Create Azure Resource Group using Bicep - azure

I'm trying to create an Azure Resource Group using a .bicep file:
targetScope = 'subscription'
param environment string
param location string = deployment().location
resource resourceGroup 'Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups#2021-04-01' = {
name: 'snapshot-generator-${environment}-west-eu'
location: location
And for deploy I'm using the following command in PowerShell:
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -TemplateFile resourceGroup.bicep
but the ResourceGroupName is requested and I can't understand why and what I'm doing wrong.

You should use New-AzSubscriptionDeployment instead of New-AzResourceGroupDeployment for a subscription-level deployment. See here for more.


Azure VM templates

So, I exported a VM template and I'm trying to build more VMs based on that template.
How can I define the subscription, resource group and region in the template or in the parameters file?
You can use Azure Powershell to Deploy Virtual Machine, I have reproduced in my environment and followed Microsoft-Document :
Firstly if you donot have a resourcegroup create it using below cmdllet:
New-AzResourceGroup -Name 'rithwik' -Location 'EastUS'
(rithwik- Resourcegroup name)
Then you need to try below cmdlet for deploying VM:
New-AzVm `
-ResourceGroupName 'myResourceGroup' `
-Name 'myVM' `
-Location 'East US' `
-VirtualNetworkName 'myVnet' `
-SubnetName 'mySubnet' `
-SecurityGroupName 'myNetworkSecurityGroup' `
-PublicIpAddressName 'myPublicIpAddress' `
-OpenPorts 80,3389
After giving the command type your username and password as below:
References of Code taken from:
In Portal:

Is there Terraform script for creating migration activity in Azure?

I have created Azure data migration service and migration project using terraform, so is there any terraform scripts available for creating migration activity in Azure?
Currently its not possible with Terraform as only Database Migration Service and Project are available for now . You can use ARM template for the same .
If you want to use Terraform , then you can use local-exec to use PowerShell or CLI and execute the Az-powershell or Az CLI commands there .
Example of Local-exec :
resource "null_resource" "example" {
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = <<Settings
$ResourceGroupName = "${}"
$FunctionAppName = "${var.function_app}"
$SubscriptionId = "${var.Subscription}"
Get-AzFunctionApp -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $FunctionAppName -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId
interpreter = ["PowerShell", "-Command"]

PowerShell Task not running the script in Azure Pipelines?

I have a powershell task that is used to run a script which involves creating azure resources (Example: Resource group, Azure Key Vault, Function App...). When the pipeline is being run and it arrives to the powershell task in the deploy stage, it shows the following message:
The problem here, it says Finishing:Powershell but it didn't execute the script and did not create any azure resource.
Here is a sample of the powershell script:
$vaultName = "key vault name"
$blobstorageName = "blob storage name"
$Location = "Location Name"
$resourceGroupName = "Resource Group Name"
try {
#Creation of Resource Group
$resourceGroup = Get-AzResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($null -eq $resourceGroup)
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName -Location $Location
Write-Host "The ResourceGroup with the name: $resourceGroupName already exists."
# Creation of Storage Account
$checkBlobStorage = (Get-AzStorageAccountNameAvailability -Name $blobstorageName) | Select-Object NameAvailable
if ($checkBlobStorage.NameAvailable)
New-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $blobstorageName -Location $Location -SkuName Standard_LRS -Kind StorageV2 -AccessTier Hot
Write-Host "The name $blobStorageName is not available. Suggest a new globally unique name!"
Does anyone have a clue what is wrong ? Am I missing something in the powershell script (Maybe I don't have direct access to the azure portal from azure devops) or maybe something is missing in
the Yaml file ?
Two major issues:
you seem to be using the Powershell Task, which is not designed for communication with Azure. You should use the Azure Powershell task for this kind of script, because it already has the right modules loaded and the authentication prepared.
your script is swallowing the error so it is hiding what went wrong. It's usually more useful not to catch exceptions; if your script is erroring then let it error, and let the pipeline show you in its log what has happened.

Create Azure Objects Using 'Publish Settings' File

So, I'm told if you import your Azure Subscription Publish Setting file into can use the certificate in the Publish Setting file to create objects in your Azure Subscription.
However, I am getting the following exception trying to create a Resource Group:
New-AzureRmResourceGroup : Run Connect-AzureRmAccount to login.
+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [New-AzureRmResourceGroup], PSInvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.NewAzureResourceGroupCmdlet
I Do The Following In My Script:
"Import" the Subscription
"Select" the Subscription
"Get" the Subscription (to view it)
...the subscription is both "Default & Current" (see attached image).
...and yet I still get that message.
This code is edited so as not to "give away the farm"...
#Set Subscription
$Subscription_Id = "<not shown>"
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionId $Subscription_Id
# CHECK EXISTS: ResourceGroup
$RegionFullName = "South Central US"
$RegionShortName = "scus"
$EnvironmentShortName = "dev"
$ApplicationShortName = "<not shown>"
$ObjectTypeShortName = "rg"
$ResourceGroupFullName = "$($RegionShortName)-$($EnvironmentShortName)-$($ApplicationShortName)-$($ObjectTypeShortName)"
$ResourceGroup = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupFullName -ErrorVariable NotPresent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($ResourceGroup -eq $Null) {
#CREATE: ResourceGroup
$ResourceGroup = New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupFullName -Location $RegionFullName -Confirm
I suppose you are using Import-PublishSettingsFile, but Azure Management Certificates and Publishing Setting files are only intended (for) and (are) limited to managing Azure Service Management (ASM) resources, which are being retired.
In your script, you mixed the ASM and AzureRm powershell modules together. Select-AzureSubscription and Get-AzureSubscription belong to ASM, Get-AzureRmResourceGroup and New-AzureRmResourceGroup belong to AzureRm.
So if you need to use AzureRm command, you need to run Connect-AzureRmAccount to login your account.

The resource type could not be found in the namespace for api version 2018-01-01- Azure Powershell

I'm creating a metric alert on Azure storage for that I do have an ARM template
While I execute it through Azure Powershell then I receive an error as mentioned below and I'm not sure what is causing this issue.
POWERSHELL COMMAND : New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -name "StorageBlobDeployment" -ResourceGroupName TestStorage-RG -TemplateFile "C:\ARM\" -TemplateParameterFile "C:\ARM\"
Though it works fine when I deploy same ARM template through Portal.
ERROR below:
new-AzResourceGroupDeployment : 2:37:34 PM - Resource microsoft.insights/metricAlerts '-storage_account_ingress_traffic_alert' failed with message '{
"Code": "BadRequest",
"Message": "The resource type could not be found in the namespace '' for api version '2018-01-01'."
I suppose this is happening because your Azure Powershell is outdated. Update it and it will work just fine.
