Disabling VSCode autoupdate on linux machines - linux

Suggestions provided here to disable autoupdate of VSCode apply only to MacOS and Windows. I have a linux machine on which VSCode updated itself today to Version 1.60.0
Although it does not apply, I nonetheless had
"update.mode": "none"
in the user settings.json file.
This question has been asked before on SO. See How do I disable VS Code of updating itself?, but it does not appear to work on linux.
This documentation from VSCode specifically for linux states:
If the VS Code repository was installed correctly, then your system
package manager should handle auto-updating in the same way as other
packages on the system.
How exactly should one go about disabling auto updates for linux? Does the above quote mean that on linux either all packages are auto updated or none of them are? I am on Ubuntu 20.10

Okay Google suggests:
Open the Unity Dash (16.04) or App Launcher (18.04+)
Search for 'Software & Updates'
Select the 'Updates' tab.
Change 'Automatically check for updates' from 'Daily' to 'Never'.
I don't have ubuntu at my office or i would test. I'll make sure when I get home if you haven't tried by then.

The reason VS Code in Linux still updates despite the settings is because the app is not handling the updating. In Linux, the package manager handles it. In Linux Mint (and Debian, Ubuntu) at least, the update is being done with apt. Other Linux distros have different package mangers, like Yum for RedHat based systems.
The way to disable the updating of VS Code is to remove the repository check that's created when VS Code is installed. In Linux Mint the location is:
This file has one repo listed:
deb [arch=amd64,arm64,armhf] http://packages.microsoft.com/repos/code stable main
To stop updating, simply comment out the line by adding a hash (#) in front of 'deb'
The proper way to do this would [probably] be to remove the repo using apt, but I prefer to keep the list file and repo available to make it simple to replace should I wish to enable auto-updating in the future. To start updating again, simply remove the hash and save the file.
Updating can still be done from VS Code after it's disabled in the package manager. To update VS Code manually, from the About menu select "check for updates" and then download and install if updates are available.
If you have set updates to "none" in settings, Check for updates does not show in the menu. You can get this menu item back by changing the setting for updates to "Manual".


Is there an event on electron based app's uninstall, for Mac? Or a way to distinguish between an install and an update?

I see that there's options for windows with NSIS but nothing for mac.
I want to give users an option to cleanup app related files when they uninstall the app. But I haven't found an event on which I can trigger this on mac side.
I think there are no such events as you want for mac os. It's only provided for windows. uninstalling an app on macOS is you need to just drag it over to the trash. so, if you want to remove app-related files to be deleted then just remove app.getPath("home") data before autoUpdater.quitAndInstall().

SO_REUSEPORT unavailable on compiling system to run emulator for android on Ubuntu

I was trying to install SDK and Emulator without the Andriod studio on Ubuntu 20.04.
But got stuck at this error.
E0520 11:06:29.866803544 5261 socket_utils_common_posix.cc:201] check for SO_REUSEPORT: {"created":"#1589952989.866791260","description":"SO_REUSEPORT unavailable on compiling system","file":"/mnt/tmpfs/src/android/emu-master-dev/external/grpc/src/core/lib/iomgr/socket_utils_common_posix.cc","file_line":169}
checkValid: hw configs not eq
I got the solution from this article:
So in order to fix this, I just disabled the Camera by switching the option from Emulated to None and that was all.
Don't ask why this works, but it seemed to solve it for me.
Install Android SDK Platform tools. if already exist uninstall and install Android SDK Platform tool in ubuntu 20.04
Seems a GPU issue, try :
sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
Or (or both) change graphic emulated performance to software if your emulated device allow it.
Had same issue with linux mint android studio ..
Hope it will help.
Though not directly affected by the error you described, when stuck at this point (namely, when supposed to be connecting back to the ADB server, but can't), this can be a result of a corrupted quick-boot snapshot.
What worked for me is to hard-delete the existing quick-boot snapshot, and have the emulator regenerate it on the next run.
To delete the snapshots:
rm -fr ~/.android/avd/<AVD name>/snapshots/default_boot
To regenerate the next snapshot, rerun the emulator as you normally would, then kill it after if full loads. But first, make sure that it is configured for saving a quick-boot snapshot on exit:
Edit quickbootChoice.ini, for example:
vi ~/.android/avd/<AVD name>/quickbootChoice.ini
The only line there should be:
saveOnExit = true
If you wish to see whether any of this is likely to help you before making any changes, run the emulator with the -no-snapshot argument applied, beforehand. For example:
$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/emulator/emulator -no-snapshot #Pixel_API_29 &
(Or find a way to do this through Android Studio)
A note regarding other answers here that advised configuring the camera differently (which seems unrelated): It is very likely that changing the camera setting, for the Emulator, is considered a configuration change - which ends up in forcing a cold-boot (i.e. skipping usage of the quick-boot snapshot), which can explain why it works (but with no voodoo involved).

RC File info not working across different machines

I have a Visual C++ MFC app. When I update the RC file menus via resource editor, sometimes it isn't reflected when I run the app. Other times, the updated menus work on the development machine, but not on other machines. Note: the other machines had a previous version of the software installed. I simply copied and pasted the release folder over from one machine to another. Using the Wix installer we use to install everything (AFTER UNINSTALLING FROM CONTROL PANEL) doesn't seem to work either. What I missing? How do I get my menus to behave correctly? Why do things work on some PCs and not on others?

How to check and install another software requirement before your software in installshield?

I'm doing a software that requires from OpenVPN to work, so I'm expecting that when I launch the installer checks if OpenVPN is installed and if not launch it's installer. If the install is successful then continue with the install, if not, exits.
Also, I'd like to check if O.S is 32 or 64bits in order to launch the correct installer from openvpn.
How would be the best way to do that? I've readed about custom actions, nested installations, chainers, etc... but I'm newbie in this and I don't know where to start.
I'm working with Visual Studio 2012 with Installshild plugin.
Create "BootStrap" application (.exe) and add as prerequisite, what is running before you install starts. You also can check box ( not show in prerequisite list) and you Bootstrap app will be not in PreReq,. dialog

5.2 and Windows 10 compatibility release

I know this isnt a dev question per se, but is there a timeline on a 5.2 build that can be installed on Win 10?
I think the issue i am seeing is just with the installer so an in place upgrade to Win 10 might work fine, but a clean install fails as it doesnt acknowledge IIS 10 or whatever version comes with Win 10.
Official answer - Windows 10 is not yet supported by the currently available Acumatica ERP installers, however the issue has already been fixed internally (AC-56069 - fixed in 4.20.2262, 5.10.0785, 5.20.1012 and newer). Following workaround can be used in the meantime:
Download the Orca tool to edit the MSI file: http://adriank.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Orca.zip
Open the
MSI file using this tool (might be able to right click on MSI and
open with Orca)
Go to the LaunchCondition table
Drop/delete the IIS version condition (inside MSI, the LaunchCondition entry is IISVERSION >="#7"; system does a string comparison and "10" is
smaller than "7")
Save and close Orca
Run the setup
I can't give you an "official" answer but I can give you a work around.
If you download a utility called LessMSI you can extract the installation files. They will come out in a folder called "SourceDir". Simply take these and replace the files in your default installation folder or run them from another location.
Then you can proceed as normal.
The installer only checks if pre-reqs are installed and then copy's the files to the output location. If you have IIS already setup with dotnet support then the rest will be fine.
I do this frequently if I have to install a site with a specific version in order to upgrade or test a client's snapshot.
I have 4.1,4.2,5.1,5.2 running on my Windows 10 workstation as I type
