How to use SciBERT in the best manner? - nlp

I'm trying to use BERT models to do text classification. As the text is about scientific texts, I intend to use the SicBERT pre-trained model:
I have faced several limitations which I want to know if there is any solutions for them:
When I want to do tokenization and batching, it only allows me to use max_length of <=512. Is there any way to use more tokens. Doen't this limitation of 512 mean that I am actually not using all the text information during training? Any solution to use all the text?
I have tried to use this pretrained library with other models such as DeBERTa or RoBERTa. But it doesn't let me. I has only worked with BERT. Is there anyway I can do that?
I know this is a general question, but any suggestion that I can improve my fine tuning (from data to hyper parameter, etc)? Currently, I'm getting ~75% accuracy. Thanks
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased')
encoded_data_train = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(
input_ids_train = encoded_data_train['input_ids']
attention_masks_train = encoded_data_train['attention_mask']
labels_train = torch.tensor(df_train.label.values)
dataset_train = TensorDataset(input_ids_train, attention_masks_train, labels_train)
dataloader_train = DataLoader(dataset_train,
model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased',
epochs = 1
optimizer = AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=1e-5, eps=1e-8)
scheduler = get_linear_schedule_with_warmup(optimizer,

When I want to do tokenization and batching, it only allows me to use max_length of <=512. Is there any way to use more tokens. Doen't this limitation of 512 mean that I am actually not using all the text information during training? Any solution to use all the text?
Yes, you are not using the complete text. And this is one of the limitations of BERT and T5 models, which limit to using 512 and 1024 tokens resp. to the best of my knowledge.
I can suggest you to use Longformer or Bigbird or Reformer models, which can handle sequence lengths up to 16k, 4096, 64k tokens respectively. These are really good for processing longer texts like scientific documents.
I have tried to use this pretrained library with other models such as DeBERTa or RoBERTa. But it doesn't let me. I has only worked with BERT. Is there anyway I can do that?
SciBERT is actually a pre-trained BERT model.
See this issue for more details where they mention the feasibility of converting BERT to ROBERTa:
Since you're working with a BERT model that was pre-trained, you unfortunately won't be able to change the tokenizer now from a WordPiece (BERT) to a Byte-level BPE (RoBERTa).
I know this is a general question, but any suggestion that I can
improve my fine tuning (from data to hyper parameter, etc)? Currently,
I'm getting ~79% accuracy.
I would first try to tune the most important hyperparameter learning_rate. I would then explore different values for hyperparameters of AdamW optimizer and num_warmup_steps hyperparamter of the scheduler.


Why my LSTM for Multi-Label Text Classification underperforms?

I'm using Windows 10 machine.
Libraries: Keras with Tensorflow 2.0
Embeddings:Glove(100 dimensions)
I am trying to implement an LSTM architecture for multi-label text classification.
My problem is that no matter how much fine-tuning I do, the results are really bad.
I am not experienced in DL practical implementations that's why I ask for your advice.
Below I will state basic information about my dataset and my model so far.
I can't embed images since I am a new member so they appear as links.
Dataset form+Embedings form+train-test-split form
Dataset's labels distribution
My Implementation of LSTM
Model's Summary
Model's Accuracy plot
Model's Loss plot
As you can see my dataset is really small (~6.000 examples) and maybe that's one reason why I cannot achieve better results. Still, I chose it because it's unbiased.
I'd like to know if there is any fundamental mistake in my code regarding the dimensions, shape, activation functions, and loss functions for multi-label text classification?
What would you recommend to achieve better results on my model? Also any general advice regarding optimizing, methods,# of nodes, layers, dropouts, etc is very welcome.
Model's best val accuracy that I achieved so far is ~0.54 and even if I tried to raise it, it seems stuck there.
There are many ways to get this wrong but the most common mistake is to get your model overfit the training data.
I suspect that 0.54 accuracy means that your model selects the most common label (offensive) for almost all cases.
So, consider one of these simple solutions:
Create balanced training data: like 400 samples from each class.
or sample balanced batches for training (exactly the same number of labels on each training batch)
In addition to tracking accuracy and loss, look at precision-recall-f1 or even better try plotting area under curve, maybe different classes need different thresholds of activation. (If you are using Sigmoid on last layer maybe one class could perform better with 0.2 activations and another class with 0.7)
first try simple model. embedding 1 layer LSTM than classify
how to tokenize text , is vocab size enough ?
try dice loss

How to fine tune BERT on unlabeled data?

