MS Excel Forumla assistance - excel-formula

I have a cell I need to split into 2 cells.
Data Sample: Note: All Cells are formatted as TEXT
"3851v61_18.005_ Have the anchors for all suspended scaffolding system suspension lines and separate vertical lifelines been verified? "
Data Sample 2: Parent_ID
Need to check to see if the cell value starts with number.
Also, If it contains a special character ("_") if may have more than 1.
Display cell #1 = just the ID number containing the underscore(s).
Display cell #2 - Just the text right of the underscore. However, if the original cell only starts with Alpha characters then display the actual value. ie. Parent_Id
Strip off any erroneous underscores left hanging.
Expected results:
Cell #:
"3851v61_18.005" (ID Number portion of the Text)
"Have the anchors for all suspended scaffolding system suspension lines and separate vertical lifelines been verified?
This is what I have so far: (If it does not start with a number, then return the value of the cell, else continue with the equation)
`=`IF(NUMBERVALUE(LEFT(C321,1))>=1,IFERROR(LEFT(C321, FIND("_",C321)-1), C321),FALSE)`
=IFERROR(RIGHT(C321,LEN(C321)-FIND("_",C321)), C321)`
If the Underscore count is more than one need to include it in the entire number and strip off the text after the last underscore in Cell 1. At the same for the right of the Underscore to display the text after underscore in Cell 2.
Thank you for any assistances offered.

I think I understand but am not 100% sure.
Try something like the below to get the full string (if it starts with something that isn't a number) or the string up to the last underscore (if it does start with a number):
LEFT($D1, FIND("!!!", SUBSTITUTE($D1, "_", "!!!",
LEN($D1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE($D1, "_", ""))))-1))
Then in a similar fashion try something like the below to get the full string (if it starts with something that isn't a number) or the string to right of the last underscore (if it does start with a number):
RIGHT($D1, LEN($D1)-FIND("!!!", SUBSTITUTE($D1, "_", "!!!",
LEN($D1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE($D1, "_", ""))))))
For example:


Excel Formula To Replicate Text To Column Functionality

I would like a formula in excel that does what Text To Columns does.
For example the following string in A1
" text with a comma, stays in one column",," keep starting blank text",1,2,3,"123"
Would be split into multiple cells like this...
The following LET Function allows you to split the text into columns based on the splitter character (in this instance a comma).
It ignores commas that are between quotes (the Delim argument - which has double quotes in it).
It does this by ensuring there is an even number of quotes before the splitter character.
NOTES,"Splits a string but also checks to see if the splitter is inside a delimiter. So will ignore a comma inside quotes.",
Splitter,",",Note2,"This is the character to split the string by",
Delim,"""",Note4,"This is the text delimiter it looks odd but it's just a double quote - change to "" if you don't want text delimitation",
SplitString,Splitter&RawString&Splitter,Note3,"Add the splitter to the start and the end to help create the array of split positions",
Seq,SEQUENCE(1,StringLength),Note5,"Get a sequence from 1 to the length of the split string",
Note6,"The below does the bulk of the work. It works out if we are at an odd or even point in terms of count of text delimiters up to the point in the sequence we are processing.",
Note7,"if we are at an even point and we have a delimiter then make a note of the sequence otherwise put a blank.",
PosArrayClean,FILTER(PosArray,PosArray<>""),Note8,"Clean blanks",
Breaking down each step in the LET formula:
Supply the raw string (from cell A1 in this case)
Set the splitter character - in this case a comma
Set the text delimiter - in this case double quotes (looks odd because it has to be as double double quotes - Delim,"""" )
IgnoreBlanks is an option to exclude blank cells in the output
CleanTextDelims will clean the TextDelimiter (Double quotes) from the start and end of the resultant string
Create a SplitString variable with the split character at the front and back.
Get the length of the string for ease of use
Get a sequence from 1 to the length of the string.
Get an array of the position of characters that are splitters with an even number of Text Delimiters to the left of that position in the string the posArray (splitter position array).
Clean the blanks to get the posArrayClean
Create a start and end array (start array ignores the last and end array ignores the first item in the PosArrayClean)
Get the array of strings/cells to output.
If the IgnoreBlanks is used then igore blank cells
If the CleanTextDelims option is set then strip off the Text Delim (double quotes) from the start and end of the resultant string.
If the TrimBlanks option is set then trim blank spaces off the start and end of the resulting strings.
Hopefully the notes explain clearly how this works and make it easy to modify.
If you want create a named Lambda to use you can use the following code to paste into the formula of a named range called SplitStringDelim (you can name it what you like of course). NB You can't have the line separators in this and I stripped the notes out of it.
=LAMBDA(StringRaw,SplitChar,DelimChar,IgnoreBlank,CleanTextDelim,TrimBlank, LET( RawString,StringRaw, Splitter,SplitChar, Delim,DelimChar, IgnoreBlanks,IgnoreBlank, CleanTextDelims,CleanTextDelim, TrimBlanks,TrimBlank, SplitString,Splitter&RawString&Splitter, StringLength,LEN(SplitString), Seq,SEQUENCE(1,StringLength), PosArray,IF(Seq=StringLength,Seq,IF(MOD(LEN(LEFT(SplitString,Seq))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(SplitString,Seq),Delim,"")),2)=0,IF(MID(SplitString,Seq,1)=Splitter,Seq,""),"")), PosArrayClean,FILTER(PosArray,PosArray<>""),Note8,"Clean blanks", StartArray,FILTER(PosArrayClean,PosArrayClean<>StringLength), EndArray,FILTER(PosArrayClean,PosArrayClean<>1), StringArray,MID(SplitString,StartArray+1,EndArray-StartArray-1), StringArrayB,IF(IgnoreBlanks,FILTER(StringArray,StringArray<>""),StringArray), StringArrayC,IF(CleanTextDelims,IF(LEFT(StringArrayB,1)=Delim,MID(StringArrayB,2,IF(RIGHT(StringArrayB,1)=Delim,LEN(StringArrayB)-2,LEN(StringArrayB))),StringArrayB),StringArrayB), IFERROR(IF(TrimBlanks,TRIM(StringArrayC),StringArrayC),"")))

