Azure DevOps Build Agents in Kubernetes - azure

We are planning to run our Azure Devops build agents in a Kubernetes pods.But going through the internet, couldn't find any recommended approach to follow.
Azure Devops Server
AKS- 1.19.11
Looking for
AKS kubernetes cluster where ADO can trigger its pipeline with the dependencies.
The scaling of pods should happen as the load from the ADO will be initiating
Is there any default MS provided image available currently for the build agents?
The image should be light weight with BuildAgents and the zulu jdk debian as we are running java based apps.
Any suggestions highly appreciated

This article provides instructions for running your Azure Pipelines agent in Docker. You can set up a self-hosted agent in Azure Pipelines to run inside a Windows Server Core (for Windows hosts), or Ubuntu container (for Linux hosts) with Docker.
The image should be light weight with BuildAgents and the zulu jdk debian as we are running java based apps.
Add tools and customize the container
Once you have created a basic build agent, you can extend the Dockerfile to include additional tools and their dependencies, or build your own container by using this one as a base layer. Just make sure that the following are left untouched:
The script is called by the Dockerfile.
The script is the last command in the Dockerfile.
Ensure that derivative containers don't remove any of the dependencies stated by the Dockerfile.
Note: Docker was replaced with containerd in Kubernetes 1.19, and Docker-in-Docker became unavailable. A few use cases to run docker inside a docker container:
One potential use case for docker in docker is for the CI pipeline, where you need to build and push docker images to a container registry after a successful code build.
Building Docker images with a VM is pretty straightforward. However, when you plan to use Jenkins Docker-based dynamic agents for your CI/CD pipelines, docker in docker comes as a must-have functionality.
Sandboxed environments.
For experimental purposes on your local development workstation.
If your use case requires running docker inside a container then, you must use Kubernetes with version <= 1.18.x (currently not supported on Azure) as shown here or run the agent in an alternative docker environment as shown here.
Else if you are deploying the self hosted agent on AKS, the azdevops-deployment Deployment at step 4, here, must be changed to:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: azdevops-deployment
app: azdevops-agent
replicas: 1 #here is the configuration for the actual agent always running
app: azdevops-agent
app: azdevops-agent
- name: azdevops-agent
image: <acr-server>/dockeragent:latest
- name: AZP_URL
name: azdevops
key: AZP_URL
- name: AZP_TOKEN
name: azdevops
- name: AZP_POOL
name: azdevops
The scaling of pods should happen as the load from the ADO will be initiating
You can use cluster-autoscaler and horizontal pod autoscaler. When combined, the horizontal pod autoscaler is focused on running the number of pods required to meet application demand. The cluster autoscaler is focused on running the number of nodes required to support the scheduled pods. [Reference]


Unable to push Docker Container to Azure Kubernetes Service from Jenkins job build

I am new to Azure and Kubernetes and was trying out the following tutorial at, however at the last part to deploy the docker to AKS I was unable to do so and faced with errors. I am not familiar with the kubectl set image command and have been going around the web to look for solutions but to no avail. I would appreciate if you could share your knowledge if you have experience the following issue previously.
The following is the configuration: (NOTE: The docker image is able to push to ACR successfully)
The following is the error following the jenkins build job:
Most probably you missed in the initial article you provided the steps, where they deploy app before Jenkin usage.
Look, first of all they Deploy azure-vote-front application to AKS
- name: azure-vote-front
image: microsoft/azure-vote-front:v1
And of course Jenkins will see this deployment during kubectl set image deployment/azure-vote-front azure-vote-front=$WEB_IMAGE_NAME --kubeconfig /var/lib/jenkins/config
So please, create a deployment first as #mmking and common sense suggest.

