duktape js - have multiple contexts with own global and reference to one common 'singleton' - duktape

We are in the process of embedding JS in our application, and we will use a few dozen scripts each assigned to an event. Inside these scripts we provide a minimal callback api,
function onevent(value)
{ // user javascript code here
which is called whenever that event happens. The scripts have to have their own global, since this funtion has always the same name and we access it from cpp code with
duk_get_global_string(js_context_duk, "onevent");
duk_push_number(js_context_duk, val);
if (duk_pcall(js_context_duk, 1) != 0)
printf("Duk error: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(js_context_duk, -1));
duk_pop(js_context_duk); /* ignore result */
Then again we want to allow minimal communication between scripts, e.g.
Script 1
var a = 1;
function onevent(val)
Script 2
function onevent(val)
Is there a way we achieve this? Maybe by introducing an own 'ueber-' global object, that is defined once and referencable everywhere? It should be possible to add properties to this 'ueber-global object' from any script like
Script 1
function onevent(val)
Script 2
function onevent(val)

Instead of simple JS files you could use modules. duktape comes with a code example to implement a module system (including its code isolation) like in Node.js. Having that in place you can export variables that should be sharable.

We have an approach that seems to work now. After creating the new context with
new_ctx = duk_require_context(master_ctx, -1);
duk_copy_element_reference(master_ctx, new_ctx, "ueber");
we issue this call sequence in for all properties/objects/functions created in the main context:
void duk_copy_element_reference(duk_context* src, duk_context* dst, const char* element)
duk_get_global_string(src, element);
duk_require_stack(dst, 1);
duk_xcopy_top(dst, src, 1);
duk_put_global_string(dst, element);
It seems to work (because everything is in the same heap and all is single threaded). Maybe someone with deeper insight into duktape can comment on this? Is this a feasible solution with no side effects?
edit: mark this as answer. works as expected, no memory leaks or other issues.


Node.JS: Make module runnable through require or from command line

I have a script setupDB.js that runs asynchronously and is intended to be called from command line. Recently, I added test cases to my project, some of which require a database to be set up (and thus the execution of aforementioned script).
Now, I would like to know when the script has finished doing its thing. At the moment I'm simply waiting for a few seconds after requiring setupDB.js before I start my tests, which is obviously a bad idea.
The problem with simply exporting a function with a callback parameter is that it is important that the script can be run without any overhead, meaning no command line arguments, no additional function calls etc., since it is part of a bigger build process.
Do you have any suggestions for a better approach?
I was also looking for this recently, and came across a somewhat-related question: "Node.JS: Detect if called through require or directly by command line
" which has an answer that helped me build something like the following just a few minutes ago where the export is only run if it's used as a module, and the CLI library is only required if ran as a script.
function doSomething (opts) {
* Based on
* https://stackoverflow.com/a/46962952/7665043
function isScript () {
return require.main && require.main.filename === /\((.*):\d+:\d+\)$/.exec((new Error()).stack.split('\n')[ 2 ])[ 1 ]
if (isScript) {
const cli = require('some CLI library')
opts = cli.parseCLISomehow()
} else {
module.exports = {
There may be some reason that this is not a good idea, but I am not an expert.
I have now handled it this way: I export a function that does the setup. At the beginning I check if the script has been called from command line, and if so, I simply call the function. At the same time, I can also call it directly from another module and pass a callback.
if (require.main === module) {
// Called from command line
runSetup(function (err, res) {
// do callback handling
function runSetup(callback) {
// do the setup
exports.runSetup = runSetup;
make-runnable npm module can help with this.

Node.js Spawning multiple threads within a class method

How can I run a single method multiple times multi-threaded when called as a method of a class?
At first I tried to use the cluster module, but I realize it just re-runs the whole process from the start, rightfully so.
How can I achieve something like what's outlined below?
I want a class's method to spawn n processes, and when the parallel tasks are completed, I can resolve a promise which the method returns.
The problem with the code below is that calling cluster.fork() will fork index.js process.
const Person = require('./Person.js');
var Mary = new Person('Mary');
Mary.run(5).then(() => {...});
console.log('I should only run once, but I am called 5 times too many');
const cluster = require('cluster');
class Person{
var completed = 0;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
for(var i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
// run a separate process for each
cluster.fork().send(i).on('message', message => {
if (message === 'completed') { ++completed; }
if (completed === distance) { resolve(); }
I think the short answer is impossible. It's even worse - this has nothing to do with js. To multi (process or thread) in your particular problem you will essentially need a copy of the object in every thread, since it needs (maybe) access to fields - in this case you would need to either initialize it in every thread or share memory. That last one I don't think is provided in cluster, and not trivial in other languages in every use case.
If the calculation is independent of the Person I suggest you extract it, and use the usual (in index.js):
if(cluster.isWorker) {
//Use the i for calculation
} else {
//Create Person, then fork children in for loop
You then collect the results and change the Person as needed. You will be copying index.js, but this is standard and you only run what you need.
The problem is if results are dependent on Person. If these are constant for all i you can still send them to your forks independently. Otherwise what you have is the only way to fork. In general forking in cluster is not meant for methods, but for the app itself, which is the standard forking behavior.
Another solution
Following your comment, I suggest you checkout child_process.execFile or child_process.exec on same file.
This way you can spawn a totally independent process on the fly. Now instead of calling cluster.fork you call execFile. You can use either the exit code or stdout as return values (stderr etc.). Promise is now replaced with:
var results = []
for(var i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
// run a separate process for each
results.push(child_process.execFile().child.execFile('node', 'mymethod.js`,i]));
//... catch the exit event from all results or return a callback using results.
Inside mymethod.js Have your code that takes i and returns what you want either in the exit code or through stdout, both properties of the returned child_process. This is a bit un-node.js-y since you're waiting on asynchronous calls, but you're requirements are non standard. Since I'm not sure how you use this perhaps returning a callback with the array is a better idea.

