Excel update history - excel

I would like to know how outdated my version of Excel is so that I can defend myself when presenting a project.
The option to update Excel by myself is not available so I can't know what is the last one available.
My current version is
Microsoft Excel 2016 MSO (16.0.4266.1001) 32-bit
I would like to know the most recent version.
I can't find it in : microsoft version history
I found that there is an update :
Microsoft Excel 2016 MSO (16.0.4400.1000) 32-bit
but it's still from 2016 so I can't trust that it's the last one

Excel 2016:
Talking about the Microsoft Excel 2016 (Built 16.0) , the most current version per 2021-08-16 for retail, according to microsoft is:
Release: 2021-08-10, Version Number: Version 2107 (Build 14228.20250)
Excel 2019 & Office 365
Difference as far I'm understand is that "Excel 2019 is the perpetual, bought-outright, stand-alone version of Excel and Excel 365 is the subscription-based version of the software." but otherwise they are almost identical.
Source: https://plumsolutions.com.au/whats-new-in-excel-2019-excel-365-and-whats-the-difference/
Excel 2019 Professional:
Release: 2021-08-10, Version Number: Version 1808 (Build 10377.20023)
Office 365:
Release: 2021-08-10, Version Number: 2107, Build: 14228.20250,
You can find the version you use by:
The "detailed version number" (i.e. 16.0.4400.1000) doesn't seem to have any update history page, but seem to be a part of the build number for all office products


Issue with HypMenuVRefresh

My VBA macros works stable in Excel 2010 enveronment. But if I runing it in Excel 2016, then I catch an error in HypMenuVRefresh command "Smart View handled an unknown exception thrown by Microsoft Office". I test it on different SV versions. In both cases I use MS Office 32bit.

VBA Run Time Error -2147221164(80040154) Class Not Registered

Good morning, afternoon, evening or whenever you are reading this.
That's the problem, I have a macro and two PC's
PC One (1): Which Run the macro perfectly.
PC Two (2) Which drops the error in the title.
The macro Connects SAPLogon, and PC Two breaks in this line:
Set Locx = CreateObject("SAP.LogonControl.1")
And here is the function:
Function SAPLogon() As Boolean
Set Lockx = CreateObject("SAP.LogonControl.1")
Set Conn = Lockx.NewConnection
Conn.Language = "S"
SAPLogon = Conn.logon(0, False)
Boths PC have the next exact vba references:
Visual Basic For Applications
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Object Library
OLE Automation
Microsoft Office 16.0 Object Library
Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
SAP GUI Scripting API
But here is my big suspicion about why the macro doesn't run on PC Two:
PC One (1) Has Microsoft Office Personal Plus 2016 32-bit and PC Two Has Microsoft Office Personal Plus 2016 64-bit
The macro has been coded by another employee in 2002 (So I Think it's a 32-bit macro)
The question is:
Can 64 Bit Excel run 32 Bits Macros? How?
Thanks and Cheers
The issue here is that the SAP GUI is a 32bit application, and provides 32bit ActiveX controls for scripting in VBA. These will not work from 64bit Excel, however there is a solution. The comment above refers to another answer that explains more, but there are two solutions I'll summarise:
If you are able to install a new GUI then the latest version, 770 released February 2021 includes an optional install of 64bit NWRFC. This will install additional 64bit OCX controls that will work from 64bit Excel and VBA. (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/68906306/5087459).
If you need to use an older GUI then you will need to make a registry change using a surrogate as described in https://stackoverflow.com/a/65017544/5087459.

