Component attributes do not support complex content (mixed C# and markup) error message - c#-4.0

I am working on validation on a form in a blazor server application.
I created the component below that I am using
#* Inherits from the original InputText component *#
#inherits InputText
#* Bind the oninput event *#
<input #attributes="AdditionalAttributes"
#oninput="EventCallback.Factory.CreateBinder<string>(this, __value => CurrentValueAsString = __value, CurrentValueAsString)" />
#code {
I am using the inputTextOnInput in this form
<EditForm EditContext="#EditContext">
<DataAnnotationsValidator />
<div class="mb-5">
<label for="projectnameinput" class="form-label">Name your project*</label>
<InputTextOnInput class="form-control form-control-lg cust #pNameValidation" id="projectnameinput" #bind-value="projectModel.ProjectName" #onkeyup=KeyboardEventHandler />
since I created this I started getting the error message below
Component attributes do not support complex content (mixed C# and markup). Attribute: 'class', text: 'form-controlform-control-lgcustpNameValidation
Do you have an idea of what this implies?

You cannot use the class attribute in your new component if you have declared a specific parameter for that.
<InputTextOnInput class="form-control form-control-lg cust #pNameValidation" id="projectnameinput" #bind-value="projectModel.ProjectName" #onkeyup=KeyboardEventHandler />
you need to remove class from above and pass it via CssClass.

For some reason Blazor/Razor don't let you mix text literals and variables within an attribute value. So when you try and do
<InputTextOnInput class="form-control form-control-lg cust #pNameValidation" id="projectnameinput" #bind-value="projectModel.ProjectName" #onkeyup=KeyboardEventHandler />
the class statement is invalid because it contains literals "form-control", "form-control-lg" and "cust" and also a variable "#pNameValidation".
My solution to this problem was to create a little method on a component base class which allows mixing the two things.
public string Class(string classStr, params string[] objStrs)
var output = new StringBuilder();
output.Append(' ');
output.AppendJoin(' ', objStrs);
return output.ToString();
now all I have to do is to write my line like this
<InputTextOnInput class="#Class("form-control form-control-lg cust", pNameValidation)" id="projectnameinput" #bind-value="projectModel.ProjectName" #onkeyup=KeyboardEventHandler />
and by using params, you can also just add as many string variables as you want.


Livewire and Flatpickr - fails after rerender

This may be a basic question, but I'm struggling. Essentially I have a livewire component that updates an array of flight information that a user enters. Whenever the components get rerendered, the flatpickr functionality stops working entirely. I presume this is because the javascript to initialize the component on that field is not running. What is the best practice to ensure these get rerendered with the appropriate javascript to enable the functionality.
Here's my blade snippet which renders fine on the initial load, but whenever a change to the data occurs, the page re-renders all the flights in the array, but the flatpickr functionality does not work anymore.
#foreach($flights as $i => $f)
x-init="flatpickr($refs.input, {
dateFormat: 'Y-m-d H:i',
altInput: true,
altFormat: 'F j, Y h:i K',
enableTime: true,
<div class="form-label">Arrival Time</div>
<div class="relative">
<input type="text"
wire:model="flights.{{ $i }}.ArrivalTime"
wire:key="fl{{ $i }}arrtime"
placeholder="Arrival Time"
value="{{ $f['ArrivalTime']}}"
name="flights[{{ $i }}][ArrivalTime]"
The livewire component is basically this:
class Itinerary extends Component
public $itin = null;
public $flights = [];
public function render()
return view('livewire.itinerary');
You need to wrap the input in a <div> like this:
<div wire:ignore>
<!-- Your input here -->

Submit Html form with a specific model

I am using MVC, Razor, Knockout, typescript in my application. Need to prepare a excel file with a model/dataset that is set at client side. I am using the following code but the problem i understand is that the dataset is being taken as string and not exactly like the model it is supposed to take as. Here is the code
This is observable (dataset)
vmExportData = ko.observableArray<ExcelModel>([]);
Push data to the dataset
vmExportData.push(new ExcelModel ([i].Id,[i].Name,[i].Address1,
Html code, to prepare excel file (at the controller)
#using (Html.BeginForm("ExportToExcel", "MyController", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
<div data-bind="css:{hidden: true}">
<input type="text" data-bind="value: vmExportData" />
<input class='excelIcon' type="submit" data-ux-access="true" value="">
Controller method :
public ActionResult ExportToExcel(ExportModel exportModel)
The problem is, the exportModel parameter value is coming as null ! Any other way out to get it to work ? Is there a way to make excel at client side and render as well ?
Try setting name="exportModel" on your tag.
Also make sure to have an [HttpPost] on top of your controller action, since your form method is post.
What does the ExportModel class look like?

