Return names ranked based on two criteria - excel

I am trying to return the name of the top N scorers given their
team played for and
position played. I've used INDEX(MATCH(LARGE) to return the top N scorer but haven't been able to successfully add IFS to the LARGE to create my criteria.This is my master list.
I want to find the highest value in colE given colD=KINGMANE and colC=D
In H21 I want to return the D from KINGMANE with the highest FPts. J19 is the team name,, colF is the position I want to look at, and colG is the rank I want to return.

The Syntax you're looking for the multi-conditional lookup based on rank would be the following. I'm assuming your range ends are 40 so adjust accordingly.:
Breaking this down into references just plug in
=INDEX([YourTable],MATCH(1,(LARGE($E$1:$E$40,[Rank #])=$E$1:$E$40)*($D$1:$D$40="KINGMANE")*($C$1:$C$40"[Position]),0),1)


Counting if part of string is within interval

I am currently trying to check if a number in a comma-separated string is within a number interval. What I am trying to do is to check if an area code (from the comma-separated string) is within the interval of an area.
The data:
Area interval
Number of locations
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Areas List
Location A
1200, 1400
Location B
1020, 1720
Location C
1700, 1920
Location D
1940, 1950, 1730
The result I want here is the number of unique locations in the "Areas list" within the area interval. So Location D should only count ONCE in the 1800-1999 "area", and the Location A the same in the 1000-1499 location. But location B should count as one in both 1000-1499 and one in 1500-1799 (because a number from each interval is in the comma-separated string in "Areas list"):
Area interval
Number of locations
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
How is this possible?
I have tried with a COUNTIFS, but it doesnt seem to do the job.
Here is one option using FILTERXML():
Formula in C2:
=SUM(FILTERXML("<x><t>"&TEXTJOIN("</s></t><t>",,"1<s>"&SUBSTITUTE(B$7:B$10,", ","</s><s>"))&"</s></t></x>","//t[count(.//*[.>="&SUBSTITUTE(A2,"-","][.<=")&"])>0]"))
"<x><t>"&TEXTJOIN("</s></t><t>",,"1<s>"&SUBSTITUTE(B$7:B$10,", ","</s><s>"))&"</s></t></x>" - Is the part where we construct a valid piece of XML. The theory here is that we use three axes here. Each t-node will be named a literal 1 to make sure that once we return them with xpath we can sum the result. The outer x-nodes are there to make sure Excel will handle the inner axes correctly. If you are curious to know how this xml-syntax looks at the end, it's best to step through using the 'Evaluate Formula' function on the Data-tab;
//t[count(.//*[.>="&SUBSTITUTE(A2,"-","][.<=")&"])>0]")) - Basically means that we collect all t-nodes where the count of child s-nodes that are >= to the leftmost number and <= to the rightmost number is larger than zero. For A2 the xpath would look like //t[count(.//*[.>=1000][.<=1499])>0]")) after substitution. In short: //t - Select t-nodes, where count(.//* select all child-nodes where count of nodes that fullfill both requirements [.>=1000][.<=1499] is larger than zero;
Since all t-nodes equal the number 1, the SUM() of these t-nodes equals the amount of unique locations that have at least one area in its Areas List;
Important to note that FILTERXML() will result into an error if no t-nodes could be found. That would mean we need to wrap the FILTERXML() in an IFERROR(...., 0) to counter that and make the SUM() still work correctly.
Or, wrap the above in BYROW():
Formula in C2:
=BYROW(A2:A4,LAMBDA(a,SUM(FILTERXML("<x><t>"&TEXTJOIN("</s></t><t>",,"1<s>"&SUBSTITUTE(B$7:B$10,", ","</s><s>"))&"</s></t></x>","//t[count(.//*[.>="&SUBSTITUTE(a,"-","][.<=")&"])>0]"))))
I am in very distinguished company but will add my version anyway as byrow probably is a slightly different approach
Here the ugly way to do it, with A LOT of helper columns. But not so complicated 🙂
F4= =TRANSPOSE(FILTERXML("<m><r>"&SUBSTITUTE(B4;",";"</r><r>")&"</r></m>";"//r"))
F11= =TRANSPOSE(FILTERXML("<m><r>"&SUBSTITUTE(A11;"-";"</r><r>")&"</r></m>";"//r"))
F16= =SUM(F18:F21)
F18= =IF(SUM(($F4:$O4>=$F$11)*($F4:$O4<=$G$11))>0;1;"")
G18= =IF(SUM(($F4:$O4>=$F$12)*($F4:$O4<=$G$12))>0;1;"")
H18= =IF(SUM(($F4:$O4>=$F$13)*($F4:$O4<=$G$13))>0;1;"")

