Shell executor does not work on registered gitlab-runner - gitlab

Have an API in production since May, working on server with Gitlab-CI/CD. Everything worked fine till last update (2021:08:10), when the pipelines started to fail.
I could see different errors, like :
/bin/sh: eval: line 183: docker-compose: not found
/bin/sh: eval: line 183: sudo: not found
or other problems like file or directory not found and etc. So fixing one issue was leading to another issue.
I don't show here the .gitlab-ci.yml file, because I assume the problem is in another place. After spending hours, found out that the pipeline is running with Docker executor.
Running with gitlab-runner 14.1.0-rc1 (e9489c8a)
on docker-auto-scale 0277ea0f
Preparing the "docker+machine" executor
Using Docker executor with image docker:latest ...
Very interesting... Because when registering the runner I've chosen the executor shell. And the last successful pipeline 2 months ago was running exactly with executor shell.
I tried to re-register the runner, reset the registration token and register the new one, each time choosing as executor shell, but when checking it appears that the pipelines are running with Docker executor.
Does anyone have idea how it is possible and how to fix this issue?

Actually here is the solution.
Settings were changed somehow in gitlab profile, shared runners became enabled and that caused an impact on my runner and executor.


Windows Job Runner from Linux Cluster (Enterprise)

The documentation from what I have found is a bit sparse on the setup of job runner nodes. I am wondering if anyone has set up a config - Rundeck Linux Cluster with a Windows Job Runner. I was able to install the .jar and all that on the Windows node and it appears and is able to communicate via Runner Management.
Where I am stuck and it gets ambiguous his how to properly specify to use the job runner. This is my current setup:
job runner installed and is green in Runner Management and assigned to my project
IN Project config I have Runner selected as the Default Node Executioner
Default File Copier is also set to runner-file-copier
Under Project nodes
I setup a Node Wizard - here is the edited yaml:
nodename: nodename
hostname: jobrunnerhost.domain
osFamily: windows
node-executor: runner-node-exec
file-copier: runner-file-copier
Under the jobs I have it set to the appropriate node.
I am getting this error when I try and run anything either a simple DIR command or executing a basic powershell:
Execution failed: 28 in project Server.Validation.mynode: [Workflow result: , step failures: {1=Dispatch failed on 1 nodes: [mynode: COPY_ERROR: Reason: FILE_COPIER_NOT_FOUNDUnable to find file copier: runner-file-copier]}, Node failures: {mynode=[COPY_ERROR: Reason: FILE_COPIER_NOT_FOUNDUnable to find file copier: runner-file-copier]}, status: failed]
I have tried setting up multiple ways. I feel as though I am missing a config or another step somewhere. Any help is appreciated.

gitlab-ci Job failed: exit status 1 with no error

I'm trying to run njsscan to SAST my code on gitlab-ci. But the results of the job always fail even though there are no errors as shown in the image below.
If I run the manual on my server the command runs without any problems in the image below.
Is this a bug of gitlab-ci ? or is there a solution I can do? thank you
I have the same issue using gitlab-runner 15.3.0 with docker executor (docker version is 20.10.17):
Job is failing with RC=1 while running the before_script part
Restarting the Job (without any changes to code or pipeline-definitions) just succeed in the most cases.
We are using a dozen of runners, but even if a job is restarted on the same runner, it succeeds although it just failed there before.

Gitlab runner starting another job before one before it finishes

I have one gitlab runner configured for a single project. The issue that I am seeing is that the runner will not wait until the prior job finished, and instead does a checkout in the same directory as the prior job and stomps over everything. I have one job already running, and then another develop commits and thus another job is started. Why can't I configure the pipeline not to run so that it doesn't corrupt the already running workspace?
Here is the log from both of the jobs (only difference is the timestamp)
[0K] Running with gitlab-runner 12.6.0 (ac8e767a)
[0K] on rz8RmGp4
[0K] section_start:1578357551:prepare_executor
[0K] Using Docker executor with image my-image-build ...
[0K] Using locally found image version due to if-not-present pull policy
[0K] Using docker image sha256:xxxxxxxxxx for my-image-build ...
[0K] Running on runner-rz8RmGp4-project-23-concurrent-0 via
[0K] section_start:1578357554:get_sources
[0K[32;1mFetching changes with git depth set to 50...[0;m
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/my-project/.git/
<proceeds to checkout and stomp over the already running runner>
Main issue I see is that they both checkout to the same directory of Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/my-project/.git/ which causes the problem.
You can use resource_group to keep jobs from running in parallel.
Job 1:
stage: My Stage
resource_group: stage-wedge
Job 2:
stage: My Stage
resource_group: stage-wedge
In the above example Job 2 will run after Job 1 is finished.
Jobs of same stage are executed in parallel.
if you need it to be sequential, you may add a stage for each of those jobs.
see the docs
In case of multiple pipelines running you may want to configure your gitlab-runner options: limit / concurrent

