RC File info not working across different machines - visual-c++

I have a Visual C++ MFC app. When I update the RC file menus via resource editor, sometimes it isn't reflected when I run the app. Other times, the updated menus work on the development machine, but not on other machines. Note: the other machines had a previous version of the software installed. I simply copied and pasted the release folder over from one machine to another. Using the Wix installer we use to install everything (AFTER UNINSTALLING FROM CONTROL PANEL) doesn't seem to work either. What I missing? How do I get my menus to behave correctly? Why do things work on some PCs and not on others?


Disabling VSCode autoupdate on linux machines

Suggestions provided here to disable autoupdate of VSCode apply only to MacOS and Windows. I have a linux machine on which VSCode updated itself today to Version 1.60.0
Although it does not apply, I nonetheless had
"update.mode": "none"
in the user settings.json file.
This question has been asked before on SO. See How do I disable VS Code of updating itself?, but it does not appear to work on linux.
This documentation from VSCode specifically for linux states:
If the VS Code repository was installed correctly, then your system
package manager should handle auto-updating in the same way as other
packages on the system.
How exactly should one go about disabling auto updates for linux? Does the above quote mean that on linux either all packages are auto updated or none of them are? I am on Ubuntu 20.10
Okay Google suggests:
Open the Unity Dash (16.04) or App Launcher (18.04+)
Search for 'Software & Updates'
Select the 'Updates' tab.
Change 'Automatically check for updates' from 'Daily' to 'Never'.
I don't have ubuntu at my office or i would test. I'll make sure when I get home if you haven't tried by then.
The reason VS Code in Linux still updates despite the settings is because the app is not handling the updating. In Linux, the package manager handles it. In Linux Mint (and Debian, Ubuntu) at least, the update is being done with apt. Other Linux distros have different package mangers, like Yum for RedHat based systems.
The way to disable the updating of VS Code is to remove the repository check that's created when VS Code is installed. In Linux Mint the location is:
This file has one repo listed:
deb [arch=amd64,arm64,armhf] http://packages.microsoft.com/repos/code stable main
To stop updating, simply comment out the line by adding a hash (#) in front of 'deb'
The proper way to do this would [probably] be to remove the repo using apt, but I prefer to keep the list file and repo available to make it simple to replace should I wish to enable auto-updating in the future. To start updating again, simply remove the hash and save the file.
Updating can still be done from VS Code after it's disabled in the package manager. To update VS Code manually, from the About menu select "check for updates" and then download and install if updates are available.
If you have set updates to "none" in settings, Check for updates does not show in the menu. You can get this menu item back by changing the setting for updates to "Manual".

LGSVL Build in Unity Gives Pink Sky for Linux Target but not Windows

I've built LGSVL in the appropriate version of Unity for both Windows and Linux and on both a Windows and Linux machine. Two shaders always seem to get nixed in the Linux build that are not nixed in the Windows build. I can fix one of them (Particles/Additive) by including it in the Graphics Settings "Always Include Shaders" list (which seems odd I should have to do), but the other, Skybox2CubeBlend refuses to work. My sky forever remains pink. I've thrown it (and the Day, Night, and RiseSet Cubemaps it uses) into a Resources folder as well with no greater results. It kinda seems like the shader is just not welcome within Linux but if I download and run a pre-compiled Linux version of the software, it works just fine. This would indicate that the shader itself must be okay and is just not making it into my build or something. Perhaps this is an LGSVL-specific build process issue. Any ideas? Again, it all works perfectly fine in Windows builds.
It appears that within the LGSVL Project, in the Prefabs folder, there is an AssetBundleManager. This prefab has a special button in the Inspector Window to create the asset bundles for you dependent upon which target you are building for. Selecting the one for Linux x64 made it include all the necessary things within the asset bundle. No more pink sky!

Conversion to x64 platform in visual studio failing

So I built a huge website for my company using the AnyCpu option. I didn't think it would matter - I have a 64bit machine with x64 windows, it's getting deployed to a x64 server, and there's no attached dll's, so it should just all be in 64, right?
Well, in the process of trying to implement some security, the company's support told us the application MUST be strictly x64. I figured it was, but to humor them, I went into the configuration manager, and changed all the target cpu, platform etc settings to x64.
Unfortunately now, it breaks when I hit f5 to run it. I've run into this before, I think, and I vaguely remember needing to delete some temp internet files somewhere, but I tried closing VS, deleting the bin folder, deleting the root folder from /framework/tempASPfiles... but I still get the BadImageFormatException - "an attempt was made to load the program with an incorrect format."
What's the best and fastest way to convert an app to x64? and am I right in thinking I need to delete some files somewhere?

"A remote operation is taking longer than expected" x64

First off, I think I've been to every website and forum there is that's discussing this issue and I've tried many different things. I'm at my wits end. This is the dumbest thing and I just want to start coding again!
I'm using Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop. I have a x64 project I'm trying to run in Debug mode using the local windows debugger. The only external library I'm using is that of which is required to run DX11.
I attempt to run my program and it freezes. A window pops up saying "A remote operation is taking longer than expected."
I click Terminate and another window pops up asking if I'd like to terminate the remote session. Why yes, I would.
Then it says, "Unable to start program (my path leading to my .exe). The network connection to the Visual Studio Remote Debugger has been closed."
To my understanding, because Visual Studio itself is a 32 bit application, it needs to use the Remote Debugger to compile to x64. Is that correct?
Regardless, I'm still failing to see where that would break down. I've ran several repairs on VS and upgraded to Service Pack 2 (or 1, whichever is the latest).
I've ran a windows repair and uninstalled any VMWare type stuff on my computer. I'm not using a VPN.
I've even copied msvsmon.exe from my laptop (working instance of the project) over to this computer and still no luck.
I'm about ready to Nuke my OS and do a clean install on everything. sigh
Found the problem. It wasn't Windows Firewall like other threads describe. It was my internet filter. I guess it decided to try and block msvsmon.exe because it was using the network. Adding it, along with WDExpress.exe to the application exceptions list did the trick.

C++ Builder .exe program in other computers

I’m working in a Program for the University using C++Builder 6.
The program works perfectly in my computer, but it doesn’t work in any other computer.
I have already disabled the PACKAGES->BUILD WITH RUNTIME PACKAGES and the LINKER-> USE DYNAMIC RTL options.
What else can I do?
With these options disabled, you will be able to run your application on any computer, except:
If you are using a component that requires installing another resource. For instance if you are using SQL, it will run, but obviously it will not use SQL functions if no SQL resource is installed on your computer;
If the Windows version cannot run it. E.g., you cannot run it on Windows CE, Windows 3.1... except if you compile it to run on these different versions.
Just to optimize your .EXE file, just press the Release button on Project > Options > Compiler, so debug data will not be stored on it.
