But, before you down vote: I've been asked to make a new distro for a specific project which they need (actually, want) a new directory structure with a few changes, for example remove the var and bin directories, but without halting the system. The application of this distro is so limited, so i think it shouldn't be a big deal as they need just a few packages to be installed.
These are few pointers that come to my mind and definitely it is not complete:
Your PATH should be updated in the startup scripts like ~/.bashrc, /etc/profile.d, and so on to reflect the updated directories.
Configuration files tend to use /var quite often. (/var/log, /var/tmp) You'd need to modify all these location references.
Basically your kernel is going to start /sbin/init which is going to start the initialization at /etc/rc.d or equivalent. If you start tracing all the scripts and services invoked in these startup scripts, I believe you should be able to capture all the places you'd need to modify the path names.
you can create a folder called system and the move all the files into the /system folder. and after that create symlinks, so the system can still be used. example:
su -i
cd /
mkdir system
mv /usr /system/usr
ln -s /system/usr /usr
I just did it........it broke my system XD (i think it was because i moved all the files into /system , including /boot witch is used by GRUB)
The chance of breaking the system is huge if you don't have background knowledge. Example if you move /bin to /system/bin, then you won't be able to create the symlink afterwards because the ln command (which is a program) is located in the /bin folder so moving it will end up in an error.
also, check out gobolinux.org which is based around what i just did. The entire system has been reorganized and to maintain compatibility, they have created symlinks so that they don't have to reprogram an app when porting applications.

Rsync module path needs to be a home directory

I'm trying to use rsync to backup windows servers to an rsync server. I'm having problems with rsync on the linux side though, it doesn't like symlinks.
Currently I'm trying to use the module path of ~/backup, but rsync says that the chroot failed. I looked up what to do and saw that I needed to add the option use chroot = no and munge symlinks = no. That fixed the #ERROR: chroot failed but now it's telling me #ERROR: chdir failed and the log files say that there is no ~/backup directory. I know the user I'm authenticating with has a backup folder in his directory.
How can I fix this?
For reference I'm using a .NET port of rsync called NetSync and tunneling it over a port forwarded SSH connection generated with granados.
IIRC, tilde (~) expansion is done by the shell. chdir() doesn't handle this.
Try an absolute path. If you don't like that, then try using "backup" (or ./backup) on the assumption that after login, the current directory will be set to the user's home directory.
As far as i understand it, it seems that your path should be /home, and that it is up to your user to move into his own directory.
There is another solution that involves declaring a module for each user, but that seems overly complex for the purpose.
This is a bit too late, but chroot fails if the directory does not exist. Did you check if ~/backup has actually been created?
