Greater than symbol on imac not correct - keyboard

I have a Hungarian keyboard and my greater/less than symbols seem wrong. They are smaller than the ones used for coding.
‹› - this what my keyboard produces
<> and this is what used for coding
I tried every possible combinations but I can't produce the second one.

On a Hungarian keyboard, ‹ and › are typed with Option + 5 and Option + 6 respectively. To get < and >, use Option + Shift + Y and Option + Shift + X respectively.


RGB to YUV conversion equation

I'm trying to understand RGB to YUV conversion equation.
and I've got some implementation from
But I can't understand how it to be made as the below especially about R in (4)?
R<<6 + R<<1 ?
How does (65.7388*R)/256 can be represented as R<<6 + R<<1 ?
You are missing a part, (65.7388*R)/256 becomes (R<<6 + R<<1)>>8
The steps are actually pretty easy: approximating to the nearest integer (65.7388*R)/256 becomes (66*R)/256 that can be written as (64*R + 2*R)/256. A multiplication by 2 is equal to a shift to the left thus 2*R becomes R<<1 and 64*R becomes R<<6. In the same way, a division by 2 is equal to a shift to the right, thus /256 becomes >>8

What is this formula trying to prove?

I have a large spreadsheet with a number of forumlas and they all make complete sense apart from one, which is listed below. Does anyone have any idea what this NORMALDIST calculation is trying to acheive or tell me? It has relevants to HE
=MAX(1,NORMDIST(3,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(0,N18,N18/4,TRUE) + 2*(NORMDIST(6,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(3,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 3*(NORMDIST(9,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(6,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 4*(NORMDIST(12,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(9,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 5*(NORMDIST(15,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(12,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 6*(NORMDIST(18,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(15,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 7*(NORMDIST(21,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(18,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 8*(NORMDIST(24,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(21,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 9*(NORMDIST(27,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(24,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 10*(NORMDIST(30,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(27,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 11*(NORMDIST(33,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(30,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 12*(NORMDIST(36,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(33,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 13*(NORMDIST(39,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(36,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 14*(NORMDIST(42,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(39,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 15*(NORMDIST(45,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(42,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 16*(NORMDIST(48,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(45,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 17*(NORMDIST(51,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(48,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 18*(NORMDIST(54,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(51,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 19*(NORMDIST(57,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(54,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 20*(NORMDIST(60,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(57,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 21*(NORMDIST(63,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(60,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 22*(NORMDIST(66,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(63,N18,N18/4,TRUE)) + 23*(NORMDIST(69,N18,N18/4,TRUE)-NORMDIST(66,N18,N18/4,TRUE)))
Strange question I know, but could not think of where else to ask!!!
The equation has a series of terms of the form N*[NORMDIST(3N,mu,sigma)-NORMDIST(3N-3,mu,sigma)] where mu is the mean (N18 in the equation), sigma is the standard deviation (N18/4), and with N going from 1 to 23. This appears to be an estimate involving the average of the normal distribution. It would be more rigorous for N to go from minus infinity to plus infinity and it's not clear why this formula truncated the interval to 1..23. Nevertheless, if the person who wrote the equation was calculating the average, then from the properties of the normal distribution you can derive a closed form solution as:
Total of all NORMDIST terms = mu/3 + 1/2
This will be accurate as long as mu (N18) is in the between 0 and 30. If you plug this into the equation you get
Hope that helps.
From the docs...
NORMDIST function
Excel for Office 365 Excel for Office 365 for Mac Excel 2019 Excel 2016 More...
Returns the normal distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation. This function has a very wide range of applications in statistics, including hypothesis testing.
Important: This function has been replaced with one or more new functions that may provide improved accuracy and whose names better reflect their usage. Although this function is still available for backward compatibility, you should consider using the new functions from now on, because this function may not be available in future versions of Excel.
For more information about the new function, see NORM.DIST function.

how to limit the number of digit after the float with python 3?

In my program I have several calculations that produce float numbers as results.
I would like to know if there's a general declaration in Python 3 that allows to limit all the floats in the program to let's say 8 digits, systematically ?
Thank you for your help !
# Create initial balance for user 1 and user 2.
bal_user1 = 21.82233503
bal_user2 = 5.27438039
# Calculate percentage of capital for each user
percent_capi_user2 = 100 * bal_user2 / ( bal_user1 + bal_user2)
percent_capi_user1 = 100 - percent_capi_user2
print("User 1 as " + str(percent_capi_user1) + (" % of the capital"))
print("User 2 as " + str(percent_capi_user2) + (" % of the capital"))
The output is :
User 1 as 80.53498253110413 % of the capital
User 2 as 19.465017468895866 % of the capital
I would like for example : 80.53498253 instead of 80.53498253110413
And since I'm doing several calculations later on in the program, I was wondering if there was a general declaration to put once at the beginning of the code. In order to avoid casting the right number of digits each time...
Well, buddy, I think I have just what you are looking for!
What you are looking for is the decimal module and the included Decimal class. Now, I am not going to go into it, because I am not that knowledgeful in it, but what I can do is point you in the right direction. In short, read the documentation here ( ), and look for decimal.getcontext().prec, which will allow you to, at least with Decimal objects, control their precision "globally".

Make sign use only one character width?

Sign is referring to the extra column on the left that is added when using e.g. the syntastic plugin.
I'd like to save on space by having it take up only one column of space, if possible. I can change the sign used to > from >> but it's still two char's wide!
Unfortunately there is no way to modify the width of the sign column. It's hard-coded in Vim at two characters wide.
It's defined in the Vim source in screen.c (line 2149 in vim-73):
# ifdef FEAT_SIGNS
if (draw_signcolumn(wp))
int nn = n + 2;
/* draw the sign column left of the fold column */
if (nn > W_WIDTH(wp))
nn = W_WIDTH(wp);
screen_fill(W_WINROW(wp) + row, W_WINROW(wp) + endrow,
W_ENDCOL(wp) - nn, (int)W_ENDCOL(wp) - n,
' ', ' ', hl_attr(HLF_SC));
n = nn;
# endif
The int nn = n + 2 line is the culprit. You could try to hack it in the source, but I don't know if the rest of the layout depends on a width of 2. Note that this is for the non-GUI implementation; the GUI width is also fixed, but defined elsewhere in the source.
A workaround that works for anyone using set number.
set signcolumn=number will draw signs over the number column:

How to simplify polynomials in sqrt() to its absolute value of factor in maxima?

sqrt(a^2+2*a+1) can be easily rewritten as |a+1|. I would like to do this in maxima, however cannot make it work. Although sqrt(a^2) is automatically simplified to |a|, sqrt(a^2+2*a+1) is not. And radcan(sqrt(a^2+2*a+1)) give a+1, which is incorrect. Is there anyway to get the right simplification in Maxima?
Yep. Basically, you just have to tell Maxima to try a bit harder to factorise the inside of the square root. For example:
(%i1) x: sqrt(a^2 + 2*a + 1);
(%o1) sqrt(a + 2 a + 1)
(%i2) factor(a^2 + 2*a + 1);
(%o2) (a + 1)
(%i3) map (factor, x);
(%o3) abs(a + 1)
The map here means that the function factor should be applied to each of the arguments of sqrt. What happens is that you get sqrt((a+1)^2) appear on the way, and this is automatically simplified to abs(a+1).
Note that the answer from radcan is correct for some values of a. As I understand it, this is all that radcan guarantees: it's useful for answering "Yikes! Is there a simpler way to think about this crazy expression?", but not particularly helpful for "Hmm, I'm not sure what the variables in this are. Is there a simpler form?"
