PE/ELF executable file format- Malware sample Execution - security

I have downloaded some malware samples both in Linux and Windows VM. when I check file type of the samples in Linux using file * command, the type is displayed as PE32 executable. However, when I check the same in windows VM , the file type is mentioned as "file".
Does that mean those samples are not executable?
Do I have to change the extension to .exe to make it as an executable?

I would recommend reading up on the PE format, as not only .exe file extensions are PE32 executables(e.g. .dll).
If I were you I would also start with learning about how to construct safe Lab environments, and how to use some static analysis tools before running anything (make sure your VM networking is set up safely).
To your question:
The linux file command should be accurate in identifying the files you are looking at, not sure what exact check you did in Win.
Yes, changing the file extension helps, but also doesn't guarantee the malware will run as you would expect. DLLs for instance need to be loaded with rundll32, there can be sandbox/VM checks, packing that won't execute etc.
You can check which file you are dealing with in a hex editor and comparing the magic bytes.


How to find all extensions of file in directory

I am trying to list all extensions of file e.g. file.txt, file.png, file.xml, file.pdf.
I know that file is in directory but I know what kind of extensions it might have.
Also files might have custom extension for instance file.source_1 thus creating list and checking might be very inefficient.
Result should be a list/tuple (txt, png, xml, pdf, ...)
This is operating system specific.
For Linux, you want to use opendir with readdir. Both are wrapped in Python in its filesys and os module.
Also files might have custom extension for instance file.source_1 thus creating list and checking might be very inefficient.
On computers with real rotating hard disks, the bottleneck would be the disk access time.
At last, some other process (outside of your Python script) might change your file system (while your Python script is running).
For huge directories or file systems (e.g. terabytes) consider caching and memoizing that information (e.g. in some sqlite database)

Program that runs on windows and linux

Is it possible to write a program (make executable) that runs on windows and linux without any interpreters?
Will it be able to take input and print output to console?
A program that runs directly on hardware, pure machine code as this should be possible in theory
Ok, file formats are different, system calls are different
But how hard or is it possible for kernel developers to introduce another executable format called raw for fun and science? Maybe raw program wont be able to report back but it should be able to inflict heavy load on cpu and raise its temperature as evidence of running for example
Is it possible to write a program (make executable) that runs on windows and linux without any interpreters?
in practice, no !
Levine's book Linkers and loaders explain why it is not possible in practice.
On recent Linux, an executable has the elf(5) format.
On Windows, it has some PE format.
The very first bytes of executables are different. And these two OSes have different system calls. The Linux ones are listed in syscalls(2).
And even on Linux, in practice, an executable is usually dynamically linked and depends on shared objects (and they are different from one distribution to the next one, so it is likely that an executable built for Debian/Testing won't run on Redhat). You could use the objdump(1), readelf(1), ldd(1) commands to inspect it, and strace(1) with gdb(1) to observe its runtime behavior.
Portability of software is often achieved by publishing it (in source form) with some open source license. The burden of recompilation is then on the shoulders of users.
In practice, real software (in particular those with a graphical user interface) depends on lots of OS specific and computer specific resources (e.g. fonts, screen size, colors) and user preferences.
A possible approach could be to have a small OS specific software base which generate machine code at runtime, like e.g. SBCL or LuaJit does. You could also consider using asmjit. Another approach is to generate opaque or obfuscated C or C++ code at runtime, compile it (with the system compiler), and load it -at runtime- as a plugin. On Linux, use dlopen(3) with dlsym(3).
Pitrat's book: Artificial Beings, the conscience of a conscious machine describes a software system (some artificial mathematician) which generates all of its C source code (half a million lines). Contact me by email to for more.
The Wine emulator allows you to run some (but not all) simple Windows executables on Linux. The WSL layer is rumored to enable you to run some Linux executable on Windows.
PS. Even open source projects like RefPerSys or GCC or Qt may be (and often are) difficult to build.
No, mainly because executable formats are different, but...
With some care, you can use mostly the same code to create different executables, one for Linux and another one for windows. Depending on what you consider an interpreter Java also runs on both Windows and Linux (in a Java Virtual Machine though).
Also, it is possible to create scripts that can be interpreted both by PowerShell and by the Bash shell, such that running one of these scripts could launch a proper application compiled for the OS of the user.
You might require the windows user to run on WSL, which is maybe an ugly workaround but allows you to have the same executable for both Windows and Linux users.

