Combining IF and MAX - excel

Please look at the formula below. Right now, depending on the dates the end user enters in C4 or C6, the result could come back negative, but I'd like for it to say "if negative, then 0%".
I've never been one for Nested If statements as they just seem to never work quite as well as they should and break pretty easy. I was wondering if anyone had any better ideas on how to keep this formula but maybe add MAX to it? Or maybe see if there's just a better way overall to do it?
The IF statement is basically saying "if these other cells are filled out (D column), then use those dates, if not, use the first dates (C column)."
Using Office 365.
Thanks for any help!

You can just wrap the IF function in MAX. Essentially just return either the calculation or 0, whichever is higher.


EXCEL Averaging with multiple Criteria

I have tried 2 approaches to my problem and can't quite figure out where I'm going wrong.
Basically I need to start with CONSIGNEE!A2, then find it's match in CALC!C:C, which I then need to check against CALC!A:A to find the ones that go with it in the same row and see if that/those cell(s) match any in CALC!K:K and then take the average of the corresponding values in CALC!L:L and average them. I hope that makes sense. I feel like I've gotten close but am missing something.
Thank you in advance for your help!
I suspect that the formula below may not be the most efficient possible but it will do the job.
In my original answer a reference to L1 was erroneously left over from the formula I tested where I had L1 taking the place of CONSIGNEE!A2. I have corrected this error and believe that the formula works fine for your requirement now.
Note that there are two separate SUMPRODUCT functions which you can test each by itself, one returning the count, the other the sum. If the count = 0 a #DIV/0 error will occur. You can prevent that by embedding the formula in and IFERROR() function.

Excel MAX/MIN but only if opposing cell is greater than 0

I've found similar examples through searching but I can't find anything that matches the issue that I have...
I have a table which shows parts received/rejected, I wish to see the maximum days early/late (I'll only need help with one as the other I can then do!)
- but there are dummy orders which I wish to ignore (they show a received/reject of 0).
Here is example data from the 'AnnualDump' sheet:
My current calculation is
[Column H is Received/Rejected and G is VarianceDays]
This simply looks at if there is any data on the sheet before running the calculation, which is fantastic for 95% of the time... but I want to ignore any values that have a received/rejected of 0...
I want it to show 29, but it's showing 30 in this instance as it's not ignoring 0qty lines.
I've tried adding another IF statement but it didn't work :/
Completely stuck now and not sure what the next step to try is...
I can do it if I cheat (call both columns to another sheet, turn text white, use an 'IF cell greater than x, then value' to compare the whole lot and then min/max that third column) but I'm trying to avoid that!
Any pointers or help will be greatly appreciated (complete VBA noob in excel so I'd like to avoid that if possible).
Try this array formula. Confirm with Ctrl, Shift and Enter and curly brackets will appear round the formula.
I would strongly suggest you don't use full column references though as these formulae are rather resource-intensive.

Shortening COUNTIF formulas in Excel

I'm not sure if this is a duplicate question, I've tried looking around but I don't see any duplicates. Pardon me if I'm wrong.
I've got a simple formula that I stacked many times to give me my end result, but I feel like it's too long.
I have 2 questions:
1) What can I do to shorten this super-long mess of a formula I've come up with; and
2) Is there a better way to do it?
I need someone to at least point me in the right direction to get started.
This is the formula: =IF((COUNTIF(B1:B10,"VC1"))=1,IF((COUNTIF(B1:B10,"VC2"))=1,IF((COUNTIF(B1:B10,"VC3"))=1,IF((COUNTIF(B1:B10,"VCG1"))=1,IF((COUNTIF(B1:B10,"VCG2"))=1,IF((COUNTIF(B1:B10,"X"))=1,IF((COUNTIF(B1:B10,"XM"))=1,IF((COUNTIF(B1:B10,"XG"))=1,IF((COUNTIF(B1:B10,"P"))=2,"10","P"),"XG"),"XM"),"X"),"VCG2"),"VCG1"),"VC3"),"VC2"),"VC1")
Basically, I have text in cells B1 to B10, each with unique values.
In case it's needed, the values are (not in order): X, XM, XG, VCG1, VC1, VC2, VC3, VCG2, P, P.
A different cell will have the formula that I mentioned, to ensure that each cell has a very specific text defined, or else it'll show an error message.
Because of this, I also have another question:
3) What can I do to make it such that I can search (or COUNTIF) all the values from B1 to B10, and make sure that there's an exact number of values with very specific texts inside, without it going in order of the formula?
To explain this further, the formula does an IF, then a COUNTIF. If the COUNTIF succeeds, it will move on to the next COUNTIF inside the value for the result. Because of this, I can't print multiple "errors" at once, and it goes for each "error" one by one, which can be confusing to the end user.
It might be something else than what you want, but what if you use something like this?
it would create a string of zeroes and ones (false and true) and from this you would be able to identify if something is wrong and even how many errors occured and why.

