NOT Checking Replies after Pipelining w/HIREDIS - hiredis

Is there any harm in simply not calling redisGetReply() after calling redisAppendCommand() one or more times? If I don't need the reply or need to check error conditions I was hoping to avoid the performance penalty. Or do I need to check and free every single reply generated from a pipelined command for some reason?

There's not really any harm in that other than the fact that you won't be able to use the same redisContext if you want to send and read additional replies.
You can also tell Redis to not reply to your commands at all with the CLIENT REPLY command.


Cancel a running query

I have an application where users are running a geospatial query against a mongo database. The query can return many thousands of results (~50k). These results are then streamed to the client over a websocket. However, users can abort a request mid result set and execute a new query. Users will frequently start, abort, and re-start requests on the order of several times per minute. Sometimes they even cancel/restart every couple of seconds.
The question is, when a user aborts a request, how do I cancel the query on the server so it doesn't continue to tie up resources streaming back thousands of unneeded results? I'm currently calling destroy() on the cursor, but it's not clear that this is actually stopping the query from executing on the server.
What's the best practice in this case?
Have you tried this?
This is a good example.
The answer is it depends upon a lot of your implementation details.
If your server is in the middle of streaming results (e.g. still hasn't sent or queued everything) when the server receives some sort of other message that the previous results should be cancelled, then it is possible for you to communicate with that other stream and tell it to stop sending. How exactly you would do that depends entirely upon your code and you would have to show us your code for us to know.
Chances are the db query is long since complete and what is going on is the server is in the process of streaming results to the client. So, if that's the case, then it isn't the db you're looking for, it's the code that streams the response to the client. Since node.js JS is single threaded, the only time another request would actually get run on the server would be while the streaming code was in some async write operation, waiting for that to finish. You would probably have to set some flag that was uniquely associated with a particular user and then your stream code would have to check for that flag before each chunk of data was sent. If it saw the cancel flag, it could abandon sending the rest of the results.
You could make things more cancellable by explicitly chunking your results (say 500 at a time) and checking for a cancel flag between the sending of each chunk.
If, on the other hand, all the data has already been buffered up by the TCP layer on the server, then the only way to stop that from being sent is to tear down the webSocket and force the client to reconnect.

Forcing a Redis snapshot / persistence vis SAVE command?

I am using the ioredis library for Node.js - I am wondering how to send Redis a signal to force persistence. I am having a hard time finding out how to do this. The SAVE command seems to do this, but I can't verify that. Can anyone tell me for sure if the SAVE command will tell Redis to write everything in memory to disk on command?
this article hints at it: so does this
The answer is yes, SAVE will do the job for you, but it has a synchronous behaviour, means it will be blocking till the saving is done not letting other clients retrieve data. as shown in the docs:
You almost never want to call SAVE in production environments where it
will block all the other clients
The better solution is described in BGSAVE , you can call BGSAVE and then check for the command LASTSAVE which will return for you the timestamp of the latest snapshot taken from the instance.

Handling failures in Thrift in general

I read through the official documentation and the official whitepaper, but I couldn't find a satisfying answer to how Thrift handles failures in the following scenario:
Say you have a client sending a method call to a server to insert an entry in some data structure residing in that server (it doesn't really matter what it is). Suppose the server has processed the call and inserted the entry but the client couldn't receive a response due to a network failure. In such a case, how should the client handle this? A simple retry of sending the call would possibly result in a duplicate entry being inserted. Does the Thrift library persist the response somewhere so that it can resend to the client when it is back online? Or is it the application's responsibility to do so?
Would appreciate it if someone could point out the details of how it works, besides directing to its source code.
The question is an interesting one, but it is by no means limited to Thrift. A better name would be
Handling failures in asynchronous or remote calls in general
because that's in essence, what it is. Altough in the specific case of an RPC-style API like, for example, a Thrift service, the client blocks and it seems to be an synchronous call, it really isn't that way.
The whole problem can be rephrased to the more general question about
Designing robust distributed systems
So what is the main problem, that we have to deal with? We have to assume that every call we do may fail. In particular, it can fail in three ways:
request died
request sent, server processing successful, response died
request sent, server processing failed, response died
In some cases, this is not a big deal, regardless of the exact case we have. If the client just wants to retrieve some values, he can simply re-query and will get some results eventually if he tries often enough.
In other cases, especially when the client modifies data on the server, it may become more problematic. The general recommendation in such cases is to make the service calls idempotent, meaning: regardless, how often I do the same call, the end result is always the same. This could be achieved by various means and more or less depends on the use case.
For example, one method is it to send some logical "ticket" values along with each request to filter out doubled or outdated requests on the server. The server keeps track and/or checks these tickets, before the processing starts eventually. But again, if that method suits your needs depends on your use case.
The Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern is another approach to deal with the complexity. It basically breaks the API into setters and getters. I'd recommend to look into that topic, but it is not useful for every scenario. I'd also recommend to look at the Data Consistency Primer article. Last not least the CAP theorem is always a good read.
Good Service/API design is not simple, and the fact, that we have to deal with a distributed parallel system does not make it easier, quite the opposite.
Let me try to give a straight answer.
... is it the application's responsibility to do so?
There're 4 types of Exceptions involved in Thrift RPC, including TTransportException, TProtocolException, TApplicationException, and User-defined exceptions.
Based on the book Programmer's Guide to Apache Thrift, the former 2 are local exceptions, while the latter 2 are not.
As the names imply, TTransportException includes exceptions like NOT_OPEN, TIMED_OUT, and TProtocolException includes INVALID_DATA, BAD_VERSION, etc. These exceptions are not propagated from the server the the client and act much like normal language exceptions.
TApplicationExceptions involve problems such as calling a method that isn’t implemented or failing to provide the necessary arguments to a method.
User-defined Exceptions are defined in IDL files and raised by the user code.
For all of these exceptions, no retry operations are done by Thrift RPC framework itself. Instead, they should be handled properly by the application code.