I want to fine tune BERT on a specific domain. I have texts of that domain in text files. How can I use these to fine tune BERT?
I am looking here currently.
My main objective is to get sentence embeddings using BERT.
The important distinction to make here is whether you want to fine-tune your model, or whether you want to expose it to additional pretraining.
The former is simply a way to train BERT to adapt to a specific supervised task, for which you generally need in the order of 1000 or more samples including labels.
Pretraining, on the other hand, is basically trying to help BERT better "understand" data from a certain domain, by basically continuing its unsupervised training objective ([MASK]ing specific words and trying to predict what word should be there), for which you do not need labeled data.
If your ultimate objective is sentence embeddings, however, I would strongly suggest you to have a look at Sentence Transformers, which is based on a slightly outdated version of Huggingface's transformers library, but primarily tries to generate high-quality embeddings. Note that there are ways to train with surrogate losses, where you try to emulate some form ofloss that is relevant for embeddings.
Edit: The author of Sentence-Transformers recently joined Huggingface, so I expect support to greatly improve over the upcoming months!
#dennlinger gave an exhaustive answer. Additional pretraining is also referred as "post-training", "domain adaptation" and "language modeling fine-tuning". here you will find an example how to do it.
But, since you want to have good sentence embeddings, you better use Sentence Transformers. Moreover, they provide fine-tuned models, which already capable of understanding semantic similarity between sentences. "Continue Training on Other Data" section is what you want to further fine-tune the model on your domain. You do have to prepare training dataset, according to one of available loss functions. E.g. ContrastLoss requires a pair of texts and a label, whether this pair is similar.
I believe transfer learning is useful to train the model on a specific domain. First you load the pretrained base model and freeze its weights, then you add another layer on top of the base model and train that layer based on your own training data. However, the data would need to be labelled.
Tensorflow has some useful guide on transfer learning.
You are talking about pre-training. Fine-tuning on unlabeled data is called pre-training and for getting started, you can take a look over here.

Can you train a BERT model from scratch with task specific architecture?