azure kubernetes service - self signed cert on private registry

I have a tunnel created between my azure subscription and my on-prem servers. ON prem we have an artifactory server that is housing all of our docker images. For all internal servers we have a company wide CA trust and all certs are generated from this.
However, when I try to deploy something to aks and reference this docker registry. I am getting a cert error because the nodes themselves do not trust the "in house" self signed cert.
Is there anyway to get the root CA chain added to the nodes? Or a way to tell the docker daemon on the aks nodes this is an insecure registry?
Not one hundred percent sure, but you can try to use the docker config to create the secret for image pull, the command like this:
cat ~/.docker/config.json | base64
Then create the secret like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: registrypullsecret
.dockerconfigjson: <base-64-encoded-json-here>
Use this secret in your deployment or pod as the value of imagePullSecrets. For more details, see Using a private Docker Registry with Kubernetes.
For the beginning I would recommend you to use curl to check connection between your azure cluster and on prem server.
Please use curl and curl -k and check if they both works(-k allow connections to SSL sites without certs, I assume it won't work, what means You don't have on prem certs on azure cluster)
If curl -k won't work then you need to copy and add certs from on prem to azure cluster.
Links which should help you do that
And found some informations about doing that with docker daemon
I hope it will help you. Let me know if you have any more questions.
It looks like you are having the same problem described here:
This solution should probably work for you:
As far as I remember this was a docker issue, not a kubernetes one.
Docker does not use linux's ca certs. Nobody knows why.
You have to install those certs manually (on every node that could
spawn those pods) so that docker can use them:
This is a highly annoying issue as you have to butcher your nodes
after bootstrapping to get those certs in there. And kubernetes spawns
nodes all the time. How this issue has not been solved yet is a
mystery to me. It's a complete showstopper IMO.
Then it's just a question of how to run this for every node. You could do that with a DaemonSet which runs a script from a ConfigMap, as described here: That article refers to a GitHub project
The magic is in the DaemonSet.yaml:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: node-initializer
app: default-init
app: default-init
type: RollingUpdate
name: node-initializer
app: default-init
- name: root-mount
path: /
- name: entrypoint
name: entrypoint
defaultMode: 0744
- image: ubuntu:18.04
name: node-initializer
command: ["/scripts/"]
value: /root
privileged: true
- name: root-mount
mountPath: /root
- name: entrypoint
mountPath: /scripts
- image: ""
name: pause
You could modify the script that is in the ConfigMap to pull your cert and put it in the correct directory.

Getting 'didn't match node selector' when running Docker Windows container in Azure AKS

In my local machine I created a Windows Docker/nano server container and was able to 'push' this container into an Azure Container Registry using this command (The reason why I had to use the Windows container is because I have to use CSOM in the ASP.NET Core and it is not possible in Linux)
docker push
That Docker container IS visible inside the Azure container registry which is MyContainerRegistry
I know that in order to run it I have to create a Container Instance; however, our management team doesn't want to go with that path and wants to use AKS instead
We do have an AKS cluster created
The kubectl IS running in our Azure shell
I tried to create an AKS pod using this command
kubectl apply -f myyaml.yaml
These are contents of yaml file
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: mypod
replicas: 1
app: mypod
- name: mypod
- containerPort: 80
- name: mysecret
nodeSelector: windows
The pod successfully created.
When I run 'get pods' I see a newly created pod
However, when I get into details of this pod, I see the following
"Warning FailedScheduling 3m (x2 over 3m) default-scheduler 0/3
nodes are available: 3 node(s) didn't match node selector."
Does it mean that I simply can't run Docker Windows container in Azure using AKS?
Is there any way I can run Docker Windows container in Azure at all?
Thank you very much for your help!
You cannot yet have windows nodes on AKS, you can, however, use AKS engine (examples).
Bear in mind that windows support in kubernetes is a bit lacking, so you will run into issues, unfortunately.