Extracting barcode data using VBA

I need help. I developed an Excel sheet that as I scan an employee barcode it will extract the base-32 code information so I can get the employee ID number, first name and last name using different formulas. Excel Sheet
The only problem is the formulas to extract this data is different based on how the code starts out as seen in the Excel Sheet. I can use the IFS formula in Excel on O365 but all of our agencies use the standard desktop version of Excel.
My question; is there a way to code out in VBA that when an ID is scanned, regardless of what the scanned code starts with, that it will perform the needed formula to extract the three items I need which is ID, first name and last name? Below are the formulas I use:
Scan starting with "M"
Base-32 =MID(A2,2,7)
First Name =PROPER(MID(A2,17,20))
Last Name =PROPER(MID(A2,38,20))
Scan Starting with "N"
Base-32 =MID(A3,9,7)
First Name =PROPER(MID(A3,16,20))
Last Name =PROPER(MID(A3,36,26))
Scan Starting with "C"
Base -32 =MID(A4,8,7)
First Name =PROPER(MID(A4,15,20))
Last Name =PROPER(MID(A4,35,20))
The ID number for each of them is calculated the same (based on the cell the scan goes in to) using:
Thank you in advance to anyone that can help.
Not sure if this is exactly in line with your requirements, but the following UDF could be used to retrieve your data:
Function GetData(inp As String, grp As Long) As String
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Pattern = "^(?:M|N.{7}|C.{6})(.{7})\S*([A-Z][a-z]+)\s*(\S+)"
If .Test(inp) Then
GetData = .Execute(inp)(0).Submatches(grp - 1)
GetData = "No Data Found"
End If
End With
End Function
Here is an online demo how the pattern works. It would match:
^ - Start line anchor.
(?:M|N.{7}|C.{6}) - A non-capture group to either capture a literal 'M', or a literal 'N' followed by 7 characters other than newline, or a literal 'C' followed by 6 of those characters.
(.{7} - Then a 1st capture group of 7 characters to mimic the MID() functionality, capturing the Base-32 code.
\S* - 0+ (Greedy) non-whitespace characters, upto:
([A-Z][a-z]+) - A 2nd capture group to capture the lastname through a single uppercase alphachar and 1+ (Greedy) lowercase ones.
\s* - 0+ (Greedy) whitespace characters upto:
(\S+) - A 3rd capture group to catch the first name through 1+ (Greedy) non-whitespace characters.
You'd call this function in your sheet through =GetData(A1,1) to get the 'Base-32' code and use integer 2 to get the last name and a 3 to get the first name. I hope that helped a bit.

How/which formula to use, to show combine text results for false condition (for pending task reporting usage)?