How to pass parameters to a .run file in linux

I have file (binary file) that will install a simple software in my linux environment. I want to automate the installation with chef but the problem is that during the installation the software is asking to accept the license( so I have to type yes ) I want to see is there a way to pass a parameter with the .run file or chef can type the yes for me or etc.
file ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, stripped
It depends on the file (and there is no reason that every *.run installer behave similarly). Try --help or perhaps -h and read its documentation... sometimes there is an option to accept the license. You might also consider using yes(1) in a pipe:
yes |
But be cautious. What if asked politely:
can I remove every file in /home/ ? [yN]
(Of course, as for any script or executable, you'll need to enable executability and reading with chmod u+rx and either change your PATH or use ./ or its absolute or relative file path, etc...)
You might also try to use strings(1) on that executable, to perhaps guess (thru some string messages inside), what is possible.
Argument passing is done thru execve(2) and your shell is in charge of globbing -before doing execve- so there is nothing specific about running *.run files.
I strongly suggest to take a few days to learn more about Linux. Perhaps read first Advanced Linux Programming & Advanced Bash Scripting Guide (and of course, documentation of Chef and of the Talend product you are installing); if you experiment sysadmin things without understanding, you might mess your system to the point of losing data and having to reinstall everything. Both echo(1) & strace(1) might also be useful.

Can Xilinx ISE iMPACT write an SVF to a PicoBlaze like Adept can?

I'm midway through a VHDL class and have been able to play relatively nice with the ISE and Digilent toolchain in Linux... until trying to reflash a PicoBlaze program. For details, I am currently running and targeting,
Fedora 21 64-bit (3.19.3-200.fc21.x86_64)
Nexys2 development board from Digilent (with a Spartan3)
Xilinx ISE 14.7
Adept 2.16.1 Runtime
Adept 2.2.1 Utilities
I've been able to run ISE and program the Nexys2 bit files with iMPACT just fine so far in Linux, but this current project is to write an assembly program for the PicoBlaze soft core processor, compile and update the memory of the running vector without having to resynthesize any VHDL.
Using the steps from Kris Chaplin's post, I can compile a PSM to HEX and then convert that HEX file to an SVF in dosbox. From here I can use Digilent's Adept tool in Windows to program a top_level.bit file which has the PicoBlaze already synthesized, I could also do this in ISE's iMPACT in Linux. After the design is running, I can use Adept to program the SVF file into the running memory of the design and everything is peachy. However, trying to load the SVF into iMPACT in Linux throws an exception,
EXCEPTION:iMPACT:SVFYacc.c:208:1.10 - Data mismatch.
The only issue I've found online with that error shows that there should be an '#' symbol that needs to be removed, but I haven't seen any '#'s anywhere in the SVF.
I also tried to convert the SVF to XSVF. iMPACT doesn't throw an error loading the XSVF, but programming/executing the XSVF freezes the design instead of running the new program.
Adept doesn't have a comparable GUI in Linux that I've seen, just a cmd line tool 'djtgcfg'. Just like iMPACT, I've been able to program the toplevel.bit file fine with
$ djtgcfg prog -d Nexys2 -i 0 -f ../../toplevel.bit
but attempting to program the svf file with the same call doesn't seem to affect anything. It says it should take a few minutes and immediately reports "Programming succeeded" but I don't see any change on the device.
I'd really like to keep my environment all in Linux if I can, I don't have quite enough room on my laptop to juggle between two VMs.
Is it possible to use use iMPACT to write an SVF file to the Nexus2? Or can/should I be using the Adept utility differently?
Has anyone gotten this to work? Thanks a ton!
There are many better ways to reconfigure the PicoBlaze InstructionROM without resynthesizing:
use Xilinx's data2mem tool
This toll is shipped with ISE and can patch BlockRAM contents in bit-files
=> requires FPGA reprogramming
use PicoBlaze's embedded JTAGLoader6
Enable the embedded JTAGLoader6 design in the template file. Use JTAG_Loader_RH_64 binary or JTAG_Loader_Win7_64.exe to upload a hex-file via JTAG into the PicoBlaze ROM.
=> reconfigure ROM at runtime, no FPGA reprogramming needed
The manual from Ken Chapman offers several pages on how to use JTAG_Loader. Additionally, have a look into the PicoBlaze discussions at There are some discussions regarding bugs and issues around JTAG_Loader and how to solve them.
Also have a look into opbasm from Kevin Thibedeau as an alternative and improved PicoBlaze assembler. It is also shipped with an ROM patch tool.
I know it's a little bit late for the original poster, but I suspect I am taking the same class and I believe I have found a solution to upload picoblaze code on linux.
Download the KCPSM3 zip file from Xilinx IP Download, extract the contents and move the executables from the JTAG_loader folder to your working directory.
In dosbox run hex2svfsetup.exe for the nexys2 board select menu options 4 - 0 - 1 - 8
Use the assembler to create the .hex file
In dosbox run hex2svf.exe to create the svf file
Then run svf2xsvf.exe -d -i < input.svf > -o < output.xsvf >
The contrary to the JTAG_Loader_quick_guide.pdf in the initial zip file use impact and open the xsvf file and program using the xsvf file.