xlwings' RunPython fails on MAC

MAC 10.12.5
Excel 2011 for MAC
xlwings.__version__ '0.11.2'
Trying to do a RunPython from excel, always fails with:
Compile Error
Connot find file or library
Trying to narrow down, running the VBA code found in
Function GetConfigFilePath() As String), specifically:
> mymodule = Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, (InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.Name, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) - 1))
invariably gives me a:
Compile Error
Connot find file or library
I see that the
could not be found but i have no idea how to get it there, any lead please ?
UPDATE: v0.11.4 supports Mac Excel 2011 again, see: http://docs.xlwings.org/en/stable/whatsnew.html#v0-11-4-jul-23-2017
Make sure to check that it references the correct xlwings addin: In the VBA editor, go to Tools > References and select xlwings. Unselect those that start with MISSSING.... Make sure the correct project is selected while you do this.
original answer:
Mac Excel 2011 support hasn't quite caught up with the new add-in. The issues is that Excel 2011 doesn't show the ribbon and so the config file will not be created automatically. We will work on improving the user experience, but for now you should be able to work around it like this:
Create an empty xlwings.conf in the following path (you'll need to create it if you don't have Excel 2016 installed) ~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.Excel/Data
Edit it following the instructions, if you want to set global settings that deviate from the defaults: http://docs.xlwings.org/en/stable/addin.html#config-file
Alternatively, skip the 2 steps above and include a xlwings.conf sheet as created automatically by xlwings quickstart <projectname>, see: http://docs.xlwings.org/en/stable/addin.html#workbook-settings (you need to use the addin from >= 0.11.3 though as there was a bug in the earlier versions.

Error generating Birt report

When I try to open birt report in IE 6 (only browser I have, since it is old production server), i got message:
Line: 85
Char: 1
Error: Object expected
Code: 0
Report opens blank and Parameters screen do not show.
I am using this version of birt:
- Viewer Version : 2.5.1
- Engine Version: 2.5.1
- JRE version: 1.6.0_18
And this is .rptdesign data that I am using:
<report xmlns="http://www.eclipse.o...irt/2005/design" version="3.2.6" id="1">
<property name="createdBy">Eclipse BIRT Designer Version 2.5.2.v20100208 Build <2.5.2.v20100210-0630></property>
This data was taken from previous reports that work.
My orignal .rptdesign data is:
<report xmlns="http://www.eclipse.o...irt/2005/design" version="3.2.23" id="1">
<property name="createdBy">Eclipse BIRT Designer Version 3.7.2.v20120213 Build <3.7.2.v20120214-1408></property>
Note that I am running Birt on Tomcat 6.0 .
I don't know if you need any more information, but if you do, please let me know.
You can run 2.5 reports on BIRT 3.7. But you cannot run 3.7 reports on BIRT 2.5. Newer versions have newer features, BIRT looks to see what version designer version was used to create the report before running it. If you try to run a report created in version 3.7 on BIRT 2.5, it just won't run it. If it is simple report, you can get around this by copy and paste; Copy the design version from the xml of the 2.5 into the 3.7. BIRT will think it was created in 2.5 and run it.
Of course if the report uses anything new from the 3.7 version that is not supported by the 2.5 software, it won't work. But if it is a simple table, it should be fine.

Excel biff5 to biff8 conversion

My system uses Apache-POI to manage some xls files. Now I've got almost 300 xls files, but it appears that they are in an old format so i got this exception:
The supplied spreadsheet seems to be Excel 5.0/7.0 (BIFF5) format. POI only supports BIFF8 format (from Excel versions 97/2000/XP/2003)
Is there a way to handle that or to automatically convert all those files to a biff8 format?
Go with converting it to OOXLS format, POI supports both BIFF8 and newer OOXLS. Download official Microsoft converter pack:
Convert files by running excelcnv.exe -oice <input file> <output file>. You can try run it directly from your code as external program, or create some batch file. There is a good explanation from mrdivo at social msdn here.
The download mentioned above from microsoft.com is no longer available as of 6/21/2018. However, excelcnv.exe is a standard part of some Microsoft Office installations. It has been confirmed to be deployed with Office 2014 and Office 2016, and possibly other versions. It can be found at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16` (or `Office14`).
It seems apache-POI can't handle BIFF5 format.
You should try to use Java Excel API instead : http://jexcelapi.sourceforge.net/
