Get sharepoint metadata inside cells in Excel - excel

I have a document library in Sharepoint with a lot of custom columns. Some are choices and managed metadata and text. In Word I can use quickparts for viewing the metadata from Sharepoint. But how can we do this in Excel? Quickparts is not available in Excel. I can see all the data coming from Sharepoint in Excel via File -> Info -> Properties -> Show all properties.
But I want to get those properties and put them in cells in the workbook

Excel no longer supports this. It used to, with Excel Services and SharePoint on premises, but it no longer supports this online.
You can edit the properties in Backstage, but none of the tricks with named ranges and linked custom fields that you can see for earlier versions, work any more to link metadata values with Excel cells.
Don't shoot the messenger.


Create Excel metadata using VBA to filter in sharepoint

I am trying to use metadata from an Excel file to use for filtering in our sharepoint libraby.
The excel file already contains dropdown menus to pick certain values from, which are then used to create a very lengthy filename. However for our new sharepoint libraby I would like to move those to metadata, so it can be made visible in sharepoint columns and users can filter.
The file is a template that should be filled by users and when ready saved after choosing certain values.
The creation of the filename is done in VBA and therefore all values I want to use are available there.
I've tried a number of approaches I found in forums using e.g. customdocumentproperties and made it work...sometimes... While it worked in the beginning, I cannot make it work now.
It seems changing the metadata is a problem. Creating the metadata fields for the first time worked, but then changing it, did not. I have the feeling I do not understand some basics on this action. Microsoft websites are not of any help here...
What is the best - flawless - way to use VBA to create, add, change metadata in the excel-file that can be made visiblle in the sharepoint library? And are there any typical problems?

Is it possible to add table to excel using Spreadsheetgear - C# .NET (excel way is INSERT->Table)

Like the title says is it possible?
I need a table in my exported excel sheet that will be used with data validation setting.
If you referring to Excel Tables (i.e., Excel's Ribbon > Home > Styles > Format as Table...), these objects are not supported by SpreadsheetGear, so adding such tables would not be supported, either. For existing workbooks that contain Excel Tables and are opened in SpreadsheetGear, the Tables feature will get dropped upon opening, which is worth noting that, in addition to formatting being dropped, any "structured references" will be converted to "#REF!" errors. An alternative to using structured references would be Defined Names, which are very well supported by SpreadsheetGear.
I work for SpreadsheetGear, and we do keep track of customer requests for things like this. So you are welcome to contact us directly at if you would like us to add your contact details to this particular feature request, though I cannot say when we might add Tables to our product.

How to programmatically create a list from an excel spreadsheet in SharePoint 2010?

I want to create a list from an excel spreadsheet in SharePoint 2010. When a new Excel document is uploaded to a SharePoint library, a corresponding list will be created automatically. Is this possible?
You can do this in two phases:
Create an empty MS Access database and import your excel sheet into it (in MS access go to External data -> Excel, choose your file and follow the steps to import it.
When you get the MS access table with the data from excel sheet, right click the table name in Tables section and go to Export -> SharePoint list. There you can specify the url of your SharePoint site and the name of the new list. Click Ok and wait until the list is created and the data is uploaded to SharePoint.
Since this needs to be done automatically (as stated in comments), this is the high overview of the things that needs to be done, with some useful links:
Create Event receiver for the library that the excel files will be uploaded to.
In the ItemAdded Method write the code that will do the following:
Get the uploaded file
Parse the excel file using the OpenXml library
Create the list in the SharePoint site, based on the columns taken from the excel file
Loop through all the rows in the excel file and insert the list item for each excel row.

Excel web part for Sharepoint not displaying text boxes

I'm exposing an Excel 2013 worksheet in a Sharepoint 2010 page, using a Web Part.
For some reason,
Sharepoint doesn't show floating objects, like text boxes or shapes, that are in my Excel sheet.
I've got several graphs and cells filled with text, which I've collected under a single Named Item that selects the entire relevant sheet area.
These display fine, but text boxes won't , whether they're on top of another chart or on blank cells.
I've also tried simply exposing the whole worksheet without using named items at all, and the problem persists.
Text boxes are a form of OfficeArt and these features are not supported with excel web services.
From MSDN - Excel Services Supported and Unsupported Features
Features that Previously Prevented Excel Files from Loading
In Office SharePoint Server 2007, Excel workbooks that contain unsupported features like VBA macros, form controls, and so on are not loaded in Excel Services.
In SharePoint Server 2010, to help users work with this limitation, Excel Services ignores certain unsupported features. In other words, rather than blocking the entire file from loading Excel Services loads the file but you do not see the features that Excel Services does not support.
Following are features that do not prevent Excel Services from loading a file:
Cell comments.
Formula references to external books.
Query tables (also known as external data ranges).
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
Any OfficeArt technology. For example, Shapes, WordArt, SmartArt, organization chart, diagrams, signature lines, ink annotations, and so on.
Note that these features continue to be unsupported. This means that they do not render, execute, or work in any way as they do on the client. Most of the features in the list do not render in Excel Services.
This was a LONG time ago, but I wanted to share a "potential" solution that I used that worked well
I'm in Excel 2016, and Sharepoint 2013
I created the shape I wanted and got it exactly the way I wanted it.
I selected the Shape, right-click, Cut
Right-click Paste AS PICTURE
Save the file.

Edit Excel table data in SharePoint using forms

I have an Excel table with data but here the rows and columns each have meaning, for example:
ColHead1 ColHead2 ColHead3
RowHead1 Data11 Data12 Data13
RowHead2 Data21 etc. etc.
I would like users to edit the data using SharePoint forms.
I've considered the following options
Flatten the data and manually add editors for each field onto the form (so that I can simulate some sort of grid layout). This may become unmanageable if I need to make a change though.
Insert the data into a list and let SharePoint create a default form, but this will also flatten the data.
Is it possible to somehow use the data in SharePoint directly in a List (or lists) without flattening?
Or should I just post the Excel sheets for direct editing in SharePoint?
You are right. 2-D data cannot be handled by SharePoint.
The best solution here would be to use Excel Services.
In 2007, Excel Services did not allow to write changes to backend file. I am not sure if the situation has changed with SharePoint 2010. You might have to check it out.
You can also put Excel file in document library itself.
However, what I am missing here are the business objectives for this requirement. What essentially do you want to achieve by putting this data in SharePoint forms ? May be there is some better way which others will be able to suggest if they know actual requirements.
