How to use dotnet? - linux

I'm trying to compile an old VS2010 Framework 4.0 project with dotnet command for Linux and I provided a source path to a .sln file but I'm keep getting MSB1003 error.
Do I need to import the project to VS2019?
VS2019 opens and compile from the GUI without problem, but for Windows x86 platform.
I want to run my App in Ubuntu and CentOS 6


What's the difference between ./nuget.exe pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj vs nuget pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj on mac?

I am following a lab designed for visual studio on windows, on visual studio for mac.
The lab instructions are
./nuget.exe pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj but it doesn't build anything and just pops open my finder to the folder where .csproj is in.
I had to do nuget pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj for it to build successfully.
What is the difference between these 2 commands?
Is it a shell/executable thing, or specific to nuget, or specific to macos?
With the Windows OS, executable programs are expected to have a .exe file extension. With macOS and *nix operating systems, executable program do not have a special file extension.
When the lab instructions for Windows use nuget.exe, change it to nuget for macOS.
To specifically run the version of NuGet that you downloaded, cd to the directory that contains nuget and run the command as ./nuget. (The lab is using the *nix directory separator in the examples.)

Aldebaran's Pepper sdk for android/Robot sdk 0.9 "Robot SDK'0.9' is not complete. Please download it again or re-create the robot application."

When trying to install the android sdk for Aldebaran's pepper robot on my computer following this official tutorial:
Step 1:
Step 2:
When trying to launch the Virtual Robot Environment of Pepper's tablet on my computer this message is printed: "Robot SDK'0.9' is not complete. Please download it again or re-create the robot application."
So far I have tried the following on my Ubuntu 16.04 64bit computer:
Uninstalling and re-downloading/installing the Robot sdk over the robot sdk manager provided by the android sdk for Pepper
Uninstalling and re-downloading/installing the android sdk for Pepper
Deleting, recreating and creating the android studio application turning it into a robot application
Removing other non essential android sdks
Moreover I also tried the following on another computer running windows 8.1 64bit:
Repeating the tutorial installation
Downloading and installing older version such as 2.22 and 2.11 of the android studio and repeating the tutorial installation.
Each time after I have completed Steps 1 & 2 when I want to start building or launching the application it fails on step B from this tutorial: and prints the Error mentioned above.
The project structure is identical to the one in the tutorial and I am able to sync the project via maven. But as I cannot actually launch the virtual robot environment or run the application I cannot make use of this sdk.
I have also found a similar question being asked on stackoverflow but there hasn't been a response yet. Also I don't understand the comments.
I tried using another computer with windows 10 64bit freshly formatted so I installed Java jdk & jre 1.8.0_121 and android studio 2.3.1 as I couldn't find 2.3.3:
Repeated the tutorial installation
But still the same error message.
I got mine to work doing the following:
go to your current android SDK folder
rename the tools folder to tools-old
create a new Folder named tools
download this:
unpacke it into your new tools folder
Make sure you have your AVD Options set to arm and not x86
and that "Use Host GPU" is enabled
After that the emulator worked.(note that it takes quite long to launche)
The suspected cause is that the Pepper emulator tries to use the emulator-arm.exe wich is not availible in the standart installation of Android Studio
You should try installing Android Studio 2.3.3 on Windows 10, 64-bit. I know that works at least.
I got this working finally thanks to theGary's hint above. No need to wipe out your whole tools directory though -- I was able to get the x86 Pepper emulator running (on Mac in my case) by copying these files and directories from the Android sdk/emulator directory into the sdk/tools directory:
Then edit your run/debug configurations and change the “robot app” AVD options from armeabi-v7 to x86.

Unable to install VSIX in VS 2012 & Windows 10

I am trying to install RXX(VSIX Isntaller) in windows 10 & VS 2012. But it gives error as below
The extension 'Razor(cshtml) pre-processor requires a version of the .NET framework that is not installed.
It is working properly in Win 7 ( .NET Framework 4.5 ). When I tried to install .NET framework 4.5 in Win 10, its no allowing to do the same.
Can anyone suggest anything for this?
I expect the VSIX manifest to reference a specific .NET framework version and doesn't specify a range. Since .NET 4.6 replaces 4.5 it may cause these type of issues.
Extract the VSIX using your favorite extraction tool (it's a zip file), edit the manifest file by removing or updating the dependencies specified and zip it back up.
The only way to install the extension was executing the VSIXInstaller.exe as administrator and passing the VSIX file as parameters. To do that, follow this procedure:
Open a CMD window as Administrator
Go to Common, IDE folder of the VS 2015 installation. In my case:
CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE
Execute the installer passing the VSIX file as parameter. In my case:
VSIXInstaller.exe c:\AppBuilder.vsix
Finally, the installer will start the installation!
I hope it helps you

PhoneGap add wp8 platform requires MSBuild x86

When trying to add the wp8 platform to a project, using:
phonegap local build wp8
It fails. Requiring msbuild x86.
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\WindowsPhone\v8.0\Microsoft.WindowsPhon
e.v8.0.Overrides.targets(15,9): error : Building Windows Phone application using
MSBuild 64 bit is not supported. If you are using TFS build definitions, change
the MSBuild platform to x86. [C:\funiz\platforms\wp8\Funiz.csproj]
ERROR: MSBuild failed to create .xap when building cordova-wp8 for debugging.
This is a Windows 8.1 machine, with Visual Studio Ultimate 2013, Update 2 RC.
The PATH environment variable is set to:
C:\Users\Yoram Kornatzky\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319;C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
I tried removing the Frame64 element from the PATH. But it still fails.
Any insight would be appreciated.
You haven't specified the build template you are using. But if you are using DefaultTemplate in your team build definition, change value of parameter "MSBuild Platform" from Auto to X86

VS2012 Install Shield project building using TFS build definition

I have a VS2012 sln which includes an install shield installer project.
If I build the solution/projects manually via solution explorer everything builds fine.
However when using the TFS build definitions i get the following error:
C:\Builds\1\<NAME>\<Build_Definition_Name>\Sources\InstallSetup\InstallSetup.isproj (29): The imported project
"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\InstallShield\2012SpringLimited\InstallShield.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
Can someone please help with this?
Using VS 2012
OS - Win 7 x64 Pro
You need to install InstallShield on the machine on which you are running the build.
In-case someone is facing the same issue, I was able to solve it by reading what Flexera mentioned on their website: Link
Brief description: in build definition, process tab, make sure the MSBuild Platform is targeting x86.
I too had 64bit Windows (8.1) running and Team Foundation Server 2013 Express.
