I've read in popup documentation that resize option allow the popup to be resized.
resize TRUE to allow the popup to be resized with the mouse
by grabbing at the bottom right corner. Has no effect
if the popup does not have a border.
So I stared creating dialog like this to try, ...
call popup_dialog('Popup Dialog Content', #{
\ time: 15000,
\ title: "Title",
\ border: [],
\ resize: 1,
\ })
The good news is that a little arrow appears at the bottom right corner. The bad news is that the popup dialog is not resizable actually. What's wrong? Maybe the border option? Any suggestion to fix this? I am reading popup.txt documentation without achieve the desired target.
My vim version is:
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Jun 26 2021 10:02:55)
Garbage after option argument: "-version" More info with: "vim -h"
Currently, I'm working on Snapchat and I want to scroll the screen slightly
Now I want to scroll the screen to findViewWithText My friends. so how I can do it,
You can use culebra and generate the python code needed for scrolling or dragging.
culebra -Gu --scale=0.25
then right-click and open the command dialog, select Drag dialog and grab the points clicking on the device image (using Settings here as an example)
something like the following code will be generated
device.dragDip((184.73, 699.64), (176.0, 443.64), 1000, 20, 0)
When executed you will see the device scrolling.
Basically re-asking "How do you configure Msys's default size, color, and font?" after 11 years when all the answers are not applicable any more.
So, git-bash / msys2 start under mintty. How to configure mintty's default background color? I want to change it from pure black to a certain grey.
Also, I found that for the mintty under msys2, the vertical scrollbar is not working. I.e. I am unable to scroll back at all. Mouse scrolling only scroll the command line, not the window. That's a mis-configuration that I want to fix as well.
So with the icon in the upper left of the MinTTY, I got my color right, but scrollbar was still not working:
until I got out of tmux and realized it was a tmux problem.
So all good now.
You can click on the icon in the upper left of the window and then select "Options" to open the MinTTY Options. There are options for colors and whether to have a scrollbar.
In Android Studio, is there a setting I can enable that would let me do this?
Not intuitive at all, nevertheless:
1) click on the underlined word to show the tooltip:
The error will appear on the bottom bar.
2) Right click on that bar on the bottom:
The very important trick is to reach the bar with the mouse pointer without hovering on the 'Debug', 'TODO', 'Profiler', etc. buttons that are just above the bar we need to reach.
Komodo used to show me tabs of open files, but one day they disappeared. I can't find an option to turn them back on. I use the side menu now but it's much less convenient. I tried in the "View" > "Tabs & Sidebars" menu but can't find an option to turn tabs on.
There's also a tab icon button in the icon row at the top of the open file window but clicking it only opens the sidebar.
Edit: someone answered that there should be an specific option for this, but it doesn't appear my in my menus. screenshots here: imgur.com/a/PylIB
Komodo Edit, version 8.5.4, build 14424, platform macosx. Built on Wed Aug 13 23:56:46 2014
You can toggle tabs from View > Toolbars > Show Editor Tabs. Or by right clicking your toolbar and clicking "Show Editor Tabs".
I would like to increase the top padding between the window title bar and Sublime Text editor frame. The text should be like 5px under the title bar, instead of starting right away. Is that possible somehow, and if yes, how?
Can't add images yet so here's the URL http://i.imgur.com/d0tluQa.png
Also, I've hidden the tabs and menu bar.
I think that there is no configuration option to do this. But, try this one:
"line_padding_top": 20,
"line_padding_bottom": -20
It's a trick. Hope it's useful!