Azure APIM Premium - Number of requests can handle - azure

We are building an Ecom app which will relay on Azure APIM, we expect 66.5 million requests per day. In a pick hours, it would be 10 million requests. Can Azure APIM Premium handle such a load? At present we have 8 scale units, is that sufficient?

According to the docs the estimated maximum throughput is 4000 rps. If you have 8 scale units the estimated maximum throughput is
32.000 rps
1.9m rpm
115.2 rph
You can have up to 12 scale units so you should be safe to handle such a load. (You can call to have > 12 scale units if needed)


Azure Batch Pricing for scaling up and down within an hour

What is the pricing model when autoscaling an Azure Batch cluster up and down within the same hour?
For instance if a vm costs $x per hour and I scale my cluster up to 10 vms, then down to 0, then up to 12 within 1 hour, how many vms do I get charged for?
To my understanding of Azure VM pricing, pricing is listed by the hour, but billing occurs by the minute - rounded down, so 52:43 of usage would be billed as 52 minutes, so your cost for that machine would be:
VM hourly cost * number of VMs for a given period * number of minutes used in that period / 60
In your case, you scale up to 10 VMs, you need to establish how long you're at that level. Then, how long are you at 12 VMs? Apply the formula above each time and add.

Azure Web App: Why is premium cheaper than standard

Below is a suggestions on scaling up my Azure Web App, Azure gives me.
I don't really understand, why Premium is cheaper than Standard, if it has more ACU, as well as the premium benefits. The machines are currently nearly idle, but I dont think this makes a differnece in that calculation.
200 total ACU
3.5 GB memory
A-Series compute equivalent
116.97 EUR/Month (Estimated)
210 total ACU
3.5 GB memory
Dv2-Series compute equivalent
70.80 EUR/Month (Estimated)
400 total ACU
7 GB memory
A-Series compute equivalent
233.93 EUR/Month (Estimated)
420 total ACU
7 GB memory
Dv2-Series compute equivalent
142.21 EUR/Month (Estimated)
Under normal circumstances, the price of scale up my Azure Web App can be calculated.
On calculator(P2V3).
On portal(P2V3).
On calculator(S3).
The price calculated through the Azure Calculator should not appear as you said, but the actual price is related to the subscription, so the benefits you enjoy will be different.
My subscription is not pay as you go type, so there will be different degrees of discount. Under normal circumstances, prices are calculated through the azure calculator. The actual payment is based on the price you see on the portal (may be related to subscription, enjoy different discounts).

What is max throughput and message rate a message unit can support in Azure Service Bus

I am trying to do cost calculation for the azure service bus premium tier. I could not found the answer to the following simple questions
What max message rate a single message unit can support
What max throughput(data size/sec) a single message unit can support
Service bus premium messaging does not impose message limit in terms of number in that way (except 1 message can be of max 1 MB, and queue/topic max size 80 GB). It acts more like a compute resource. Based on metrics, you should decide on scale up/down or use auto-scaling feature it has.
There are a number of factors to take into consideration when deciding
the number of messaging units for your architecture:
Start with 1 or 2 messaging units allocated to your namespace.
Study the CPU usage metrics within the Resource usage metrics for your namespace.
If CPU usage is below 20%, you might be able to scale down the number of messaging units allocated to your namespace.
If CPU usage is above 70%, your application will benefit from scaling up the number of messaging units allocated to your namespace.
To learn how to configure a Service Bus namespace to automatically
scale (increase or decrease messaging units), see Automatically
update messaging units.
For more details, refer this and this.

Azure blob storage throttling

We are trying to move some data from one of our blob storage accounts and we are getting throttled.
Initially, we were getting 9gbps but soon after we got throttled down to 1.1gbps.
We also started receiving errors saying that Azure forcibly closed the connection and we were getting network timeouts.
Has anyone experienced this or have any knowledge around increasing limits?
According to the offical document Storage limits of Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints, there are some limits about your scenario which can not around as below.
Maximum request rate1 per storage account: 20,000 requests per second
Max egress:
for general-purpose v2 and Blob storage accounts (all regions): 50 Gbps
for general-purpose v1 storage accounts (US regions): 20 Gbps if RA-GRS/GRS enabled, 30 Gbps for LRS/ZRS 2
for general-purpose v1 storage accounts (Non-US regions): 10 Gbps if RA-GRS/GRS enabled, 15 Gbps for LRS/ZRS 2
Target throughput for single blob: Up to 60 MiB per second, or up to 500 requests per second
Considering for download data to local environment, except your network bandwidth and stablity, you have to compute the max concurrent number of requests per blob not over 500 and the total number of all requests not over 20,000 if you want to move data programmatically. So it's the key point for high concurrency controll.
If just move data inside Azure or not by programming, the best way is to use the offical transfer data tool AzCopy(for Windows or Linux) and Azure Data Factory. Then you will not need to consider for these limits and just wait for the move progress done.
Any concern, please feel free to let me know.

Azure: What exactly does "limit" mean?

I already asked my question here in the comments, but I didn't received an answer - maybe because this blog is old & not many read it.
We have a Visual Studio Premium with MSDN - subscription.
Can someone answer?
The actual question:
Is limit = fixed billing? I have a limit of 350 cores: Is there a difference in billing if I use 1 core or 350 cores?
Question 2: Why is in the limit overview no WebApp or SQL DB limit? Can I create unlimited amount of it? But then I have to pay for each one I create?
Is limit = fixed billing?
No, limit is not equal to fixed billing. Billing is based on the consumption while the limit defines the quota.
To take your example, you have a limit of 350 cores. What that means is that you can consume up to 350 cores in your subscription. You will be billed for the number of cores you consume (e.g. if you consume 10 cores, you will be billed for 10 cores only).
When it comes to limits, there are soft limits and there are hard limits. Soft limits are the default limits on your subscription when you sign up for an Azure Subscription. You can get the soft limits increased by contacting support. Hard limits are the limits in your Azure Subscription that you can't exceed. For example, currently there's a hard limit of 100 storage accounts per subscription. You can't go beyond those 100 storage accounts. If you need more storage accounts, then you would have to purchase a new subscription.
