After logging in using the MsalAuthenticationTemplate InteractionType.Redirect, how do I get the JWT returned after successful authentication? It does not seem to be included in the msal instance.
import { MsalProvider, MsalAuthenticationTemplate, useMsal, useAccount } from "#azure/msal-react";
const { instance } = useMsal();
You should call acquireTokenSilent each time you need an access token. You can read more in our getting started doc and also review the msal-react-samples
Another way of getting the idToken(JWT) after successful login is to hook into the addEventCallback and check for EventType.LOGIN_SUCCESS.
const callbackId = instance.addEventCallback(message => {
if (message.eventType === EventType.LOGIN_SUCCESS) {
const { payload } = message;
// Get idToken(JWT) from the payload.
I am working on an application with Ruby on Rails back-end and EmberJS Front-end.
I would like to achieve the following.
Log in user with MSAL with Ember FE
Get the auth_code and pass on to the back end
From the back end, fetch access token and refresh token.
Use it to send email using azure Graph API.
Basically I would like to perform step 1 of azure ad auth, i.e. fetching the auth_code, at the front end. And then perform step 2 at the back end. And then refresh the tokens at the back-end as needed.
I believe MSAL provides no good way to achieve this. When user consents (Step 1), it uses the auth_code by itself to fetch access_token and refresh_token (Step 2), and cashes it without exposing the values. It invokes acquireTokenSilent method to refresh the tokens when needed.
I can see that MSAL also has a ssoSilent method, which performs only step 1 of auth and returns auth code. I tried to use it in the following manner
signIn = () => {
.catch((error) => {
handleResponse = (resp) => {
console.log('>>>> Response', resp);
// this.token = resp;
if (resp !== null) {
username = resp.account.username;
// showWelcomeMessage(resp.account);
resp.account = myMSALObj.getAccountByUsername(username);
console.log('Resp => ', resp);
.then((r) => {
.catch((e) => {
console.log('Error ->', e);
} else {
// loadPage();
This always ends up in the following error
InteractionRequiredAuthError: interaction_required: Silent authentication was denied. The user must first sign in and if needed grant the client application access to the scope ...
Even when the user has just consented for these scopes.
Is there something I am missing?
Is there any better way to achieve this functionality?
Thanks in advance for any help
I am using Rails 6 with Ember 4.1
I'm using the #azure/msal-node package in a node application to enable my users to log in using their AzureAD credentials. Logging in and acquiring session tokens works fine, but I cannot find a way to invalidate a session / log out a user - am I overlooking something obvious here?
Just for context, here's how I'm getting my tokens:
// msalConfig is my valid config object
const msalApp = new msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(msalConfig);
const authCodeUrlParameters = {
scopes: [''],
redirectUri: BASE_URL + '/msal-redirect'
try {
const authCodeResponse = await msalApp.getAuthCodeUrl(authCodeUrlParameters);
} catch (e) {
logError('auth code redirect error', e);
In the redirect handler, I'm doing this:
const tokenResponse = await msalApp.acquireTokenByCode({
code: request.query.code,
scopes: [''],
redirectUri: BASE_URL + '/msal-redirect'
and then I'm using that token to display the logged in user etc.
What I'm missing is something like msalApp.logout() - what am I not seeing here?
Unfortunately MSAL does not currently contain an msalApp.logout() API. Instead, you will have to manually implement the steps.
A logout operation will contain multiple steps:
Removing the account and the tokens from the msal application cache.
Redirecting to the AAD logout endpoint so the user logs out and AAD cookies are deleted.
If your webapp has a session, invalidating it.
For removing the account and tokens from the msal application cache, you can do something along the lines of:
const accounts = msalApp.getTokenCache().getAllAccounts();
// filter on the account that you want to delete from the cache.
// I take the first one here to keep the code sample short
const account = accounts[0];
For logging out from AAD, you'll have to redirect the user to the Azure AD logout endpoint. The documentation here should explain how to craft this request.
In answer of sgonzalez, I can see the error in "accounts". This const is a Promisse:
const accounts = msalApp.getTokenCache().getAllAccounts(); // <- is a Promisse
// filter on the account that you want to delete from the cache.
// I take the first one here to keep the code sample short
const account = accounts[0];
pca.getTokenCache().getAllAccounts().then((response) => {
const account = response[0];
pca.getTokenCache().removeAccount(account).then(() => {
}).catch((error) => {
}).catch((error) => {
I don't know if this is the best way to implement it, but it worked for me.
I am using the Xero Api with Nodejs and the xero-node library.
I have completed the oAuth flow and saved the token to the database. The issue i am now having is continually getting a 403 forbidden error when attempting to get anything from Xero be that Contacts, Accounts or Users. Sample code is below
I can get tenants ok without an issue however anything else doesn't work. I have checked the scopes to make sure when I am setting up the client they are correct which they are.
var getStuff = async(tokenSet) => {
await xero.setTokenSet(tokenSet);
const tenants = await xero.updateTenants();
const xeroTenantId = tenants[0].id // {String} Xero identifier for Tenant
const ifModifiedSince = new Date("2020-02-06T12:17:43.202-08:00");
const where = 'IsSubscriber==true'; // {String} Filter by an any element
const order = 'LastName ASC'; // {String} Order by an any element
try {
const response = await xero.accountingApi.getUsers(xeroTenantId, ifModifiedSince, where, order);
console.log(response.body || response.response.statusCode)
catch (err) {
/// console.log(err);
console.log(`There was an ERROR! \n Status Code: ${err.response.statusCode}.`);
console.log(`ERROR: \n ${JSON.stringify(err.response.body, null, 2)}`);
Which scopes have been added to the access token you are passing through? You can decode your token here
Also - you need to pass the ‘tenant.tenantId’ to the function. I believe the actually relates to the connection id which is coming back from the /connections endpoint.