How to specify OpenShift image when creating a Job

Under OpenShift 3.3, I'm attempting to create a Job using the oc command line tool (which apparently lacks argument-based support for Job creation), but I'm having trouble understanding how to make use of an existing app's image stream. For example, when my app does an S2I build, it pushes to the app:latest image stream. I want the Job I'm attempting to create to be run in the context of a new job-specific pod using my app's image stream. I've prepared a test Job using this YAML:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: myapp-test-job
restartPolicy: Never
activeDeadlineSeconds: 30
- name: myapp
image: myapp:latest
command: ["echo", "hello world"]
When I create the above Job using oc create -f job.yaml, OpenShift fails to pull myapp:latest. If I change image: myapp:latest to image: (and in doing so, specify the host and port of my OpenShift instance's internal Docker registry), this works, but I'd rather not specify this as it seems like introducing a dependency on an OpenShift implementation detail. Is there a way to make OpenShift Jobs use images from an existing app without depending on such details?
The documentation shows image: perl, but it's unclear on how to use a Docker image built and stored within OpenShift.
I learned that you simply cannot yet use an ImageStream with a Job unless you specify the full address to the internal OpenShift Docker registry. Relevant GitHub issues:

How to update Kubernetes API version in deployment script or using --runtime-config

I need to be able to use the batch/v2alpha1 and apps/v1alpha1 on k8s. Currently, I'm running a cluster with 1.5.0-beta.1 installed. I would prefer to do this in the deployment script, but all I can find are the fields
"apiVersionDefault": "2016-03-30",
"apiVersionStorage": "2015-06-15",
And nowhere can I find anything about what dates to use to update those. There are also some instructions in the kubernetes docs which explain how to use the --runtime-config flag on the kubes-apiserver.. so follow those, I ssh'd into master, found the kube-apiserver manifest file and edited it to look like such:
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Pod"
name: "kube-apiserver"
namespace: "kube-system"
tier: control-plane
component: kube-apiserver
hostNetwork: true
- name: "kube-apiserver"
image: ""
- "/hyperkube"
- "apiserver"
- "--admission-control=NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,ResourceQuota"
- "--address="
- "--allow-privileged"
- "--insecure-port=8080"
- "--secure-port=443"
- "--cloud-provider=azure"
- "--cloud-config=/etc/kubernetes/azure.json"
- "--service-cluster-ip-range="
- "--etcd-servers="
- "--tls-cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/certs/apiserver.crt"
- "--tls-private-key-file=/etc/kubernetes/certs/apiserver.key"
- "--client-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/certs/ca.crt"
- "--service-account-key-file=/etc/kubernetes/certs/apiserver.key"
- "--v=4"
- "--runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1,apps/v1alpha1"
- name: "etc-kubernetes"
mountPath: "/etc/kubernetes"
- name: "var-lib-kubelet"
mountPath: "/var/lib/kubelet"
- name: "etc-kubernetes"
path: "/etc/kubernetes"
- name: "var-lib-kubelet"
path: "/var/lib/kubelet"
That pretty much nuked my cluster.. so I'm at a complete loss now. I'm going to have to rebuild the cluster, so I'd prefer to add this in the deployment template, but really any help would be appreciated.
ACS-Engine clusters allow the ability to specify most any options you desire to override - see this document for the cluster definitions. I don't think a post-deployment script exists because there are no common options you want to change with the apicontroller and other k8s components after a deployment other than K8s version upgrades. For this purpose there are scripts included in ACS-Engine and other options for various cloud providers and flavors of kubernetes (i.e. Tectonic has a mechanism for auto-upgrades).
To manually override the values after the deployment of an ACS-Engine deployed K8s cluster, you can manually update the manifests here:
And also update the values in the kubelet here (i.e. to update the version of kubernetes): /etc/default/kubelet
Of course you'll want to kubectl drain your nodes before making these changes, reboot the node, and once the node comes back online and is running properly kubectl uncordon the node.
Hard to say why your cluster was nuked without knowing more information. In general, I'd say it is probably best if you are making lots of changes to apiversions and configurations you probably want a new cluster.
