JS QUESTION: how can i make it so that when im detecting a word inside a string, i check standalone words like Hello - node.js

How do i check for the word "Hello" inside a string in an if statement but it should only detect if the word "Hello" is alone and not like "Helloo" or "HHello"

The easiest way to do such thing is to use regular expressions. By using regular expressions you can define a rule in order to validate a specific pattern.
Here is the rule for the pattern you required to be matched:
The word must contain the string "hello"
The string "hello" must be preceded by white-space, otherwise it must be the found at the beginning of the string to be matched.
The string "hello" must be followed by either a '.' or a white-space, Otherwise it must be found at the end of the string to be matched.
Here is a simple js code which implements the above rule:
let string = 'Hello, I am hello. Say me hello.';
const pattern = /(^|\s)hello(\s|.|$)/gi;
/*const pattern = /\bhello\b/ you can use this pattern, its easier*/
let matchResult = string.match(pattern);
In the above code I assumed that the pattern is not case sensitive. That is why I added case insensitive modifier ("i") after the pattern. I also added the global modifier ("g") to match all occurrence of the string "hello".
You can change the rule to whatever you want and update the regular expression to confirm to the new rule. For example you can allow for the string to be followed by "!". You can do that by simply adding "|!" after "$".
If you are new to regular expressions I suggest you to visit W3Schools reference:

One way to achieve this is by first replacing all the non alphabetic characters from string like hello, how are you #NatiG's answer will fail at this point, because the word hello is present with a leading , but no empty space. once all the special characters are removed you can simply split the string to array of words and filter 'hello' from there.
let text = "hello how are you doing today? Helloo HHello";
// Remove all non alphabetical charachters
text = text.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, '')
// Break the text string to words
const myArray = text.split(" ");
const found = myArray.filter((word) => word.toLowerCase() == 'hello')
// to check the array of found ```hellos```
//Get the found status
if(found.length > 0) {


Lua - match only words outside {} braces in string and replace or append the words with substring

I have various strings with forms similar to:
This is a sentence outside braces{sentence{} with some words. {This is a
sentence inside braces with some words.}{This is a second sentence
inside braces.} Maybe some more words here for another sentence.
With Lua, I want to only match specific words in the string which are outside the "{}" braces. For example, I might want to match the word "sentence" outside the braces but not the occurrences of "sentence" inside the braces. I want to only match the bolded occurrences of the word not the italicized ones.
How to do it?
EDIT: What if I want append or replace the matched words while keeping the substrings inside the braces intact?
Example: append "word" to sentence:
This is a sentenceword outside braces{sentence{} with some words. {This is a
sentence inside braces with some words.}{This is a second sentence
inside braces.} Maybe some more words here for another sentenceword.
The simplest way to do this would be to replace all the brackets with a zero length strings in a temporary variable which you can then use to search for whatever you like.
You can easily do this using Lua's pattern matching and the following simple gsub code:
local tempStr = startStr:gsub("{.-}","")
The .- is the part that makes it grab everything between the { and } and gsub then replaces it all with a blank string.
Edit: The issue with the above method, as DarkWiiPlayer has pointed out is that the first open brace mathces with the first close brace which is incorrect.
The way around that is to use balanced braces (%b) as DarkWiiPlayer has recommended in his answer, like so:
local tempStr = startStr:gsub("%b{}","")
local function weird_match(word, str)
return str:gsub("%b{}", ''):match(word)
Replace balanced pairs of { and } with the empty string
Find the desired pattern (word) in the resulting string
Return the matched word (or its captures, if it has any)

Apex - remove special characters from a string except for ''+"

