Using NSIS, Is there a way to determine that a TextBox can only contain English and numbers? - nsis

Thanks for reading my article :] !
By adding OnChange function to TextBox, I am making a code that sets spaces for characters other than English and numbers. When inputting words other than English and numbers, is it possible to generate an Event?
Thank you :] !_!


Excel/Sheets - extract only next word after character

I am trying to extract the colour (Farve) from this text string.
I can't seem to make the extraction either stop, or start the right place.
Also, the length of the target extraction will vary, as colours of course are varying length name.
The picture is of the target texted, wanted in the cell.
Hope some might be able to help, thank you.
I have tried multiple solutions of Len, left, right combination as well as trim, index combination and regexetraxt.
If you have Excel 365 current channel, you can use this formula:
It first splits the data by colon and linebreak - this will return a two-column matrix. This matrix can be filtered by the first column to be "Farve" ...
target it like:
=REGEXEXTRACT(A2; "(?i)Farve: (.+)")

Excel order writing Arabic text and English Numbers

I have a sentence/word I need to past in an excel cell. It consists of an Arabic word, along with some numerical values (in English). For example, let's say I want to write the below
However, excel keeps returning the below
2,1 - الحدث
It you notice, the numerical values are always moved to the left of the word, while I want to keep it on the right.
I tried concatenating, but didn't seem to help. I am open to any solution, vba or not, as I have spent a lot of time on this with no luck.
I added this keyboard to my device and it helped me with that.
Central Kurdish Keyboard
Use it to write the numbers only, and use the normal arabic keyboard to write the rest of the text.
And note that it didn't work with the numpad, it worked only with the numbers row at the top - the one that has the special characters !##$%^&*()

Excel: sorting alphabet with diacritics

I have a list of vocabulary in Excel in a given language.
The thing is, this language has four diacritical letters: č ǧ š ț, which are letters on their own and are placed after their respective 'mother characters', but Excel ignores them and mixes up diacritic and non-diacritic versions.
So for example I have:
When it should be:
How can I solve this?
Thanks in advance.
A workaround that might do the trick is to put the letters in a separate table that has 2 columns - letter and sort number.
Then create a helper sort column that looks up the table to give you a sort using vlookup / index match. If it is applicable you might also want to add the remaining characters to make the sorting more accurate.
It will be sorted correctly if your windows reginal settings are set for your country.

How to remove 1 character from a column in excel

I have a column in my Excel file which contains different values. All these values begin with a letter and continues with a number.
I would like to know how to remove that letter and obtain only the number. Keep in mind that each value can have a different length.
You can use something like this
you could do it with
There are countless ways to do that...
use simple function in excel itself
=left(cellname,no. of charcters)
=left(A1,8) will give only first left characters and same can be used right/mid

Excel Number Formatting

I'm currently working on a sheet that contains part numbers in it. I'd like them to be formatted like this:
Where #s can be letters or numbers, #s are numbers, and Xs are letters.
I run into two problems while doing this. The first is that I can't figure out how to handle text and numbers at the same time in the Custom Format dialog box. The second is that occasionally a part number will have 3 letters after the second hyphen rather than 2, and I can't figure out how I should structure the condition to differentiate between the two formats.
How can I handle numbers and text at the same time when creating a custom format, and how can I add the condition described above (based on character numbers or something)?
If can't be achieved with custom formatting then a formula such as below may suit:
If the middle number section has to be 5 digits, use
But I don't think number formats are designed to handle Alphanumeric entries, and I can't help you with those X's