Keeping FTP control connection alive

A while back I asked a question regarding keeping the control connection on an FTP session alive during a large transfer. Although I though I had success after implementing a solution for a question I'd already asked, it appears as though the ISP is the problem, i.e. they are causing my control connections to die during large transfers.
Interestingly, the old-school FTP client program "Leap-FTP" gets around this issue by just sending 'NOOP' commands to the server on the control connection during a download. While other popular clients die during transfers (Filezilla, my Python FTP script), LeapFTP runs strong due to this workaround.
I've done some research into threading and Queue, but am having trouble coming up with the code to make this happen.
The solution seems simple enough (in my head, at least): initiate a download, while that download function runs, send a NOOP command every n seconds. Stop sending the NOOP command after the download function completes.
I'm hoping that someone can give me a suggestion as to how this might be done. Will it involve the use of threading, Queue, or is there a more simple solution?
Bottom line is, after a lot of testing, the 'NOOP' command is going to have to be sent during the large downloads (which take place on high-numbered TCP ports).
In order to handle multiple sockets at one time in a single program, you can use the select function instead of threads. This is either simpler or more complicated, depending on your programming experience.
I find threads are usually simple but when something does go wrong debugging it is a real pain, while writing the code for socket multiplexing using select is more complex but less difficult to debug than threads.
The basics of using select is that you set up your sockets and call the select function. It will tell you which sockets are ready to read or write. Then you check the time. If it's been X seconds since your last NOOP, send one on the control socket. If the transfer socket is ready to read or write, handle it. If the control socket is ready to read, read it and check for NOOP response, error messages, control channel being closed, etc.
Since you don't care (much, anyway) about performance in this case, it's probably easiest to use a separate thread for it that sits in a loop simply sleeps for N seconds, checks to see if it's been cancelled, and if not sends a NOP and sleeps again.
If you are running on a Unix, it would be just as efficient to have the control connection program open the sockets for a transfer and then spawn a new process to do the transfer. That would leave the control program ready to wait for completion, send NOOP commands, or even start new transfers if the FTP server can support it.
That is sort of how the original FTP model was supposed to work and the reason it uses a control connection and separate data connections instead of the HTTP model with control and data mixed together.

How to avoid flooding a message queue?

I'm working on an application that is divided in a thin client and a server part, communicating over TCP. We frequently let the server make asynchronous calls (notifications) to the client to report state changes. This avoids that the server loses too much time waiting for an acknowledgement of the client. More importantly, it avoids deadlocks.
Such deadlocks can happen as follows. Suppose the server would send the state-changed-notification synchronously (please note that this is a somewhat constructed example). When the client handles the notification, the client needs to synchronously ask the server for information. However, the server cannot respond, because he is waiting for an answer to his question.
Now, this deadlock is avoided by sending the notification asynchronously, but this introduces another problem. When asynchronous calls are made more rapidly than they can be processed, the call queue keeps growing. If this situation is maintained long enough, the call queue will get totally full (flooded with messages). My question is: what can be done when that happens?
My problem can be summarized as follows. Do I really have to choose between sending notifications without blocking at the risk of flooding the message queue, or blocking when sending notifications at the risk of introducing a deadlock? Is there some trick to avoid flooding the message queue?
Note: To repeat, the server does not stall when sending notifications. They are sent asynchronously.
Note: In my example I used two communicating processes, but the same problem exists with two communicating threads.
If the server is sending informational messages to the client, which you yourself say are asynchronous, it should not have to wait for a reply from the client. If they are not informational, in other words they require an answer, I would say a server should never send such messages to a client, and their presence indicates a poor design.
If you have a constant congestion problem, there is little you can do other than gracefully fail and notify the client that no new messages can be posted; then it is up to the client to maintain a backlog of messages to be posted.
Introducing a priority queue and using message expiration/filtering could allow you to free up space in the queue, but that really just postpones the problem. If possible, you could also aggregate messages or ignore duplicate messages, but again the problem does not seem to be the queue itself. (Not to mention that the more complex queue logic could eat up valuable resources that would be better used actually processing messages.)
Depending on what the server side does, you could introduce result hashing for long computations, offload some types of messages to a dedicated device, check if the server waits unreasonably long for I/O operations, and a myriad of other techniques. Profile if possible, at least try to find out which message(s) causes congestion.
Oh, and the business solution: Compare cost of estimated development time to the cost of better hardware and conclude that you should just buy a more powerful server (or an additional one).
Depending on how important these messages are you might want to look into Message Expiration, or perhaps a Message Filter, though it sounds like your architecture may be incorrect.
I would rather fix the logic in the server side. The message queue should not stall waiting for the answer. Rather have a state machine which can also receive those info queries while it is waiting for the answer from the client.
Of course you can still flood your message queue, but with TCP you can handle it pretty easily.
The best way, I believe, would be to add another state to your client. This I borrowed from the SMPP protocol specs.
Add a congestion state to the client, whereby it always checks the queue length, assuming this is possible, and therefore once a certain threshold is attained, say 1000 unprocessed messages, the client sends the server a message indicating that it's congested and the server will be required to cease all messaging until it receives a notification indicating that the client is no longer congested.
Alternatively, on the server side, if there is a certain number of pending replies, the server could simply cease sending messages until the client replies a certain number of them.
These thresholds can be dynamically calculated or fixed, depending.....
