I am trying to create a hive paritioned table from pyspark dataframe using spark sql. Below is the command I am executing, but getting an error. Error message below.
spark.sql("create table if not exists tablename PARTITION (date) AS select * from df_view")
Error: pyspark.sql.utils.ParseException:u"\nmismatched input 'PARTITION' expecting <EOF>
When I try to run without PARTITION (date) in the above line it works fine. However I am unable to create with partition.
How to create table with partition and insert date from.pyspark dataframe to hive.
To address this I created the table first
spark.sql("create table if not exists table_name (name STRING,age INT) partitioned by (date_column STRING)")
Then set dynamic partition to nonstrict using below.
spark.sql("SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition = true")
spark.sql("SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict")
spark.sql("insert into table table_name PARTITION (date_column) select *,'%s from df_view" % current_date))
Where current date is a variable with today's date.
I have created below table create using spark sql and inserted value using spark.sql
create_table=""" create table tbl1 (tran int,count int) partitioned by (year string) """
insert_query="insert into tbl1 partition(year='2022') values (101,500)"
But I want to insert values into timestamp column using spark sql
create_table="create table tbl2 (tran int,trandate timestamp) partitioned by (year string)"
But below insert statement is not working and throws error
insert_query="insert into tbl2 partition(year='2022') values (101,to_timestamp('2019-06-13 13:22:30.521000000', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff'))"
how to insert timestamp value into table using spark sql. Please help
Try below:
create_table="create table tbl5 (tran int,trandate timestamp) partitioned by (year string)"
insert_query="insert into tbl5 partition(year='2022') values (101,cast(date_format('2019-06-13 13:22:30.521000000', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS') as timestamp))"
spark.sql("select * from tbl5").show(100,False)
|tran|trandate |year|
|101 |2019-06-13 13:22:30.521|2022|
I have created a database and a table (table1) using an SQL syntax and execute them using spark.sql :
spark.sql("CREATE TABLE table1...");
I also loaded a csv file data into a dataframe using :
Dataset<Row> firstDF = spark.read().format("csv").load("C:/file.csv");
Now i use the following code to populate the existing table with the csv data :
But when i select all from the table1 :
Dataset<Row> firstDFRes = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM table1");
i get it empty (with only the schema of the table and no data)
My question is how to populate an existing SQL table with a dataframe ?
PS : using DataFrameReader's InsertInto or else SaveAsTable will create the table using the csv data and will ignore the schema of the SQL created table.
Thank you.
I am learning Spark. I have a dataframe ts of below structure.
|2020-11-04 02:24:...|2020-11-03 18:24:...|
I need to insert ts into Partitioned table in Hive with below structure,
spark.sql(""" create table db.ts_part
UTC timestamp,
PST timestamp
How do i dynamically pass system run date in the insert statement so that it gets partitioned on bkup_dt in table based on date.
I tried something like this code. But it didn't work
How should I do it? Can someone please help!
Try by creating new column with current_date() and then write as partitioned by hive table.
try by creating temp view then run insert statement.
sql("insert into table <table_name> partition (bkup_dt) select *,current_date bkup_dt from tmp")
I am trying a simple use case of inserting into a hive partitioned table on S3. I am running my code on zeppelin notebook on EMR and below is my code along with the screenshot of the output of the commands. I checked the schema of hive table and dataframe and there is no case difference in column name. I am getting below mentioned exception.
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
import sqlContext.implicits._
val hiveContext = new HiveContext(sc)
hiveContext.setConf("hive.exec.dynamic.partition", "true")
hiveContext.setConf("hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode", "nonstrict")
spark.sql("""CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE employee_table (Emp_Id STRING, First_Name STRING, Salary STRING) PARTITIONED BY (Month STRING) LOCATION 's3n://dev-emr-jupyter/anup/'
TBLPROPERTIES ("skip.header.line.count"="1") """)
val csv_df = spark.read
.option("header", "true").load("s3n://dev-emr-jupyter/anup/test_data.csv")
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
spark.sql(""" INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE employee_table PARTITION(Month) select Emp_Id, First_Name, Salary, Month from csv""")
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table.ValidationFailureSemanticException: Partition spec {month=, Month=May} contains non-partition columns;
at org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveExternalCatalog.withClient(HiveExternalCatalog.scala:106)
You need to put a command before your insert statement, in order to be able to populate a partition at runtime. By default, the dynamic partition mode is set to strict.
spark.sql("set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict")
Try by adding that line and run again.
Edit 1:
I saw in your attache image that when you do csv_df.show() you got your salary column to be the last, instead of month column. Try to reference your columns in the insert statement, like: insert into table_name partition(month) (column1, column2..)..
I have a Apache Spark(v2.4.2) dataframe, I want to insert this dataframe into a hive table.
df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([["c1",21, 3], ["c1",32,4], ["c2",4,40089], ["c2",439,6889]]).toDF(["c", "n", "v"])
And I created a hive table:
spark.sql("create table if not exists sample_bucket(n INT, v INT)
partitioned by (c STRING) CLUSTERED BY(n) INTO 3 BUCKETS")
And then I tried to insert data from dataframe df into sample_bucket table:
spark.sql("INSERT OVERWRITE table SAMPLE_BUCKET PARTITION(c) select n, v, c from df")
Which gives me an error, saying:
Output Hive table `default`.`sample_bucket` is bucketed but Spark currently
does NOT populate bucketed output which is compatible with Hive.;
I tried couple of ways which didn't work, on of them is:
spark.sql("set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict")
spark.sql("set hive.enforce.bucketing=true")
spark.sql("INSERT OVERWRITE table SAMPLE_BUCKET PARTITION(c) select n, v, c from df cluster by n")
But no luck, can anyone help me!
Spark (current last 2.4.5) does not fully support Hive bucketed tables.
You can read bucketed tables (without any bucket effect) and even insert into it (in this case buckets will be ignoted and futher Hive reads can have unpredicted behaviour).
See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-19256