Wanted to check if CONCATENATE is the one to use (not sure if my excel has TEXTJOIN), and how to show just the text that has empty value in the cells.
For example in my attachment below, I want the intended result shown like in B2 and B3, where the texts shown with delimiter, when the values are false (empty).
If I were to use CONCATENATE like in Row 10 and Row 11, it's rather manual and it only capture "positive values" as in non-blank cells.
Purpose: To show pending tasks (empty/blank status cells)
I would use TEXJOIN and FILTER if you have the newest version of Excel.
For example: =TEXTJOIN("/",1,FILTER($E$2:$I$2, ISBLANK(E3:I3)))
EDIT: For older versions, a temporary workaround is as follows:
make a temporary array the same size as your original dataframe where each value is determined by a formula such as =IF(ISBLANK(E3), E$2&"/","")
Use something like =LEFT(CONCAT(E15:J15), LEN(CONCAT(E15:J15))-1) to get the desired result (where E15:J15 is where I elected to store the first row of the temporary array created in step 1).
I am not sure of your Excel version, but I think this would work in older versions (formatted for readability - will work if you paste it directly into cell B2 and copy down):
=LEFT(CONCAT( INDEX( CHOOSE({1;2;3},$C$1:$H$1,{"/","/","/","/","/","/"},{"","","","","",""}),
INDEX( IF(ISBLANK(C2:H2),{1;2},{3;3}),
(COLUMN(A1:INDEX(1:1,,12))-1)/2+1 ),
(COLUMN(A1:INDEX(1:1,,12))-1)/2+1 ) ),
SUM(7*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1 )
As this is an array formula, you may have to enter it with CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER with an older version of Excel.
The stat labels must all have a length of 6 characters as shown in your post. If not, then they must at least have the same length and the last line SUM(7*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1 must be changed to replace the 7 with the string length + 1, e.g. a length of 9 would be SUM(10*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1.
If they don't have the same length, the LEFT( can be removed along with the SUM(10*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1) at the end. You will end up having a trailing / delimiter at the end. You could fix that for the case of stat F being the last part by changing {"/","/","/","/","/","/"} to {"/","/","/","/","/",""}, but the other cases would still have a trailing /. Another approach is much more complex, but the component SUM(10*ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1) could be shaped to identify what to cut off or maybe a helper column could be built - in any case, let's hope your situation is that the stat labels all have the same length.
The delimiter "/" can be changed, but must always be a single character. If not, then then last line must be changed to SUM( [label length + delimiter length] *ISBLANK(C2:H2))-1.
This formula is fixed to 6 stat columns. If you need for it to accommodate more, it is possible by extending the {"/","/","/","/","/","/"} and {"","","","","",""} (one element for each new column) and replacing every 12 with 2 times the number of columns. Also, obviously, the references $C$1:$H$1 and C1:H2 must be changed to read in your new columns.

Find specific characters and return the next value in the cell using Excel Formula

I am not sure where to begin with the formula as I have gotten myself so confused with everything. I have a cell the contains "PON " or "PON: " or "PON = " then the actual PON (Example: PON 123467) I want to formula to return 123467 in the cell.
Examples What I want returned
I have PON 123467 for shoes 123467
I have PON: 234567-AB for food 234567-AB
I have PON - 569874-Weird for accessories 569874-Weird
I have PON = DOG-564-987 for dog food DOG-564-987
I am currently using Excel 365
Filterxml() will give you best companion here in this case. Try-
=FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1," for","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[1]")," ","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[last()]")
Using FILTERXML, and testing for a substring following PON, you can try:
=FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A1)," ","</s><s>") & "</s></t>","//s[contains(.,'PON')]/following-sibling::*[string-length(.)>2][1]")
Note that FILTERXML solution will cause a PON that is solely numeric, but with a leading zero, to drop the leading zero. Unfortunately, the xPath implementation in that function does not include the string() function
If dropping the leading zero might be a problem, you can add a character to the node that will force the number to be seen as a string. In the modified formula below, I use the unicode zero-width space, but there are others you can use. Note that this will count as a character for the string=length function, so be sure to maintain the >2 parameter:
=FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A1)," ","</s><s>"&UNICHAR(8203)) & "</s></t>","//s[contains(.,'PON')]/following-sibling::*[string-length(.)>2][1]")
Because of the variablity in your data, that sometimes there are extraneous space-separated substrings between PON and your desired extract, the xpath:
locates the substring PON
returns all subsequent siblings that have a string-length of more than two (adjust if necessary)
returns the first sibling that meets that criterion.
You might try this formula.
=TRIM(LEFT(MID(A2,FIND(#{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},A2),100),FIND(" ",MID(A2,FIND(#{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},A2),100))))
It extracts the text between the first number and the first space following that number. The size of that extract is limited to 100 characters.

Remove next substring from charter on last position in Excel

I have Excel sheet which contains data similar to
oiui,ytfy,tydry - We also work in bla,bla,bla
i-hgsd,gsdf-hgd,sdgh,- We also work in xxx,yy,zzz
I want to remove all substring which is next to the character "-" only if it's in the last position.
Result should be like
ytfyt,tyfyt,ghfyt i-hgsd,gsdf-hgd,sdgh
I tried with =Substitute function but unable to replace data because of the last substring separated from "-" is not similar.
Going by your specifications, I would use two columns just so it's not a very long formula:
In B1:
This gets the position of the last - or the full text length.
Then in C1:
This checks if there's a , before the last -. If there is no ,, then the full text is taken.
EDIT: I only now noticed your edited comment. If it's just everything after - We, then I would use this:
