Comparing two tables of different size, with multiple columns in VBA - excel

Looking to use VBA to compare two tables, with three columns each against each other. Beginner here and very lost.
They may have a different amount of entries each, and there may be some in table A that aren't in table B, and vice versa
Some of the individual Columns may match but trying to work out how to make sure all three columns are compared as one against all three columns in the other table
For example
xyz123 55.50 12/07/21 if compared with XYZ123 54.55 12/07/21 will show up as not a match, because the middle column is a different number.
Have attached a picture below. For the most part, and unlike the photo, each table will be in a completely random order, and its unlikely that there will be the same entry in table 1, row 1, as table 2 row 1
Ideally, I'm trying to create two new table to the right of the original tables, the first one being the entries table 1 has, that table 2 does not have. The second one being the entries table 2 has, that table 1 does not have.
Have attached an example below of the end result I'm looking for out of this. The four rows on the left are entries that the first table has but the second table doesn't, and the rows to the right are all entries that the second table has, but the first table does not.
I've tried to search on this but haven't found something that matches what I've got, and I'm struggling to adapt someone else's code to my specific problem
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated

Maybe not a direct answer to your problem but is this data also in a database somewhere or are you familiar with Ms Access? As you could open the tables in Access, and it is pretty easy to do this kind of thing with data bases.
If not, then yes, it is do able with VBA. Numerous ways of doing it.
The simplest is to scroll through one table a line at a time and compare it with every row in the other table and match or not. This will work with small tables and be easy and quick but for large data tables it would be wasteful and may take a long time to complete.


Excel sheets with scores by same ID of person (Kahoot) - How to extract and summarize scores from several quizzes?

I've used Kahoot in the classroom and have several excel files with scores from quizzes.
Students attended quizzes by using unique IDs. In each file, scores are visible for each ID (but ordered by success on each quiz). There are also some students missing or stating wrong IDs (I'll ignore it).
Now I would like to accumulate all scores for all student IDs in one sheet and summarize them by Student ID.
How can I do that most efficiently?
Any pointer or advice is appreciated.
Here's a high level guide to getting what you want along with a sample in this file.
Step 1 - Combine Files to Sheet with Unified Columns
The goal here is to:
Combine all of your data from other files to single sheet
Merge the data to be in a single column for each field (i.e. Column A has ID, Column B has score).
No breaks in rows.
No formulas.
To illustrate, I made this fake list based loosely on your
You probably can do this manually, but a macro could also be used. If you expect to do this year over year, you might look into vba to open close files in a folder. However, since that wasn't part of question, you can do copy-paste (better yet make a kid do it!). Just make sure there's only one header for each column, and all of the data records align. Probably should do copy paste value if you have any formulas.
Step 2 - Show Summation
There's a couple ways this could be done. A pivot table is probably the most sensible because you could include each quiz as a column to see the total. You could also use a pivot table to do averages by student etc.
TO make a pivot table, I would recommend going on YouTube and they will do a better job of explaining than me.
On that same file I made as an example, I included some tabs to illustrate the power of pivot tables and a couple graphs.
Hope that helps. If you have specific technical questions on this, you might consider asking separately.

How to merge 2 BIG Tables into 1 adding up existing values with PowerQuery

I have 2 big tables (1 has 690K Rows, 2nd one has 890K rows).
They have the same format and columns:
Username - Points - Bonuses - COLUMN D... COLUMN - K.
Lets say in the first table i have the "Original" usernames and in the 2nd table i have "New" usernames + Some of the "Original" usernames (So people who are still playing + people who are new to the game).
What I'm trying to do is to merge them so i can have in a single table (sum up) their values.
I've already made my tables proper System Tables.
I created their connection in the workbook.
I've tried to merge them but i keep getting less rows than i expect to have, so some records are being left out or not being summed.
I've tried Left Outer, Right Outer, Full Outer with no success.
This is where im standing:
As #Jenn said, i had to append the tables instead of merging them and i also used a filter inside PowerQuery to remove all blanks/zeros before loading it into Excel, i was left with 500K Unique rows, instead of 1.6 Million. Thanks for the comment!
I would append the tables, as indicated above. First load each table separately into PowerQuery, and then append one table into the other one. The column names look a little long and it may make sense to simplify the column names so that the system doesn't read them as different columns due to an inadvertent typo.