In Apex, I want to remove all the special characters in a string except for "+". This string is actually a phone number. I have done the following.
String sampleText = '+44 597/58-31-30';
sampleText = sampleText.replaceAll('\\D','');
So, what it prints is 44597583130.
But I want to keep the sign + as it is represents 00.
Can someone help me with this ?
Possible solutions
String sampleText = '+44 597/58-31-30';
// exclude all characters which you want to keep
// list explicitly each char which must be replaced
System.debug(sampleText.replaceAll('/|-| ',''));
Output in both case will be the same
|DEBUG| +44597583130
|DEBUG| +44597583130
String sampleText = '+0032 +497/+59-31-40';

In Swift how to obtain the "invisible" escape characters in a string variable into another variable

In Swift I can create a String variable such as this:
let s = "Hello\nMy name is Jack!"
And if I use s, the output will be:
My name is Jack!
(because the \n is a linefeed)
But what if I want to programmatically obtain the raw characters in the s variable? As in if I want to actually do something like:
let sRaw = s.raw
I made the .raw up, but something like this. So that the literal value of sRaw would be:
Hello\nMy name is Jack!
and it would literally print the string, complete with literal "\n"
Thank you!
The newline is the "raw character" contained in the string.
How exactly you formed the string (in this case from a string literal with an escape sequence in source code) is not retained (it is only available in the source code, but not preserved in the resulting program). It would look exactly the same if you read it from a file, a database, the concatenation of multiple literals, a multi-line literal, a numeric escape sequence, etc.
If you want to print newline as \n you have to convert it back (by doing text replacement) -- but again, you don't know if the string was really created from such a literal.
You can do this with escaped characters such as \n:
let secondaryString = "really"
let s = "Hello\nMy name is \(secondaryString) Jack!"
let find = Character("\n")
let r = String(s.characters.split(find).joinWithSeparator(["\\","n"]))
print(r) // -> "Hello\nMy name is really Jack!"
However, once the string s is generated the \(secondaryString) has already been interpolated to "really" and there is no trace of it other than the replaced word. I suppose if you already know the interpolated string you could search for it and replace it with "\\(secondaryString)" to get the result you want. Otherwise it's gone.

AS3: Get all substrings from a string in a specified array

This is not a duplicate because all the other questions were not in AS3.
Here is my problem: I am trying to find some substrings that are in the "storage" string, that are in another string. I need to do this because my game server is sending the client random messages that contain on of the strings in the "storage" string. The strings sent from the server will always begin with: "AA_".
My code:
private var storage:String = AA_word1:AA_word2:AA_word3:AA_example1:AA_example2";
if(test.indexOf("AA_") >= 0) {
//i dont even know if this is right...
If there is a better way to do this, please let me know!
Why not just using String.split() :
var storage:String = 'AA_word1:AA_word2:AA_word3:AA_example1:AA_example2';
var a:Array = storage.split('AA_');
// gives : ,word1:,word2:,word3:,example1:,example2
// remove the 1st ","
trace(a); // gives : word1:,word2:,word3:,example1:,example2
Hope that can help.
Regular Expressions are the right tool for this job:
function splitStorage(storage: String){
var re: RegExp = /AA_([\w]+):?/gi;
// Execute the regexp until it
// stops returning results.
var strings = [];
var result: String;
while(result = re.exec(storage)){
return strings;
The important part of this is the regular expression itself: /AA_([\w]+):?/gi
This says find a match starting with AA_, followed by one-or-more alphanumeric characters (which we capture) ([\w]+), optionally followed by a colon.
The match is then made global and case insensitive with /gi.
If you need to capture more than just letters and numbers - like this: "AA_word1 has spaces and [special-characters]:" - then add those characters to the character set inside the capture group.
e.g. ([-,.\[\]\s\w]+) will also match hyphen, comma, full-stop, square brackets, whitespace and alphanumeric characters.
Also you could do it with just one line, with a more advanced regular expression:
var storage:String = 'AA_word1:AA_word2:AA_word3:AA_example1:AA_example2';
const a:Array = storage.match(/(?<=AA_)\w+(?=:|$)/g);
so this means: one or more word char, preceeded by "AA_" and followed by ":" or the end of string. (note that "AA_" and ":" won't be included into the resulting match)

How do I remove lines from a string begins with specific string in Lua?

