Here is my code :
locals {
meta = "{\"ABC\":${var.value1},\"XYZ\":${var.value2}}"
variable value1 {
default = ""
variable value2 {
default = ""
I get unwanted backslashes in the output
output must be the following:
Your local.meta should be:
locals {
meta = {ABC = var.value1, XYZ = var.value2}
I want to create a variable 'blueprint' and instantiate it several times. How do I achieve this?
Example :
In the I declare resources that use variables,
In module I want this sample variable
variable "project_info" {
type = object({
name = string
id = string
In variables.tfvars I want this (Kind of)
project_1_info = {
name = "prj-1"
id = "prj-1-192388"
project_2_info = {
name = "prj-2"
id = "prj-2-120917"
At the moment, what I declare in the module is the following :
variable "project_1_info" {
type = object({
name = string
id = string
variable "project_2_info" {
type = object({
name = string
id = string
Which I find quite repetitive by duplicating declarations, makes maintenance and readability worse.
Any suggestions? Can this even be achieved with HCL?
Usually you would use map for that:
variable "project" {
type = map(object({
name = string
id = string
with a value:
project = {
project1name = {
name = "prj-1"
id = "prj-1-192388"
project2name = {
name = "prj-2"
id = "prj-2-192388"
project3name = {
name = "prj-3"
id = "prj-3-192388"
I'm trying to get multiple values out of an 'any' type variable. I'm new to terraform and open to recommendations. Specifically for this example, I'd like to know how I can output the 'bucket_name' value in my outputs.
variable "replica_config" {
type = any
default = {
role = "role_name"
rules = [
id = "full-s3-replication"
status = true
priority = 10
delete_marker_replication = false
destination = {
bucket = "bucket_name"
storage_class = "STANDARD"
replica_kms_key_id = "key_id"
account_id = "account_id"
replication_time = {
status = "Enabled"
minutes = 15
Current Output:
output "output4" {
value = flatten(var.replica_config["rules"])
Since you you have a list for rules, you can use a splat expression as such:
output "output4" {
value = var.replica_config.rules[*].destination.bucket
Keep in mind, the output of this expression will also be a list. If you want a single item instead of a list, you can use an index.
For example:
output "output4" {
value = var.replica_config.rules[0].destination.bucket
I'm trying out the new for_each function on a module, which itself outputs some values that I need to pass into another resource.
module "vnets" {
source = "../caf-virtual-network"
for_each = var.vnet_list
diagnostics_map = local.diagnostics_map
location = var.ARM_LOCATION
netwatcher = local.netwatcher
networking_object = each.value
tags = var.global_settings.tags
virtual_network_rg = "${module.names.standard["resource-group"]}-${each.value.vnet.resource_group_name}"
depends_on = [
I can grab the output of the module for one or more of those objects by specifying something like this
output "subnets" { value = module.vnets["vnet_shared_services_object"].vnet_subnets } , which in turn looks like this:
"vnet_shared_services_object" = {
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory"
Here I'm specifying the output of ONE object, but I want to dynamically specify the output of both objects in one hit.
So I want this;
"vnet_shared_services_object" = {
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory"
"vnet_transit_object" = {
"AzureFirewallSubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/AzureFirewallSubnet"
"GatewaySubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/GatewaySubnet"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns"
...output to look like this:
subnets = {
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory"
"AzureFirewallSubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/AzureFirewallSubnet"
"GatewaySubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/GatewaySubnet"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns"
So i know doing the following will work, but the point i'm trying to make is that i don't know how many vnet modules i'm going to produce, and thus i need to make this dynamic:
output merge{
value = merge({
for key, value in module.vnets["vnet_shared_services_object"].vnet_subnets:
key => value
for key, value in module.vnets["vnet_transit_object"].vnet_subnets:
key => value
Using the guide on Terraform to flatten ( the output object works, but it's not how i wish for it to be:
output stuff {
value = flatten([
for key, value in module.vnets: [
for subnet, id in value.vnet_subnets: {
"${subnet}" = id
...which equats to:
stuff = [
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/rg-dev-uks-asdf-vnet-shared-services/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/rg-dev-uks-asdf-vnet-shared-services/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory"
...and so on
an FYI, this does not help me :(
output {
value = merge(
for key, value in module.vnets:
key => value.vnets_subnets
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
I'm not sure if I correctly understand the input maps, but I tried to replicate the issue creating some mock variables.
