Rsync module path needs to be a home directory - linux

I'm trying to use rsync to backup windows servers to an rsync server. I'm having problems with rsync on the linux side though, it doesn't like symlinks.
Currently I'm trying to use the module path of ~/backup, but rsync says that the chroot failed. I looked up what to do and saw that I needed to add the option use chroot = no and munge symlinks = no. That fixed the #ERROR: chroot failed but now it's telling me #ERROR: chdir failed and the log files say that there is no ~/backup directory. I know the user I'm authenticating with has a backup folder in his directory.
How can I fix this?
For reference I'm using a .NET port of rsync called NetSync and tunneling it over a port forwarded SSH connection generated with granados.

IIRC, tilde (~) expansion is done by the shell. chdir() doesn't handle this.
Try an absolute path. If you don't like that, then try using "backup" (or ./backup) on the assumption that after login, the current directory will be set to the user's home directory.

As far as i understand it, it seems that your path should be /home, and that it is up to your user to move into his own directory.
There is another solution that involves declaring a module for each user, but that seems overly complex for the purpose.

This is a bit too late, but chroot fails if the directory does not exist. Did you check if ~/backup has actually been created?


Where to put application so I can use them no matter working directory?

I installed ngrok and put it in the /bin folder. But I can only use the command ./ngrok when I'm in the /bin directory. I'm pretty new to using Linux but I'm quite shure that /bin apps/command can be used everywhere. Anybody know where to put applications so I can use them no matter what's my current working directory.
If /bin is in the $PATH, you can call it with ngrok, without specifying the current directory ./.

Cannot run any commands because I moved the file

I have a dynamic linker which is /lib64/
I stupidly renamed it to /lib64/ and now NO commands work.
I cannot do ls or mv to rename it back.
I can run ldconfig but it says permission denied and I cannot run sudo or su - What on earth can I do to fix this? I am running Oracle Linux redhat 6.7
LD_PRELOAD=/lib64/ mv /lib64/ /lib64/
Start from a recovery/install iso and rename the file back.
If you can't reboot or don't have physical access to the machine you could try to install a compiled version of BusyBox and use its su and mv commands. Since BusyBox is statically linked it should work without
Go to single user mode, mount the file system with rw, since you know the location of the renamed file move /lib64/ /lib64/
I would also propose a workaround with a mount point as already mentioned by #wildplasser.
You can make majority of command line tools working again if you have a mounted directory on your broken host. If you are lucky to have one then all you need is to upload the (which you can take from another host of from Internet) on the share, rename it there to and add the mounted directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
If the version x.yz is the same as for the one which you thoughtlessly moved then the commands like ls, cp etc. will work again in the console where you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH. You should not logout from this console, because you won't be able to login again.
! Be aware that setuid command line tools won't work (see Unfortunately "sudo" is one of them, this is why you won't be able to put back easily your long-suffering .so (unless you have a root# console). However it gives you a possibility to save all data and finish all actions before you do some hard restore.
If you managed to do the above-mentioned trick and you have enough time you can try to build a statically linked version of "sudo" as suggested on (probably even build on another host and copy through NFS) and move the .so back using it.

Debian Package Creation postinst as non-root

I have created quite a few deb files, i have no problems doing that and they all run beautifully. However, if i want to replace a file in users home directory I am unsure on how to do that.
I have tried making a postinst to rsync the files from a predefined location to home directory, but since the postinst file is being run as root ( due to the debian installer running as root ) it is being sent to the root home directory and not the user's home directory....
Here's an example of the deb file contents :
Debian Directory ---> Control File ----> Postint File
usr/share/desktop (directory with files inside)
The postinst file has the sync command to send those files to users home:
rsync -av /usr/share/desktop/ ~/.config/desktop/
The problem is it is sending the files to Root/home... not the default users home :(
I don't have the username of the user since this will be used on many computers with different users, therefore I can't use sudo -u username.
So what do I do? how do i replace files in users home directory from deb install? Any help is much appreciated.
In a Bash script, ~ refers to the current user's home directory. The package installation scripts are always run as root, so that's what "current user" means in this context.
(You could argue that the package installation is probably initiated by a user running su or sudo, but in the general case, you cannot assume this to be the case.)
Modifying user files from a system package appears extremely suspicious in any event. If the need is genuine, this should probably not be approached as a system package installation question in the first place. What are you actually trying to accomplish?
Not only are you violating the basic principle that package management should not meddle with user files; a consequence of this arrangement is that the operation can only be performed once: If the user has installed the package, attempting to install it again does nothing (at least until you uninstall).
A more manageable and predictable approach would seem to be making the package provide this functionality, but leave it to the user to invoke the actual sync (overwriting) script as needed. Perhaps you want to hook it into the desktop startup scripts somehow.
Having said that, sudo exposes the invoking user's identity in $SUDO_USER so you could look for that, and simply fail if it is not set.
As an aside, package scripts should work with dash so you need to avoid bashisms - prefer $HOME over ~, for example.
I managed to find a workaround, although it is not exactly what I was looking for, but here is my solution, at least for now.
#This will move the desktop settings to required folder.
szAnswer=$(zenity --entry --text "Enter your login username\nThis must be entered correctly\n" --entry-text "Enter name of profile to use:")
xfce4-terminal -e "sudo rsync -av /usr/share/Desktop/ /home/$szAnswer/.config/xfce4/"
exit 0
In other words, the user gets asked to enter his username, and the files get copied to that user's home directory. The advantage is that if he does have multiple users, it will use the correct user. The disadvantage is if he enters username wrong, even a spelling mistake, the install will fail.
But it does work, I have tested. If anyone has a better solution I eagerly await your suggestions.

prevent rpmbuild from reading ~/.rpmmacros

Is there a way to prevent the rpmbuild command from reading the ~/.rpmmacros file? I want to add rpmbuild to a Make target and want to get a consistent build under any user account, regardless of the options somebody might have personally set in the rpmmacros file in his home directory.
How can I do this? Or, is that actually a bad idea?
If you're looking to get the a consistent build then the rpmmacros is only one part of the problem. The build may still differ simply because it's running on a machine with different things installed. Use mock to get a truly consistent build environment.
Solved this now this by setting $HOME to an empty directory while running rpmbuild:
mkdir $MY_DIST_DIR/dummyhome
HOME=$MY_DIST_DIR/dummyhome/ rpmbuild ...
rm -r $MY_DIST_DIR/dummyhome

Custom InstallAnywhere location for .com.zerog.registry.xml file on linux

I'm running into an issue where I do not have write access to the /var directory on a UNIX environment, and InstallAnywhere doesn't provide me the option of writing the .com.zerog.registry.xml to any other location for a product installation. Is there a parameter out there that allows for this file to be written to a different directory?
According to the IA docs:
If logged in as root, the global registry is located in \var.
If logged in as a user, it is located in the user’s home directory.
So, if you're running as root and can't write to /var, it sounds like a permissions problem with the /var directory, independent of IA. Check the permissions on /var.
If you're running as a non-root user, then the registry shouldn't be going to /var, but to $HOME/.com.zerog.registry.xml (FWIW, I just checked one of our test Linux boxes and found .com.zerog.registry.xml under both /var and under test-user $HOME directories. The docs appear to be correct).
I've also seen some very strange behavior if IA is low on space in $TMP. Make sure you have plenty of space there.
Also, have you considered running the installer with sudo, or the graphical equivalents kdesudo (KDE) and gksu (Gnome)? Those might get you where you want to go.
