Cancel a running query - node.js

I have an application where users are running a geospatial query against a mongo database. The query can return many thousands of results (~50k). These results are then streamed to the client over a websocket. However, users can abort a request mid result set and execute a new query. Users will frequently start, abort, and re-start requests on the order of several times per minute. Sometimes they even cancel/restart every couple of seconds.
The question is, when a user aborts a request, how do I cancel the query on the server so it doesn't continue to tie up resources streaming back thousands of unneeded results? I'm currently calling destroy() on the cursor, but it's not clear that this is actually stopping the query from executing on the server.
What's the best practice in this case?

Have you tried this?
This is a good example.

The answer is it depends upon a lot of your implementation details.
If your server is in the middle of streaming results (e.g. still hasn't sent or queued everything) when the server receives some sort of other message that the previous results should be cancelled, then it is possible for you to communicate with that other stream and tell it to stop sending. How exactly you would do that depends entirely upon your code and you would have to show us your code for us to know.
Chances are the db query is long since complete and what is going on is the server is in the process of streaming results to the client. So, if that's the case, then it isn't the db you're looking for, it's the code that streams the response to the client. Since node.js JS is single threaded, the only time another request would actually get run on the server would be while the streaming code was in some async write operation, waiting for that to finish. You would probably have to set some flag that was uniquely associated with a particular user and then your stream code would have to check for that flag before each chunk of data was sent. If it saw the cancel flag, it could abandon sending the rest of the results.
You could make things more cancellable by explicitly chunking your results (say 500 at a time) and checking for a cancel flag between the sending of each chunk.
If, on the other hand, all the data has already been buffered up by the TCP layer on the server, then the only way to stop that from being sent is to tear down the webSocket and force the client to reconnect.


How to perform long event processing in Node JS with a message queue?

I am building an email processing pipeline in Node JS with Google Pub/Sub as a message queue. The message queue has a limitation where it needs an acknowledgment for a sent message within 10 minutes. However, the jobs it's sending to the Node JS server might take an hour to complete. So the same job might run multiple times till one of them finishes. I'm worried that this will block the Node JS event loop and slow down the server too.
Find an architecture diagram attached. My questions are:
Should I be using a message queue to start this long-running job given that the message queue expects a response in 10 mins or is there some other architecture I should consider?
If multiple such jobs start, should I be worried about the Node JS event loop being blocked. Each job is basically iterating through a MongoDB cursor creating hundreds of thousands of emails.
Well, it sounds like you either should not be using that queue (with the timeout you can't change) or you should break up your jobs into something that easily finishes long before the timeouts. It sounds like a case of you just need to match the tool with the requirements of the job. If that queue doesn't match your requirements, you probably need a different mechanism. I don't fully understand what you need from Google's pub/sub, but creating a queue of your own or finding a generic queue on NPM is generally fairly easy if you just want to serialize access to a bunch of jobs.
I rather doubt you have nodejs event loop blockage issues as long as all your I/O is using asynchronous methods. Nothing you're doing sounds CPU-heavy and that's what blocks the event loop (long running CPU-heavy operations). Your whole project is probably limited by both MongoDB and whatever you're using to send the emails so you should probably make sure you're not overwhelming either one of those to the point where they become sluggish and lose throughput.
To answer the original question:
Should I be using a message queue to start this long-running job given that the message queue expects a response in 10 mins or is there
some other architecture I should consider?
Yes, a message queue works well for dealing with these kinds of events. The important thing is to make sure the final action is idempotent, so that even if you process duplicate events by accident, the final result is applied once. This guide from Google Cloud is a helpful resource on making your subscriber idempotent.
To get around the 10 min limit of Pub/Sub, I ended up creating an in-memory table that tracked active jobs. If a job was actively being processed and Pub/Sub sent the message again, it would do nothing. If the server restarts and loses the job, the in-memory table also disappears, so the job can be processed once again if it was incomplete.
If multiple such jobs start, should I be worried about the Node JS event loop being blocked. Each job is basically iterating through a
MongoDB cursor creating hundreds of thousands of emails.
I have ignored this for now as per the comment left by jfriend00. You can also rate-limit the number of jobs being processed.

Background jobs that run on every request on Heroku and node.js

I have an app that needs to run a very long process (takes 30-60 seconds for each request). After the processing, the result is then returned to the request as a response. This works fine locally, but it crashes my Heroku instance.
What I'd like to happen instead is:
User comes on site, request sent to backend
Backend returns immediately, and kicks off another process/task/job that does the processing
When the processing ends, the response is returned to the correct user.
I am not sure what all I need for this. Based on an hour-long research, it seems like I can use Redis as a queue and a worker can poll it every x minutes. But what I can't understand is how to figure out which request to send the response to after processing ends.
Is there a sample Express/node.js for this? Any pointers are helpful.
Like you found in your research, setting up a worker queue using Redis is a good approach for long running processes. A nice library for this is kue (
When it comes to responding to a request with the results of the job, having an outanding requesting hanging waiting for a response is not a good way to go about it (and may not work, heroku kills requests that have been idle for a certain period of time).
What you could do is when the request is made start the background job and respond to the request right away with job ID. The client can then poll the server for the status of the job, when the job is complete it can then fetch the needed result.
Kue (from #mattetre's answer) is not maintained anymore. Kue's GitHub page suggests Bull as a good alternative. It is a fast and reliable Redis based queue for Node.js.

How to handle requests that have heavy load?

