IE11 displays a blank page on localhost, all other browsers work - node.js

I have a web-based project. I build it. The port used is 8080.
In chrome, safari, firefox, the project works fine. No errors in the console.
However, on internet explorer 11, the page is blank, but the icon is loaded, as is the HTML, which I can see in the page source.
The page looks like this:
The errors in the developer tools of IE11 outputs this:
I see a compiler error for some missing semi-colons. However, the error is on line 100,000, which makes me think it is in the compiled file. This error is not in other browsers.

This might be related to some JS syntax issues. If bundle includes some modern features of JS, it is supported by modern browsers, but not but IE. So IE cannot parse it correctly.
You can open the error in sources to check if there is some modern syntax construction.
In case this is the problem, you need to setup transpiler options to support IE. Most likely it's babel settings/browserlist.

This article will guide you to resolve the issue:
May be you need to change the permissions in IE 11 if the site is not secure


Extension on Edge on IE compatibility mode

I'm working on a browser extension, initially for Chromium browsers. The extension injects css and js files in the page, and modify content.
We have tried to install it on Edge. It's work fine in most of cases, but doesn't work when a web page is in IE11 compatibility mode. The extension does nothing.
Is it totally impossible to run an extension in the case of IE11 compatibility mode ?
You should see what errors are generated in the DevTool window.
It is easy that some object \ method \ property called by the extension at the time of IE11 did not exist yet.
In any case if you take a look here
you may read that extensions that interact directly with the page content are not supported.

What browser can update the webpage live as I edit HTML in the inspector?

I used to use Firefox and the beloved plugin Firebug to work with web pages, since you can edit the HTML-code, and see the result on the page as you edit it.
The last version to support this and firebug was Firefox 49, and all newer Firefox, Chrome and Safari version doesn't have this. You can edit the code, but you have to click outside or CMD/CTRL-Enter to confirm the changes.
Why isn't this implemented in newer browsers, it doesn't seem that complicated, and it's so useful. I can't believe I can't find anyone else discussing this on the Internet.
Is there any browser version and/or plugin to Chrome that can do this?
As far as I know, no browser allows this and there isn't any extension for that, unfortunately.
Though there is a feature request for the Firefox DevTools asking to add live editing.

Python - Using a browser other than Chrome with webbot package

I am new to programming and my first task, which should be really simple, is to automate a proccess, where I log in in a website with my credentials, I click on some buttons and that is it. I am using Python 3.6 on windows 10.
I am trying to do it using the webbot module, which so far has come really handy but I have one big problem.
The standard browser for webbot is Google Chrome and thus the site always opens with Chrome. I need to open the site with Internet Explorer.
I have set IE as default browser, but nothing changed, Chrome would still open.
I deleted Chrome, but then when I would run the programm nothing would happen.
I checked the file and the drivers folder of the module and I think that this module can only work with chrome.
Is it possible to use IE or does this mean that this package does not support this browser at all?
Which alternatives would you suggest?
Edit: If I am not mistaken Selenium does not support IE11 on windows 10, so that is not an option, unless I am mistaken.
Thanks in advance
There is no support for another browser other than Chrome (as far as the webbot module is concerned).

node http2 and safari

I am well into building an single page application using nodejs and the http2 module. The client end is using Polymer and is a progressive web app, with a fairly minimal index.html. I have been doing most of the development in chrome, and am reasonably happy, since this is an intranet application and I can dictate the brower.
I would like to support the ipad, albeit perhaps at lesser performance. I have to borrow my wife's if want to try anything, and I couldn't get it to work at all. I do have a mac laptop and tried accessing my (in development) site using safari on that (I also have chrome on it and that works fine). With Safari it doesn't get anywhere. In fact with the web inspector open it doesn't even appear to have loaded the basic index.html file.
I am assuming that safari doesn't support http2. I am not sure what I should do about it through. How do you gracefully fall back to something else?
Safari does support http/2. Test your site at and see if you've a cipher config that safari supports.

What quirks are in the Blackberry Web Browser that a developer should be aware of?

Before I start pulling my hair out on any "known issues", is there any quirks or problems that I should be aware of.
Specifically with cookies, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and images.
PS I have a copy of the docs provided by RIM, but I'm hoping others know of some lesser known issues.
Here are a few that I've noticed:
For some reason, the BB browser doesn't seem to handle underscores in the hostname correctly. I don't remember what happened, but if you hostname is like this: http://some_host/blah, I remember it having problems.
This can be corrected with a DNS entry that removes the _
Another thing we've seen is serving up .jad files for Java downloads. If your module contains _ or other special characters, the BB browser displays a HTTP 500 error when trying to fetch the .jar or parse the .jad. This is especially annoying because it's not actually an HTTP error, the server is serving up a file, but the BB browser just can't parse it, so it blames the server.
We fixed this by using Fiddler to hit the .jad URL and view the contents of the HTTP response. If your .jad has any special characters (or sometimes URL/HTTP encoded strings) you might need to simplify your module name to only use A-Za-z0-9
I know those aren't exactly html/css things, but thought I'd post this anyway!
I had used the blackberry browsers on emulator versions to test my web pages.
These are some i would like to point out.
Please forgive me in case of any deviation with a real case because these are specific to emulator versions on windows 7 OS. I dint have the devices to check and verify.
When we are coming down to a BB OS version below 5.X (eg. BB 9630), the browsers support for java script will be turned off by default. So you need to go browser options turn on it manually.
When we go further down to BB OS version 4.2, the style sheet support will be turned off by default. Causing your webpages to render without applying style sheet. So that time you need both the java script and style sheet supports to be turned on manually.
Even when i was on a OS version 7.X or 6.X, the internet connection was working and i could connect to pages. When i went down to version 5, those emulator browsers shown issues for connection. On googling i found that MDS is a requirement when we go down the versions and seek internet access.
I installed MDS, still it was not working for versions below 6, reason being the JAVA_HOME environment variable was not set in my advanced system settings in my-computer properties. But it was not even pointing out the issue and the MDS was closing instantly.
So after setting my JAVA_HOME to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.6.0_07" the place i installed JDK(we need JDK for MDS), internet connection started working.
Also if you are using g zip compression for your pages, below Blackberry OS version 6, the browsers no longer requests for a compressed one. (found it on OS version 5 emulators BB 9700,BB 8520).
Also when you are going to use a css property or html entity that you doubt support, be sure to go to the corresponding OS version content developer guide and find from which version are they providing the full support and partial support.
Check out the BlackBerry Browser Version 4.2 Content Developer Guide. It is for the older 4.2 browser but still has lots of good info about what HTML, CSS, and javascript is supported.
My experience with BB 8700 is that you should not use JavaScript, neither depend on CSS to be rendered correctly. It also has no flash player by default so you're off to plain server-side HTML form processing/ASP/CGI. Also beware of size, as internet can get pretty slow while on the road.
One known issue is that the Blackberry browser completely ignores the css display property, so you can't use display:none to hide content.
We've also had trouble with basic form submittal - sometimes, the POST doesn't happen at all, other times it happens but some or all of the form fields go AWOL. We haven't been able to get to the bottom of this issue, but it seems to occur mostly with the BB Curve series.
