If statment in Excel - excel

Hy! Could someone help me out with this equation ? I looked onlyne for some solution but nothing could work :/
I am trying to figure it out how to calculate the following:
if anexe ( temporary higher work hours ) is greater then the contract hours, are equal to anex - worker hours( which i called uren )
I want so calculate a if statement more or less like this:
If Anexe > contract, is equal to Anex - uren
else Anexe < contract then contract - uren
Thank you for helping out already!

Above is a sample copy of your table with some random values between 0 and 100 filled in. I think the formula you want in cell D2 is:
=IF(C2>A2,C2-B2, IF(C2<=A2,A2-B2,0))
You can then copy it down to the cells below.


Excel sumif function with conditions

I need to sum a column with alot of variables and i am having trouble when making it. ( see picture for reference)
I need to sum G (Sum time) if its less than 300 (<300), if B (Type) =1, if D (date) = input cell and if E( time) = a certain range that i can change, for example "7pm -12pm"
I don't have a ton of experaicen with having these conditions, this is what i have tried so far.
sumif(Table1[[ type]]=1, IF(Table1[[#All],[Date]]=K3, AND(Table1[[#All],[Time]]=K4, IF(Table1[[#All],[Sum Time (sec)]]=<300))))
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Picture here :
=sumifs(table1[sum time (sec)],Table1[type],1, Table1[Date],K3, Table1[Time],K4, Table1[Sum Time (sec)],"<300")

Excel CUBEVALUE & CUBESET count records greater than a number

I am writing a series of queries to my workbook's data model to retrieve the number of documents by Category_Name which are greater than a certain numbers of days old (e.g. >=650).
Currently this formula (entered in celll C3) returns the correct number for a single Days Old value (=3).
"[Measures].[Count of Docs]",
"[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[34]")
How do I return the number of documents for Days Old values >=650?
The worksheet looks like:
1 Date PL Count of Docs
2 10/1/2018 ALD 3
3 ...
UPDATE: As suggested in #ama 's answer below, the expression in step B did not work.
However, I created a subset of the Days Old values using
"{[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[all].[650]:[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[All].[3647]}")
The cell containing this cubeset is referenced as the third Member_expression of the original CUBEVALUE formula. The limitation is now that the values for the beginning and end must be members of the Days Old set.
This is limiting, in that, I was hoping for a more general test for >=650 and there is no way to guarantee that specific values of Days Old will be in the query.
First time I hear about CUBE, so you got me curious and I did some digging. Definitely not an expert, but here is what I found:
MDX language should allow you to provide value ranges in the form of {[Table].[Field].[All].[LowerBound]:[Table].[Field].[All].[UpperBound]}.
A. Get the total number of entries:
D3 =CUBEVALUE("ThisWorkbookDataModel",
"[Measures].[Count of Docs]",
"{[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[All]")
B. Get the number of entries less than 650:
E3 =CUBEVALUE("ThisWorkbookDataModel",
"[Measures].[Count of Docs]",
"{[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[All].[0]:[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[All].[649]}")
Note I found something about using .[All].[650].lag(1)} but I think for it to work properly your data might need to be sorted?
C. Substract
C3 =D3-E3
Alternatively, go for the quick and dirty:
"[Measures].[Count of Docs]",
"{[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[All].[650]:[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[All].[99999]}")
Hope this helps and do let me know, I am still curious!

Excel: Calculate average time (duration), with criteria, between 2 columns

Breaking my head over this, time to look for help :(
I have a sheet with raw data, as illustrated below.
I'd like to calculate the average duration per TestName (column A) between the 2 timestamps (B and C) in another sheet.
How can I do this in 1 formula?
Note 1: The correct answer is (done manually)
test1 = 26:41:23
test2 = 08:23:10
Note 2: 1 formula please, without adding extra columns to calculate the duration per each first
Note 3: I cannot change the format of the raw data
Note 4: ignore empty fields
Thank you!
Use a new Column D to calculate the difference between start and end date on each row:
Next calculate the average on test1 and test2
=AVERAGEIFS($D:$D, $A:$A, "test1")
=AVERAGEIFS($D:$D, $A:$A, "test2")
Note that I'm using a comma as separator, in some languages, other separators, like semicolon are needed to write the formulas properly.
Now format the view to display at least the days in addition to the time: "DD - hh:mm:ss". Going beyond 31 days is a bit difficult as the month will count up.
If you don't like the formatting, go with the raw number format and extract the information through a bit of math. If it shows for example 1,5 it means one and a half days. I hope you can handle converting decimals to hours, minutes and seconds. MOD(ulo) and Rounddown are going to be your friends. :-)

Excel - MAX and MIN value by month for a certain item

Can someone help me out with a formula?
I have a large database and I`m trying to figure out, how to get the MAX amount used in January 2017 for a product X.
I have found the averages using - AVERAGEIFS(Avg.de.time!E3:E80231;Avg.de.time!A3:A80231;C2;Avg.de.time!C3:C80231;">="&H7;Avg.de.time!C3:C80231;"<="&EOMONTH(H7;0))
Column A - Item no.
Column B - Supplier name
Column C - Order date
Column D - Receive date
Column E - Delivery time (D-C)
I`ve spent too many hours on trying to figure this out.
So I m asking for Help :)
Using array formulae you can rewrite your AVERAGEIFS statement using a conditional array expression as follows:
(Avg.de.time!A3:A80231 = C2) *
(Avg.de.time!C3:C80231 >= H7) *
(Avg.de.time!C3:C80231 <= EOMONTH(H7,0))
) > 0,
I've just formatted the code to make it easier to see where each of the criteria, criteria_ranges and value_range appear however this will obviously be one long line in your cell.
It's now very simple to swap out AVERAGE at the start with MAX, MIN or another aggregate function with the rest of the formula remaining identical.
(Avg.de.time!A3:A80231 = C2) *
(Avg.de.time!C3:C80231 >= H7) *
(Avg.de.time!C3:C80231 <= EOMONTH(H7,0))
) > 0,
As this is an array formula, you will need to type it into your Excel cell and hit Ctrl-Enter to make it an array formula. You can check this worked as curly braces {} will appear around the formula.

Check for day range and no

I have the following data sheet:
As you can see I have a date and a no which is a string.
Now I want to filter out all dates which have the same number in a +-20 day intervall around the date. So for example:
If the 12.2.2014 has the value a then it gets a 1 and if the 3.2.2014 has the value a it gets also a 1. In contrast if the value 15.1.2014 has the value a it gets a 0 because it is not in the +-20 day range. If there exists two rows like in the example below with 10.07.2002 and value d then it gets a 0 because there is no other day in a 20 day intervall around it.
My implementation idea is: Calculate for each value and date the difference of the dates and if it is less or equal than 20 and greater and equal to 1 then give out a 1 else a 0.
Can this be done in excel?
I really appreciate any suggestions
PS.: I hope that I showed the problem clearly!
Using this formula I get:
see col E.
Something like this (adjust the $B$2:$B$32 etc to your actual data range):
$A$2:$A$32,">" & (A2-20),
$A$2:$A$32,"<" & (A2+20))-1
-1 is to avoid counting the row the formula is on.
To give only 0 or 1:
$A$2:$A$32,">" & (A2-20),
$A$2:$A$32,"<" & (A2+20))-1,1)