compare two tables then sort them in excel

I have two tables with the same data but in different rows, I want to sort them in front of each other. each duplicate row in front of its duplicate.
attached photo
In a new worksheet, copy the code data from one table and append to that a copy of the code data from the other. Apply Remove Duplicates to that column and sort ascending.
Now use that sheet to look up (VLOOKUP Description, Uom and Unit Price from one of your tables into three separate columns (say 2,3,4) and lookup up same fields from the other of your tables into a further three columns (say 5,6,7).
Wrap both formulae in IFERROR(....,"") to reduce noise.
I take it any numbering will be applied independently in a new sheet (ie No. is not required to be copied to there).
Incidentally you have a lot of unconventional hyphens (eg L-80 is never normally written other than as L80), m for OCTG as a unit of measure leads to many problems and with competent staff a structured catalogue could be advisable for a high value of stock and long-term storage.

Pivot Table with multiple rows all having the same level hierarchy

I have imported a bunch of data using PowerQuery into a single table and am building dashboard reporting. I have been using Pivot Tables to build my reports, which has worked fine so far.
However, I've come to a point though where I want to simply show the count of multiple columns (calculated fields). So I have column A,B,C,D, and want to show the count each of each. But, I don't want them to be subsets (or children) of one another, and I don't want to build a bunch of Pivot Tables (file is already getting pretty big, and I want them row by row for easy viewing). Any suggestions?
Also, I am using the "Columns" field already to show the counts by certain weeks (week one, week two, etc.).
Thanks for the follow-up. Within PowerPivot, I have four calculated fields/columns that are True/False for each column. I want to know how many times each of those columns were marked "True" (I can rename the "True" field to distinguish between which field it's referencing). But I don't want four pivot tables. Right now I can only think of making four pivot tables, filtering out the false for each one, then hiding the rows so the "True" values stack on top of one another. If I put all the four fields together in the same Pivot, the three below the first become subsets. I don't want subsets, just occurrence counts.
Does this help provide clarification?
If I understand you correctly, here's an example that shows what you're trying to achieve:
The table on the left has the TRUE/FALSE entries and the PivotTable on the right just shows the number of true items in each of those columns.
The format of the DAX measure to produce these count totals is:
[Count of A]=CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(PetFacts),PetFacts[A]=TRUE)
(Apologies to any parrot owners who may get upset that I have inadvertently re-classified their pets as cold-blooded!)

Looking up values from different tables including newly found values

I have several documents which contain statistical data of performance of companies. There are about 60 different excel sheets representing different months and I want to collect data into one big table. Original tables looks something like this, but are bigger:
Each company takes two rows which represent their profit from the sales of the product and cost to manufacture the product.I need both of these numbers.
As I said, there are ~60 these tables and I want to extract information about Product2. I want to put everything into one table where columns would represent months and rows - profit and costs of each company. It could be easily done (I think) with INDEX function as all sheets are named similarly. The problem I faced is that at some periods of time other companies enter the market:
Some of them stay, some of them fail. I would like to collect information on all companies that exist today or ever existed, but newly found companies distort the list (in second picture we see, that company BA is in 4th row, not BB). As row of a company changes from time to time, using INDEX becomes problematic, because in some cases results of different companies get into one row. Adjusting them one by one seems very painful.
Maybe there is some quick and efficient method to solve such problem?
Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
One think you may want to try is linking the Excel spreadsheets as tables in Access. From there you can create a query that ties the tables together. As data changes in the spreadsheets, the query will reflect those changes.
