How to convert an SVG file into a JPEG? - svg

I'm using SF Symbols in buttons for a Mac App, but since I'm trying to customize their colors to better fit the theme. I'm thinking of converting the vector based file into a JPEG image.

rsvg can convert SVG to PNG.
PNG is lossless, while JPEG distorts image pixels, which also affects colors.
brew install librsvg
rsvg-convert in.svg out.png


Imagemagik Issue creating a bitmap image with a layered SVG

We have an issue with creating an image with an SVG that we can’t seem to solve. We would greatly appreciate any help to get this sorted or learn if this is a bug in Imagemagik which has no solution.
So we are creating a bitmap image by layering an SVG on top of a jpg image. When we do this what happens is that the SVG gets distorted or displaced from the centre as it should be. When we create an image by layering a png on top of a jpg everything works correctly. It is just when using an SVG image that the problem happens.
magick -size 654x508 canvas:#ff0000 ( original.jpg -thumbnail 938x508 -page -142+0 ) ( -background transparent -density 300 original.svg -thumbnail 536x79! -page +59+214 ) -layers flatten
We are using ImageMagick 7.1.0-47 Q16-HDRI x86_64 d91623c12:20220827
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI OpenMP(4.5)
Delegates (built-in): bzlib djvu fontconfig freetype jbig jng jpeg lcms lqr lzma openexr png raqm tiff webp x xml zlib
Compiler: gcc (7.5)
Did you click Export PNG Image or shortcut Shift+Ctrl+E and export the file format as .png? And make sure your image is inside the Document Properties - Page you provided.

How to convert PNG/JPEG images to svg with ImageMagick?

It seems that with potrace installed, I can just run magick convert x.png x.svg or magick convert x.jpg x.svg.However this just returns a deformed image in black and white, and I need the svg image to be in full color. Additionally, I really need the file format to be svg because svg images are small and portable, and I don't have a lot of disk space on my server.Does anyone know how to convert png/jpeg to svg while retaining color?

Inkscape convert svg to png vertical text has different format

I find there is a problem when I use inkscape convert svg to png.
I run inkscape filename.svg+xml --export-png=filename.png.
this in the contrast of svg and png.
enter image description here
How can I unify the format ,thank you!

How to convert SVG map to PNG without losing border quality?

I downloaded this svg map and used ImageMagick to convert to PNG format. However, my output PNG images don't look very well: the white borders between countries almost don't show. On the other hand, the rendered versions on the Wikimedia site look great.
Is there any option I can pass to ImageMagick to prioritize borders?

How are 16x16 PNG icons rendered from original SVG files?

When I open a Tango SVG icon file and export it (using Inkscape) to a 16x16 png, I get a rather blurry image. Instead, the "official" 16x16 render is extremely sharp. How did they do it? Did they pixel-paint the icons at small resolutions?
Compare and for an example.
Gimp has a better scaling algorithm than Inkscape.
I Export from inkscape to 256x256 pixels and then scale to 16x16 in Gimp.
