I'm sending an envelope to the DocuSign API which includes the emailBlurb JSON property. I've entered several lines of text here and would like these to appear in the email that is sent to the signer with the same line breaks, however the line breaks are not being respected in the email that is received by the signer.
Here's an example of the emailBlurb JSON property:
"emailBlurb": "Please sign the Contract Agreement Renewal for 2021. \r\rIf you have any questions please call us on 1800 123 456 between 9am and 5pm Mon-Fri.\r\rThe Contract Team.\rAcme Pty Ltd",
"emailSubject": "Please Sign the Customer Agreement",
and here's a screenshot of the email that is received:
You can see that it appears as one long string of text instead of like this:
Is there something else I need to do to make the email respect the carriage returns here?
Using \r\n\ instead of \r\r resolved this for me.
Default text for "email blurb" is something like:
recipientFirstName recipientLastName,
Please DocuSign sameTextAsEmailSubject
Thank You, SalesPersonSmith
Is there a way to append text to this ? For example I would append the email signature for SalesPersonSmith so something like:
p 555.555.1212
f 555.555.2323
There are two ways to modify the content of the emails that DocuSign sends to recipients:
You can use the emailBlurb inside the envelopeDefinition object.
You can modify the email resources file for your account.
Option 1 is limited, as you cannot change everything in the email message. However, you can have each envelope use a different blurb.
Option 2 is account-wide, meaning that it's not per-envelope, but you have more flexibility in the changes you make in the entire email look-and-feel.
I see there is an 'Optional' parameter for the Sign Here Tab. I am wondering if it is possible to make it so that if a signature is not given within x number of days, to consider the recipient complete and move on to the next recipient. Is something like this doable with Docusign API?
In other words, give the signer x number of days to sign, or else move on to next recipient so the envelope can be completed in timely fashion.
The expiration date can be set at an envelope level. DocuSign does NOT support setting per recipient expiration for an envelope.
See this blog for more information
I need to do this use case:
create a Docusign envelope with one signer
let the signer sign the document through embedded signing
add another signer to the document, and let the other signer sign it too
Reason: it might take some time for the 2nd company to sign the document, and the exact person to sign it might not be known at the beginning yet.
There's at least two ways to solve for this but possibly others too.
The first method is using one of the pre-built Recipient Types such as Agent or Editors or Intermediaries. These recipient types have varying capabilities (i.e. some can add tabs, docs, etc. to the envelopes) but the one thing they all have in common is that they can edit recipient information such as Name and Email address for recipients that come later in the routing order.
Another method for handling this which is a slight hack but still doable is to add two recipients with routing orders 1 and 2 to the envelope at the start, the first one is the recipient whose information you already know but for the second recipient you add a fake name and a fake email address. Once the first recipient signs the request technically gets sent to the "dummy" recipient but since it's a fake email it never gets sent to anyone. THEN, once you finally know who the second recipient is you can do an Envelope Correction and replace the dummy recipient with the real name and email.
I have a template with a known first signer, then a second signer who is defined by templateRoles. The first signer needs to know the name of the second signer. I have not found a way to do this via the DocuSign console, since prefilled tabs are specific to the current receiver, or to someone who has already signed or reviewed the document. I need to prefill a tab when I create the envelope. How can I assign a prefilled tab for a known recipient, since templateRoles requires a roleName and I have a recipientId?
Revised: I am able to explore an existing template via the API. In order to get a list of tabs for recipient, I use a recipientId in a request to envelopes/{envelope}/recipients/{recipientId}/tabs. I can then associate a tab with the recipientId. But in the process of prefilling a tab when creating an envelope from a template, the recipientId is rejected and a roleName is required, which makes this much more complicated.
[I'm not exactly clear on your scenario, but I'll take a stab at answering anyway. Please clarify the question (via Comments) if I've missed the mark.]
How you inform one recipient of other recipient(s) name(s) will depend on whether or not you want that information (i.e., the recipient names) to actually appear somewhere in the documents themselves.
