Windows 11 Explorer Crashing When Hovering Over Snap Layout - layout

After upgrading windows 10 to windows 11 whenever I hover over the snap layout (maximize button) windows explorer would crash and restart and I wouldn't be able to use the snap layout. I've updated my drivers and look around but no luck.
Any suggestions?

What fixed it for me is changing the scale to 100% apparently, I had it set to 110%.
Here are few other things to try.

Changing the scale to 100% worked for me also.
Head to Settings > System > Display

I just made a nice discovery that might make this solution a little more palatable. I had my scaling set to 128%. If I changed it to 100% it would make it very difficult to see some things on my 4K screen.
I thought maybe I could try a number a little less odd than 128, so I tried 125% and it worked! So play around with it a bit if you don't want to use 100%. There might be other values that work as well.


Displaying a Classification Banner at the top of each computer monitor in Gnome Desktop

I work in an environment where we have to have a security classification banner displayed at the top of each monitor on our Gnome Desktops. Currently, I am using a Perl/Tk window to display the classification of the system. However, that window cannot be moved because of the way it is built (no decorations) and occasionally overlays open windows making it difficult for users to manage those windows.
I would like to be able to do something different, but I'm not sure where to start. Three ideas I have are this:
An icon or something in the Top Bar showing the classification
A banner, like the Top Bar, that sits above the Top Bar
A window, like I already have, but relocatable
I figure the first option would be easiest, but since the Top Bar isn't shown on every monitor, that may not be the best option. I don't even know if the second option is even possible. The third option would require me to use something other than Perl/Tk but that's the only language I'm fluent in at the moment.
So I'm looking for suggestions or examples or Gnome extensions I can use to solve this problem.
There is a classification-banner python utility at It's no longer maintained, but we've been using it without change for a few years now. It's OK. One problem is that it doesn't "shrink" the desktop screen, so application windows can overlap it; it's set to Always On Top, but it would be nicer if it actually couldn't be overlaid at all.
A simple solution, of sorts, would be to change the desktop background image. This can have issues if you're displaying on multiple resolutions (I don't know if Gnome supports SVG for such purposes) and of course it can be obscured by windows covering it.
Older versions of Gnome let you create multiple bars that worked perfectly, but that disappeared - along with many other customizations - in Gnome 3.

The mapcontrol zooms undesirable when setting either Heading, Center or Style. (since Creator update)

I'm working on a UWP project which uses the MapControl.
After updating to the Creator Update for Windows 10, the mapcontrol behaves in unexpected and undesired ways:
I update the heading and center almost constantly, but this now causes the zoomlevel to change slowly over time.
And when I change the mapstyle, it zooms out by a lot. (But this seemingly only when I update either/both the heading and/or center)
I have no idea why this is happening or how to avoid it.
Any help appreciated.
This is a bug that is currently being investigated.
As a workaround, rather than independently setting zoom and center, try using the SetScene API.
like this:
TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(newCenter, newRadius, heading, pitch), MapAnimationKind.Linear);

Animations Bar can't be found in Construct 2

I'm trying to do animations on Windows 10, but I can't find the animations bar. Is there a hotkey to bring up the Animations Bar?
Old bump. but still...
Maybe you should try to reset the dialogs.
File >> Preferences >> [Reset dialogs]
Sometimes Construct 2 pops up Windows in odd locations. If, for instance, you are using multiple monitors, the Animations Bar might have popped up on the other monitor, and maybe behind other applications. Not really sure why this happens, but I've certainly had to do some digging before. All in all, close all your other Windows and look around on other monitors. It should be there by default, just might be hidden :)

How to use Openbox+xcompmgr correctly?

I use xcompmgr to make the 32 bit window to has a transparent background.The WM is Openbox.But When I run my 32 bit window example,the window is black not transparent.The result I want is set something make xcompmgr work fine.I saw a page "Background turns light gray briefly after logging in (e.g. in Openbox)",hsetroot.I run hsetroot,my window become steady,but like a 24 bit window with a black background.Is there any ideas to meet my demand?
Even if this message is quite old, maybe I can help someone else :
xcompmgr don't work very well with openbox. You can use compton instead.
Compton is a fork of xcompmgr.

Strange behaviour in my android app (Android 2.3.5) - Things get inflated wrong

I've been experiencing some very strange behavours in an app I'm developing. The app is not very advanced, it stores a couple of places in a sqlite database and is displayed in listviews, on a mapview etc. So, when browsing through my app after deploying it to my phone everything works great, but after a while one listview doesn't get inflated. A scrollbar appears as if the items were there but I can't see them. I push the back button to close the app. When revisiting the app my first view, which has two buttons, gets all messed up. The buttons fill the viewport and the background disappears etc. I can't figure out what's wrong.
Anyone else facing these problems? My phone is a HTC Desire HD with Android 2.3.5
The app is pretty "layout heavy", if you know what I mean. The listview items has custom background images, I'm using custom fonts etc. But the app is running smoothly up to the point when it freaks out and displays/don't display everything wrong.
My first thought is there is some kind of memory issue, ideas?
I believe this might have something to do with defining and using #00000000 as transparent color. Use #android:color/transparent instead.
So after doing some testing I found that what I previously mentioned in the edit really is the cause of this problem. I had defined the transparent color in my colors.xml as #00000000. This seems to work, sometimes... And other times it grabs a drawable instead, but not a drawable that is named "transparent", it grabs ANY drawable. Weird but true.
After some testing I finally found the cause of this problem. I had defined the transparent color in my colors.xml as #00000000. This seems to work, sometimes... And other times it grabs a drawable instead, but not a drawable that is named "transparent", it grabs ANY drawable. Weird but true.
So to fix this problem you should use #android:color/transparent instead when you want transparency on, for example, a view background.
If there are memory errors you should be able to catch them in logcat. You'll get "VM failed on xxxx byte allocation" messages (or the like).
Silly/stupid answer: often when I run into layout issues within my app, it's because I needed to do a clean build after having changed my layouts. You might want to start there.
Edit: You might also try the emulator, and if you suspect memory issues you could start the emulator with a small heap to force the issue to occur sooner. You can also check your heap usage in DDMS or with the Eclipse MAT to see if it's leaking.
I was experiencing the same problem on Galaxy tab even with #android:color/transparent. Was able to fix it only by replacing android:background="#color/transparent" with android:background="#null".
