example from ch.16 "learn vimscript the hard way" - vim

I'm trying to complete an exercise from https://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/chapters/16.html
The sample text to be worked on is:
Topic One
This is some text about topic one.
It has multiple paragraphs.
Topic Two
This is some text about topic two. It has only one paragraph.
The mapping to delete the heading of Topic One or Topic Two (depending on which body the cursor is placed in) and enter insert mode is:
:onoremap ih :<c-u>execute "normal! ?^==\\+$\r:nohlsearch\rkvg_"<cr>
Enter 'cih' in the body of either text below the headings and respective heading will be erased and the cursor will be placed there ready to go, in insert mode. Great mapping--but, I'm trying to understand what's happening with \+$.
When I omit \+$ and use this mapping:
:onoremap ih :<c-u>execute "normal! ?^==\r:nohlsearch\rkvg_"<cr>
it works fine, seemingly identically to the other mapping. So what is the use of the \+$?
Here is how Mr. Losh explains it:
The first piece,
performs a search backwards for any line that consists of two
or more equal signs and nothing else. This will leave our cursor on
the first character of the line of equal signs."
But what does \+$ accomplish? I've tried to enter it manually in command but I just get an error sound. It works as intended as part of the full function, though. but like I said, when I remove it and run the full command without, it works fine.
There's something I'm missing about the necessity of that '+$'... Maybe it has to do with the "two or more equal signs and nothing else"?

The author's command:
searches backward for a line consisting exclusively of 2 or more equal signs:
^ anchors the pattern to the beginning of the line,
= matches a literal equal sign,
^= thus matches a literal equal sign at the beginning of the line,
= matches a second equal sign,
\+ matches one or more of the preceding atom, as many as possible,
=\+ thus matches one or more equal sign, as many as possible,
$ anchors the pattern to the end of the line,
so the pattern above is going to match any of the following lines:
but not lines like:
== <- six spaces
which is exactly the goal of that exercice.
Your command, on the other hand:
searches backward for a sequence of two equal signs at the beginning of a line:
^ anchors the pattern to the beginning of the line,
== matches two literal equal signs,
so your pattern is going to match the same lines as above:
but also lines like:
== <- six spaces
because it is not strict enough.
Your pattern would definitely be good enough if used manually to jump to one of those underlines because it gets the job done with minimal typing. But the goal, here, is to make a mapping. Those things have to be generalised to be reliable, which pretty much requires a level of explicitness and precision your pattern lacks.
In short, Steve's pattern checks all the boxes while yours doesn't: it is explicit and precise while yours is implicit and imprecise.

The \+$ is part of the regular expression matching a line of only equals signs. Without it, your mapping would recognize, for example,
This is not a heading
=This is not an underline
as a heading.
The \+ means "At least two of the previous character (=)". The $ means End of line, so there cannot be anything after the equals signs.


Select first char up to first non camelCase or non upper case char or up to first snake case _ in vim

I used this map:
map ,w v/\([^ a-z0-9]\|[^ A-Z0-9]\)*<cr>h
the idea is to select
in the words
to always select the part that says mysuper
but it doesnt work, not sure why
I would use something like the below:
nnoremap ,w v/\C\%#.\([a-z]\+\<bar>[A-Z]\+\)\zs<cr>h
One point to notice is that in a mapping you need to use <bar> (or escape | with an extra backslash) since otherwise | is recognized as a command separator (see :help map-bar.)
Another one to notice is that you want the match to start at the first character outside the word (so you'll land at the end of the word with the h). The visual selection will expand to the start of the match in a search. I suggest using \zs to set the start of the match explicitly (see :help /\zs.)
Finally, beware of 'ignorecase' or 'smartcase' settings. Use \C to explicitly request a case-sensitive match (see :help /\C.)
I also like the idea of using a stronger anchor for the start of the match, so I'm using \%# to match the current cursor position (see :help /\%#), so you're always sure to match the current word only and not end up wandering through the buffer.
Putting it all together:
\C Case-sensitive search
\%# From cursor position
. Skip first character
\( Either one of:
[a-z]\+ One or more lowercase letters
\| (\<bar>) Or:
[A-Z]\+ One or more uppercase letters
\) End group
\zs Set match position here
I'm skipping the first character under the cursor, since in a CamelCase word, the first character won't match capitalization of the remainder of the word.
I kept your original idea of finding the first character after the word then using h to go back one to the left. But that might be a problem if, for example, the word is at the end of the line.
You can actually match the last character of the word instead with something like [a-z]\+\zs[a-z], which will set the start of the match on the last lowercase character. You can do this for both sides of the group (you can have more than one \zs in your pattern, last wins.) If you structure your match that way, you won't need the final h to go back.
I didn't handle numbers, I'll leave those as an exercise to the reader.
Finally, consider there are quite a few corner cases that can make such a mapping quite tricky to get right. Rather than coming up with your own, why not look at plug-ins which add support for handling CamelCase words that have been battle-tested and will cover use cases a lot more advanced than the simple expression you're using here?
There's the excellent vim-scripts/camelcasemotion by Ingo Karkat which sets up a ,w mapping to move to the start of the next CamelCase word, but also i,w to select the current one. You can use powerful combinations such as v3i,w to visually select the current and next two CamelCase words.
You might also check Tim Pope's tpope/vim-abolish which, among other features, defines a set of cr mappings to do coercion from camelCase to MixedCase, snake_case, UPPER_CASE, etc. (Not directly about selecting them, but still related and you might find it useful.)

How to perform following search and replace in vim?

I have the following string in the code at multiple places,
m_cells->a[ Id ]
and I want to replace it with
where the string Id could be anything including numbers also.
A regular expression replace like below should do:
If you wish to apply the replacement operation on a number of files you could use the :bufdo command.
Full explanation of #BasBossink's answer (as a separate answer because this won't fit in a comment), because regexes are awesome but non-trivial and definitely worth learning:
In Command mode (ie. type : from Normal mode), s/search_term/replacement/ will replace the first occurrence of 'search_term' with 'replacement' on the current line.
The % before the s tells vim to perform the operation on all lines in the document. Any range specification is valid here, eg. 5,10 for lines 5-10.
The g after the last / performs the operation "globally" - all occurrences of 'search_term' on the line or lines, not just the first occurrence.
The "m_cells->a" part of the search term is a literal match. Then it gets interesting.
Many characters have special meaning in a regex, and if you want to use the character literally, without the special meaning, then you have to "escape" it, by putting a \ in front.
Thus \[ and \] match the literal '[' and ']' characters.
Then we have the opposite case: literal characters that we want to treat as special regex entities.
\s matches white*s*pace (space, tab, etc.).
\w matches "*w*ord" characters (letters, digits, and underscore _).
(. matches any character (except a newline). \d matches digits. There are more...)
If a character is not followed by a quantifier, then exactly one such character matches. Thus, \s will match one space or tab, but not fewer or more.
\+ is a quantifier, and means "one or more". (\? matches 0 or 1; * (with no backslash) matches any number: zero or more. Warning: matching on zero occurrences takes a little getting used to; when you're first learning regexes, you don't always get the results you expected. It's also possible to match on an arbitrary exact number or range of occurrences, but I won't get into that here.)
\( and \) work together to form a "capturing group". This means that we don't just want to match on these characters, we also want to remember them specially so that we can do something with them later. You can have any number of capturing groups, and they can be nested too. You can refer to them later by number, starting at 1 (not 0). Just start counting (escaped) left-parantheses from the left to determine the number.
So here, we are matching a space followed by a group (which we will capture) of at least one "word" character followed by a space, within the square brackets.
Then section between the second and third / is the replacement text.
The "c" is literal.
\1 means the first captured group, which in this case will be the "Id".
In summary, we are finding text that matches the given description, capturing part of it, and replacing the entire match with the replacement text that we have constructed.
Perhaps a final suggestion: c after the final / (doesn't matter whether it comes before or after the 'g') enables *c*onfirmation: vim will highlight the characters to be replaced and will show the replacement text and ask whether you want to go ahead. Great for learning.
Yes, regexes are complicated, but super powerful and well worth learning. Once you have them internalized, they're actually fairly easy. I suggest that, as with learning vim itself, you start with the basics, get fluent in them, and then incrementally add new features to your repertoire.
Good luck and have fun.