If you do NOT want the name(s) of subsequent recipient(s) to appear anywhere within the documents themselves, but still need a way to inform the first signer of subsequent recipient(s) name(s), then you can achieve this by specifying a note for the first recipient. Contents of the "note" will appear only in the email that the recipient receives and in a popup dialog when the recipient first enters the Envelope -- it will not appear anywhere in the Envelope's document(s). For example, here's what a note looks like when the recipient accesses the Envelope:
If the Envelope is being created/sent via the DocuSign console, then the sender can manually add a NOTE for the first recipient that indicates the name of the subsequent signer(s), and/or whatever other information the first recipient needs to know.
If you're creating/sending the envelope via the API, then you can specify a NOTE for the first recipient simply by populating the note property for the first recipient (in the Create Envelope request):
POST https://{{env}}.docusign.net/restapi/{{version}}/accounts/{{acctId}}/envelopes
"emailSubject": "Please sign",
"emailBlurb": "Please sign...thanks!",
"status": "sent",
"compositeTemplates": [
"serverTemplates": [
"sequence" : 1,
"templateId": "9C848429-3C12-4C5E-BDD1-681C4FE25A2A"
"inlineTemplates": [
"sequence" : 2,
"recipients": {
"signers" : [{
"email": "johnsEmail#outlook.com",
"name": "John Doe",
"recipientId": "1",
"roleName": "Signer 1",
"note": "Hi John -- the second signer's name is: Mary Adams.",
"routingOrder": "1"
"email": "marysEmail#outlook.com",
"name": "Mary Adams",
"recipientId": "2",
"roleName": "Signer 2",
"routingOrder": "2"
Alternatively -- if you DO want the second recipient's name to actually appear in the document(s) when the first recipient views the Envelope documents, then you should be able to simply create the Template (in the DocuSign console) with a FullName tab assigned-to / owned-by the second recipient, like this:
Then, when the first recipient views the envelope, he should see the second recipient's name where you placed the Fullname tab in the Template:
Note: If you use the "Fullname" tab approach that I've described, you might also need to make sure that this account setting (in Preferences >> Features) is enabled:
It appears I need to use the roleName in the send envelope request, even though I get the tab information using the recipientId. This is cumbersome, since I have to track two specific and unique values that refer to the same record while integrating the tab information into my application.
However, the behavior of setting tabs using the roleName appears to be extremely buggy. I can successfully set the tabs on one template, but it does not appear to work for other templates. Is there a known bug with this? I will have to abandon this approach and trying something different, so the original question still stands.
I've been jacking around with iCal and email and through some fiddling, I've managed to get gmail to recognize that I do, in fact, have an iCal file embedded in the message. So it looks something like this:
This is accomplished by adding a third portion to the multipart email that looks something like:
Content-Type: text/calendar; method=REQUEST charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
PRODID:-//My Company LLC//My Reminder System//EN
ORGANIZER;CN="Robb Nixon":MAILTO:robb.nixon#motorsolutions.com
TRUE;CN=Robb Nixon;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:robb.nixon#motorsolutions.com
SUMMARY:Follow-Up: Allan Chappell ("New Template")
DESCRIPTION:Subject Line: "New Template"\nDate Sent: "June 6\, 2013 # 8:40
AM CDT\nRecipients:\n TO: Allan Chappell (------------------)\,\n \n
Email Copy:\n\nDear Allan\,\n\nAn Introduction\n\nMy Body\n\nNext Steps\n\n
Robb Nixon\nWeb Developer\nSalve Solutions\nmotorsolutions.com\n\n\n\n
Note, this is an example with some of the values changed... my real invite follows the folding rules to the letter. Also note that my gmail email address would be in the place of robb.nixon#motorsolutions.com as well, so in theory gmail should know that I am the organizer of the event.
When someone sends me an invite via gmail, I instead get the following:
Notice that it has "Going? Yes Maybe No" and the item is automatically added to my calendar. as it arrives to my email without having to hit the "Add to Calendar".
Does anyone know what I'm missing to make this happen for my iCal files? Or is it a Gmail thing where they recognize it's from them and go ahead and automatically add it to your calendar.
Your iCalendar stream is missing a METHOD:REQUEST property in the VCALENDAR object (i.e. below the PRODID but before the BEGIN:VEVENT.
Gmail may also get confused by the fact that you are also the organizer of this meeting.