Implementation of Encryption in web application - web

I am working on security implementation in web application. I have developed a node.js web server and a clients in HTML for displaying the data to end users. I want that the data shown to the clients be encrypted and sent from server. I though that i will encrypt the data using AES at node.js server and decrypt it at client. But decryption at client will need keys to be stored in the client application which is not recommended. I read about SubtleCrypto interface of WebCrypto API. But these are not supported in all browsers. Now I am not able to understand that how I implement encryption and decryption of data in my web application. Where should I keep the keys. Please advice any suitable architecture and technology so that I should be able to serve encrypted data to the clients without compromise of keys. Please suggest if symmetric or asymmetric encryption algorithm will be suitable for my scenario.


Private key storage rsa node js

I am developing a document sharing application that allows users to send files securely. Currently, I encrypt documents on the server side using encryption (key, IV), then encrypt the key and IV with the recipient's public key. However, I want the encryption to be client-side to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.
I am aware that storing all the information (public key, private key, IV, etc.) on the server side can make my application vulnerable to a data breach, so I am looking for an end-to-end encryption solution.
I am new to this and was wondering if there are any libraries or security protocols I could use to implement this end-to-end encryption method.
What would be the best approaches to implement end-to-end encryption for my application? Are there any specific libraries or security protocols that I could use to enhance the security of my application?
Thank you in advance for your help and advice.

Handle sensitive data in client-server communication

I have a general question about the right handling of sensitive data.
Use case scenario
A user sends sensitive data (documents or images) via an API to a Node.js server. The server then stores the data on the IPFS.
Currently the server is used in order to encrypt and decrypt the data, so that the plain text isnt stored and available on the IPFS. For encryption I am using a combination of AES and RSA similar to this example.
Would encryption with AES alone be sufficient, since hybrid encryption of AES and RSA is not really used in this case?
Should I add an additional layer of security between the client and the server (hybrid encryption, session key ...) or is a standard HTTPS connection sufficient in this case?
Any other tips or best practices I should consider? (I am not an security expert)
Requirements and important points
The application is supposed to create licenses for uploaded Content. For this reason, the uploaded content should be secure and accessible only to authorized persons.
A person is authorized to view content if a corresponding license is available (can be queried by the system).
User experience and simplicity is important aswell
So I think a proper balance of security and usability would be ideal. Complexity or financial costs don't matter at first.
In principle, a user should not have to possess a private key. Therefore, I thought that hybrid encryption might be appropriate if an HTTPS connection is not "secure enough". My understanding would be that the server has a private and public key. When the client connects, the server tells the client the public key. Then the client generates a key for symmetric encryption (e.g. AES) and encrypts it with the server's public key. In this way, the key can be decrypted by the server and both parties have the AES key. This key can then be used to send encrypted content to the server and decrypt it there. The decrypted content can then be re-encrypted and stored on the IPFS.
Thanks in advance.

How to secure a data encryption key on the server?

I am building a server based web application. For that, I've to store the encryption keys to the server to decrypt the data from the DB. In this situation, what is the best practice to store the security keys? and where to store the keys on the server to avoid hacking.

What are some approaches to exchange data without using SSL/TLS

When creating any kind of application web,api etc; This days the best practices recommend to secure endpoints by using TLS, but what we can learn from the cloudbleed issue, is that it may not be enough.
Therefore I would like to know what could be done to keep a certain level of security even when TLS is compromised.
For web applications what I currently use is jsencrypt, basically encrypts all data on client browser side before it is sent, but in order to to this I need first to exchange a shared secret (token/cookie) between the server and client, but when dealing with API's that don't support javascript what could be used?
Regarding the exchange of tokens, by instinct it may be obvious to say use OAUTH, OpenID Connect, json tokens , but all of them require or delegate trust to TLS, and again when this is compromised it became useless.
If I am right OpenID could be used without SSL to share a "common secret" by doing Diffie–Hellman key exchange, is there something similar that could be implemented keeping in mind that if TLS gets compromised, easy measure could be taking like revoking tokens or changing "salts" ?
For now I think by following the gpg or rsa (private/public) keys is the way to go, in a way that probably everyone could have access to the public keys but will not be available to see the content of some data signed to a specific user.
But question remains in how to exchange that very first "known secret" between client and server avoiding a possible man in the middle attack considering TLS can't be trusted.
The problem of exchanging the first "known secret" is the same for all protocols, SSL or not. SSL is a public key infrastructure where the basic information that needs to be distributed is the public key of the root certificate of the certificate issuer. The public keys for all ssl certificate issuers are distributed with the browser installation.
Any protocol will depend on some information that is communicated between the server and client in a different channel from the channel where the communication is established. If you don't trust the SSL infrastructure, you will have to send this information by email, postal mail, sms, or by some other means.
However, your problem does not start with the keys neccesary for the encryption libraries you are using in you web application. Your very web application (the javascript files) are also sent from the server to the web browser over SSL. If your SSL communication is compromised by a man-in-the-middle, this man-in-the-middle is also probably able to change the web pages and javascript code that you send to the browser. He could just rewrite your application and remove all encryption code, add new fields and messages for the user, send the user to a different site and so on.
The SSL infrastructure is really a cornerstone in web security, and a neccessity for web applications. Without it, you would have to build a custom protocol for sending encrypted web pages and write a custom browser that would understand this protocol.
With all that said, it is of course possible to add a tiny layer of extra security on top of SSL. You may i.e. create a private/public keypair for each user, send a public key to the user and encrypt all messages from your server to the user with the private key. This could protect against a scenario where a main-in-the-middle is able to listen to the communication but not able to change your messages.

Secure communication between client and service

I have a scenario where I have 2 applications.
The service, providing some data
The UI client, displaying the data from the service
I want the communication between the service and the client to be secure (encrypted).
What should I use for that? Is the SSL common protocol for such usage, or do we typically use something else?
Assuming your service is exposing a standard REST API (or similar) that your front-end is calling: yes, SSL is the standard. It provides:
Confidentiality: the data is encrypted between the client and the server and cannot be read by an attacker. Typically uses the RSA algorithm.
Integrity: an attacker cannot tamper with the messages sent between the client and the server. Typically implemented using HMAC
Authentication: the client is able to check that the server it is talking to is actually yours, and not an attacker. Basically, the server shows to the client a certificate signed by the Certificate Authority having issued the SSL certificate (e.g. VeriSign), that proves its identity.
All that is assuming SSL is configured properly on the server's side: up-to-date ciphers, no support for outdated ones, proper key length (2048 bits or higher), etc.
Note that a client can be anything calling your service: a browser-based application, a mobile application, a smart watch application...
You can use SSL Labs to check if your SSL configuration looks secure.
