Unable to push Docker Container to Azure Kubernetes Service from Jenkins job build - azure

I am new to Azure and Kubernetes and was trying out the following tutorial at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/developer/jenkins/deploy-from-github-to-aks#create-a-jenkins-project, however at the last part to deploy the docker to AKS I was unable to do so and faced with errors. I am not familiar with the kubectl set image command and have been going around the web to look for solutions but to no avail. I would appreciate if you could share your knowledge if you have experience the following issue previously.
The following is the configuration: (NOTE: The docker image is able to push to ACR successfully)
The following is the error following the jenkins build job:

Most probably you missed in the initial article you provided the steps, where they deploy app before Jenkin usage.
Look, first of all they Deploy azure-vote-front application to AKS
- name: azure-vote-front
image: microsoft/azure-vote-front:v1
And of course Jenkins will see this deployment during kubectl set image deployment/azure-vote-front azure-vote-front=$WEB_IMAGE_NAME --kubeconfig /var/lib/jenkins/config
So please, create a deployment first as #mmking and common sense suggest.


Azure DevOps Build Agents in Kubernetes

We are planning to run our Azure Devops build agents in a Kubernetes pods.But going through the internet, couldn't find any recommended approach to follow.
Azure Devops Server
AKS- 1.19.11
Looking for
AKS kubernetes cluster where ADO can trigger its pipeline with the dependencies.
The scaling of pods should happen as the load from the ADO will be initiating
Is there any default MS provided image available currently for the build agents?
The image should be light weight with BuildAgents and the zulu jdk debian as we are running java based apps.
Any suggestions highly appreciated
This article provides instructions for running your Azure Pipelines agent in Docker. You can set up a self-hosted agent in Azure Pipelines to run inside a Windows Server Core (for Windows hosts), or Ubuntu container (for Linux hosts) with Docker.
The image should be light weight with BuildAgents and the zulu jdk debian as we are running java based apps.
Add tools and customize the container
Once you have created a basic build agent, you can extend the Dockerfile to include additional tools and their dependencies, or build your own container by using this one as a base layer. Just make sure that the following are left untouched:
The start.sh script is called by the Dockerfile.
The start.sh script is the last command in the Dockerfile.
Ensure that derivative containers don't remove any of the dependencies stated by the Dockerfile.
Note: Docker was replaced with containerd in Kubernetes 1.19, and Docker-in-Docker became unavailable. A few use cases to run docker inside a docker container:
One potential use case for docker in docker is for the CI pipeline, where you need to build and push docker images to a container registry after a successful code build.
Building Docker images with a VM is pretty straightforward. However, when you plan to use Jenkins Docker-based dynamic agents for your CI/CD pipelines, docker in docker comes as a must-have functionality.
Sandboxed environments.
For experimental purposes on your local development workstation.
If your use case requires running docker inside a container then, you must use Kubernetes with version <= 1.18.x (currently not supported on Azure) as shown here or run the agent in an alternative docker environment as shown here.
Else if you are deploying the self hosted agent on AKS, the azdevops-deployment Deployment at step 4, here, must be changed to:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: azdevops-deployment
app: azdevops-agent
replicas: 1 #here is the configuration for the actual agent always running
app: azdevops-agent
app: azdevops-agent
- name: azdevops-agent
image: <acr-server>/dockeragent:latest
- name: AZP_URL
name: azdevops
key: AZP_URL
- name: AZP_TOKEN
name: azdevops
- name: AZP_POOL
name: azdevops
The scaling of pods should happen as the load from the ADO will be initiating
You can use cluster-autoscaler and horizontal pod autoscaler. When combined, the horizontal pod autoscaler is focused on running the number of pods required to meet application demand. The cluster autoscaler is focused on running the number of nodes required to support the scheduled pods. [Reference]

Azure App service slot and swap deployment using circleci config.yml

Azure App service slot deployment using circleci config.yml
Need to add a step to deploy to production slot or staging slot then modify the config to swap the deployment
Description: When i run this config file then it deploys to production slot of azure app service by default , but i want to deploy to stage slot first and then do a swap .
below file is working fine but need some configuration changes so that i should be able to deploy to stage slot and then swap the slot to the production slot .
Using Circleci config.yml , below is my config.yml
version: 2.1
- image: circleci/node:10.16.3
## Fetch all release tags
- checkout
- run:
name: Install Node.js dependencies with Npm
command: npm install
- run:
name: Test
command: CI=true npm run coverage
machine: true
- checkout
- run:
name: create / update infrastructure
command: |
docker run --rm -it -e TF_VAR_repo_branch=$CIRCLE_BRANCH -e vaultkey=$VAULT_KEY -v `pwd`:/dp/config dockerimage/dpdeployer:beta-1.0 .dp.yaml
version: 2
- build
# - hold: # <<< A job that will require manual approval in the CircleCI web application.
# type: approval # <<< This key-value pair will set your workflow to a status of "On Hold"
# requires: # We only run the "hold" job when test2 has succeeded
# - build
- dev-deploy:
- build
only : feature/appservice
Hmmm, this may be a good link to review: Deploy to Azure from CircleCI
But, I think it comes down to how you want to deploy your code to Azure App Service. There are a lot of different ways to do so. Checking your config, you are using Docker already. This link, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/containers/tutorial-custom-docker-image , talks about the steps for deploying your container as an Azure App Service.
The gist of it seems to be you need to configure your WebApp to pull from a docker registry per Azure app slot .
Then after a successful build, have circleci push/tag the docker image to that registry. Then Azure App Service will start up the new version of the app.
For jumping between Azure App service slots, you could have your circleci config push to different docker registry image tags. This would require setting up each Azure App Service slot with a slightly different config. For example ...
# Dev
az webapp config container set --name <app-name> --resource-group <rg> --docker-custom-image-name <registry-name>/mydockerimage:$VERSION_FOR_DEV ...
# Staging
az webapp config container set --name <app-name> --resource-group <rg> --docker-custom-image-name <registry-name>/mydockerimage:$VERSION_FOR_STAGE ...
In your circleCI config, when you setup your pipeline between dev , stage and production jobs. Dev and Stage jobs would either do docker pushes or tagging for you. And the Production job does the swap for you for the final step. Something like this...
- run:
name: swap staging and product slots
command: az webapp deployment slot swap -g MyResourceGroup -n MyUniqueApp --slot staging --target-slot production
Also see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/webapp/deployment/slot?view=azure-cli-latest#az-webapp-deployment-slot-swap
Hopefully this helps..and I did not misunderstand your question. 🤞
Yes, it worked!!! Thanks
Although as per our current deployment structure , We are using a deploy script and handling swapping from there and then deploying an application through CircleCI.

