Extension on Edge on IE compatibility mode - google-chrome-extension

I'm working on a browser extension, initially for Chromium browsers. The extension injects css and js files in the page, and modify content.
We have tried to install it on Edge. It's work fine in most of cases, but doesn't work when a web page is in IE11 compatibility mode. The extension does nothing.
Is it totally impossible to run an extension in the case of IE11 compatibility mode ?

You should see what errors are generated in the DevTool window.
It is easy that some object \ method \ property called by the extension at the time of IE11 did not exist yet.
In any case if you take a look here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/edge-ie-mode
you may read that extensions that interact directly with the page content are not supported.


IE11 displays a blank page on localhost, all other browsers work

I have a web-based project. I build it. The port used is 8080.
In chrome, safari, firefox, the project works fine. No errors in the console.
However, on internet explorer 11, the page is blank, but the icon is loaded, as is the HTML, which I can see in the page source.
The page looks like this:
The errors in the developer tools of IE11 outputs this:
I see a compiler error for some missing semi-colons. However, the error is on line 100,000, which makes me think it is in the compiled file. This error is not in other browsers.
This might be related to some JS syntax issues. If bundle includes some modern features of JS, it is supported by modern browsers, but not but IE. So IE cannot parse it correctly.
You can open the error in sources to check if there is some modern syntax construction.
In case this is the problem, you need to setup transpiler options to support IE. Most likely it's babel settings/browserlist.
This article will guide you to resolve the issue:
May be you need to change the permissions in IE 11 if the site is not secure

How do I get access to all the files in the extension in Chrome Extension Manifest Version 3 (MV3)?

I've been using the crx-hotreload package to auto-reload my chrome extensions during development because it's annoying to have to click the refresh button on the Extensions page every time you make a change; however, this package doesn't work with MV3 because it uses the chrome.runtime.getPackageDirectoryEntry method, which seems to have been removed from chrome.runtime in MV3. I can't find documentation to confirm that it was removed, but it's not there when I try to use it.
Does anyone know how to get access to all the files in the extension directory in Chrome Extension Manifest Version 3?
Or generally, is there a better way that I can hot-reload my chrome extensions during development that would work for MV3?
This is one of many things based on DOM capabilities of background pages that are removed from ManifestV3 because service workers don't have DOM. For example, getPackageDirectoryEntry is using the old nonstandard FileSystem API in its returned value.
As to why, apparently the switch to service workers simplifies the internal source code in Chromium, even if it doesn't provide any real improvements for extension authors or users.
At this point all you can do is present a convincing use case and ask Chromium developers via https://crbug.com to implement an alternative API.

Python - Using a browser other than Chrome with webbot package

I am new to programming and my first task, which should be really simple, is to automate a proccess, where I log in in a website with my credentials, I click on some buttons and that is it. I am using Python 3.6 on windows 10.
I am trying to do it using the webbot module, which so far has come really handy but I have one big problem.
The standard browser for webbot is Google Chrome and thus the site always opens with Chrome. I need to open the site with Internet Explorer.
I have set IE as default browser, but nothing changed, Chrome would still open.
I deleted Chrome, but then when I would run the programm nothing would happen.
I checked the init.py file and the drivers folder of the module and I think that this module can only work with chrome.
Is it possible to use IE or does this mean that this package does not support this browser at all?
Which alternatives would you suggest?
Edit: If I am not mistaken Selenium does not support IE11 on windows 10, so that is not an option, unless I am mistaken.
Thanks in advance
There is no support for another browser other than Chrome (as far as the webbot module is concerned).

Example of Chrome and Firefox Extensions sharing the same code?

I am looking for a sample project that would compile a chrome and firefox extension that would run some JavaScript code after a page is loaded.
I already wrote a Chrome extension that does this, but I am looking for something cross-browser, that would allow me to build the same extension for Chrome and Firefox.
If this would also allow me to publish the extensions it would be great.
You may refer this link http://www.extensionfactory.com/labs/conversion/
Here you can get firefox extension by submitting chrome extension.
With the Crossrider's framework you can build a cross-browser extension using only one code base that will work on Chrome, Firefox and also Internet Explorer and Safari.
So, with only using javascript single code base and the Crossrider API you can easily build your first cross-browser extension in no time.
(Disclosure: I work at Crossrider)

packed chrome extension loses manifest on restart

I have a Chrome Extension that is using the experimental sidebar API. It works beautifully when it is unpacked, but if I am running a packed version, and restart my browser, it no longer recognizes that I have asked for the sidebar in the manifest. I start getting these errors everywhere the sidebar is referenced:
Error during experimental.sidebar.getState: This extension has no sidebar specified.
This seems like it might be a bug in the sidebar API; or am I missing something obvious?
Though the sidebar API is not documented anymore, code support for it has not been removed. If you are specifying your use of the sidebar as "sidebar": {} in your manifest file, you are most likely running into a Chrome bug where object literals with empty values are removed when a packed extension is loaded at startup.
A workaround is to include a dummy key in the sidebar dictionary (e.g. use sidebar": {"dummy": 1} instead).
The sidebar API is no longer supported, not even as experimental. The code may still be available in some version of Chrome but the documentation is gone and the feature proposal is going to be reworked.