BERT pre-training of the base-model is done by a language modeling approach, where we mask certain percent of tokens in a sentence, and we make the model learn those missing mask. Then, I think in order to do downstream tasks, we add a newly initialized layer and we fine-tune the model.
However, suppose we have a gigantic dataset for sentence classification. Theoretically, can we initialize the BERT base architecture from scratch, train both the additional downstream task specific layer + the base model weights form scratch with this sentence classification dataset only, and still achieve a good result?
BERT can be viewed as a language encoder, which is trained on a humongous amount of data to learn the language well. As we know, the original BERT model was trained on the entire English Wikipedia and Book corpus, which sums to 3,300M words. BERT-base has 109M model parameters. So, if you think you have large enough data to train BERT, then the answer to your question is yes.
However, when you said "still achieve a good result", I assume you are comparing against the original BERT model. In that case, the answer lies in the size of the training data.
I am wondering why do you prefer to train BERT from scratch instead of fine-tuning it? Is it because you are afraid of the domain adaptation issue? If not, pre-trained BERT is perhaps a better starting point.
Please note, if you want to train BERT from scratch, you may consider a smaller architecture. You may find the following papers useful.
Well-Read Students Learn Better: On the Importance of Pre-training Compact Models
ALBERT: A Lite BERT for Self-supervised Learning of Language Representations
I can give help.
First of all, MLM and NSP (which are the original pre-training objectives from NAACL 2019) are meant to train language encoders with prior language knowledge. Like a primary school student who read many books in the general domain. Before BERT, many neural networks would be trained from scratch, from a clean slate where the model doesn't know anything. This is like a newborn baby.
So my question is, "is it a good idea to start teaching a newborn baby when you can begin with a primary school student?" My answer is no. This is supported by numerous State-of-The-Arts achieved by the pre-trained models, compared to the old methods of training a neural network from scratch.
As someone who works in the field, I can assure you that it is a much better idea to fine-tune a pre-trained model. It doesn't matter if you have a 200k dataset or a 1mil datapoints. In fact, more fine-tuning data will only make the downstream results better if you use the right hyperparameters.
Though I recommend the learning rate between 2e-6 ~ 5e-5 for sentence classification tasks, you can explore. If your dataset is very, very domain-specific, it's up to you to fine-tune with a higher learning rate, which will deviate the model further away from its "pre-trained" knowledge.
And also, regarding your question on
can we initialize the BERT base architecture from scratch, train both the additional downstream task specific layer + the base model weights form scratch with this sentence classification dataset only, and still achieve a good result?
I'm negative about this idea. Even though you have a dataset with 200k instances, BERT is pre-trained on 3300mil words. BERT is too inefficient to be trained with 200k instances (both size-wise and architecture-wise). If you want to train a neural network from scratch, I'd recommend you look into LSTMs or RNNs.
I'm not saying I recommend LSTMs. Just fine-tune BERT. 200k is not even too big anyways.
All the best luck with your NLP studies :)

How to make OneClassSVM model more accurate? (Scikit-learn)

I have been attempting to classify an author using multiple texts written by this author, which I would then use to find similarities in other texts to identify that author in the test group.
I have been successful with some of the predictions, however I am still getting results where it failed to predict the author.
I have done pre-processing the texts beforehand with stemming, tokenizing, stop words, removing punctuation etc. in an attempt to make it more accurate.
I am unfamiliar with how exactly the OneClassSVM parameters work. What parameters could I use to best suit my problem and how could I make my model more accurate in it's predictions?
Here is what I have so far:
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
author_corpus = self.pre_process(author_corpus)
test_corpus = self.pre_process(test_corpus)
train = author_corpus
test = test_corpus
train_vectors = vectorizer.fit_transform(train)
test_vectors = vectorizer.transform(test)
model = OneClassSVM(kernel='linear', gamma='auto', nu=0.01)
test_predictions = model.predict(test_vectors)
You can use a SVM, but deep learning is really well-suited for this. I did a Kaggle competition with classifying documents that was amazing for this.
If you don't think you have a big enough dataset, you might want to just take a text classifier model and re-train the last layer on your author, then fine-tune the rest of the model.
I’ve heard positive things about Andrew Ng’s deep learning class on Coursera. I learned all I know about AI using the Microsoft Professional Certification in AI on edx.

Creating input data for BERT modelling - multiclass text classification

I'm trying to build a keras model to classify text for 45 different classes. I'm a little confused about preparing my data for the input as required by google's BERT model.
Some blog posts insert data as a tf dataset with input_ids, segment ids, and mask ids, as in this guide, but then some only go with input_ids and masks, as in this guide.
Also in the second guide, it notes that the segment mask and attention mask inputs are optional.
Can anyone explain whether or not those two are required for a multiclass classification task?
If it helps, each row of my data can consist of any number of sentences within a reasonably sized paragraph. I want to be able to classify each paragraph/input to a single label.
I can't seem to find many guides/blogs about using BERT with Keras (Tensorflow 2) for a multiclass problem, indeed many of them are for multi-label problems.
I guess it is too late to answer but I had the same question. I went through huggingface code and found that if attention_mask and segment_type ids are None then by default it pays attention to all tokens and all the segments are given id 0.
If you want to check it out, you can find the code here
Let me know if this clarifies it or you think otherwise.