How to repeat a substitution the number of times the search word occurs in a row in a substitution command in Vim?

I would like to use tabs in a code that doesn’t use them. What I did until now to implement tabs was pretty handcrafty:
:%s/^ /\t/g
:%s/^\t /\t\t/g
. . .
Question: Is there a way to replace two spaces ( ) by tab (\t) the number of times it was found at the beginning of a line?
There are (at least) three substitution techniques relevant to this case.
1. The first one takes advantage of the preceding-atom matching
syntax to naturally define a step of indentation. According to the
question statement, an indent step is a pair of adjacent space
characters preceded with nothing but spaces from the beginning
of line. Following this definition, one can construct the actual
substitution pattern, right to left:
:%s/\%(^ *\)\#<= /\t/g
Indeed, the pattern designates an occurrence of two literal space
characters, but only when they are preceded by a zero-width match
of the atom just before \#<=, which is the pattern ^ * wrapped in
grouping parentheses \%(, \). These non-capturing parentheses are
used instead of the usual capturing ones, \(, \), since there is no
need in further referring to the matched string of leading spaces. Due
to the g flag, the above :substitute command runs through the
leading spaces pair by pair, and replaces each of them by single tab
2. The second technique takes a different approach. Instead of
matching separate indent levels, one can break each of the lines
starting with space characters down into two lines: one containing
the indenting spaces of the original line, and another holding the
rest of it. After that, it is straightforward to replace all of the pairs
of spaces on the first line, and concatenate the lines back together:
:g/^ /s/^ \+/&\r/|-s/ /\t/g|j!
3. The third idea is to process leading spaces by means of Vim
scripting language. A convenient way of doing that is to use the
substitute with an expression feature of the :substitute command
(see :help sub-replace-\=). When started with \=, the substitute
string of the command enables to substitute the matches of a pattern
with results of evaluation of the expression specified after \=:
:%s#^ \+#\=repeat("\t",len(submatch(0))/2)
If you specifically want to convert spaces into tabs (or vice-versa) at the start of a line, there's the useful :retab command which takes care of that. For example:
:retab! 2 will convert spaces in groups of two to tabs
:set expandtab and then :retab! 2 will convert tabstops (of width 2) back to spaces
See :h :retab (and :h 'ts') for the details.
This is not a general solution for the original problem, but I think it covers the most common use case.
There is no general way of doing this using :s regex's. You can't make the /g modifier look backwards otherwise it'd be unusable, and you can't reliably check that you're at the beginning of the line without looking backwards.
The only way of doing it generally is to loop, like so:
:for i in range(100)
: %s/^\t*\zs /\t/e
Which is ugly, slow and highly unrecommended. Use :retab

How to do something in a function based on the character under the cursor in Vim?