GitLab CI/CD configuration problem using shared runners

I have problems with GitLab CI/CD configuration - I'm using free runners on GitLab it self.
I have joomla (test) project using docker - I'm learng how it's work.
I created .gitlab-ci.yml with:
image: docker:latest
- docker:dind
at top of file.
On test stage I want run docker image created at the build stage.
When I add:
- mariadb:latest
to test stage I always get
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? at docker pull command. Without it I get error at docker run command at joomla image initialization cose of lack of MySql server
Any help will be appreciated.
If you set
- mariadb:latest
in your test job, this will override the globally defined services. Therefore, the docker daemon is not running during test. This also explains why you do not get the Docker daemon error when you omit the services definition for the test job.
Either specify the docker:dind service also for the test job, or remove the local services definition and add mariadb to your global services definition.

Possible solution for bitbucket pipeline docker-run limitation

My integration tests are highly dependent of a elastic search, given that to build my integration tests on bitbucket pipeline I would have to execute the docker-run command to be able to spin up my elastic-search instance during my integration tests.
But as probably some of you know, there's a limitation on the bitbucket pipeline
See the Docker command line reference for information on how to use
these commands. Other commands, such as docker run, are currently
forbidden for security reasons on our shared build infrastructure.
So given that I don't know how can I spin-up my escluster with all configurations that I need inside, painless scripts, mappings, ports exposed to be available for my integrations tests.
Does someone have any idea how could i achieve this?
Ok I managed to get it working, I was struggling to run elastic search, due this error https://github.com/docker-library/elasticsearch/issues/111
This was fixed by applying the config discovery-type: single-node. Since I'm using this for integration tests I don't need to run ES in production mode. The thing is bitbucket-pipeline was not showing error logs for this error, so I was completely blind and I had to try many things till find out. Since I can't build and run my own image on pipelines, I uploaded an image with my own configuration (including single-node config) and scripts and to docker hub.
This is how my yaml looked like in the end:
image: maven:3.3.9
- step:
- maven
- docker version
- mvn clean package verify -Dmaven.docker.plugin.skip=true -s settings.xml
- elasticsearch
image: elastic-search-bitbucket-pipeline
docker: true
You can try to define your elastic-search image as a service as described there:
Use services and databases in Bitbucket Pipelines
For those still looking for a more elaborate solution, I have created a Dockerfile like this:
FROM elasticsearch:7.0.1
COPY --chown=elasticsearch:elasticsearch elasticsearch.yml /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/
In the same folder I have also created a custom config elasticsearch.yml:
I then added the custom image to Docker Hub, for more info how to do that, look here: https://docs.docker.com/docker-hub/repos/
You can now use the custom image in your Pipelines service configuration and use it to run your tests.
You could also supply some more configuration inside your elasticsearch.yml
Enable CORS:
http.cors.enabled: true
http.cors.allow-origin: "*"
Set discovery type:
discovery.type: single-node
You can use my docker image:
Add service to your pipeline as below:
- step: &run-tests
name: Run tests
- sleep 30 # Waiting elasticsearch. In your real pipeline you can not use it.
- curl -XGET localhost:9250/_cat/health
- elasticsearch
image: xiting/elasticsearch-bitbucket-pipeline
ES_JAVA_OPTS: '-Xms512m -Xmx512m'
memory: 2048
- step: *run-tests

How to specify OpenShift image when creating a Job

Under OpenShift 3.3, I'm attempting to create a Job using the oc command line tool (which apparently lacks argument-based support for Job creation), but I'm having trouble understanding how to make use of an existing app's image stream. For example, when my app does an S2I build, it pushes to the app:latest image stream. I want the Job I'm attempting to create to be run in the context of a new job-specific pod using my app's image stream. I've prepared a test Job using this YAML:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: myapp-test-job
restartPolicy: Never
activeDeadlineSeconds: 30
- name: myapp
image: myapp:latest
command: ["echo", "hello world"]
When I create the above Job using oc create -f job.yaml, OpenShift fails to pull myapp:latest. If I change image: myapp:latest to image: (and in doing so, specify the host and port of my OpenShift instance's internal Docker registry), this works, but I'd rather not specify this as it seems like introducing a dependency on an OpenShift implementation detail. Is there a way to make OpenShift Jobs use images from an existing app without depending on such details?
The documentation shows image: perl, but it's unclear on how to use a Docker image built and stored within OpenShift.
I learned that you simply cannot yet use an ImageStream with a Job unless you specify the full address to the internal OpenShift Docker registry. Relevant GitHub issues:
