How are 16x16 PNG icons rendered from original SVG files? - svg

When I open a Tango SVG icon file and export it (using Inkscape) to a 16x16 png, I get a rather blurry image. Instead, the "official" 16x16 render is extremely sharp. How did they do it? Did they pixel-paint the icons at small resolutions?
Compare and for an example.

Gimp has a better scaling algorithm than Inkscape.
I Export from inkscape to 256x256 pixels and then scale to 16x16 in Gimp.


How to convert PNG/JPEG images to svg with ImageMagick?

It seems that with potrace installed, I can just run magick convert x.png x.svg or magick convert x.jpg x.svg.However this just returns a deformed image in black and white, and I need the svg image to be in full color. Additionally, I really need the file format to be svg because svg images are small and portable, and I don't have a lot of disk space on my server.Does anyone know how to convert png/jpeg to svg while retaining color?

How to convert an SVG file into a JPEG?

I'm using SF Symbols in buttons for a Mac App, but since I'm trying to customize their colors to better fit the theme. I'm thinking of converting the vector based file into a JPEG image.
rsvg can convert SVG to PNG.
PNG is lossless, while JPEG distorts image pixels, which also affects colors.
brew install librsvg
rsvg-convert in.svg out.png

How to rasterize svg to png without aliasing effect with "....Zz4=" x="-312" y="-139" width="624" height="278"></image>
- When I open svg in web browsers, when zoom in browser images are nice, and not have aliasing effect.
- But using Inkscape command : /Applications/ /test/test.svg -e /test/test.png -d 300 --> image is aliasing.
Here is result on browser and output png file:
Here is my files:
1. --> svg file which include with svg data "data:image/svg+xml"
2. Exported png using inkscape with dpi 300
Please help me!
Thank you!
Use a raster file that uses the correct export dpi
Scale it to the correct size in Inkscape
Position it at a full pixel value
(untested, but should work)
In (future) Inkscape 1.0, you can also uncheck the antialiasing functionality in the export dialog, but not sure how that affects raster images. It might not look good.

What are/is the difference(s) between SPRITE and PNG?

I searched the web but still confused that what are/is the difference(s) between sprite and png?
A PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a file format, famous for enabling transparent backgrounds because of it's Alpha channel.
The Sprite is a image used in design, the file format doesn't matter, but in most cases it's used as PNG or GIF, because of the transparent background.
You can use sprites to make a movement of a character in gaming, or a spritesheet full of images used in web design where you link the coordinates of the desired sprite.

resizing chrome theme image to fit screen size

is there a way to make the background image of chrome theme resize with the height of the window? If so, can I also make the image resize with the height until it hist a certain ratio, and then resize with the width of the window?
It's not possible. Chromium source code doesn't have any stretching/sizing modes as you can see: theme_properties.h, and
I've tried specifying an SVG image with width="100%" height="100%" for the background but it wasn't rendered, looks like only raster images can be used (WEBP, JPG, PNG, etc).
I tried use jpeg format, it resized itself, without anything added to manifest.json