C# EditorTemplate - get name of the used model property

I have a razor view where I call this:
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.Code)
Then I have an EditorTemplate view which is rendered then, it looks like this:
#model string
And I get this output:
<input id="Code" name="Code" type="hidden" value="" />
Everything fine.
But now I just want to get the property name Code inside the EditorTemplate view, not the whole input string. The #Html.HiddenFor(m=>m) method is able to get it from the model object somehow and put it into the input field but how can I do this?
(And no, I don't want to parse it from the input field string... :)
#Html.HiddenFor(m=>m) seems kind of weird... but anyway:
HiddenFor uses Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> so you could make your own function to only return the name:
public static class GenericHelper<T>
public static String GetPropertyName<TValue>(Expression<Func<T, TValue>> propertyId)
var operant = (MemberExpression)((UnaryExpression)propertyId.Body).Operand;
return operant.Member.Name;
And create a helper to use that inside your view, which is explained here

text box value to a javascript variable instantly after change

i want to type a numerical value in a text box and after i type it i want it to be assigned to a JavaScript variable instantly without submitting it
so the idea is
type a number
var x = that number instantly
Here is the html
<form id="tools">
<input type="text" id"stk"/>
now what is the javascript? :D
you can achive that assigning an a handler for the event (onKeyUp)... and that handler should assign the value to the variable. I suggest you to use jQuery instead of pure javascript.
With jQuery should look like this:
var x = 0;
x = $(this).attr('value');
Sorry if I made a mistake with the syntax, but that's the main idea.
Your Jsp :
<form action="someAction" method="post">
<input type="text" name="text" id="text" />
<input type="text" name="value" id="value" />
Java Script needed is :
var myVar=setInterval(function(){getValue()},5000);
function getValue()
By this type of JavaScript function the value of the text field will be received by JavaScript for every 5 Seconds . If you need instantly you can replace 5000 with 0. I think its little bit clumsy try to understand it

Drupal - Search box not working - custom theme template

I am using a customised version of search-theme-form.tpl
When I use the search box, I do get transferred to the search page. But the search does not actually take place. The search box on the search results page does work though. This is my search-them-form.tpl.php file (demo :
<input type="text" name="search_theme_form_keys" id="edit-search-theme-form-keys" value="Search" title="Enter the terms you wish to search for" class="logininput" height="24px" onblur="restoreSearch(this)" onfocus="clearInput(this)" />
<input type="submit" name="op" id="edit-submit" value="" class="form-submit" style="display: none;" />
<input type="hidden" name="form_token" id="edit-search-theme-form-form-token" value="<?php print drupal_get_token('search_theme_form'); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="form_id" id="edit-search-theme-form" value="search_theme_form" />
There is also a javascript file involved. I guess it's use is pretty clear from the code:
function trim(str) {
return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
function clearInput(e) {
e.value=""; // clear default text when clicked
e.className="longininput_onfocus"; //change class
function restoreSearch(e) {
if (trim(e.value) == '') {
e.value="Search"; // reset default text onBlur
e.className="logininput"; //reset class
What can be the problem and how can I fix it?
Apparently, you cannot directly modify the HTML in search-theme-form.tpl.php since thats not the right way to do it. So my adding the class and onFocus and onBlur attributes was the problem.
The correct way to do it is to modify the themes template.php file. Basically we will be using form_alter() to modify the form elements. Since using the HTML way is wrong. Take a look at the code below (taken from : here )
* Override or insert PHPTemplate variables into the search_theme_form template.
* #param $vars
* A sequential array of variables to pass to the theme template.
* #param $hook
* The name of the theme function being called (not used in this case.)
function yourthemename_preprocess_search_theme_form(&$vars, $hook) {
// Note that in order to theme a search block you should rename this function
// to yourthemename_preprocess_search_block_form and use
// 'search_block_form' instead of 'search_theme_form' in the customizations
// bellow.
// Modify elements of the search form
$vars['form']['search_theme_form']['#title'] = t('');
// Set a default value for the search box
$vars['form']['search_theme_form']['#value'] = t('Search this Site');
// Add a custom class and placeholder text to the search box
$vars['form']['search_theme_form']['#attributes'] = array('class' => 'NormalTextBox txtSearch',
'onfocus' => "if (this.value == 'Search this Site') {this.value = '';}",
'onblur' => "if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Search this Site';}");
// Change the text on the submit button
//$vars['form']['submit']['#value'] = t('Go');
// Rebuild the rendered version (search form only, rest remains unchanged)
$vars['search']['search_theme_form'] = drupal_render($vars['form']['search_theme_form']);
$vars['form']['submit']['#type'] = 'image_button';
$vars['form']['submit']['#src'] = path_to_theme() . '/images/search.jpg';
// Rebuild the rendered version (submit button, rest remains unchanged)
$vars['search']['submit'] = drupal_render($vars['form']['submit']);
// Collect all form elements to make it easier to print the whole form.
$vars['search_form'] = implode($vars['search']);
In yourthemename_preprocess_search_theme_form - 'yourthemename' will obviously reflect the name of your custom theme. Basically the code is self-explanatory. what with the comments and all.
So, basically thats the way it works.