How do I remove lines from a string begins with another string in Lua ? For instance i want to remove all line from string result begins with the word <Table. This is the code I've written so far:
for line in result:gmatch"<Table [^\n]*" do line = "" end
string.gmtach is used to get all occurrences of a pattern. For replacing certain pattern, you need to use string.gsub.
Another problem is your pattern <Table [^\n]* will match all line containing the word <Table, not just begins with it.
Lua pattern doesn't support beginning of line anchor, this almost works:
local str = result:gsub("\n<Table [^\n]*", "")
except that it will miss on the first line. My solution is using a second run to test the first line:
local str1 = result:gsub("\n<Table [^\n]*", "")
local str2 = str1:gsub("^<Table [^\n]*\n", "")
The LPEG library is perfect
for this kind of task.
Just write a function to create custom line strippers:
local mk_striplines
local lpeg = require "lpeg"
local P = lpeg.P
local Cs = lpeg.Cs
local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
local eol = P"\n\r" + P"\r\n" + P"\n" + P"\t"
local eof = P(-1)
local linerest = (1 - eol)^1 * (eol + eof) + eol
mk_striplines = function (pat)
pat = P (pat)
local matchline = pat * linerest
local striplines = Cs (((matchline / "") + linerest)^1)
return function (str)
return lpegmatch (striplines, str)
Note that the argument to mk_striplines() may be a string or a
Thus the result is very flexible:
mk_striplines (P"<Table" + P"</Table>") would create a stripper
that drops lines with two different patterns.
mk_striplines (P"x" * P"y"^0) drops each line starting with an
x followed by any number of y’s -- you get the idea.
Usage example:
local linestripper = mk_striplines "foo"
local test = [[
foo lorem ipsum
bar baz
foo bar
print (linestripper (test))
The other answers provide good solutions to actually stripping lines from a string, but don't address why your code is failing to do that.
Reformatting for clarity, you wrote:
for line in result:gmatch"<Table [^\n]*" do
line = ""
The first part is a reasonable way to iterate over result and extract all spans of text that begin with <Table and continue up to but not including the next newline character. The iterator returned by gmatch returns a copy of the matching text on each call, and the local variable line holds that copy for the body of the for loop.
Since the matching text is copied to line, changes made to line are not and cannot modifying the actual text stored in result.
This is due to a more fundamental property of Lua strings. All strings in Lua are immutable. Once stored, they cannot be changed. Variables holding strings are actually holding a pointer into the internal table of reference counted immutable strings, which permits only two operations: internalization of a new string, and deletion of an internalized string with no remaining references.
So any approach to editing the content of the string stored in result is going to require the creation of an entirely new string. Where string.gmatch provides an iteration over the content but cannot allow it to be changed, string.gsub provides for creation of a new string where all text matching a pattern has been replaced by something new. But even string.gsub is not changing the immutable source text; it is creating a new immutable string that is a copy of the old with substitutions made.
Using gsub could be as simple as this:
result = result:gsub("<Table [^\n]*", "")
but that will disclose other defects in the pattern itself. First, and most obviously, nothing requires that the pattern match at only the beginning of the line. Second, the pattern does not include the newline, so it will leave the line present but empty.
All of that can be refined by careful and clever use of the pattern library. But it doesn't change the fact that you are starting with XML text and are not handling it with XML aware tools. In that case, any approach based on pattern matching or even regular expressions is likely to end in tears.
result = result:gsub('%f[^\n%z]<Table [^\n]*', '')
The start of this pattern, '%f[^\n%z], is a frontier pattern which will match any transition from either a newline or zero character to another character, and for frontier patterns the pre-first character counts as a zero character. In other words, using that prefix allows the rest of the pattern to match at either the first line or any other start-of-line.
Reference: the Lua 5.3 manual, section 6.4.1 on string patterns