Excel: parse text as formula

I would like to have part of an excel formula be dynamic, other than a cell reference.
For instance, suppose that in column A (cells A1:A99) I have a bunch of numbers, and I want to know how many of those numbers are greater than 50.
If I wanted this calculation to be static, I could simply use one of the following:
I mention all three because my actual formula is hairy and a bit of a mix of the second and the third. (After all, perhaps something will work with COUNTIF but not with the others.)
Now, I want to be able to type my condition in another cell (say C1). So if I type ">50" in C1, my calculation will be as above, but if I type "<100" I will count how many entries of column A are less than 100.
Is this possible? (I am using Excel 2003 on Windows XP.)
There may be something that I'm missing.
If you give
in any cell, and then in cell C1 you type >50 or <100
don't you get what you want?
is same as
But, as you identified, the former, you can generate within the excel cells! I do it all the time, for such things.
I usually solve this by adding another column carrying the result of a complex logical expression, like
this formula is in all rows of -say- column F - note: no IF needed here!
then I calculate a complex conditional sum across column E using =SUMIF() like
I know that some users say "I do not want to change my design. That's ok; my argument is that I have better control over the condition, I can work on the condition seperately from summing up or other functions that rely on that condition, and I can filter records for TRUE or FALSE to look at the subsets and have a rapid overview if the formula makes sense
hope that helps Good luck MikeD

Trying to improve efficiency of array formula

I have a SUM array formula that has multiple nested IF statements, making it very inefficient. My formula spans over 500 rows, but here is a simple version of it:
As you can see, the first half of the formula checks where the array is greater than zero, and if they are, it sums those in the second part of the formula.
You will notice that the same IF statement is repeated in there twice, which to me is inefficient, but is the only way I could get the correct answer.
The example data I have is as follows:
Sample Data in spreadsheet
The answer should be 350 in this instance using the formula I mentioned above.
If I tried to put in a MAX statement within the array, therefore removing the test to find where it was greater than zero, so it was like this:
However, it seems like it only calculates the first row of data in each range, and it gave me the wrong answer of 70.
Does anyone know a away that I can reduce the size of the formula or make it more efficient by not needing to repeat an IF statement in there?
The MAX formula you suggested didnt actually work for all scenarios.
If i changed my sample data in rows 1 to 5 as below (showing that some of the numbers are greater than their respective cells in rows 7 to 11, while some of the numbers are lower)
Sample Data in spreadsheet
The correct answer im trying to achive is 310, however you suggested MAX formula gives an incorrect answer of 275.
Im guessing the formula needs to be an array function to give the correct answer.
Any other suggestions?
=MAX( MAX( sum(A1:A5), sum(A7:A11) ) - sum(A13:A17), 0)
A more calculation-efficient (and especially re-calculation efficient) way is to use helper columns instead of array formulae:
C1: =MAX(A1,A7)-A13
D1: =IF(C1>0,C1,0)
copy both these down 5 rows
E1: =SUM(D1:D5)
Excel will then only recalculate the formulae dependent on any changed value, rather than having to calculate all the virtual columns implied by the array formula every time any single number changes. And its doing less calculations even if you change all the numbers.
You may want to look into the VB Macro editor. In the Tools Menu, go to Macros and select Visual basic Editor. This gives a whole programming environment where you can write your own function.
VB is a simple programming language and google has all the guidebooks you need.
There, you can write a function like MySum() and have it do whatever math you really need it to, in a clear way written by yourself.
I pulled this off google, and it looks like a good guide to setting this all up.
This seems to work:
- doesn't handle cases where subtraction ends up negative
This works - but is it more efficient???
What about this?
=MAX(SUM(IF(A1:A5>A7:A11, A1:A5, A7:A11))-SUM(A13:A17), 0)
Woops - Missed the throwing out negatives part. What about this? Not sure it it's faster...
Edit 2:
How does this perform for you?
