b64decode python vs Buffer.from(ePayload, 'base64') node JS - node.js

Encryption is done is python & decryption to be done in Node js but facing following issues in JS
I guess some characters are getting escape from string within JS like 'backslash', '_', ''
Expected - Python utf-8 string should match with Node JS String
Node js
var a = 'b22KTGxtQmtRei9CTEtUKy0OY1qefbey0brGbNYaskVbrdclYyXFlkqSnolziVDMEguUB5Xx7+9vix8UpwUn8uAbQvmW/uVRM7gRAO063i4tpPD2Ao3wrgapLQQBYnUo+aB2uS5t3a4jzldKq8OUVsY9QWXRJ28vTvJuOnyR6+bpN9yDaiMHP0rdI510PRetIw=='
var lenSize = Buffer.from(a, 'base64')
Buffer size is 145 but toString length is 139
Python code
import base64
a = 'b22KTGxtQmtRei9CTEtUKy0OY1qefbey0brGbNYaskVbrdclYyXFlkqSnolziVDMEguUB5Xx7+9vix8UpwUn8uAbQvmW/uVRM7gRAO063i4tpPD2Ao3wrgapLQQBYnUo+aB2uS5t3a4jzldKq8OUVsY9QWXRJ28vTvJuOnyR6+bpN9yDaiMHP0rdI510PRetIw=='
lenSize = base64.b64decode(a)
Length is 145
Thanks in-advance...


error trying to recreate php's dechex function in python3

i have a php file that takes a simple 8 digit id and converts it to hex using
i am now trying todo the same thing in python i start by grabbing my list of ids from the web these are returned as strings such as
00274956 , 00002645, 00000217
i then convert them to intagers and hex them using
but i am getting the error
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'init'
here is the code the id comes direct from a http get request
FILE_NEW = FILE_HEX + ".pdf"

the output of "crypto.createCipheriv with chinese character" is not correct

when there is no chinese character, php and node output the same result.
but when this is chinese character, the output of php is correct, the output of node is not correct
const crypto = require('crypto');
function encodeDesECB(textToEncode, keyString) {
var key = new Buffer(keyString.substring(0, 8), 'utf8');
var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('des-ecb', key, '');
var c = cipher.update(textToEncode, 'utf8', 'base64');
c += cipher.final('base64');
return c;
console.log(encodeDesECB(`{"key":"test"}`, 'MIGfMA0G'))
console.log(encodeDesECB(`{"key":"测试"}`, 'MIGfMA0G'))
node output
php output
The problem is not the encryption, but a different JSON serialization of the plaintext.
In the PHP code, json_encode() converts the characters as a Unicode escape sequence, i.e. the encoding returns {"key":"\u6d4b\u8bd5"}. In the NodeJS code, however, {"key": "测试"} is applied.
This means that different plaintexts are encrypted in the end. Therefore, for the same ciphertext, a byte-level identical plaintext must be used.
If Unicode escape sequences are to be applied in the NodeJS code (as in the PHP code), an appropriate conversion is necessary. For this the jsesc package can be used:
const jsesc = require('jsesc');
console.log(encodeDesECB(jsesc(`{\"key\":\"测试\"}`, {'lowercaseHex': true}), 'MIGfMA0G')); // 6RQdIBxccCXFCRVbubGaolfSr4q5iUgw
now returns the result of the posted PHP code.
If the Unicode characters are to be used unmasked in the PHP code (as in the NodeJS code), an appropriate conversion is necessary. For this the flag JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE can be set in json_encode():
$data = json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); // 6RQdIBxccCWXTmivfit9AOfoJRziuDf4
now returns the result of the posted NodeJS code.

crypto.createHmac fail with string like "face_url":"https\/\/"'