My hunch is that is the issue. Also curious how that’s working, as updateTenants() should have the empty function call on the end. Is that working for you?
I am implementing OAuth2 using Microsoft identity platform. For this purpose, I registered my app to Azure Active Directory admin center and got an app-id and other app credentials. Redirect-url also mentioned as well.
So first of all, I generated auth-url (code snippet is provided below) and got an auth-code to my redirect endpoint. when I try to exchange auth-code to get access-token, it throws as exception with statuscode 401 with error message "401 Unauthorized".
I am using simple-oauth2 node package.
Here is my snippet to generate auth-url
function authUrl() {
const url = oauth2.authorizationCode.authorizeURL({
redirect_uri: outlookCalendar.REDIRECT_URI,
scope: outlookCalendar.APP_SCOPES
return url;
where APP_SCOPES = "User.Read"
here is auth-url generated by above code
here is the function to get access-token
async function accessToken(code) {
try {
const result = await oauth2.authorizationCode.getToken({
code : code,
redirect_uri: outlookCalendar.REDIRECT_URI,
scope: outlookCalendar.APP_SCOPES
const token = oauth2.accessToken.create(result);
console.log('Token created: ', token.token);
return { tokens: token.token.access_token };
} catch (exception) {
return { error: exception };
So, Please anyone tell me the way to get access token or something was going wrong in my code.
Thank you...
I am doing external login (Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft) using MVC 5 OWIN Identity 2, which works great, but I need to access a mobile services with this credential, I have read that to this I need a access token, so I get the access token and try to pass it to the mobile services, but always has this error:
Facebook: Error:
The Facebook Graph API access token authorization request failed with HTTP status code 400
Microsoft: Error:
Invalid token format. Expected Envelope.Claims.Signature.
The method that I am trying to use with mobile services is:
await mobileservi.LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.[ProviderName], token);
I read on this link:
So I am using a JObject() to pass the access token
The format of the token that I most pass:
For Microsoft is:
token.Add("authenticationToken", _accessToken);
For Facebook is:
token.Add("access_token", _accessToken);
But I do not have the format for Twitter.
Now according to Azure Mobile Services documentation, I most use the azure mobile services URL on my apps for any of this providers, but if I do this, I receive an error of incorrect URL when redirecting to the provider log in page.
I read this post with OAuth:
It has to be something like this for MVC 5 OWIN Identity 2.
On the Startuo.Auth.cs file, I have this configure to get the access token for each provider:
var MicrosoftOption = new MicrosoftAccountAuthenticationOptions()
ClientId = "0000000048124A22",
ClientSecret = "c-gTye48WE2ozcfN-bFMVlL3y3bVY8g0",
Provider = new MicrosoftAccountAuthenticationProvider()
OnAuthenticated = (context) =>
context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(("urn:microsoftaccount:access_token", context.AccessToken, XmlSchemaString, "Microsoft"));
return Task.FromResult(0);
var twitterOption = new TwitterAuthenticationOptions()
ConsumerKey = "ConsumerKey",
ConsumerSecret = "ConsumerSecret",
Provider = new TwitterAuthenticationProvider()
OnAuthenticated = (context) =>
context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("urn:tokens:twitter:accesstoken", context.AccessToken));
context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("urn:tokens:twitter:accesstokensecret", context.AccessTokenSecret));
return Task.FromResult(0);
var facebookOption = new FacebookAuthenticationOptions()
AppId = "AppId",
AppSecret = "AppSecret",
Provider = new FacebookAuthenticationProvider()
OnAuthenticated = (context) =>
context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("urn:facebook:access_token", context.AccessToken, XmlSchemaString, "Facebook"));
return Task.FromResult(0);
On the externalLoginCallback, this is how a retrieve the access token
string email = null;
string accessToken = null;
ClaimsIdentity ext = await AuthenticationManager.GetExternalIdentityAsync(DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ExternalCookie);
switch (login.LoginProvider)
case "Facebook":
accessToken = ext.Claims.First(x => x.Type.Contains("access_token")).Value;
case "Twitter":
accessToken = ext.Claims.First(x => x.Type.Contains("accesstoken")).Value;
case "Microsoft":
accessToken = ext.Claims.First(x => x.Type.Contains("access_token")).Value;
Later I store this value on a session variable, this value is the one that I use to pass as the access token.
So I have no idea what to do, can anyone please help me?
OK, I found what I was doing wrong, in order to respect the authorization flow, I must have APP ID and APP Secret that I register on my app (Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter), on my mobile service. This is the important part, the register URL in the app must be the URL of the web site, after doing this, everything work fine