This is a Brain-Question for advice on which scenario is a smarter approach to tackle situations of heavy lifting on the server end but with a responsive UI for the User.
The setup;
My System consists of two services (written in node); One Frontend Service that listens on Requests from the user and a Background Worker, that does heavy lifting and wont be finished within 1-2 seconds (eg. video conversion, image resizing, gzipping, spidering etc.). The User is connected to the Frontend Service via WebSockets (and normal POST Requests).
Scenario 1;
When a User eg. uploads a video, the Frontend Service only does some simple checks, creates a job in the name of the User for the Background Worker to process and directly responds with status 200. Later on the Worker see's its got work, does the work and finishes the job. It then finds the socket the user is connected to (if any) and sends a "hey, job finished" with the data related to the video conversion job (url, length, bitrate, etc.).
Pros I see: Quick User feedback of sucessfull upload (eg. ProgressBar can be hidden)
Cons I see: User will get a fake "success" respond with no data to handle/display and needs to wait till the job finishes anyway.
Scenario 2;
Like Scenario 1 but that the Frontend Service doesn't respond with a status 200 but rather subscribes to the created job "onComplete" event and lets the Request dangle till the callback is fired and the data can be sent down the pipe to the user.
Pros I see: "onSuccess", all data is at the User
Cons I see: Depending on the job's weight and active job count, the Users request could Timeout
While writing this question things are getting clearer to me by the minute (Scenario 1, but with smart success and update events sent). Regardless, I'd like to hear about other Scenarios you use or further Pros/Cons towards my Scenarios!?
Thanks for helping me out!
Some unnecessary info; For websockets I'm using, for job creating kue and for pub/sub redis
I just wrote something like this and I use both approaches for different things. Scenario 1 makes most sense IMO because it matches the reality best, which can then be conveyed most accurately to the user. By first responding with a 200 "Yes I got the request and created the 'job' like you requested" then you can accurately update the UI to reflect that the request is being dealt with. You can then use the push channel to notify the user of updates such as progress percentage, error, and success as needed but without the UI 'hanging' (obviously you wouldn't hang the UI in scenario 2 but its an awkward situation that things are happening and the UI just has to 'guess' that the job is being processed).
Scenario 1 -- but instead of responding with 200 OK, you should respond with 202 Accepted. From Wikipedia:
202 Accepted The request has been accepted for processing, but the
processing has not been completed. The request might or might not
eventually be acted upon, as it might be disallowed when processing
actually takes place.
This leaves the door open for the possibility of worker errors. You are just saying you accepted the request and is trying to do something with it.

implement instant threaded search algorithm

So I'd like to know what is the general algorithm to implementing an instant search that is not load intensive. Not specifically on the web but even in a desktop/winforms application.
Correct me if Im wrong but one cannot send async calls on every key stroke right? (Not sure how google instant manages this) It would create an insane load on the database/store etc.
Ive been thinking of something like this:
Fire timer every xxx milliseconds
On fire, Disable input, Disable timer, and send an async call to search.
When the call returns, display results, enable input, enable timer
Is this how it it generally handled, or is there a better way?
Search queries are generally quite small, so the increased load on the server may not be as significant as you think. Sending a query on every keystroke should be fine as long as you keep a limit on the length of queries.
Anyway, it's the server that knows how loaded it is, so the place to put the load management is on the server side. For example, you could follow a strategy something like this:
On the client:
When the search text changes, send it to the server.
When the server sends some results, update the page.
On the server, when a query is received from a client:
If I am already handling a query from that client, cancel the old query.
If I have a queued query from that client, discard it.
Add the new query to a queue of pending search queries, unless the queue is full.

Commit protocol

I'm building a REST web service that receives a request and must return "Ok" if the operation was done correctly. How could I deal with the possibility of the loose of the connection while returning this "Ok" message?
For example, a system like Amazon SimpleDB.
1) It receives a request.
2) Process the request (store and replicates the content).
3) Return a confirmation message.
If the connection was lost between phases 2 and 3, the client thinks the operation was not successful then submits again.
A system I reviewed earlier this year had a process similar to this. The solution they implemented was to have the client reply to the commit message, and clear a flag on the record at that point. There was a periodic process that checked every N minutes, and if an entry existed that was completed, but that the client hadn't acknowledged, that transaction was rolled back. This allowed a client to repost the transaction, but not have 2 'real' records committed on the server side.
In the event of the timeout scenario, you could do the following:
Send a client generated unique id with the initial request in a header.
If the client doesn't get a response, then it can resend the request with the same id.
The server can keep a list of ids successfully processed and return an OK, rather than repeating the action.
The only issue with this is that the server will need to eventually remove the client ids. So there would need to be a time window for the server to keep the ids before purging them.
Depends on the type of web service. The whole nature of HTTP and REST is that it's basically stateless.
e.g. In the SimpleDB case, if you're simply requesting a value for a given key. If in the process of returning it the client connection is dropped then the client can simply re-request the data at a later time. That data is likely to have been cached by the db engine or the operating system disk cache anyway.
If you're storing or updating a value and the data is identical then quite often the database engines know the data hasn't changed and so the update won't take very long at all.
Even complex queries can run quicker the second time on some database engines.
In short, I wouldn't worry about it unless you can prove there is a performance problem. In which case, start caching the results of some recent queries yourself. Some REST based frameworks will do this for you. I suspect you won't even find it to be an issue in practice though.
