Finding the list of unsatisfied constraints in the Choco model - choco

Is there a function in choco that retrieves the list of unsatisfied constraints in the model?

No, there is no such function. The search process stops as soon as a constraint is unsatisfiable or as soon as a constraint has emptied the domain of a variable. Therefore, whenever a fail happens, there is no guarantee whatsoever on the variables' domains, which make things difficult to retrieve the list of unsatisfied constraints. The best you can do is to retrieve the list of propagators and check their status using the isEntailed() function.


Choco 4: calling a method whenever a Boolean variable gets assigned or unassigned

I have a technical question regarding the Choco 4 CP solver.
I would like to call a method (lets call it f()) whenever some Boolean variables in my model are assigned or unassigned during search. The purpose of f() is to update a data structure which is used extensively by propagators.
My first attempt was to implement a custom IVariableMonitor but the method onUpdate(Variable v, IEventType iEventType) is invoked only when a variable gets assigned to 0/1 but not unassigned.
I also tried to use search monitors but no success for now.
Is there a way to perform this task?
I have figured out how to solve this issue.
What I actually needed is a data structure that supports an automatic undo operation. That is, modified when a variable is assigned and reverted automatically if the corresponding variable that triggered the modification gets unassigned.
Luckily, choco provides such backtrackable data structures (see org.chocosolver.util.objects).
As far as I understand, the state of a backtrackable data structure is associated with a decision level. When the solver backtracks any modification above the current decision level is reverted.

Is there a compelling reason to call type.mro() rather than iterate over type.__mro__ directly?

Is there a compelling reason to call type.mro() rather than iterate over type.__mro__ directly? It's literally ~13 times faster to access (36ns vs 488 ns)
I stumbled upon it while looking to cache type.mro(). It seems legit, but it makes me wonder: can I rely on type.__mro__, or do I have to call type.mro()? and under what conditions can I get away with the former?
More importantly, what set of conditions would have to occur for type.__mro__ to be invalid?
For instance, when a new subclass is defined/created that alters an existing class's mro, is the existing class' .__mro__ immediately updated? Does this happen on every new class creation? that makes it part of class type? Which part? ..or is that what type.mro() is about?
Of course, all that is assuming that type.__mro__ is, in fact, a tuple of cached names pointing to the objects in a given type's mro. If that assumption is incorrect; then, what is it? (probably a descriptor or something..) and why can/can't I use it?
EDIT: If it is a descriptor, then I'd love to learn its magic, as both: type(type.__mro__) is tuple and type(type(type).__mro__) is tuple (ie: probably not a descriptor)
EDIT: Not sure how relevant this is, but type('whatever').mro() returns a list whereas type('whatever').__mro__ returns a tuple. (Un?)fortunately, appending to that list doesn't change the __mro__ or subsequent calls to .mro() of/on the type in question (in this case, str).
Thanks for the help!
According to the docs:
This attribute is a tuple of classes that are considered when looking for base classes during method resolution.
This method can be overridden by a metaclass to customize the method resolution order for its instances. It is called at class instantiation, and its result is stored in __mro__.
So yes, your assumption about __mro__ being a cache is correct. If your metaclass' mro() always returns the same thing, or if you don't have any metaclasses, you can safely use __mro__.

Univ signature appears magically when module is empty

I have in front of me an Alloy model composed of different modules (files).
The main module (the one containing the command) does not contain any signature declaration, only a command and some facts.
This model enforces that only one instance can possibly be satisfiable but after analysis, several satisfiable instances are found.
I investigated the differences between the generated instances to discover that a Univ signature appeared magically (in addition to the built-in univ signature).
The difference between each instance generated come from the number of atoms belonging to that mysterious addition.
After adding a signature to the main module, the Univ signature disappeared.
It seems that the Alloy analyzer adds this signature by itself when no signature declarations are found in the module containing the command executed.
Is this behavior generally desired ? If so, why ?
The simplest way to reproduce this behavior is to have a module containing only: run {}
I believe that this particular case is a bug. The original motivation is that when you have no sigs defined (at all), and just want to check some property over the built-in relations (e.g., unit, iden, none), unless a sig exists, the analyzer won't be able to produce instances with more than 0 atoms. That's why the Univ sig is automatically generated in those cases. The current implementation fails to check if the imported modules define any sigs, so in those cases, as you already realized, you end up with the mysterious Univ sig. You also correctly pointed out that an easy workaround would be to add a dummy empty sig to the module where your command is defined, e.g.,
sig Dummy {}
fact { no Dummy }
You should also check the latest experimental version, because this bug may be fixed there (not sure though).

