Cosmos Write Returning 429 Error With Bulk Execution - azure

We have a solution utilizing a micro-service approach. One of our micro-service is responsible for pushing data to Cosmos. Our Cosmos database is using serverless provision having a 5,000 RU/s limit.
The data we are inserting into Cosmos looks like the below. There are 10 columns and we are pushing a batch containing 5,807 rows of this data.
Primary Id
Secondary Id
We are retrieving data from multiple sources, normalizing it, and sending out the data as one bulk execution to Cosmos. The retrieval process happens every hour. We understand that we are spiking the Cosmos database once per hour with the data that has been retrieved and then stop sending data until the next retrieval cycle. So if this high peak is the problem, what remedies exist for such a scenario?
Can anyone shed some light on what we should/need to do to overcome this issue? Perhaps we are missing a setting when creating the Cosmos database or possibly this has something to do with partitioning?

You can mostly determine these things by looking at the metrics published in the Azure Portal. This doc is a good place to start, Monitor and debug with insights in Azure Cosmos DB.
In particular I would look at the section titled, Determine the throughput consumption by a partition key range
If you are not dealing with a hot partition key you may want to look at options to throttle your writes. This may include modifying your batch size and putting the write operations on a while..loop with a one second timer until RU/s consumed equals 5000 RU/s. You could also possibly look at doing queue-based load leveling and put writes on a queue in front of Cosmos and stream them in.


Cosmos DB metrics report 100x more requests than expected

I'm comparing the service side metrics of my app with the metrics emitted by Cosmos DB and I can see a 100x difference in request counts.
Is my container misconfigured? Am I querying the wrong way? Is Cosmos performing multiple requests internally for each query I'm running against it?
The metric I'm looking at in Cosmos is TotalRequests/Count/5min.
The container has indexes on all attributes + a few composite indexes.
The query I'm running is:
WHERE x.partitionKey = 0
and x.index1 = 1
and x.index2 = 2
The container is suffering from a VERY hot partition.
Each request consumes about 5 RUs.
The consistency level is BOUNDED_STALENESS.
I tried changing the consistency level to EVENTUAL which brought the consumed RUs down, but I'm still seeing a huge amount of requests that aren't accounted for.
The Total Requests metric includes every request between the SDK and the service. The SDK makes frequent calls to the service when an SDK instance is first created, then makes regular calls for metadata and other information. If you want to see just requests made by user, apply a filter for OperationType and select the operations you want to monitor.
It's not clear why you were using Bounded Staleness. Reads using Strong and Bounded Staleness consume twice the RU/s because they read from 2 replicas rather than 1 replica for the other weaker consistency models. In addition to differences in cost, there are of course differences in whether you may read stale data or not. They also play a big role in your RTO and RPO in multi-region scenarios.
A hot partition does not have impact on throughput consumption. 5 RU/s for a query is actually very good.

Request Timeout in Azure Cosmos DB in sdk v3

I am inserting the data to azure cosmos db. In some time it throws an error (Request Timeout : 408). I have increased the Request Timeout to 10 mins.
Also, i have iterate each item from api and calling CreateItemAsync() method instead of bulk executor.
Data To Insert = 430 K Items
Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos SDK used = v3
Container Throughput = 400
Can anyone help me to fix this issue.
Just increase your throughput. But it's going to cost you a lot of money if you leave it increased. 400 RU/s isn't going to cut it unless you batch your operation to the point where it's going to take a long time to insert 400k items.
If this is a one-time deal, increase your RU/s to 2000+, then start slowly inserting items. I would say, depending on the size of your documents, maybe do 50 at a time, then wait 250 milliseconds, then do 50 more until you are done. You will have to play with this though.
Once you are done, move your RU/s back down to 400.
Cosmos DB can be ridiculously expensive, so be careful.
This is from some documentation:
Increase throughput: The duration of your data migration depends on the amount of throughput you set up for an individual collection or a set of collections. Be sure to increase the throughput for larger data migrations. After you've completed the migration, decrease the throughput to save costs. For more information about increasing throughput in the Azure portal, see performance levels and pricing tiers in Azure Cosmos DB.
The documentation page for 408 timeouts lists a number of possible causes to investigate.
Aside from addressing the root cause with the SDK client app or increasing throughput, you might also consider leveraging Azure Data Factory to ingest the data as in this example. This assumes your data load is an initialization process and your data can be made available as a blob file.

How Monitor - Cosmos DB (preview) Requests is calculated?