For that I created the following variables:
variable "vnets" {
default = {
"vnet_shared_services_object" = {
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory"
variable "vnet_subnets" {
default = {
"vnet_transit_object" = {
"AzureFirewallSubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/AzureFirewallSubnet"
"GatewaySubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/GatewaySubnet"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns"
Then the output was defiend as:
output stuff {
value = {for k,v in flatten([
for key, value in merge(var.vnets, var.vnet_subnets):
[for subkey1, subval1 in value: {"${subkey1}" = subval1}]
]): keys(v)[0] => values(v)[0]}
which resulted in:
stuff = {
"AzureFirewallSubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/AzureFirewallSubnet"
"GatewaySubnet" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/GatewaySubnet"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-app-dynamic"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/asdf/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-shared-services/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-artifactory"
"sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns" = "/subscriptions/asdf/resourceGroups/qwer/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-dev-uks-asdf-transit/subnets/sn-dev-uks-asdf-bind-dns"
A colleague was able to answer this question with the following code:
locals {
subnet_list = {
for key, value in module.vnets:
key => value.vnet_subnets
subnet_map = merge(values(local.subnet_list)...)
it is the ... operator which is the key takeaway from this. you can look it up here;
... will expand a list of items to function parameters, hence you can call merge to merge a list of map
I've got an ever changing list of objects as variable and wanted to know how to properly describe its type
variable "lifecycle_rules" {
type = set(object({
# set(object({
# action = map(string)
# condition = map(string)
# }))
default = [
first = [
condition = {
age = "1"
action = {
type = "Delete"
condition = {
age = "2"
action = {
type = "Delete"
second = [
condition = {
age = "3"
action = {
type = "Delete"
condition = {
age = "4"
action = {
type = "Delete"
Here should be line with smth like this string = set(object({...
the first and second are always changing, so key value should be
string but can't really set it - any other thoguhts, how to write
type for the default below ?
You are almost there. I think the correct one is:
type = set(
object({condition = map(string),
action = map(string)})
In the map you don't specify attributes, as they can be different. In the most inner one you have object as condition and action are constant.
I have a Terraform module that having a map of locals like this...
locals {
prod_cidrs = {
xxx = "XX.XX.XX.XX/DV"
yyy = "YY.YY.YY.YY/DV"
zzz = "ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ/DV"
dev_cidrs = {
xxx = "XX.XX.XX.XX/PD"
yyy = "YY.YY.YY.YY/PD"
zzz = "ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ/PD"
...provide some outputs like...
output "prod_cidrs" {
value = local.prod_cidrs
output "dev_cidrs" {
value = local.dev_cidrs
so consumers can fetch (that will be or "XX.XX.XX.XX/DV") or module.my_module.prod_cidrs.yyy (that will be or "YY.YY.YY.YY/PD") among the rest of combinations.
Now I want to provide an additional output that gives my consumer the ability of fetching all prod or dev CIDRs as a list at once, so the result will be, for prod_cidrs for example:
How can I achieve this without modifying the my current locals?
If you look at the module.my_module.dev_cidrs output directly you will see that it's a map which is what allows you to select to use the xxx key and return its value.
If you want the list of values of prod_cidrs then you can just use the values function.
The callers of your module could do this themselves like this:
module "foo" {
source = "./module"
output "dev_x" {
value =
output "all_prod_map" {
value =
output "all_prod_list" {
value = values(
Or you could add an extra output to your module:
locals {
prod_cidrs = {
xxx = "XX.XX.XX.XX/DV"
yyy = "YY.YY.YY.YY/DV"
zzz = "ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ/DV"
dev_cidrs = {
xxx = "XX.XX.XX.XX/PD"
yyy = "YY.YY.YY.YY/PD"
zzz = "ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ/PD"
output "prod_cidrs" {
value = local.prod_cidrs
output "dev_cidrs" {
value = local.dev_cidrs
output "all_prod_cidrs" {
value = values(local.prod_cidrs)
and they can then use it as