is not bound to a legal value during translation

I would like to know a bit more about the bounding this error relates to.
I have an alloy model for which I create an instance manually (by writting it down in XML).
This instance is readable and the A4Solution can be correctly displayed.
But when I try to evaluate an expression in this instance using the eval() function, I receive this error message, though the field name and type of the exprvar retrieved from the model is exactly the same as the one in the instance..
I would like to know what does this bounding consist of. What are the properties taken into consideration to tell that one element of the instance is bounded to one element of the model.
Is the hidden ID figuring in the XML somewhere taken into consideration ?
I would like to know what does this bounding consist of.
It means that every free variable (i.e., relation in Kodkod) has to be given a bound before asking the solver to solve the formula.
What are the properties taken into consideration to tell that one element of the instance is bounded to one element of the model.
The instance XML file contains and exact value (a tuple set) for each and every sig and field from the model; those tuple sets are exactly the bounds that should be used when evaluating expressions. I'm not sure how exactly you are trying to use the Alloy API; but recreating the bounds from the XML file should (mostly) be handled by the API behind the scene.
Judging by your last comment to my previous answer, your problem might be related to this post.
In a nutshell, if you are trying to evaluate AST expression objects obtained from one "alloy world" (CompModule) against a solution that was entirely recreated from an XML file, you will get exactly that error. For example, if you have two PrimSig objects, s1 and s2, and they both have the same name (e.g., both were obtained by parsing sig S {...}), they are not "Java equals" (s1.equals(s2) returns false); the same holds for the underlying Kodkod relations/variables. So if you then try to evaluate s1 in a context which has a bound only for s2, you'll get an error saying that s1 is not bound.
Providing the set of Signatures defined in the metamodel while reading the A4Solution solved my problem.
Thus changing:
solution =, new XMLNode(f));
solution =, new XMLNode(f));
solved this illegal bounding issue

Usage of a correct collection Type

I am looking for a native, or a custom-type that covers the following requirements:
A Generic collection that contains only unique objects like a HashSet<T>
It implements INotifyCollectionChanged
It implements IENumerable<T> (duh) and must be wrappable by a ReadOnlyCollection<T> (duh, duh)
It should work with both small and large numbers of items (perhaps changing inner behaviour?)
the signature of the type must be like UniqueList<T> (like a list, not a key/valuepair)
It does not have to be sortable.
Searchability is not a "must-have".
The main purpose of this is to set up a small mesh/network between related objects.
So this network can only unique objects and there has to be a mechanism that notifies the application when changes in the collection happen.Since it is for a proof-of-concept the scope is purely within the assembly (no db's or fs are of any importance).
What is a proper native type for this or what are the best ingredients to create a composite?
Sounds like you could just wrap HashSet<T> in your own type extremely easily, just to implement INotifyCollectionChanged. You can easily proxy everything you need - e.g. GetEnumerator can just call set.GetEnumerator() etc. Implementing INotifyCollectionChanged should just be a matter of raising the event when an element is added or removed. You probably want to make sure you don't raise the event if either you add an element which is already present or remove an element which isn't already present. HashSet<T>.Add/Remove both return bool to help you with this though.
I wouldn't call it UniqueList<T> though, as that suggests list-like behaviour such as maintaining ordering. I'd call it ObservableSet<T> or something like that.