Azure provides monitor to the incoming request to the Cosmos. When I am alone working on my Cosmos DB, ran a simple select vertex statement(eg., g.V('id')). Then I monitored the incoming request, it shows around 10. But for sure I know i'm the only person accessed. I also tried traversing through the graph in a single select query the Request count is huge (around 100).
Do anybody noticed the metrics? We are assuming the request code is huge for an hour in production cause the performance slowness. Is the metric is trustworthy to believe or how to find the incoming request to the cosmos?

Can a partitioned CosmosDB / DocumentDB collection have fewer than 400 RU/s of throughput configured?

Update: This question is now invalid as the events I'd thought happened didn't happen quite as I'd thought (see below for details). I'm leaving the question as-is though as the answers and comments may be useful to others.
I've created a collection via the Azure Portal, configured initially with:
Storage Capacity: Unlimited
Initial Throughput Capacity (RU/s): 2500
Partition Key: /PartitionKey
Then through the .NET SDK I've changed the Initial Throughput Capacity (RU/s) to 400.
According to the Scale & Settings tab for the collection in the Azure Portal the value of Throughput (400 - 10,000 RU/s)* is 400.
Is this a supported configuration? I'm assuming this is a bug somewhere but perhaps it isn't? What would I be charged for this collection?
As an aside...
The Add Collection screen doesn't allow me to set the Throughput to 400 on initial creation but it seems I can change it afterwards.
Update: I think I've worked out what happened. I manually created a partitioned collection, then I forgot that my code (an importer/migration tool I'm working on) deletes the database and recreates the database and collection on startup. When it does this, it's created as a non-partitioned collection. Now that I've corrected this, I get the error "The offer should have valid throughput values between 2500 and 100000 inclusive in increments of 100." if I try to reproduce what I thought I'd managed to do before.
You're not seeing a bug. You're attempting to set an RU range on a partitioned collection.
Single-partition collections (10GB) allow for 400-10000 RU.
What you're showing in your question is a partitioned collection, with scale starting at 2500 RU.
And you cannot configure a partitioned collection for 400 RU, whether through the portal or through API/SDK.

I am not sure which NoSQL is suitable for my scenario

I am trying to design create a cloud based system (IaaS) that will gather data from sensors (water pollution related activity) and upon certain events will decide to process the data for a specific sensor.
Data characteristics are:
1. For each sensor data is being sent once every couple of days (up to 6 times a month)
2. each sensor reading contains about 5000 events that are encapsulated in 50-100 messages that are sent to the server (such "session" takes about 20 minutes where messages are sent every 5 seconds)
3. I am building the system to handle rate of 30,000 messages per second.
4. processing of the data shouldn't be real time , I have about 10 minutes once the "session" is finished to do the processing.
5. 90% of the sessions are not interesting and can be thrown away once they are finished. the other 10% have event or event encapsulated in the messages that according to them I need to decide if I need to process the entire session data and send an alert to the sensor that there is a pollution.
I created a tool that generates 5000 messages per second and I am trying to figure out which database would be the most optimal for my scenario.
These are the databases I am thinking to try:
Cassandra - I will save for each session an in memory collection of keys. the keys are for the messages that are stored in cassandra. Once I detect a message that contains bad readings I will need to pull all of the other messages in the "session" and process them (that means 50-100 requests to cassandra). My concern here is about write performance (since I have many read and write operations) + I don't have a good strategy for deleting the 90% not needed sessions.
Couchbase - I will save a document for each "session" according to sensorID and will append each message to the document. Once I detect a message that contains bad readings I will only need to send one request for the document. My concern here is about the read performance.
Redis - use it like cassandra. I assume performance will be the best but I will need to handle the sharding and replication of data myself in order not to reach the memory limit
I would love to hear which option would be the most appropriate
Reg. Redis – You may consider using a DAAS (Data as a Service). The service will manage for you all the instances, clusters, scaling, data persistence and high availability settings.
One example, is Redis Cloud by Redis Labs
This is an interesting one. If we go to basics of CAP Theorem and try to choose one DB based upon need of consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.
For High consistency and availability- Choose MySQL, PostgreSQL,Greenplum, Vertica, Neo4J.
For High availability and partition tolerance- Use Cassandra,Voldemort,Dynamo,CouchDB, Riak
For High consistency and partition tolerance- Use HBase, Redis, MongoDB,
BerkeleyDB, BigTable
So my Vote is for Cassandra here.