I have a problem to verify a string create by crypto.createHmac with Node.js.
I made some test, first in PHP - everything is OK but I can't find the correct way todo this in Node.js:
$jsonData = '"face_url":"https:\/\/"';
$client_secret = 'kqm6FksaIT';
echo hash_hmac("sha256", $jsonData, $client_secret);
With Node.js, I have a problem with the interpretation of the string:
var crypto = require('crypto');
var str = '"face_url":"https:\/\/"';
var buf1 = crypto.createHmac('sha256','kqm6FksaIT').update(str);
var v = buf1.digest('hex');
=> FAIL.
As you can see, the interpretation of the string is different "face_url":"https:\/\/"** VS **"face_url":"https://"**
I have tried a lot of things, Buffer.From base64, utf8, JSON.stringify, JSON.parse but I can't find a solution.
If you try with another string like: '"face_url":"https"' it's OK Result is the same.
I try to validate the key received in a Netatmo POST packet who contain:
You can find an implementation of netatmo webhook in PHP here:
After reflexion, the only difference between codes was the interpretation of request.body.
In PHP, it seems to be in plain text.
Nodejs parses the request in JSON format ...
After that supposition, i made some test with NodeJS this morning, i configured the expres server with the following option:
var express = require('express');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var app = express();
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
After that, the string appears correctly with these famous "/" :
console.log RESULT :
And voila! The HMAC is now CORRECT!
The HMAC from NETATMO is calculated on brut text and not from JSON!
In the PHP code, only the escape sequences \\ and \' are recognized in a single quoted expression, in all other cases the backslash is interpreted as a literal backslash, i.e. \/ is interpreted as a literal backslash followed by a literal slash (see here, sec. Single quoted). This explains the output of the PHP code:
$jsonData = '"face_url":"https:\/\/"';
In JavaScript, the backslash is ignored for characters that do not represent an escape sequence, (see here, last passage), i.e. an \/ is equivalent to a literal slash. This explains the output of the JavaScript code:
var str = '"face_url":"https:\/\/"';
So in order for the JavaScript code to give the same result as the PHP, the backslash must be masked:
var str = '"face_url":"https:\\/\\/"';
Presumably the string with the \/ is the result of a JSON serialization in PHP with json_encode(), which escapes the / by default, i.e. converts it to \/, see also here. In JavaScript, / is simply serialized as /. Note that in PHP the escaping of / can be disabled with JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES, see also here.

Why the hex value is different in python and Javascript (Node Js)

I have been trying to encrypt something in Node JS and decrypt it in Python.
When I give the key(Secret key, base64 decoded) to Fernet.js, it forms a hex string which is equal to:
But when I give the same key in Python and try to convert into hex, the value is:
Why there is a difference?
code sample for NodeJS:
let s = 'cw_0x689RpI-jtRR7oE8h_eQsKImvJapLeSbXpwF4e4='
new Buffer(s)).toString('hex')
be = base64.urlsafe_b64decode('cw_0x689RpI-jtRR7oE8h_eQsKImvJapLeSbXpwF4e4=')
import base64 , binascii
key = "cw_0x689RpI-jtRR7oE8h_eQsKImvJapLeSbXpwF4e4="
key = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(key)
# 32 bytes
f = binascii.hexlify(key)
# first 16
SigningKey = key[:16]
# next 16
EncKey = key[16:]
print (binascii.hexlify(SigningKey)) # 730ff4c7af3d46923e8ed451ee813c87
print (binascii.hexlify(EncKey)) # f790b0a226bc96a92de49b5e9c05e1ee

How to generate a base64 encoded, SHA-512 hash in Appcelerator?

Have been trying this for 2 days but failed miserably. We are using appcelerator 5.1.0.
I'm able to hash a string using the module Securely . However the result string is in hex format and i need it to be in base64 encoded string.
Tried the Ti.Utils.base64encode function but the result doesn't match what is generated at the backend. Here's my code snippet:
function convertHexToBase64(hexStr){
console.log("hex: "+hexStr);
var hexArray = hexStr
.replace(/\r|\n/g, "")
.replace(/([\da-fA-F]{2}) ?/g, "0x$1 ")
.replace(/ +$/, "")
.split(" ");
var byteString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, hexArray);
var base64String = Ti.Utils.base64encode(byteString).toString();
console.log("base64 string:"+base64String);
return base64String;
Tried to find other modules to use and the node's Buffer is the closest i can get but am not sure how to use a node class in appcelerator...
Anyone can shed a light or two? Thanks.
Finally did it with the help of Forge, putting the steps here for future reference
Create a folder under the lib folder, named it forge
Install the module to local machine (via node), copy the whole contents of the js folder into the forge folder.
In the code, create the object:
var forge = require('forge/forge');
Hash the string first to get a buffer object, then encode it to base64 string.
var md = forge.md.sha512.create();
var buffer = md.digest();
result = forge.util.encode64(buffer.getBytes());