gitlab-runner:Pipeling is pending infinitely

I install a Specific Runners,and the status is actived.
my .gitlab-ci.ymi file code:
- build
stage: build
- master
- echo "hello CI/CD"
- vue-dev-pub
when I push the master branch,the gitlab-runner is running,but it's pending infinitely。
the job page show:
This job has not started yet
This job is in pending state and is waiting to be picked by a runner
if I excute the runner manually,the job can pass.
the command of gitlab-runner verify shows:
Runtime platform arch=amd64 os=linux pid=24616 revision=d0b76032 version=12.0.2
WARNING: Running in user-mode.
WARNING: The user-mode requires you to manually start builds processing:
WARNING: $ gitlab-runner run
WARNING: Use sudo for system-mode:
WARNING: $ sudo gitlab-runner...
Verifying runner... is alive runner=T4iKvsT3
I am waiting for you respond,thanks!
If you run the runner manually in debug mode gitlab-runner --debug run you may see the actual error message, in my case it was:
WARNING: Failed to process runner builds=0 error=failed to update executor: missing Machine options executor=docker+machine runner=pSUsX4yR
That's because on runner creation, I selected option docker+machine rather than docker.
After amending /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml to docker and running gitlab-runner restart followed by gitlab-runner verify, pipeline started running again.
I had a similar problem with my (shell) runners on linux. It would work fine on runners installed and registered on one of my computers but not another. (Even as tags matched correctly in runner and job)
gitlab-runner register I would get:
New runner. Has not connected yet
gitlab-runner verify that error would go away. But I would get This job is in pending state and is waiting to be picked by a runner
gitlab-runner restart
It would all work.
gitlab-runner status
gitlab-runner: Service is running!
Maybe you have tagged your runner but your job has no tags. Refer :how to run untagged jobs
The tags section in your .gitlab-ci.yml file specifies this job has to be picked by a runner that has the same tags (reference).
- vue-dev-pub
So unless there is actually a runner available for your project that has the vue-dev-pub tag it will keep waiting for one to become available.
first, remove the old config in sys
rm /etc/systemd/system/gitlab-runner.servicetemd
now, you need install gitlab-runner with gitlab user:
gitlab-runner install --user=gitlab-runner --working-directory=/home/gitlab-runner
root installations fail

GitLab-Runner "listen_address not defined" error

I'm running a Laravel api on my server, and I wanted to use Gitlab-runner for CD. The first two runs were good, but then I started to see this problem listen_address not defined, session endpoints disabled builds=0
I'm running a linux server on a web shared hosting, so I can access a terminal and get some priviliges but I can't do some sudo stuff like installing a service. That's why I've been running gitlab-runner in user-mode
Error info
Configuration loaded builds=0
listen_address not defined, metrics & debug endpoints disabled builds=0
[session_server].listen_address not defined, session endpoints disabled builds=0
concurrent = 1
check_interval = 0
session_timeout = 1800
name = "CD API REST Sistema SIGO"
url = ""
token = "blablabla"
executor = "shell"
I have literally wasted 2 days on this subject. I have followed the below steps to get the runners configured and execute jobs successfully.
I am using Mac OS X 10.13 and Git Lab 12. However, people with other OS also can check this out.
I have stopped the runners and uninstalled them. Now deleted all references and files to gitlab runner, including the gitlab executable also.
I got to know GitLab Runner executable paths from
I have installed them again using the gitlab official documentation.
Then the runners shows online in the gitlab portal. However, the jobs are not getting executed. It shows simply stuck. It tried to get information from logs using
gitlab-runner -debug run
Then I got to know that listen_address not defined. After a long try I got to know that simply enabling Run Untagged jobs did the trick. The jobs started and completed successfully. Still the I see the listen_address not defined from debug. So that misled me.
Though it seems that last one task has solved my problem, but doing all the tasks in a batch did the trick.
Conversely, an alternative to Avinash's solution is to include the tags you create when you register the runner in the gitlab-ci.yml file
- testing
stage: testing
- echo 'Hello world'
- my-tags
