is there a vba code to assign screen clipping to a command butten? - excel

I tried commandbars codes and excutemso but they didnt work and i realized that commandbars are surpersed in newest version of office
How can i use it?
Tnx for your time

CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("ScreenClipping")
In general, to identify a control on the Ribbon:
Hover over the desired button until the name pops up and remember it > rightclick on the ribbon and click "Customise the Ribbon" > in the first column click "All Commands" (NOT All Tabs) > find the remembered name in the alphabetical list and hover over it until info pops up. The actual "Code" name for the button will be the one in brackets.
(I do not know why, but the Button ID Execute method doesn't seem to work on this command)


Scroll bar in Excel 2016 on Mac

So, I wanted to make a scroll bar in Excel, but failed due to inaccessibility of Developer tab in excel. I tried to click with the right click on the Excel menu tab but it didn't react in no way, also I tried to press Ctrl + Right click of the scroll bar on the Mac, but either way the pop up menu where you can choose to Customize the ribbon didn't appear. I ready on several how-to's that there is a Excel options where you can access Developer tab, but I simply don't have "Options" on File tab. I am using Excel 2016 on Mac. by the way, I need this scroll bar to control whether the user inputs more than max first payment for the loan ( Max first payment depends on why the loan has been taken). Maybe some of you knows better way to check whether the input is valid?
I use Excel for Mac, developer tab is available as follows:
From the menu bar, Excel > Preferences > View > 'In Ribbon Show' (Developer Tab)
If it isn't there the Excel Preferences window has a search function, try searching 'developer'.
Good luck, hope you find it.
Well I found a solution to your Issue. Most times so many tabs are left out due to the average consumer not using them. I simply navigated to the FILE tab at the top left corner of Excel (2013), click on Options and clicked on Customize Ribbon.
You should fine the Developer Tab unclicked. Below are some screenshots to help out. Hope
this helps.
This Image Shows the File Button
This image shows the Options button and the Customize Ribbon Button

How do I change format on ActiveX Control Option Button when selected?

When I select the ActiveX Control Option Button the entire border (box) becomes highlighted. Is there a way to fix this, perhaps change something in Properties, so when I select the button nothing is highlighted?
It is not clear what you mean by "select the button".
If you mean to click on it, have you tried setting the "TakeFocusOnClick" property to False?
Once you've set the property, click the DesignMode button to get out of Design Mode.
The original question is about a "control option button" which is presumably the Option Button. While the 'Command Button' has a TakeFocusOnClick attribute, the Option Button surprisingly does not. Neither does the Check Box.
This property does not appear on the Properties list on the worksheet in Design Mode or on the auto-complete list in the VBA editor, even though they will both take focus on click.
NOTE: ActiveX buttons are far more flexible than the stock "form controls" that appear at the top of the 'Insert' dropdown panel.

ImageComboBox for VBA Excel

Is it possible to use images inside a ComboBox instead of strings? I've seen post regarding the ImageComboBox control but it seems that I couldn't find any resource how and where to download the said control so I could use it in my project that I'm working on.
Thanks all.
To be able to use the Image Combo Box, you have to do the following:
Insert the control from the Insert menu on the developer tools tab:
If you press the highlighted button, a new menu appears.
Search for "Microsoft ImageComboBox Control, version XX"
Then you are able to insert the desired combobox.

Excel editing command button name not changing

When I am editing command button and I go to the top left corner to change the name of the command button it allows me to edit the text and change it but when I press enter or click somewhere the name of the button keeps reverting back to the original name.
I've tried also tried making sure design mode is selected as well, and the command button and the sheet do not have any protection on either
I'm sure I'm missing something simple.
I had a very similar problem. Solved! My problem was that I would create an ACTIVEX button, and using the properties, give it a customized name (changing CommandButton1 to something much more descriptive)... then later, upon saving and re-opening the excel, some of these buttons (not all) would revert to CommandButtonX.
The whole problem was THE LENGTH OF THE NAME. My names that failed would be around 39 chars or more (somewhere around 39). Using the selection objects pane under the Excel "Find and Select" menu item, I observed the ones that would fail vs succeed.... comparing what I would change in that pane with control properties (Name) and the excel "sheet Name Box" in the upper left area of the sheet screen.
When we have to rename the command button, you can use properties and namebox. But the purpose to change the appearance of button, you have to go to
properties->caption. In caption, you can rename button's appearance.

CRM 2011: enable/disable a ribbon button on condition

I am new to CRM and I have an exiting ribbon button. I want to disable it on condition (Field1 is null or not).
So far, I have created an new solution and included the required entity.
Exported the solution and tried to change the configuration.xml.
I have tried to make change under . But without any luck.
Can anyone help me out with an example.
Thanks in advance.
Don't edit it by hand. Use The Visual Ribbon Editor Tool. Makes things much nicer to deal with than hand editing the xml.
If you want to setup a button to be enabled if new_field1 (capitalization matters so make sure it's correct with what your field's actual name is) is not null, here is what you would do:
Open up the ribbon editor
Conenct to your org
Select your entity with the ribbon button you want to enable/disable
Click on your button
Click the Enable Rules tab
Enter the field name exactly as it appears in the customization section of your solution within CRM in the Field text box.
Enter "null" (without the quotes) for the value. Lower case.
Skip Default (if you have some custom forms where the field does not exist, you may want to give it a default value)
Change Invert Result to true.
Click the "Save" button at the very top. (don't click the save button on the main tab of the ribbon)
Verify that it is getting deployed and published.
Test it out.
Edit: Use Ribbon Workbench For System Ribbons
I've never used it, but the Ribbon Workbench says it can customize system buttons.
