Is it possible to extend gVim's SignColumn into empty lines? - vim

For purely aesthetics reasons I want to extend the signcolumn all the way to the end of the file without making new lines. Is it possible?

No, what you want is not possible.
Like line numbers and fold indicators, signs are placed on lines. There is no line, there, therefore there can be no sign, therefore there can be no sign column.


How to highlight in Vim sequences of two symbols?

For more comfortable work with YAML/Ansible I wanna highlight pairs of spaces with different colors in a row.
For example where we write " - name" (six spaces here in the beginning of string) first pair of spaces will be yellow, next two will be red and so on.
But I can't understand how to write it in my .vimrc. Someone can help?
These aren’t exactly the two-space highlighting your looking for, but vim-indent-guides and indentLine both can get you the essential feature of highlighting columns of indent.
The alternative I think would be to create n match groups where group i matches 2 spaces (after the first 2(i-1) spaces), and then color those differently.

Vim colorcolumn interrupted when using wrap

When using set colorcolumn=80 in conjunction with set wrap, the colored vertical column is interrupted, since wrapped lines are still considered as one single line. I think a solution might be to highlight columns 160, 240, ... as well, but I don't know enough Vimscript to implement this.
Please have a look at the following .gif animation to see what I mean:
Is it possible to display the colorcolumn as a continuous vertical bar?
It doesn't appear that vim provides a way of doing this by default. However,
the colorcolumn option allows you to specify more than one column to highlight. (in a comma seperated list) So I think this should do what you want:
set colorcolumn=80,160,240

Placing characters at a specific column in vi

Is there a way to place a character at a specific line in vim, even if the line is short?
For example, I'm contributing to a project which has a comment block style which is 79 columns wide, with a comment character at either end e.g.
! Comment !
! More Comment !
but it's really annoying to space over to it, even with guessing large numbers (35i< SPACE>< ESC>)
Is there a simple command which will do this for me, or a macro or something I could write?
set ve=all
then you could move (h,j,k,l) to anywhere you want. no matter how short your line is.
there are 4 options block, all, insert, onemore for details:
check :h virtualedit
in this way, after you typed short comment, then type <ESC>080l to go to the right place to the tailing !
you can map it too, if it is often used
then it works like this:
Put this in your .vimrc file and restart vim:
inoremap <F1> <C-r>=repeat(' ', 79-virtcol('.'))<CR>!<CR>
With this just press F1 (or whatever key you map) in insert mode after entering comment text to automatically pad with spaces and insert a ! in column 79.
Another simple way is to keep an empty comment box of the correct size somewhere, yank/paste it where needed and just Replace the spaces in it with your comment each time.
If you want to reformat a box that is too short, one way is to start from the comment in your example, make a Visual Block (Ctrl+v) selecting the single column just to the left of its right-hand edge, yank it (y), then repeatedly paste it (p). This will successively move the entire right-hand side of the comment one step, extending the box rightward. Repeat until it has the desired length.
If you already entered the comment text, you can use a macro to add the right-hand ! mark at the correct place. For example, record a macro (qa) that appends more characters than are needed for any line (e.g. 80ASpaceEsc), then use the goto column (|) to go to the correct place (79|) and replace the excess characters from there (C!Esc), then move down one line (j), and stop recording (q). Repeating this macro (#a) then "fixes" each line in turn and moves to the next. In total: qa80A<space><esc>79|C!<esc>jq and then #a whenever needed. Sounds complex but is convenient once you have it.
There are certainly good answers here already, particularly the virtualedit answer. However, I don't see the method which seems most intuitive to me. I would create an empty line for the last row of the comment which is just surrounded by the exclamation points. Then I would yank and paste a new copy of the empty line, go to the old empty line and go to the point at which I want to edit and use overstrike mode (R) to add my text without affecting the placement of the ending exclamation point.
Sometimes the simplest methods, while slightly more clunky, are the easiest to use and remember.
I usually just copy and paste an existing line in the comment block (or copy one from another file) and then modify it. If the text you're replacing is about the same size as what you want to write (e.g., if you're changing the author's name), you probably only need to add or delete a few spaces to make everything line up. It's a lot less painful than spacing out to the desired width.
If you ever have a block that gets too long this way, a neat trick is to place the cursor on the 79th column and press dw. That will clear all spaces up to the ! at the end.
My AlignFromCursor plugin offers commands and mappings that align only the text to the right of the cursor, and keep the text to the left unmodified. So, with the cursor in the whitespace left of the trailing !, you can align it with <Leader>ri.

Vim equivalent of Emacs' open-rectangle

Emacs has a function called open-rectangle, which allows you to select a rectangular region (i.e. Vim's visual block mode), then hit a key combination to fill that rectangle with spaces, pushing any existing content out to the right:
This is really useful when working with vertically-aligned columns of text. I feel like I should be able to do this easily in Vim too, using visual block + a search & replace. But I can't seem to figure out why my search & replace isn't bound to my rectangle when I try it.
:'<,'>s/\^/ /
This actually indents the whole line, instead of opening up this selected region. I've tried replacing:
:'<,'>s/\v(.*)/ \1/
But that has the same effect. How can I get my pattern to understand that I only want to replace each line in the selected block with spaces + the selected area? Simple replacements like just changing letters work, but using ^ or .* doesn't work the way I'd expect.
I am aware of the ability to hit "I" and insert some spaces the drop back into normal mode, but that is harder to judge when you're indenting by a large amount, over many lines.
How about:
This yanks the block and pastes it to duplicate it, then re-selects the original block and replaces it with spaces.
Another way:
Visual-block select only one column.
Hit nI<Space><Esc> with n being the number of blank columns you want.
As a variation on romainl's answer, I have this:
vnoremap <C-Space> I<Space><Esc>gv
It allows both insertion of n spaces at once via a prepended count, and iterative adding of columns by repeated application of the mapping.

Replace colon with tab to make columns

I have word lists where the word or expression in Spanish is separated by its translation with a colon (":"). I want to make two columns, one for Spanish, the other for English. In vim I tried with
But it does not give the desired output. The different columns are not aligned.
When deleting the colon by hand and inserting the number of tabs with the same amount of tab strokes, it always ends up aligned.
Any idea how to solve this, preferably in vim?
On a Linux/*nix system I use column(1)
:%!column -s':' -t
followed by
I'd probable do a
followed by a
:set ts=25
Where 25 is the length of the longest word expected + 2. So, if you expect the longest word of your input (on the left side of the colon) to be 12 characters, I'd choose something around 14 instead.
With Tabular.vim it's quite easy, just type :Tab /:\zs and it does the rest.
When in insert mode a setting of yours makes tab to reach a nth column. This is set with the 'softtabstop' settings if I am right.
For those tasks you could use a plugin like Align.vim or Tabularize.
Another option is to insert a huge number of spaces, and then use Visual Block with < operator as many times as necessary, if you have to do it once. Otherwise prefer reusable methods.
