How to remove all files except the ones that matches a pattern along several number of directories - linux

lets say I have a my_dirs/ directory, insdie that directory I have several parallel subdirectories which has several files and I want to delete all of them except the ones that have the substring '.regions'
this is my parent directory content:
this is what I tried:
shopt -s extglob
rm -r !(./**/*.regions*)
but I got an error message: cannot be deleted «! (./**/*. region *) »: The file or directory does not exist.
how can I do that?

First of all, always be careful when deleting multiple files.
The command to achieve what you want would be:
find my_dirs -type f ! -name "*.regions*" -delete
"-delete" must be last, otherwise it will delete everything it finds
This will explore all subdirectories in my_dirs, find the files (-type f) that not (!) contain ".regions" ("*.regions*") on their name, and delete (-delete) them.
I recommend running this first: find my_dirs -type f ! -name "*.regions*",
so it won't delete anything and you can check the files are correct.
Edit: Added -type f so it only targets files per Philippe's suggestion.


Find all files with specific name and move it two levels up from its location

I want to find all files with specific name "stdout.1.0", move it two/three levels up from its location. While moving it two/three levels up, I also want to rename it to "testjob.out".
All "stdout.1.0" files are located six levels down from parent directory.
I used:
find . -type f -name stdout.1.0
and it outputs:
The directories above is just representative of where the file is, but there are multiple "stdout.1.0" files starting three levels down from parent directory.
Here is a method in plain bash using globstar shell option , without using the find:
shopt -s globstar
for file in **/stdout.1.0; do
echo mv "$file" "${file%/*/*/*}/testjob.out"
Drop the echo if output looks fine.
You already know how to find them:
find . -type f -name stdout.1.0
Now, you need to move them to a higher directory (..) and rename them:
find . -type f -name stdout.1.0 -execdir mv {} ../../testjob.out \;
I would advise you to copy them first and remove later (use cp instead of mv): if anything goes wrong, you can get back easily to the current situation.

How can I remove specific directories that all start with a common letter?

I have many EC2 instances in a folder that I need to delete. Using -delete doesn't work because the directories are not empty. I tried looking for a way to get -rmdir -f to work with no success. The instance folders are all started with "i-" which led me to add wildcard "i-*" like that to get it to delete all directories starting with those characters. How can I manage to do this? the directories will never be empty either.
Assuming your current dir is the folder in question, how about:
find . -type d -name 'i-*'
If that lists the directories you want to remove, then change it to:
find . -type d -name 'i-*' -exec rm -r {} \;
In the command line interface/shell/born again shell/etc...
rm -r i-*
will remove ANY and ALL contained file(s) or directory(s) with subfiles and sub directories (recursive = -r) where the name begins with "i-" .
To delete the directories matching the pattern graphene-80* directly under /tmp, use
rm -rf /tmp/graphene-80*/
Here, the trailing / ensures that only directories whose names match the graphene-80* pattern are deleted (or symbolic links to directories), and not files etc.
To find the matching directories elsewhere under /tmp and delete them wherever they may be, use
find /tmp -type d -name 'graphene-80*' -prune -exec rm -rf {} +
To additionally see the names of the directories as they are deleted, insert -print before -exec.
The two tests -type d and -name 'graphene-80*' tests for directories with the names that we're looking for. The -prune removes the found directory from the search path (we don't want to look inside these directories as they are being deleted), and the -exec, finally, does the actual removal by means of calling rm.

Recursively delete files named `log` under multiple directories

I have a folder structure like the below:
Now within each folder we have another folder called builds.
Under builds we have numbered folders like 1, 2, etc.
Under each numbered folder we have files of the pattern *.log and then a particular file with the name log.
I need to run a command in the linux server / unix server to recursively delete only the file with the name log not the *.log for all these folders feat1, feat2 and feat3. How to do that?
The command you run depends on how careful you want to be about your search criteria and whether you need to search recursively.
Delete anything named log under feat*/builds/*/:
rm feat*/builds/*/log
Recursively find and delete anything named log anywhere under the current directory:
find . -name log -delete
Recursively find and delete anything named log, only under feat*:
find feat* -name log -delete
Recursively find and delete anything named log, only under feat*/builds/*/:
find feat*/builds/*/ -name log -delete
Recursively find and delete any file named log, only under feat*/builds/*/:
find feat*/builds/*/ -name log -type f -delete
Here is a quick and dirty solution using a for loop that should get the job done.
for f in `find feat* -name 'log'`; do rm "$f"; done;
for f in is saying we're going to do a for loop with f as the variable for each result.
find feat* -name 'log' searches through any directory starting with "feat" with * as a wildcard.
-name says we're looking for a file name of log.
do rm "$f" removes each result that was found.
Sometimes it is helpful to use echo before doing destructive commands this way. See below.
for f in `find feat* -name 'log'`; do echo "$f"; done;

How to get a bare, recursive directory listing in Linux, excluding some directories

I need to obtain a recursive directory listing in Linux with only the directory and file name. It needs to include all files including hidden files with the exception of files name “.svn”.
I have tried multiple combinations of the “ls” command and haven’t been able to figure it out. When using “ls –R direname/ grep –v /$” I get a directory heading followed by a colon, which I cannot use.
If I have a directory name test with files and a sub-directory named test2 with files, I need the output to look like the following:
Notice there is no leading forward slash
find . -name .svn -prune -o -print
-prune tells it to not descend into any matching directories.
This should do:
find . ! -path \*.svn\*
This tells find to recursively list all files from . whose pathname does not contains .svn. This is not perfect since it may hide for instance file foo.svnbar.
Something like this:
find DIRNAME ! -name .svn
I need to obtain a recursive directory listing in Linux with only the directory and file name. It needs to include all files including hidden files with the exception of files name “.svn”.
Do you want to get a list of files in a Subversion repository?
This will do just that:
svn ls -R
If not, then you can use find:
find . ! -path '*/.svn/*' ! -name .svn
You mentioned "Notice there is no leading forward slash".
If that's very important, then the find command can be rephrased as:
find * .[^.]* ! -path '.svn/*' ! -name .svn

bash on Linux, delete files with certain file extension

I want to delete all files with a specific extension - ".fal", in a folder and its subfolders, except the one named "*Original.fal". The problem is that I want to delete other files that have the same extension:
There are other ".fal"s that I want to delete as well, that don't have "Original" in them.
Names vary all the time, so I can't delete specific names. The *Original.fal doesn't vary.
I can only get up to here:
$find /disk_2/people/z183464/DOE-Wellen -name "*.fal" \! -name "*Original.fal" -type f -exec echo rm {} \;
It would be great if the command can delete only in the folder (and it's subfolders) where it has been called (executed)
When I run the code it gives me an error:
/disk_2/people/z183464/DOE-Wellen: is a directory
If you do not want find to dive too deep, you can restrict it with -maxdepth.
You can use a simple for loop for that. This command shows all the files you might want to delete. Change echo with rm to delete them.
cd /disk_2/people/z183464/DOE-Wellen && for I in `find . -name "*.fal" ! -name "*Original.fal"`; do echo $I; done
With "find ... | grep ..." you can use regex too, if you need more flexibility.