Flux - Isn't it a bad practice to include the dispatcher instance everywhere?

Note: My question is about the way of including/passing the dispatcher instance around, not about how the pattern is useful.
I am studying the Flux Architecture and I cannot get my head around the concept of the dispatcher (instance) potentially being included everywhere...
What if I want to trigger an Action from my Model Layer? It feels weird to me to include an instance of an object in my Model files... I feel like this is missing some injection pattern...
I have the impression that the exact PHP equivalent is something (that feels) horrible similar to:
$dispatcher = require '../dispatcher_instance.php';
class MyModel {
public function someMethod() {
I think my question is not exactly only related to the Flux Architecture but more to the NodeJS "way of doing things"/practices in general.
No, it is not bad practice to pass around the instance of the dispatcher in your stores
All data stores should have a reference to the dispatcher
The invoking/consuming code (in React, this is usually the view) should only have references to the action-creators, not the dispatcher
Your code doesn't quite align with React because you are creating a public mutable function on your data store.
The ONLY way to communicate with a store in Flux is via message passing which always flows through the dispatcher.
For example:
var Dispatcher = require('MyAppDispatcher');
var ExampleActions = require('ExampleActions');
var _data = 10;
var ExampleStore = assign({}, EventEmitter.prototype, {
getData() {
return _data;
emitChange() {
dispatcherKey: Dispatcher.register(payload => {
var {action} = payload;
switch (action.type) {
_data += 1;
module.exports = ExampleStore;
By closing over _data instead of having a data property directly on the store, you can enforce the message passing rule. It's a private member.
Also important to note, although you can call Dispatcher.emit() directly, it's not a good idea.
There are two main reasons to go through the action-creators:
Consistency - This is how your views and other consuming code interacts with the stores
Easier Refactoring - If you ever remove the ADD_1 action from your app, this code will throw an exception rather than silently failing by sending a message that doesn't match any of the switch statements in any of the stores
Main Advantages to this Approach
Loose coupling - Adding and removing features is a breeze. Stores can respond to any event in the system with by adding one line of code.
Less complexity - One way data flow makes wrapping head around data flow a lot easier. Less interdependencies.
Easier debugging - You can debug every change in your system with a few lines of code.
debugging example:
var MyAppDispatcher = require('MyAppDispatcher');
MyAppDispatcher.register(payload => {

NodeJS: Run module method within sandbox

I need one simple thing:
var Base = function(module){
this.outsideMethod = function(arg1)
// run method in new context - sandbox
return vm.runInNewContext(module.insideMethod, arg1);
is something like this possible in nodejs? thx very much
If the insideMethod function does not call or use functions/vlues from outside the context it shall run in, yes.
You can convert any function in Javascript to a string.
Doing vm.runInNewContext('('+module.insideMethod+')('+JSON.stringify(arg1)+"); could be what you want.

RequireJS and Globals

I have a number of event handlers in my page that were accessing global functions (functions defined in Script tags on the page). For instance:
<button id="ClearText" onclick="cleartb()">Clear Text Box</button>
That cleartb() function simply sits on the page:
function cleartb()
Now, vm is my page's view model (but for this question, all that matters is that it was simply a global variable available to the entire page) and I use functions and values it exposes in several event handlers, alert messages, etc.
The problem is that I've moved the definition of vm into a RequireJS AMD module called vm.js:
define(["knockout", "jquery"], function (ko, $) {
var essayText = 'Hello World!';
return {
essayText: essayText
When my onlick event handler runs or I refer to vm in any manner, I get a "vm undefined" error (as expected).
Question 1:
How can I give my page access to the vm variable defined in an AMD module especially if I don't want to "pollute" the global namespace? Is there a best-practice here?
Question 2:
Ultimately, I don't even want cleartb() on the page because it really is a view-model-specific operation. Although I think I can figure out what to do once I have the (an?) answer to Question 1, I would be interested to know how best to move the cleartb function into the vm AMD module so that I still can call it from my onlick event handler.
Note that I want values and function still to be exposed from a vm variable so that I can continue to use vm.cleartb() or inspect the value of vm.essayText() (it's a KO observable). (In other words, I don't want to solve the problem with a cleartb(vm) solution.)
Thank you for any help!
function cleartb()
Actually, this way is already pollute the global window variable. So I think your first requirement don't make sense. And then you can do this way:
define(["knockout", "jquery"], function (ko, $) {
var essayText = 'Hello World!', varToBeExported;
window.varToBeExported = {
'cleartb': cleartb
return {
essayText: essayText
But if unnecessary, you should using requireJs way - require(['your moudle'],.... .