Random of Table Header Name of another table via INDEX MATCH

I have these 2 tables:
On column B i'm trying to get one of the Header Names of a feature that is not empty on Table B. I want it to be selected randomly. The order of the items in Table A can be different than the order of the items in Table B, I'll need some sort of INDEX MATCH here too.
Excel Version: Office 365
Attempted Formula: I tried to base my formula on this:
but there are more things to consider, like header name if the index match of the same fruit isn't empty, so I know it is more complex.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Assuming you have Excel 365 and a volatile result is acceptable:
Fruits, Table_B[Fruit],
Properties, Table_B[[Red]:[Green]],
PropertiesHeaders, Table_B[[#Headers],[Red]:[Green]],
ThisFruit, [#Fruits],
ThisProperties, FILTER(Properties, Fruits = ThisFruit),
ThisPropertiesFiltered, FILTER(PropertiesHeaders, ThisProperties <> 0),
ThisPropertiesCount, COUNTA(ThisPropertiesFiltered),
IndexRand, RANDBETWEEN(1,ThisPropertiesCount),
ThisProperties is the row in Table_B for your fruit. I left out the column for the fruit names.
ThisPropertiesFiltered is the names of the properties that the fruit has. I filtered the header names based on if the fruit row had a non-zero value or not.
IndexRand gets a random number between 1 and the number of available properties. Note, if there are zero available properties, ThisPropertiesFiltered returns #CALC! so ThisPropertiesCount will return 1. This is handled later on.
Last we use INDEX to get the random property name. IFERROR returns "-" if no properties were available.
Here are the tables:
Since you have access to dynamic arrays you could try:
Formula in B2:
=LET(X,FILTER(E$1:I$1,INDEX(E$2:I$6,MATCH(A2,D$2:D$6,0),0)<>"","No Feature"),INDEX(X,RANDBETWEEN(1,COUNTA(X))))
Or without LET():
If you are working through actual tables this should spill down results under Random Feature automatically. However, if one does not use tables, you could nest the above in BYROW() if you are an 365-insider:
=BYROW(A2:A6,LAMBDA(r,LET(X,FILTER(E$1:I$1,INDEX(E$2:I$6,MATCH(r,D$2:D$6,0),0)<>"","No Feature"),INDEX(X,RANDBETWEEN(1,COUNTA(X))))))
This would not work with the 2nd option where we used '#' to parse only the topleft value of our array (implicit intersection).
The idea is that:
A combination of INDEX() & MATCH() will 'slice' the row of interest out of the lookup-table based on our input.
In the 2nd step we'd use FILTER() to only leave those headers where the elements from the herefor returned array are not empty. In the case all elements are empty, this function will return the value "No Feature" as a headsup for the users.
In our final step we combine INDEX() with RANDBETWEEN(). The latter will return a random integer between a LBound (1 in our case) and an Ubound which we based on the amount of returned elements.
I tried to visualize this below.

How to rank based on 3 different ranks?