I’m writing a function that edits a certain environment in LaTeX.
The environment basically looks like this:
...some stuff...
or like this:
...some stuff...
I want to write a function that toggles between the two, when called from within the environment. Since my Vim knowledge ain’t all that, I’m coming up with a simple solution:
Get cursor position with let save_cursor=getpos(".").
Backward search for \begin{quicktikz} using: ?\\begin{quicktikz}\|\\begin\*{quicktikz}.
Search for the { and move left using: normal 0f{h.
Check if the item under cursor equals *:
if it does, do normal x;
if it doesn’t, do normal a*<esc>.
Restore cursor position using call setpos('.',save_cursor).
I know how to do all of this except for step 3. How can I check if the char under the cursor equals to * or not?
If you know a better way of doing this, sharing this would be welcome.
I think the easiest way to retrieve the char under cursor is:
Alternatively, you can do it with strpart()
strpart(getline("."), col(".")-1, 1)
The first expression first calls the function getline() passing "." as
argument which means the line where the cursor is positioned will be returned.
Then we use the so called expr8 or expr-[] (see the help) to retrieve a
single character. The number passed comes from another function, col()
which returns the current cursor column. As indexes start in 0, one is subtracted.
You can use it like
if getline(".")[col(".")-1] == '*'
Let me propose an alternative implementation of the technique you describe.
The above command consists of two separate commands chained with | (see
:help :bar) in one line. The first one is a substitution (see :help :s)
performed for each line in the specified range,
According to the range syntax (see :help :range), this range specifies the
only line, that is the previous line where the \\begin\>\zs\*\= pattern
matches the word begin preceded with a backslash and followed by by optional
star character.1 The \zs atom between parts of the pattern
matching \begin and *, sets the start of the match there. So, the match
of the whole pattern is either empty or contains single star character. This
is not necessary for specifying a line in the range, it is useful for reusing
the same pattern later in the :substitute command, where only that star
character or its empty place should be replaced. For details about the
pattern's syntax see :help /\>, :help /\=, :help /\zs.
The substitution itself,
replaces the first occurrence of the last search pattern (which is set by the
backward search in the range) with a string to which the expression
'*'[submatch(0)!=''] evaluates (see :help sub-replace-\=). As the pattern
matches only an empty string or a star character, the subexpression
submatch(0)!='' evaluates to zero if there is no star after \begin, or to
one otherwise. Zero subscript from the string '*' results in a substring
containing the first character of that one-character string. Index one is
equal to the length of the string, therefore subscript results in an empty
string. Thus, when there is a star after \begin, it gets replaced with an
empty string, when a star is not present, zero-width interval just after
\begin is substituted with *.
The second command,
takes advantage of the fact that :substitute command stores the current
cursor position before it actually starts replacement. The `` movement
command jumps back to the position before the latest jump (which occurs in the
aforementioned substitution command) restoring position of the
1 Be careful with search, since in ranges, as usual, it wraps
around the end of file, when the wrapscan option is enabled (it is turned on
by default).
2 Do not confuse `` with the '' command which moves the
cursor to the first non-blank character in the line of the location before the
latest jump.

Search for string and get count in vi editor

I want to search for a string and find the number of occurrences in a file using the vi editor.
THE way is
You need the n flag. To count words use:
and a particular word:
See count-items documentation section.
If you simply type in:
then the status line will give you the number of matches in vi as well.
will give the answer.
(similar as Gustavo said, but additionally: )
For any previously search, you can do simply:
A pattern is not needed, because it is already in the search-register (#/).
"%" - do s/ in the whole file
"g" - search global (with multiple hits in one line)
"n" - prevents any replacement of s/ -- nothing is deleted! nothing must be undone!
(see: :help s_flag for more informations)
(This way, it works perfectly with "Search for visually selected text", as described in vim-wikia tip171)
This will delete all the lines with pattern, and report how many deleted. Undo to get them back after.
Short answer:
For learning:
There are 3 modes in VI editor as below
: you are entering from Command to Command-line mode. Now, whatever you write after : is on CLI(Command Line Interface)
%s specifies all lines. Specifying the range as % means do substitution in the entire file. Syntax for all occurrences substitution is :%s/old-text/new-text/g
g specifies all occurrences in the line. With the g flag , you can make the whole line to be substituted. If this g flag is not used then only first occurrence in the line only will be substituted.
n specifies to output number of occurrences
//double slash represents omission of replacement text. Because we just want to find.
Once got the number of occurrences, you can Press N Key to see occurrences one-by-one.
For finding and counting in particular range of line number 1 to 10:
Please note, % for whole file is repleaced by , separated line numbers.
For finding and replacing in particular range of line number 1 to 10:
when pattern string is too long and you don't like to type it all again.
I suggest doing:
Search either with * to do a "bounded search" for what's under the cursor, or do a standard /pattern search.
Use :%s///gn to get the number of occurrences. Or you can use :%s///n to get the number of lines with occurrences.
** I really with I could find a plug-in that would giving messaging of "match N of N1 on N2 lines" with every search, but alas.
Don't be confused by the tricky wording of the output. The former command might give you something like 4 matches on 3 lines where the latter might give you 3 matches on 3 lines. While technically accurate, the latter is misleading and should say '3 lines match'. So, as you can see, there really is never any need to use the latter ('n' only) form. You get the same info, more clearly, and more by using the 'gn' form.