Is a core dump executable by itself?

The Wikipedia page on Core dump says
In Unix-like systems, core dumps generally use the standard executable
a.out in older versions of Unix,
ELF in modern Linux, System V, Solaris, and BSD systems,
Mach-O in OS X, etc.
Does this mean a core dump is executable by itself? If not, why not?
Edit: Since #WumpusQ.Wumbley mentions a coredump_filter in a comment, perhaps the above question should be: can a core dump be produced such that it is executable by itself?
In older unix variants it was the default to include the text as well as data in the core dump but it was also given in the a.out format and not ELF. Today's default behavior (in Linux for sure, not 100% sure about BSD variants, Solaris etc.) is to have the core dump in ELF format without the text sections but that behavior can be changed.
However, a core dump cannot be executed directly in any case without some help. The reason for that is that there are two things missing from a simple core file. One is the entry point, the other is code to restore the CPU state to the state at or just before the dump occurred (by default also the text sections are missing).
In AIX there used to be a utility called undump but I have no idea what happened to it. It doesn't exist in any standard Linux distribution I know of. As mentioned above (#WumpusQ) there's also an attempt at a similar project for Linux mentioned in above comments, however this project is not complete and doesn't restore the CPU state to the original state. It is, however, still good enough in some specific debugging cases.
It is also worth mentioning that there exist other ELF formatted files that cannot be executes as well which are not core files. Such as object files (compiler output) and .so (shared object) files. Those require a linking stage before being run to resolve external addresses.
I emailed this question the creator of the undump utility for his expertise, and got the following reply:
As mentioned in some of the answers there, it is possible to include
the code sections by setting the coredump_filter, but it's not the
default for Linux (and I'm not entirely sure about BSD variants and
Solaris). If the various code sections are saved in the original
core-dump, there is really nothing missing in order to create the new
executable. It does, however, require some changes in the original
core file (such as including an entry point and pointing that entry
point to code that will restore CPU registers). If the core file is
modified in this way it will become an executable and you'll be able
to run it. Unfortunately, though, some of the states are not going to
be saved so the new executable will not be able to run directly. Open
files, sockets, pips, etc are not going to be open and may even point
to other FDs (which could cause all sorts of weird things). However,
it will most probably be enough for most debugging tasks such running
small functions from gdb (so that you don't get a "not running an
executable" stuff).
As other guys said, I don't think you can execute a core dump file without the original binary.
In case you're interested to debug the binary (and it has debugging symbols included, in other words it is not stripped) then you can run gdb binary core.
Inside gdb you can use bt command (backtrace) to get the stack trace when the application crashed.