I have 3 different rankings in my excel.
I need to create overall ranking.
If there are no duplicate values on rank 1 => overall should looks exactly like rank 1.
If there are duplicate values on rank 1 (like on image) => overall rank should check rank 1 and see which of these duplicates have higher rank in rank 2. (same with rank 2 and 3)
So in this case overall should be: (from top) 2;1;3
Is it possible to make using excel functions?
Is it possible to make using excel functions?
My straight answer (with my very small excel knowledge) : No.
Is there methods to get there : Yes.
Method one (GUI) :
excel-built in
Method two (manual, expandable, (my personal favorite) less function dependent) :
Since you have quite a number of column/rows involved, understanding an expandable method should do then. The main sequence is : (1) put a weight , apply to (each) list > (2) generate product > sort/rank .
Step 1 :
Assuming your data is located at A2:C4, in A6 put : =1/COLUMN() and drag till C6.
in A7 put : =A2*A$6 and drag till C9.
Step 2 :
In E7 put : =SUM(A7:C7) and drag till E9.
Step 3 :
In G7 : =RANK.AVG(E7,$E$7:$E$9,1) and drag till G9.
And that is your desired rank.
The idea : since the 'tie' in the 1st column is determined by the next column, then applying less weight as the column number raise is suitable (you can always use any number you want, as long as it answers the 'tie-braker' requirement). In the end, the row with the least weight will raise up as the smallest number.
Please share if it works/not/understandable. /(^_^)
Try in E2:
Drag down.

Using tbl.Lookup to match just part of a column value

This question relates to the Schematiq add-in for Microsoft Excel.
Using =tbl.Lookup(table, columnsToSearch, valuesToFind, resultColumn, [defaultValue]) the values in the valuesToFind column have a consistent 3 characters to the left and then varying characters after (e.g. 908-123456 or 908-321654 - i.e. 908 is always consistent)
How can I tell the function to lookup the value based on the first 3 characters only? The expected answer should be the sum of the results of the above, i.e. 500 + 300 = 800
tbl.Lookup() works by looking for an exact match - this helps ensure it's fast but in this case it means you need an extra step to calculate a column of lookup values, something like this:
A2: =tbl.CalculateColumn(A1, "code", "x => LEFT(x, 3)", "startOfCode")
This will give you a new column that you can use for the columnsToSearch argument, however tbl.Lookup() also looks for just one match - it doesn't know how to combine values together if there is more than one matching row in the table, so I think you also need one more step to group your table by the first 3 chars of the code, like this:
A3: =tbl.Group(A2, "startOfCode", "amount")
Because tbl.Group() adds values together by default, this will give you a table with a row for each distinct value of startOfCode and the subtotal of amount for each of those values. Finally, you can do the lookup exactly as you requested, which for your input table will return 800:
A4: =tbl.Lookup(A3, "startOfCode", "908", "amount")

Finding the next result from a MATCH

I am trying to produce a sorted table in excel, which depend on the selected year and category.
My methodology has been to sequentially find largest values in order, within the selected year and category parameters, doing the following:
Column E
{=LARGE(IF(('Master Data'!A$1:A$500 = $B$1) * ('Master Data'!B$1:B$500 = $B$2),'Master Data'!C$1:C$500), $B10)}
This works fine, $B$1$ is where I store the year, $B$2 is where I store the category, $B10 references a hard coded 1-25 in column B.
Column F
{=MATCH(E10,IF(('Master Data'!A$1:A$500 = $B$1) * ('Master Data'!B$1:B$500 = $B$2),'Master Data'!C$1:C$500),FALSE)}
This returns the row number of the result I need, which I then use in conjunction with INDEX to find related data.
The problem with this is that Match only returns the first row number, and if you have two results with the same value this clearly becomes an issue.
Column G
To resolve this I used an example from dailydoseofexcel which looks like this:
=IF(F10<>F11, F11, G10+MATCH(E11,INDIRECT("'Master Data'!C"&(G10+1)&":C500"),0))
This works to a limited extent, for my purposes, as it is unable to take into account the year and category filter I need to apply, so I tried:
{=IF(F10<>F11, F11, G10+MATCH(E11,IF((INDIRECT("'Master Data'!A"&(G10+1)&":A500") = $C$2) * (INDIRECT("'Master Data'!B"&(G10+1)&":B500") = $C$3), INDIRECT("'Master Data'!C"&(G10+1)&":C500")),0))}
But I am just getting #N/A as a result.
I think SUMPRODUCT may be what you are looking for:
Charley Kyd XL Legend: Use SUMPRODUCT to get the Last item in a list
